7 Hitman Disguises That Agent 47 Was Worryingly Way Too Into

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hitman's agent 47 is a chameleon effortlessly able to switch between different disguises and personas in order to get close to his target usually a chameleon sometimes a flamingo but while merely being dressed in an appropriate disguise may be enough to fool the guards there are certain disguises where 47 gets a little bit too into the role he's playing so it can be hard to tell where 47 ends and the masseur begins okay not that hard here are seven more examples though of hitman disguises that agent 47 got way too into enjoy uh that's abel de silva he's only one of the most awesome drummers on the new york indie scene he was in death in taxes and and flat earth society yeah i i like top 40. in the club 27 mission of hitman 47's target is jordan cross a rock star who has holed up in the himapan hotel to record a new album and he thinks not get murdered a notion he is about to be disavowed of sharpish however before that happens 47 needs to find a way to get close to him and one such method is by adopting the disguise of abel the silver the hottest indie rock drummer on the new york scene and apparently someone who thinks it's okay to vomit into a bread basket [Music] i don't know if that's typical rockstar behavior or a bug anyway once your disguise disabled the silver you can approach cross and set up a meeting but not before he asks for a demonstration of your rock drumming skills what do you say man you're behind the kid yeah now anyone who's played the columbia level knows that 47 has some history with drumming [Music] flawless but i don't think anyone expected him to bust out this impeccable drum solo full of complex fills paradiddles and other drumming terms i definitely already knew before i watched whiplash [Music] i suppose all that time spent smashing guards over the head with wrenches and hammers gave him the forearm strength needed to bust out those sick beats anyway jordan is now obviously impressed and invites you up onto the roof to chat about being part of his new project at which point you are of course free to push him to his death because you're the real star here quickest creative differences breakup in history i'm supposed to meet a client for a house showing today but i can't stop eating maybe you know him mr nolan cassidy um can say that i do well he's uh he's interested in the schmidt house down the road you know the one that police shut down after the ul incident i'm not really from around here i don't know anything about that hitman 2's whittleton creek offers a wide array of opportunities to get close to your targets but it's clear that none of them offer 47 as much joy as the one where you get to become a real estate agent for the afternoon braining the real real estate agent and then donning his smart casual attire complete with oakley's on the forehead allows 47 to take his place running a house viewing for one of the level's targets nolan cassidy who is keen to buy a property in whittleson creek mr cassidy i'm sorry for the delay i'm ready to take you to the house about time let's go if you want to get things over and done with you can take cassidy straight down to the basement but if you want to see 47 in his element acting out the part of an estate agent then may i recommend giving nolan the full house tour so you can hear 47 try and guess what normal human beings use rooms for this is the downstairs living room it is most commonly used for watching television and other recreational purposes large room too easy to get to exits dark floors hide stains easily a room with lots of potential okay that sounded a little murdery 47. go again the kitchen gas stove vinyl floors which can be quite slippery when wet along with the bathroom the kitchen is the most dangerous room in the home one more time bud a person lost consciousness after 20 to 30 seconds probably bled out in a matter of minutes i guess it's the sort of thing you get better at with practice but you can't fault his enthusiasm and willingness to really take his time letting the client see the place the attic not too much to say about it it's small tends to be prone to a leaky roof and likely houses various types of moons what are you talking about i don't care about some leaky attic get down here obviously still a few wrinkles to work out though you're not gonna close the deal like this like this i mean he's only the biggest celebrity tattoo artist in the world maybe he's here to see that delgado guy we've been hearing about sounds like he's got money to spare there are some disguises that you think agent 47 would never be able to pull off like for example the flamboyant star of a reality tv show about tattoo artists that is pee power real name paul powers celebrity tattoo artist and reality tv star and yet here we are donning the mantle of pee power celebrity tattooist to the stars who is here in colombia to touch up a tattoo on the neck of drug kingpin rico delgado now despite the person 47 is impersonating being a high-profile tv star 47 is so good at disguises that everyone except him as p-power despite him looking ridiculous in that outfit talking like a drugged undertaker and oh yeah not actually having any tattoos i mean apart from the bar code on his head that is pretty hardcore i just love your show that episode where you tattoo the heart of the arm of the dead time policeman while they're administrating cpr it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen a great moment i cherish the memory to this day he's so into his new life as a celebrity tattooist that even stops for a selfie with delgado's wife who is a big fan okay see wow we look so good together that better not count as being spotted by a camera that's all i'll say what's impressive is that 47 is so committed to the bit that he goes through with tattooing delgado and is apparently okay with how a tattoo gun works because i don't know about you but this looks like some pretty intricate line work to me okay well now you've ruined it got a message from the boss duty calls let me guess the burnwood woman that's right gates has arranged for the chief winemaker to take burnwood and tamara vidal on a grand tour of the estate wants you to tag along hitman 3's gorgeous mendoza level takes place in a winery and as someone who is presumably t total and exists on a diet of protein shakes and huel agent 47 doesn't particularly strike me as the drinking type welcome to vineta yates i'm gabriel vargas chief winemaker and i will be your tour guide and yet if you choose to disguise yourself as the wineries chief winemaker in order to get close to the target tamara vidal you will discover that 47 has an astonishingly in-depth knowledge of wine grape varietals and the production process required to turn out an award-winning wolbeck first stop on the tour is the production floor where our prize-winning malbec grapes are processed our equipment is state of the art including a dragon freezer unit and last but not least our great crusher industrial size for your disposal purposes i mean he still makes it a little murdery this is agent 47 after all the de-stemmed grapes are crushed into a thick pulp by a powerful rotating cylinder making each grape quite impossible to id okay a lot murdery 47's knowledge and enthusiasm gives us a glimpse into an alternate reality where instead of becoming the world's best murderer 47 instead poured his efforts into becoming the world's best winemaker or you know maybe a combination of both man i wish i had that jaw stop you look fine i know i look fine but he's like a like a greek god or something you know i can't believe he's actually here you know like in the same room as us helmut krueger's been my role model since college hitman's paris level is all based around a big high fashion catwalk show taking place in a lavish palace all of which provides the perfect distraction for a hitman trying to remain unseen and below the radar or if you're agent 47 the perfect opportunity to knock out the world's most famous fashion model and take his place so that finally everyone can appreciate your impeccable cheekbones for once choosing this opportunity lets you dress up in some asymmetrical couture that looks great on 47 for one thing and also lets you get your makeup done by a professional in a style that i am calling high fashion uncle fester good work wow thanks mr cougar break a leg now while it is true that 47 needs to dress up as a fashion model to get close to the target does he also need to actually get on out there and walk the catwalk [Applause] [Music] and does he have to serve such looks while doing so i submit to you that he does not and yet here we are with the boldest serve this side of serena williams [Applause] anyway that's enough time on the catwalk 47 you're an assassin not a model other models need to use the catwalk don't be greedy [Music] okay we might have some problems bringing him in after this one we've been compromised abort and walk away now who i see they tracked me don't know how it's what they do how many one prime asset and a whole pack of up-and-comers they've infiltrated the club searching for us chris i think i killed one of them get out now before they spot you it's hard to understand just how dangerous the situation is that agent 47 finds himself in in the hitman 3 berlin mission apex predator setting at berghein style warehouse rave 47 is being actively hunted by a whole team of other ica agents who are working together all know what he looks like and are actively trying to kill him and yet here 47 is dressing up as a drug dealer so he can practice selling drugs to people [Music] the two best things about this disguise apart from that bucket hat are one that 47 won't sell drugs to regular club patrons but will only sell drugs to uniformed security the very people who should be stopping this kind of thing and two 47's incredible drug dealer talk which i think we can all agree sounds super accurate and real do you like drugs i got some if that wasn't enough you could also ignore the trained killers hunting you down to take a look at another of 47's undiscovered talents djing which you can bring to the forefront by dressing up as a dj and then getting behind the decks sending the crowd into a frenzy with a well-timed drop [Music] better than his usual drops i suppose which mostly involve chandeliers you have been looking for me come to my tent i shall tell you your future it's close by impressed i was just thinking about finding of argento in hitman's marrakesh bonus mission a house built on sand you can get rid of a fortune teller in order to lure one of the targets to his tent a perfect isolated spot in this crowded souk for you to commit the deadly deed with no prying eyes so you don't even need to disguise yourself as no wait now he's doing it anyway yes turns out 47 has always harbored a secret desire to start a side business as a mystic seer predicting the future using tarot cards crystal balls and it has to be said a great deal of intel gathered by a global intelligence agency on his behalf and i see a man a chinese man he is waiting for you on a rooftop that said he's definitely got the presentation down and the ominous tone in which he delivers his readings is spot on plus you can't argue with the accuracy of his predictions the ball shows me death never come back and then you should be fine spooky so those were seven hitman disguises from the new hitman trilogy that agent 47 was getting just a little bit too into did we miss your favorite 47 persona let us know in the comments and remember to like subscribe and hit the bell icon for lots more hitman from outside xbox thanks for watching
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,016,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, hitman, top 10, top 5, list, countdown, best, worst, hitman 3, disguises, agent 47, outfits, funny, wtf, werid, strange, hitman 2, fortune teller, flamingo, fashion, model, catwalk, fortune, teller, real, estate, agent, drummer, drums, p power, tattoo, artist, tattooist, winery, winemaker, wine, tour, dj, dealer, berlin
Id: cgcy4V1eMKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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