7 Weirdest Cameos We Did Not See Coming

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the Oxford English Dictionary describes a cameo as a piece of jewelry usually oval in shape consisting of a portrait in profile carved in relief on a background of a different color which is weird because we thought it was that thing where a celebrity shows up in something and you go oh that latter kind of cameo happens all the time in video games in fact in an earlier video we shared some of these strangest cameos we'd encountered including appearances by Burt Reynolds Michael Jackson and a bunch of dunking US presidents turns out there are yet more and weirder video game cameos out there enjoy and beware spoilers ahead for the following games and season seven of AMC's The Walking Dead [Music] writer presenter and sometime games journalist Charlie Brooker is best known these days as the creator of your favorite TV show if your favorite TV show is cautionary techno fable anthology black mirror which asks the question what if technology was bad unless that is you've never seen black mirror but do love World War 2 era sniper simulations with a curious hatred for what people in the medical profession refer to as nutsacks in this case Brooker is best known for his bizarre cameo in Sniper Elite 3 in which he appears in expansionpak hunt the grey wolf as one of Hitler's guards [Music] the Sniper Elite Series combines the slow-motion bullet time of neo the x-ray vision of Superman and the obsession with internal organs of Hannibal Lecter so we can only imagine the enthusiasm with which Brooker grasp the opportunity to have his likeness offered up for testicular target practice yeah the story behind the Cameo is that Charlie B raved about Sniper Elite v2 in his column for The Guardian after which he was approached by developer rebellion and offered this special treat oh maybe this is when Charlie Brooker decided maybe technology is bad don't-don't-don't dog [Music] fans of AMC's The Walking Dead who apparently still exist will remember negan as the baseball bat wielding psychopath who is the least likable character in a show with some pretty stiff competition negan is the guy who viewers had to wait 6 months between season 6 and 7 to find out killed Abraham with a baseball bat and also Glenn with a baseball bat and okay you get the point he likes his baseball bat one thing you should definitely take from all this is that negan doesn't fight fair which is why it was such a surprise to discover that he will be showing up in Tekken 7 as a playable character the other bonus characters already announced for Tekken 7 Akuma from Street Fighter jeez Howard from fatal fury and noctus looses caelum from final fantasy 15 all make a lot more sense given that they're fighting characters from games in which they do a lot of fighting negan is just a vicious thug with a bad hoof while he's pretty good at menacing groups of downtrodden survivors would have a harder time intimidating a seven-foot grizzly bear also pretty sure barbed wire covered baseball bats are banned under the rules of the king of Iron Fist tournament maybe check the rulebook little pig little pig let me yeah still this is the thing that's happening so let's all just keep an open mind and hope that we don't have to wait six months every time negan swings his baseball bat to find out who he hit you play Just Cause 3 anything like the way we did you are probably too busy causing teather based mayhem to notice the announcements from the propaganda minister haha about the government or maybe the rebels who are the bad guys in this game again anyway throughout the game Medicis Minister for propaganda will occasionally chime in with an update from the dictator de Ravello about what's been happening on the island usually about how the fact that everything's exploding is fine actually [Music] just to be sure we also get the sense that the Minister for propaganda is perhaps not 100% in the job voluntarily and that he is in actual fact a kidnapped celebrity yes it turns out that this miserable mouthpiece is actually doctor who starred David Tennant who it seems was on Medici when he was kidnapped and forced to become the voice of propaganda announcements [Music] mataji maybe don't count on him showing up for a cameo in the Doctor Who Christmas special is what I'm saying [Music] [Music] look closely mother Rowdy Roddy Piper was a gifted wrestling villain WWE Hall of Famer and the most Scottish person ever to come out of Canada hey I'm Roddy Roddy Piper hey I'm the President of the United States sure why not he was also a movie star appearing in John Carpenter's 1988 classic they live in which he had a memorably long fight scene with actor Keith David that went on for six whole minutes which doesn't sound like a long time until you try and watch Roddy Piper and Keith David fight each other for six minutes anyway if the name Keith David sounds familiar it's because he also plays the vice president in Saints Row 4 what do you want me to push forward do you want to be the president who cured cancer or the president who solve world hunger the Saints Row series is never one to pass up a good cameo opportunity regardless of how little sense it makes it therefore isn't long before they put together a convoluted set of circumstances involving simulations nightmares and mind control that mean you round a corner to discover virtual Keith David and virtual Roddy Piper back at it beating the hell out of each other in the streets Keith listen to me although it's a treat for fans of they live you have to wonder what percentage of Saints Row 4 players have actually watched that relatively obscure 1980s cult sci-fi film and if you haven't seen that movie how baffling is it to stumble across WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper and respected actor Keith David giving each other back breakers in an alley I'm gonna go with very very baffling she's in know it hey what's up buddy we're making the game about me even if video game fans don't know the name Nolan North they'll certainly recognize his voice as he's provided the talk he sounds for some of gaming's most memorable characters including Nathan Drake Desmond Miles ghost from Destiny the penguin in the Arkham games Richtofen from call of duty black ops zombies the boss in Saints Row 4 and captain Martin Walker in SpecOps the line James wake up Nolan North voices a lot of videogame characters is the point I'm making including deadpool from the 2013 game of the same name although apparently they didn't manage to get all the contract details hammered out in advance because the game features a scene in which deadpool phones nolan north to ask him to play him in the game the game you're currently playing in which deadpool is voiced by Nolan North look it's Deadpool you have to expect this kind of thing anyway Nolan has some interesting notes on the character for Deadpool and the whole thing gets settled amicably yeah well cute Nolan or not well I guess Nolan North won't be voicing Deadpool in the game after all wait no no no oh wow Paquita in jakarta final fantasy brave XP is a free-to-play mobile game wait come back those of you who were paying attention and not fleeing the room will have noticed Final Fantasy rave XPS is also a Final Fantasy game in which you can summon pixel art versions of popular Final Fantasy heroes to crew your 5 character party legendary warriors join forces across time and space launch the game has added Final Fantasy superstars such as mystical staff twirling Yuna from Final Fantasy 10 [Music] and from final fantasy seven pineapple heads sort of a cloud so far so extensible then there's this cameo which makes as much sense as the name brave XPS another granite which also becoming too rare SES after 300 tactics ponytails popstar ariana grande was recruited to play a singer transported into the world of brave X fears to fight evil and be dressed as an S&M bunny rabbit though the costume resembles that of a Bioshock extra it's actually reference to Grande's album dangerous woman for which this cameo was a promotional tie-in and also the reason for her character name being dangerous Arianna I take it back that makes actually slightly more sense than the name brave xvs which anyone another element of the tie-in deal was an orchestral remix of Grande's album track touch it in which we presume the it refers to the magical ice mega 'christ from the world of lapis which has been known to freeze touches to death you King the titled man it was the year 2000 imagine our delight when we discovered that not only did the world not end in a y2k apocalypse but also comedy boxing game ready to rumble got a sequel ready to rumble round 2 for the Dreamcast ps1 and 2 Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Advance was a 3d boxing game of the roster of fighters from all over the world Brazil the USA New Zealand hell [Music] he's really mad about that lack of an apocalypse so which five-star celebrity had the muscle mass and aggression to hold their own in this oddball boxing league Michael Jackson well okay you're the video game yes Michael Jackson was the unlikeliest addition to the lineup for ready to rumble boxing round 2 or R to R B R 2 as it's known to us ready to rumble fans what's more the late King of Pop did actual motion capture to bring such iconic fighting moves as the moonwalk and the smooth criminal anti-gravity lean with him into the ring [Music] [Applause] Jackson's appearance in a novelty boxing game is less of an anomaly viewed in the context of how keen on video games MJ was contributing music and cameos to several before he passed in 2009 Michael Jackson also recorded voice lines for his role in ready to rumble boxing round two though mysteriously delivered all those lines while doing an impression of someone else doing a bad impression of Michael Jackson those are some more of the weirdest cameos we've run across in videogames got any more of your own that you want to suggest put them in the comments below and now to play us out a cameo from Metal Gear director Hideo Kojima come on in here hideous where's it ao with what Shai we're having brunch with Mads Mikkelsen alright fine then I'll just tell you about some other videos you can watch if you're into cameos and people they hit Erica team you can watch this video up here from us which is about times that creators cameo just themselves with bizarre results or if you want something completely different to that down here's a video from outside extra which is Luke's theory about why link from Zelda is actually the guy from do sounds implausible wonder how argue that let's find out
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,200,830
Rating: 4.9100237 out of 5
Keywords: weird cameos, celebrity cameos, game cameos, best cameos, funny cameos, best cameos in games, weird cameos in games, 7 things, list, countdown, best, worst, sniper elite 3 charlie brooker, ariana grande final fantasy, final fantasy ariana grande, ariana grande, brave exvius, final fantasy, negan tekken 7, tekken 7 negan, saints row 4 rowdy roddy piper, ready 2 rumble boxing 2, ready 2 rumble boxing round 2, michael jackson, just cause 3 david tennant
Id: ibZj9OR6Iuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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