7 Most Brutal Side Quests That Hardly Anyone Finished

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side quests exist as a way for players to blow off some steam away from the main game to try out some new gameplay Styles or to provide an additional challenge to pad out the length of a game because after all how can you trade in a game if you haven't collected all 1,000 of Spider-Man's backpacks sidebar Peter what's with all the backpacks there are some side quests however that are so hard long or just excruciatingly tedious that they are just not worth finishing no matter the reward unless it's a new hat and even then we'd have to think about it here are the seven most excruciating side quests that we're sure nobody finished enjoy and do let us know in the comments below if we're wrong and you did actually finish them didn't you win like a contest to get unlimited fre backpacks isn't that it that seems like a weird contest though like who's what like a backpack company like here's here's 300 backpacks you can never have too many backpacks I mean you've got one back how many backpacks can you put on it yeah but what what if something happens to your backpack well okay two or three yeah two or three backpacks not 300 you could wear one on your front and one on your back amazing toight your family and friends one on your free backpacks I can't think of any reason you would need that many backpacks you don't need shoes anymore but a backpack on each foot all right fair enough good [Applause] [Music] reason yakas of games are known for their side activities like slot car racing karaoke and urinating [Music] in yaka a lost judgment your character Yagami spends a lot of time at a high school as part of his investigation and so naturally ends up getting involved with a lot of school clubs such as the dance club and the Esports Club easily the most tedious and difficult of the clubs however is robotics Club in which the students build and customize robots and send them into battle against each other or if they take my advice they don't bother because the robotics Club side quest is not only dull it's also borderline impossible and takes absolutely [Music] ages the basic premise is that you're supposed to take and position blocks to expand your team's territory and if possible capture the enemy team's base yes you're in a team with two other AI controled robots who are complete idiots and the other robots will be constantly destroying you unless you have like 4 million yen to spend on parts to upgrade your equipment it's a miserable slog that unfortunately is required if you're to finish all of the school story side missions so either you need to pray to the RNG gods for a good series of runs or just grind away at this horrible side quest until till it's done this is good not me though given the choice I will take Death Races in the biker gang club over this any day thank you very much hello Dar hello yeah you said to come call on you my name's John marsten I've been sending you the animals for your art no one is as fond of a roundabout fetch Quest as a Red Dead Redemption protagonist seriously if you need something complicated doing just cast your eyes around for a doomed cowboy and they'll be on it in 10 seconds flat perhaps the most frustrating and baffling of these side missions in Red Dead Redemption 2 however comes in the form of the mission a better world a new friend which is ostensibly about hunting and actually about you slowly losing your mind because of all the hunting you're having to do the side mission begins innocuously enough with a series of hunting requests that you start by by reading a hunter's wanted poster in a train station it seems an L Hobs is looking to Stage an exhibition on the art of Taxidermy and needs perfect animal carcasses for her work ask anyone who's gone hunting in Red Dead 2 and they'll tell you that getting perfect animal carcasses is a pain in the butt because it involves not blowing the animal's head off with a shotgun as would be easiest but rather painstakingly stalking your prey and using small game arrows or the Vint rifle and getting a clean head shot which are all much much more difficult and some animals don't even start with perfect pelts so there's no way of getting one even if you do kill them properly and that's if you can even find your target because the animals that M Hobs wants are extremely rare some of the animals like bats and seed or wax wings I didn't even know were in the game anyway this takes absolutely ages as there were close to 20 of these rare animals for you to hunt and the last batch can only be done in the epilog when playing as John maren once the list is complete you get a new objective to go check in on Miss Hobs where she will show you her objectively terrifying taxidi collection this is this is this is quite something it's my life work Gary An Almighty struggle and then she gifts you a squirrel that looks like you despite her never having Met You John maren before Oh here please take this as a gift because after all we did this together you and I are both like God now probably best not to think too hard about that one now All That Remains to complete this side mission is to place the squirrel statue on your mantle piece annoying your wife what what is that it's art oh that's what they call it whereupon it will start disappearing and reappearing in various places throughout your house forcing you to find it and replace it six times before finally requiring you to retrieve it from the peak of snowy Mount Shan absolutely miles [Music] away a great use of what little time John maren has left remaining I think we can all agree it's embarrassing to say this myself but Summoners and their Guardians are kind of like spe's ray of light a lot of people in spir depend on us I learned to practice smiling when I'm feeling sad you know for most people the thing they remember about Final Fantasy 10 is titus's laugh yes that's the one if you're a completionist however the thing you're likely to remember about Final Fantasy 10 is dodging lightning because there's a side quest in the game that requires you to do that and it's one of the hardest most brutal challenges in gaming history dodging one lightning bolt is no big deal two in a row simple but this challenge requires you to dodge 200 lightning bolts total no in a row to make things worse there's nothing in the game that tells you how many lightning strikes you've dodged so you'll need to keep track of the number yourself no easy feet when you're dodging lightning the whole time and the number is I remind you 200 if you get hit at all your streak resets and you have to start all over again and even if you find a good spot where lightning can reliably be expected to strike you're going to be doing this for close to half an hour non-stop if you want to unlock the prestigious reward of a bronze trophy a reward so poultry as to be laughable yes thank you Titus why Eerie insect-based action platform a hollow night is difficult enough without adding extra challenges into the mix but people are gluttons for punishment I guess because the delicate flower challenge exists this side quest is given to you by a spooky mourner hidden in the resting grounds who asks you to take a delicate flower to her Lover's grave in the Queen's Gardens this is no small distance away but the quest is made considerably Harder by the fact that if you use fast travel or get hit even once the flower will be destroyed and you'll have to start all over again and if that doesn't sound too hard I assume you've never played Hollow Knights because if you play the way we do getting hit is about 60% of what you spend your time doing so yes good luck keeping this flower in one piece as you Traverse enemies whirling s blades boss monsters giant earwigs and well loads more whirling saw [Music] blades if you do eventually make it to the Grave a sad grasshopper ghost thing appears and looks sad then dies but don't worry if you head back to the grey mner she [Music] too looks sad and dies nice glad I made the [Music] trip this next side quest from Super Mario RPG is actually worth doing in that it rewards you with the super suit the best armor in the game that boosts all your stats by a whopping 30 points and can be worn by anyone the problem is that the side quest itself is sarcastically difficult and you're more likely to frisbee your copy of the game out of the window before you ever manage to complete it the quest set by a friendly dog monster in monstro town asks you to complete 100 consecutive Super jumps or to put it another way 100 perfectly timed jumps on a single enemy in one go super jump is a special attack that Mario learns at level six that allows you to do consecutive jump attacks on a single foe up to 100 times the difficult part is that it requires you to press the a button with precise timing exactly when Mario's feet land on the enemy's head to trigger the next [Music] jump so as you can imagine doing this perfectly 100 times in a row is quite the tall order even if your enemy does politely stand there and let you do it even the slightest slip of timing will cause the counter to reset and you'll be back to square one so you better hope your timing is bang on or else you'll have stamped on some guy's head for two solid minutes for [Music] nothing well I mean he does die so it's not a total waste the challenge was such a jerk that in the recent switch remake of Super Mario RPG a counter was added so at least you know how close you are to finishing usually not very is the [Music] answer who there slick might want to think about knocking next time I damn near blew your head off thought you might be a zombie now if I'd paid a lot of money to have a loved one interred in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery I'd expect them to stay in their grave and not get up in the middle of the night and try to wander off called me oldfashioned just the way I was raised and yet in gothy RPG vampire the Masquerade bloodlines this is a apparently a problem that the cemetery's caretaker Romero has to deal with on a regular basis because this graveyard is just full of residents getting up out of their graves and trying to head out for a night on the town seing Night round this time for the past oh several months now the dead have been getting up with an itch to stroll down Hollywood Boulevard nobody knows why but they're working on it if you want to take on this side quest You'll need to defend the graveyard for 5 full minutes stopping zombies from getting out the only problem is that the zombies are double tough and the cemetery has two gates one in the North one in the South meaning you'll quickly start to get overwhelmed at one end while all the walking corpses at the other end just happily let themselves out to go shopping on Rodeo Drive or whatever while it starts out manageable by the end the zombies are absolutely swarming both gates and you'll need to be sprinting back and forth between the two gates to even stand a chance good luck if you don't have the supernatural vampire speed power called Solarity is all I'm saying in fact this side mission is so hard you might want to consider the alternative which is if you're playing as a female character sleeping with Romero just don't bite it all right what I mean my neck hey if it means not having to do that side quest I'll sleep with the zombies thanks come in come in make yourself at home what's mine is yours got him little bastard if he paid some rent I wouldn't care you kill a lot of things in Grand Theft Auto games like gangsters bikers the concept of what could be an entertaining mini game if you're trying to get 100% completion in Grand Theft Auto 4 however there's one thing you're going to have to kill Above All Else and that's pigeons I don't think I remember even seeing one pigeon during my GTA 4 playthrough but there are in fact 200 of these much maligned birds all over Liberty City and if you want to complete the challenge tied to them you're going to need to kill every single one this is obviously made much harder by the fact that pigeons are relatively tiny and can fly meaning they can be literally anywhere throughout GTA 4's sprawling map the game also doesn't tell you where the pigeons are so you need to either literally stumble across them or much more like look up a map online and then spend a joyless day meticulously moving across the city murdering birds at least Rockstar learned their lesson and never put another horrible collectible Quest like this in a GTA game again oh [Music] right so those were some of the hard longest most boring most excruciating side quests that we're pretty sure no one ever finished maybe you did if you did let us know in the comments below and collect your Kudos and kudos to you for making it through this video I'm not going to say that that was excruciating um or that nobody finished it cuz you're here and we appreciate you for that um why don't you check out another one of these videos uh as our way of saying thanks they're both excellent and will improve your life immeasurably thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 325,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, top ten, top five, list, countdown, funny, gaming, top 10, top 5, best, worst, side quests, sidequests, robotics club, yakuza, lost, judgment, judgement, A Better World, A New Friend, red dead redemption 2, Final Fantasy X, lightning, dodge, dodging, Delicate Flower, hollow knight, Super Mario RPG, super jump, You Only Die Once A Night, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Grand Theft Auto IV, flying rats, gta 4, pigeons
Id: 2vP3SPdrg8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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