7 Pathetically Weak Characters You Were Suddenly Forced to Play As

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like a confectioner hiding disgusting peanuts in delicious chocolate certain otherwise fun games will sneak in a bit where you'll briefly forc to play as a character much less cool and powerful than your proper player character too many games forget that we play them for the power fantasy therefore we don't actually love it when they slip in a section where you suddenly become a rubbish character with none of the powers you previously had forcing you to change your play style entirely is it too much to ask to be able to play as the character on the box I don't think so consider these pathetically weak characters that we were forced to play as out of nowhere and beware spoilers for The Following [Applause] [Music] [Applause] games reach him that place is crawling with guards how are you trying to reach him very very quietly got to go partner stand is just somewhere in there got to get past that guard time to see if these LS Pete gave me work there are many reasons Mary Jane Watson is beloved among Spider-Man fans Not only is she the sweetheart of Spidey but she's Brave intelligent and a great investigative journalist often helping Peter Parker as he works to protect New York city so creepy mask guys what's your take such is the case in Marvel Spider-Man on PS4 in which even when they're not a couple MJ's investigations end up aligning with pets and bringing them together hey Pete a so romantic however your enthusiasm for seeing MJ may be tempered somewhat when you are suddenly forced to step into her cute leather boots and play a bunch of snail Pac stealth sections without any Spidey Powers quiet I'm sorry but if I can't web people then what is the point suddenly instead of getting to mess up baddies with Spidey strength gadgets and acrobatics you're stuck as a normal UNS superpowered human who has to actively cower from them the hell someone there all you can do is Crouch walk around trying to avoid making noise or getting spotted by people like me trying to leave a house party the morning after and avoid helping with the cleanup during one MJ mission in Grand Central Station you do at least have Spider-Man as backup and you can order him to web up Martin Lee's demon henchman one by one clearing a path for you take him out but for the most part you're just forced to play extended sessions where you shuffle along stop and wait a few seconds then shuffle along again it's not until her final mission that Mary Jane has any means of Defending herself I like this thing fortunately in spider Man 2 MJ keeps and gradually upgrades her taser and has clearly taken some self-defense lessons so she can do more than develop a lifetime of lower back pain from constant crouching yet another reason to love MJ I'm telling you Edie your readings are off it's radiation bed just White Noise I have detected a signal embedded in the static we are transmitting the normandy's location transmitting to who in Mass Effect 2 there are lots of capable people on the Normandy and among the most is Joker the normandy's cocky but likable pilot I got to hit the head Commander we done for now or do I have to use the bottle I keep under here oh maybe I talked him up too much the pilot seat is Joker's true comfort zone so when he suddenly has to vacate it right near the end of the game when collectors board the ship and Shepherds too far from the Normandy to save the day Joker is about as excited as I am when I have to stop a criminal mind's binge watch to put the bins out God damn it you're also out of your comfort zone as this is no mere cutscene you're suddenly in control of Joker who isn't happy about the situation either and I don't blame him see Joker lives with osteogenesis imperfecta AKA brittle bone disease not only do previous injuries slow him down but he can't run at full Pelt like anyone else lest he risk breaking a bone on top of all that he's not even got a weapon on him so you have to slowly guide a limping defenseless Joker around the ship as you both watch his fellow crew mates get horribly killed and all collected man I give anything to have an M27 simitar and a GIS with me right now the gis is mainly for emotional support there are so many squeaky bum moments as you guide Joker around all the while wishing that you were shepherd with your usual two Squad members that way you could actually save your crew rather than desperately try not to be spotted on a staircase like a teenager coming home after [Music] curfew only here if you get caught you get liquefied in a space tube even my dad wasn't that strict see tra nothing's working Bayonetta 2 built on the sexy witch hair magic of the first Bayonetta by adding a small annoying child this child is Loki and while he does sometimes exist in adorable squirrel form he's most often found in the shape of a young boy whose accent is the greatest crime against the London accent since Dick Van djk these punters don't know when to quit what I ever do to them narrowly beating Mrs love it in the 2023 cast of Sweeney Todd on Broadway fellow musical theater nerds am I right no one knows what you're talking about trust me I'm right while Loki is is introduced with a cut scene of him capably fighting Angels it's clear he lacks the training and experience of Bayonetta who ends up saving Loki's butt several times throughout the game but at one point while fighting her way around the Cathedral of Cascades Bayonetta can do nothing to save Loki from danger and you're suddenly yanked away from the cool umbran witch and put in control of the far less capable Loki all the luck QE a terrifying Chase sequence where you can do nothing but run as a gargantuan Urbane angel chases Loki up the spiraling ramp on the outside of the building instead of playing as a grown ass witch with legs the length of the river temps you're stuck with the wannabe Cockney whose stride is much shorter thanks to his stupid tiny child legs he's chasing us down he does have some Powers he can use to give him some distance but in the end Loki only wins because the angel leaps to hit him misses and falls off the side of the building that was easy to be clear no it wasn't as if to prove Loki's weakness when you switch back to Bayonetta immediately afterwards she then fights two of these massive Angels at the same time is that all you've got well that's embarrassing nearly as embarrassing as that exent go blim me [Music] in the old school alone in the- dark games you weren't short of a weapon or two with which to defend yourself for example in alone in the dark 2 when hero Edward kby returned to find kidnapped kiddo Grace Saunders he could defend himself with a collection of guns heck even if this oneman Army ran out of ammo you could still whack enemies with a battle door an old kind of badminton racket wow so capable and then there's Grace at multiple times during the game Edward is incapacitated and you're put in control of the teeny tiny missing girl Grace in order to save him because nothing says heroic rescue like a child in a onesie Grace being teeny tiny has absolutely no means of Defending herself so all you can do while controlling her is stand in a corner and pray you're not seen you might also want to pray that you're not heard because of Grace's Extremely Loud footsteps that definitely sound more like duck feet than human ones how are they not hearing that must be the juny pirate band that is also playing extremely loudly properly hunt around and Grace does eventually at specific points acquire items to help her defend herself such as a toy Cannon she can shoot once and literally once some ice she can put on the floor to make enemies slip and apparently [Music] evaporate and some sticky molasses that she can ins snare her captors in like the biggest sweetest ever fly trap is she just going to leave that guy there that's dark alone in the dark but most of the time you're just running for your life until eventually you manag to help free Edward at which point you switch characters back and immediately have to save Grace who was easily captured probably because of her Extremely Loud duck feet heel ball toe Grace heel ball toe it's the name Hector Alazar ring about with you yeah he's the the drug lord mhm Butcher of Panama right why it's a funny story but um last year he was my cell maate there are two kinds of Uncharted fans those who prefer the gunfights and those who prefer the puzzles if you're in the second group you probably hate it when you're forced to play as Sam Drake Nathan's big bro turns up out of nowhere in Uncharted 4 to make Nate join him on a hunt for lost treasure because a big scary drug lord broke Sam out of jail to find it for him or else be horribly maimed and when you least expect it I will be there at that point death is not a mercy I will grant you that is so something that could just be explained in a cutscene but developer naughty dog in their Infinite Wisdom decided to make Sam's jailbreak an entire level the first problem is Sam's jailbreak is 90% grueling gunfight in a dingy prison with none of Uncharted trademark tomb exploration secondly the other 10% is just Sam passively following people around like a lost sheep with a receding hairline relying on the criminals helping him Escape in order to not immediately die go get go get back son of a [ __ ] finally and the biggest crime in a game where you spend your time primarily with likable Rogue Nathan Drake Sam is boring while Nate makes funny quips when something goes wrong lightening the mood while not undermining the often literal gravity of the situation Sam is just constantly shocked flued and perplexed as you slowly realize that he is actually the escort in someone else's escort Mission Samuel get behind something what why just do it are you all right yeah yeah I'm fine it later turns out that most of this story was actually made up by Sam in a clear case of unreliable narrator which is not only annoying because he lied to his brother but also because Sam could have easily made himself a lot more exciting to players [Music] yo Zam if I were you I would have jued the story to make myself seem a bit cooler maybe put in a section where I help everyone Escape by cleverly solving a puzzle like Nathan regularly does then we could have played that puzzle just a suggestion don't worry Sherry it'll be all over soon there has to be a way out of here back in the '90s Resident Evil clearly saw alonein the dark's whole deal and said hold my beer that's not only on account of Resident Evil being a survival horror series even more influential than alone in the dark but also because it managed to devise a child character even more useless than Grace duck feet Saunders you were forced into the tiny blue shoes of Sher Burkin in multiple sections of CLA Redfield scenario in Resident Evil 2 where your only Power was the power to fit through small holes wait Sherry don't go alone Sherry Sherry for the 2019 remake Capcom reduced Cherry's playable sections to just one but up the intensity by 1,000% sort of like if you removed a handful of jalapenos from a recipe and instead put in one Ghost Pepper with both Resident Evil 2 remake and my signature ghost pepper jambalaya you're going to end up crying on the floor things initially are looking up in this single Sherry section when Sherry stuck in the the abandoned orphanage of police chief Brian irons is not totally helpless after you lead her to the key to escape and chief irons shows up to stop her in a cut scene she gives him a face full of [Applause] acid damn Sherry they teach you that in Middle School however if you were hoping Sherry would do anything as exciting or useful once you're back in control of her I'm sorry but you're about to be very disappointed all you can do from here on as Sherry is leg it and hide behind Furniture whimpering like the tiny child you are indeed playing as all the while you know that if you were in control of CLA you could have just shot this unathletic human man as the helpless Sherry though we're forced to play an entire section where a horrible man shouts at us in a dark room the longer it takes me to find you the worse it's going to be unless you never find me irons which is my preferred outcome obviously as if this isn't stressful enough when you do finally get irons key all you can do is run as fast as your stupid little child legs can carry you only to find the front door chain from the outside too I'm nothing nice try Sherry so back you go into more horrible Chase scenes where iron bursts through doors like it's the damn shining come in Sherry in the end the thing that saves Sher isn't her pluck or courage or another flask of acid it's sher's horrifically mutated father to be honest I never thought seeing a man mutated by the G virus would be a relief but here we are I know this feels a bit strange father but now you can see through her eyes and tell her where to go there are many benefits to being a big daddy in the Bioshock series cool outfit adorable co-workers and you have a huge drill for a hand so always ready to do a bit of DIY at a moment's notice they are by DIY I mean drilling intestines yourself in BioShock 2 you get to play the entire game as a big daddy so when your Consciousness is suddenly body swapped into the head of a little sister it's a bit of a power downgrade now don't get us wrong being a little sister has its perks you can get around using the little sister vents which I'm sure shaves loads of time off a commute blast Rapture looks much nicer from their point of view not because of the height difference but because there I see an idealistic Rapture that hasn't gotten all groty yet you know what if Rapture actually look like this I'd risk the buy sphere Journey for a weekend Spar break but you don't get to do anything interesting as a little sister instead of fighting or solving puzzles you basically spend the whole time being Exposition at as you Wander from place to place picking up things when you were with the little ones they trusted you as their father because of me and your frustration at the little sister lack of drill arms will be at its most extreme upon entering the office of Sophia lamb Sophia lamb is the big bad of the game who has been doing weird Rapture experiments on Ellena her daughter and the little sister you were assigned to as a big daddy she also currently has your big daddy original body locked up and unable to move here she sits with her back turned to you absolutely ripe for intestine drilling but here you are stuck as a little sister with very little core strength and exactly zero means to drill her intestines so you're forced to just walk on by are we sure that little sisters aren't equipped with a Phillips head screwdriver at least I can make it work all right thank you so much for watching this video uh here we have two videos that are all delicious chocolate no disgusting peanuts that's the mic guarantee uh up here is a video from outside extra and down here is a video from the channel where you can often see me outside Xbox so enjoy both of those and if you'd like to support what we do why not head to patreon.com xclub and you can uh hang out in our fan Discord see you there Snickers Snickers is disgusting James it's disgusting and you know it you all know it no one likes peanuts and chocolate AR you no you don't you just think you do you've been conditioned by Society
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 240,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming, outside xbox, outsidextra, sam drake, mary jane, spider-man, uncharted, alone in the dark 2, bayonetta, loki, bayonetta 2, mass effect 2, joker, funny, funny moments, little sister, bioshock 2, little sister gameplay, little sister vision, sherry, cherry, resident evil 2, resident evil
Id: 3SE3k1XsiCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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