7 Heartbreaking Boss Fights Against Your Best Friend

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usually in a video game the final boss is your greatest enemy like the corrupt Crim Lord who's taken over the city or the president of square enx square en normal what stings even more than that is when the final boss of a game is someone you thought was your friend someone who's maybe been by your side for the entire game only now they've turned on you and revealed their true motives necessitating a heartbreaking boss battle that no one is coming out of unscathed just consider these seven times the final boss was your best friend and also beware some fairly Major Spoilers obviously for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] games it youo for [Music] for throughout the entirety of yakaza series prequel game Yakaz it's clear that protagonist kiru and his sworn brother Nishi are best buds they sing karaoke [Music] together they fight back to back and Nishi can't even bring himself to murder kiru when he's told to do so the ultimate sign of yaka a [Music] friendship a this brotherly Bond persists into the start of the next chronological game in the yakaza series yakaza kwami which begins with kiru taking the blame for a killing committed by Nishi and doing hard time in his place it's something of a bummer therefore when you get out of prison to discover that in the 10 years you've been away Nishi has gone fully off the rails and become an unhinged Crim Lord who seems to want K you dead [Music] why has he done this well money of course but also throughout the game we come to learn that Nishi is tormented and deeply unhappy having realized he'll never measure up to the Natural Authority exuded by his forsaken bestie [Music] kiru like I say naturally this being a Yakaz a game the Rivalry comes to a head with a bone sh shattering boss fight between these two former best friends one made unbearably more poignant by constant interruptions from heartbreaking flashbacks of the bond these two once [Music] shared still once the fight is over Nishi seems to come to his senses and it looks like the two of you might be ready to strike up the old friendship [Music] again oh guess not you know I think this probably all started when they gave kiru a dragon back tattoo and Nishi got a fish all downhill from [Music] there plot-wise the arcade beat him up Double Dragon is pretty straightforward the story is that Billy Lee's girlfriend Marian is beaten up and kidnapped by the criminal gang the black Warriors so Billy and his brother Jimmy Lee head out to rescue her I've watched more complex episodes of Peppa Pig actually I probably shouldn't have admitted to that should I the arcade version of Double Dragon was wildly popular at least partly because it included two player co-op thousands of players pumped in enough quarters to get to the final boss machine gun Willie and rescue [Music] Marian the game was so popular it was ported to various home platforms due to the limitations of the nest console the version for Nintendo's 8- bit machine was a dramatically different game with different level layouts and a maximum of two enemies on screen at any one time the biggest change though is that the Cooperative two-player mode that was so beloved in the arcade version of Double Dragon was entirely missing probably should have called it single Dragon then shouldn't they it' be weird not to have iconic character Jimmy Lee in there at all though so he shows up at the end after you've defeated the arcade version's final boss and reveals that he your own brother your own flesh and blood is the secret true leader of the black Warriors gang that has been terrorizing the city you'd have thought that sort of thing might have come up at family dinner you're then straight into a fist fight with the real final boss your bro who is a match for you in every way except that he's got the same awful AI as the rest of the enemies in the game the ending sequence then shows you heading up to Jimmy's Penthouse apartment complet with pissed-off looking house cat and spare vest to rescue your girlfriend Maran from where she's been held captive by your secret jerk brother all I'm saying is that Christmas at Mr and Mrs Lee's place is going to be pretty awkward this [Music] year South Park the Stick of Truth took the long running animated show and mashed it up with Lord of the Ring style fantasy creating an RPG for of mystical items magical enemies and farts I'm going to teach you a fart called the sneaky squeaker it will become your greatest Ally don't believe me try and block my attack in it you play as the prophesized new kid who is going to unite the forces of good and reclaim the mystical Stick of Truth while the rest of the cast take on roles as fantasy Wizards Rogues and Bs the wizard lives this way in the greenhouse over there still the bond of friendship between the show's main characters is as important a part of the game as it is in the show and you'll be spending most of your time with the show's main characters Stan Kyle Cartman and Kenny here reimagined as a princess and here of course is the breathtaking and lovely princess Kenny the fairest maiden in another kingdom eventually after much questing you and your friends reclaim the stick of truth from Clyde only to be immediately confronted by government agents who want the stick I'll admit you are are fascinating you have more power than any child I've ever come across and yet all you seem to really care about is this it must be very important what does it do naturally you and your friends refuse to help the agents all except Princess Kenny who it turns out has a backstory so elaborate it requires Morgan Freeman to narrate it at least one of you has some sense you'd sell us all out but why Princess Kenny because Princess Kenny was born a halfar whose entire entire Village was wiped out by humans and elves now it's up to you as douchebag the new kid to defeat Princess Kenny who makes up in brutal attack power what she lacks in intelligible dialogue defeat Princess Kenny and you might think the ordeal is over but things are just getting started as she drinks a vial of green goo that transforms her into an unkillable Nazi Zombie na zombie princess you have to do this like five more [Music] times before you finally realize that the situation is hopeless and the only chance you have is to fart on Princess Kenny's balls you've got [Music] this even which is possibly somewhere in the silmer there's really no way of knowing what about you new guy win this for the credits credit's never hurt but uh I have a daughter C I don't get to see her as often as I'd like but at least I can provide for her everyone knows the classic Star Wars team there's a little guy who's a Jedi and then a cooler guy who has a gun and they're best friends sometimes the gun guy is Pedro Pascal it's a foolproof system so it didn't seem unusual that Jedi Survivor the sequel to Star Wars Jedi Fallen order introduced new character Boda kuna a mercenary with a rogish rough and tumble attitude a laser Blaster and a [Music] jetpack bod and your character calus become fast friends bonding over their shared goals backgrounds and desire to defeat a former Jedi Knight called Dagen Gara who we are told is to be this game's main antagonist back to breath yes everything is going great between these two best buddies right up until the point when bod tips off the Empire to Kalen CO's safe house location boat I'm really sorry about this and kills Jedi Master Eno Cordova no and runs off with the compass that leads to the Hidden World of tanalur which we were going to use together bestie how could you B is the compass go after it go to cap it all off after you chase bow down and confront him out of nowhere he produces a force push right now what have you and a lightsaber revealing that all along he was secretly a Jedi who survived Order 66 who can't [Music] be you're not the only only one who survived okay did they kill any Jedi during Order 66 what are you clone troopers doing it turns out that bod wanted to get to tanw because he thought it would be a safe place to take his daughter a sentiment only slightly undermined by how many times he nearly accidentally kills her in the game's final boss fights when Cal and damir witch Marin make it to tanor themselves for a final showdown listen to them please it's an emotional brutal confrontation with multiple points where bod could stop trying to kill his former best friend and just chill out a bit only instead he chooses the alternate path of Smashing cow's face in with a barrage of crushing punches the only counter to which is apparently the dark side of the [Music] force sadly your former buddy won't listen to reason regardless of how many chances he's given and with no other option C is forced to execute this Jedi with a [Music] blaster see clone troopers that's how you do it would you kindly pick up that short wave [Applause] radio I don't know how you survived that plan crash but don't everyone want to question Providence I'm Atlas and I aim to keep you alive when you arrive in the dystopian collapsing underwater city of rapture you're not exactly surrounded by friends pretty much your only company is either weird little girls with glowing eyes and nasty looking syringes or horrendously mutated splicers and let's be honest the conversation isn't up to much there SE on everything everything because we're in the middle of the ocean I'm going to go ahead and assume you mean seaf fairing gentlemen there is one friendly face or at least friendly voice you can rely on as you EXP explore the failed city of rapture and that's Atlas he's got a Charming Irish lilt and he's just trying to rescue his wife Moira and their wee baby Patrick I know you must feel like the unluckiest man in the world right now but you're the only hope I'll ever see my wife and child again go to Neptune's Bounty find my family please plus he's always so polite it's all would you kindly this and would you kindly that I always say maners cost nothing imagine our surprised then when it turns out that Atlas your only friend in this godforsaken flooding city is actually a mobster called Frank Fontaine who has been manipulating you all along it's time to end this little mess grade there ain't no Atlas kid never was it turns out BFF stood for bad Frank Fontaine in the end for all its musings on the dangers of objectivism and its Treatise on free will Bioshock ends with a boss fight against a big monster and that monster is Frank Fontaine himself by this point Frank Fontaine is jacked up on the Adam wonder drug that provides your plasmid Powers throughout the game and the only language he understands is bullets to the face though I still feel bad about leaving Moira and the wee baby Patrick all alone I really wound you up with that wife and child bit oh me poor Moira I we baby Patrick unbelievable this [Music] guy we we all had our fair share of disappointing vacations but nothing quite on the scale of Dead Island this Tropical Paradise is overrun with zombies the swimming pools are filled with blood and the only cocktail you'll have in your hand is a Molotov at the very least they could have put a little umbrella in it when the zombies swarm the hotel and you're desperately searching for an Escape Route you'll be comforted by someone at the other end of an intercom at this point known only as the voice not to be confused with the reality TV show of the same name do exactly as I say okay you're going to have to trust me the voice is the calm reassuring help you need as you spend the nervy opening moments exploring the darkened corridors of the Royal Palms Resort Hotel then he's there again when you're rescued by The Lifeguard John ciney broadcasting from a setup that looks like it belongs to your average twitch streamer you need to get out of there and I can help you I can arrange for transportation by air by sea but first you need to get here just needs a touch more LED lighting then it'll be perfect quite a lot of your time in Dead Island is spent trying to rig up radio equipment to secure Communications with the voice not least because he appears to have a plan to secure an antidote to the Zombie Plague unfortunately when you reach the prison Island from which the voice is broadcasting he gasses you and steals the vaccine you had something he wanted he came in here and took it right off you like he knew just where to find it the vaccine turns out that Colonel Ryder White The Man Behind The Voice is planning on stealing the vaccine escaping with his zombified wife and nuking the island with a bunch of survivors still there Kevin told us the plan you're going to kill everyone maybe I should start with you uh I don't know how your friendships work but holding me at gunpoint is a sure way of getting Uninvited from my birthday party having been bitten by his zombified wife Ryder White then injects himself with the vaccine to cure himself but it has what we'd argue is the exact opposite effect in that it instantly turns him into a big gross zombie who acts as the final boss of the game okay he's definitely not coming to my birthday party now for one thing he'd never fit in the Bounce House friends are to come by amidst the glitzy malls and casinos of Dead Rising 2 because almost everyone you meet is either a zombie oh no or they've completely lost their goddamn mind you know me I'm Slappy everyone knows Slappy that's what makes Stacy for Scythe such a rock for your character Chuck green leader of the zombie Rights group cure Stacy is the one who stays behind in the safe house and looks after your daughter Katie while you head out into Fortune City looking for survivors information and Zombrex the medication that stops Katie from turning turning into one of the undead horde herself chuck if you find anyone alive out there I'll do what I can Stacy guides you through the entire game over walkie-talkie always has your back and the stakes of the main game's final boss fight are that if you lose Stacy and Katie will be sacrific to zombies the worst result imaginable better get up princess don't want to waste your last day on Earth sleeping that is unless you play Dead Rising 2os off the Record DLC which offered us a very different take on Stacy here you're playing as Frank West but your relationship with Stacy is the same right up until this point of the game which in the original plays out like this I found this down there too I'll call my station they'll send help what the hell and in off the Record plays out like this I'll call my station they'll send help what the yes now Stacy is the bad guy who is faking her concern for zombies her friendship with you and it seems even her own hair after everything that's happened you still haven't figured it out have you Frank now to finish the DLC you'll have to beat the final boss who is Stacy now revealed as agent s a stoe for evil pharmaceutical company fenot trans but talk Frank I had a feeling you'd show up so I prepared a little toy for you and it's not going to be easy because Stacy is now in control of a giant deadly Mech she's also a highly trained Black Widow knockoff operative while you're a schlubby out of shaped photographer head coming one of those things does take care of the other though so I guess all's well that ends well it's agent s I'm ready for extraction yeah I just have an old newspaper that needs to be taken out to the trash I need to start making better friends I wonder what that Weirdo And mascot costume is doing you ruin everything I'll never get a date now welcome to the end of the video and uh as Jane myself the final boss and your best friend I would like to recommend you these two videos we won't be fighting uh but there's this video from outside Xbox about the Bad Endings that took even more work than the good endings check those out or this from our sister Channel outside extra which are about the um the sequels that that just a coming sorry folks um so take your pick and that's all from me Jane your best friend and final boss
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 235,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, top ten, top five, top 10, top 5, list, countdown, best, worst, bosses, videogame, boss, betrayal, emotional, fight, final, friend, double dragon, yakuza, kiwami, kiryu, nishiki, star wars, jedi survivor, bode, twist, atlas, frank fontaine, bioshock, South Park: The Stick of Truth, kenny, princess, Colonel Ryder White, dead island, akuna, cal, Stacey Forsythe, dead rising 2, off the record, frank, chuck, battle, funny, gaming, weird
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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