Among Us Airship Map! Imposter Hunt Feat. Outside Xbox, Eurogamer and Dicebreaker

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Is it wrong that Evil Chaotic Genius Imposter Luke in these streams is possibly my favourite iteration of Luke? He just wants to see the world burn ♡

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/kettls 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] so it still hurts us [Music] so [Music] [Music] and on zero and uh to everyone else so we are streaming across four channels right now i'm here on outside xbox who else have we got uh nice breaker i'm here i i keep being advertised as mike on the other channels but it is me did i write mike again i didn't want to bring it up oh dear understanding i have confirmation from our end that it was perfect timing by the way we finally gathered to play the new airship map it's real it's here at last hooray real as it is here just to remind everyone who's watching one outside xbox that you can get the links to all the other uh streams if you want to see this from other feeds the links are all in the youtube description and i assume the same is true of all the other channels yes absolutely and ours now says uh andy instead of mike hooray nice cool okay early morning copy and paste so you can watch our emotes uh airship map from four different perspectives what a treat i'm very excited about this i'm kind of terrified because this map is supposed to be huge it's massive it's like eight of us we have another new gimmick as well that we'll be bringing in um we're gonna do some proximity chat so don't give up later on entertaining i swear fyi you get to choose where you start on the map interesting okay bye bye bye everyone okay hello everyone jane i can still hear you i think oh let's go to records can anyone hear me can you make sure the have we got the thing okay no one can hear me we have another uh proxy chat uh thing that we've all been told to give a go um and i'm just pretty sure that i wasn't using it so that people can't hear me but hello everyone you have me on outside extra welcome this is the cargo bay ellen where are you going this way this is the complete wrong direction now this map is huge um oh my goodness vert crash course where is it in the okay all the way down all the way down um oh my goodness no i can't go across there this map is so huge okay okay through here through here through here through the maze of electrical there's ether uh up we go here we go go through no oh my goodness i like that they give us so much time um no we are not space buddying today no ian i'm so mad come on someone find me we are not no wheels wheels report thank you ian ian and luke right there who is dead nice little [ __ ] yeah yeah that's new it's like it's like a train or something all right r.i.p ellen by the way but seriously oh yes oh my goodness please report um okay well so i found ellen um i don't know where anything is i don't know where i started where i was all i can give you is i climbed a ladder oh it tells you at the bottom of the where you are now where we are it tells there's a youth button why that really threw me i spent quite a lot of time trying to get off that ladder again yeah i i remember seeing jane also trying to stop the the crash think about it we were both like i don't know how to get to the other one so we were just running around panicked yeah so is wheels being suspicious oh no he's trying to wait for the floaty platform thing which did not come across yeah i did the other one by the way just okay how many imposters do we have two two okay ellen's gonna be really mad if we don't try and solve for murder oh yeah well nobody saw him oh my god anything useful the only person and we'll see each other i haven't seen um [Laughter] yeah i saw ether and she had lots of elements kill me sorry allen well ellen you should have died in front of me and then i wouldn't hold on a minute [Music] i can't wait till we eat somebody that's great now as well what what all right see you in the toilet okay you you oh you didn't choose the right places ian now you're on your own a right okay let's go uh and try and find these tasks that i have to do okay down to viewing deck fix the wiring oh my goodness here we go here we go here we go here we go oh i'm so mad i'm so mad and ian right if they're space buddying it i'm gonna be fuming i'm gonna be absolutely fuming okay so if we go up here up here no that's way up who is jane is dead so ian do you want to talk about the fact that you just murdered jane in front of me i did nothing you want to talk about the fact that you didn't see me just happen upon you at the last second i saw you murder her i was happily kicking i saw them i saw it in full glorious hd there's absolutely no possibility that could have happened because my foot was firmly kicking toilet doors in was it kicking a toilet door into the face of i know i don't know what else to say except that i saw ian murder jane and i i'm really not sure what the point is asking this question but where i mean it was i was coming up from the cargo bay and what it says at the bottom of my screen now is that we're in the lounge um it was like in a doorway basically so it might just be but sounds like a self-report to me andy voted already okay there was no one within 10 miles earlier yeah and ian's not really fighting black very hard look at look at ian's face he knows i've [Laughter] i'm excited for this thing about that the next time you murder someone in front of me oh my god the floor's coming at me really fast it's so dramatic [Laughter] all right all right all right here we go everyone up up here let's do the wires oh i picked something up there's ether ether stay safe you stay safe down there okay hi ian okay pick up oh i've gotta tidy up after everyone i'm killed and then i still have to do the tidying up what the hell is this absolute bull crap all right um pictures pitches pictures and they ask you for taking some selfies surely yeah hi okay that i think that's it i think that's it i think i've done it no i haven't no i'm gonna leave it okay let's leave it in and go away for a bit okay oh comes ah up here there we go oh my goodness are you for real i thought look i've already played this for a little bit uh with a friend and like i thought the bin bag one was bad enough but the bin the trash one is the worst one okay right there we go thank you for who whoever did the thing oh why oh no little james baby no oh oh is it why i want a banana it's a golden banana um why can i not um okay develop develop photos are done [Music] oh wow oh my goodness wow machine i don't even know who i just found because i just pressed the report button but um i think that's what i'm saying i don't know because i just pressed the report button i didn't see who it was it's dark but if i was running around in circles and she did not press the report button so i'm thinking it's ifa hold on a wee second lilies that was a bit that was a bit aggressive first off so i feel like you're you're really itching to place the blame on someone because circles were not as good at this game as you are i don't know you're running around in tight circles around the body because ether has switched to her presenter voice wait a minute i was not running around in circles around the bodies what are you talking about i don't even know you are it's right there where you are where i just saw you where are you where am i just just on the top where are we gap room am i getting lowly's right now i'm in the i'm in the kitchen i'm in the kitchen lilies right okay look just a wee second right lilies is going really really aggressively on i'm really not blaming you you don't want to see me aggressively shall we second because you clearly don't want me to right look listen earlier on andy said i was with him quite a lot when uh he you know we were on our own i had plenty of opportunity to kill him i reported ian we all right okay fair enough but i could have one but that was before ian i saw kill jane and i reported it immediately lilies is now trying to place the blame on me from out of nowhere i'm not anywhere near where she claims that i am i'm in the kitchen i can see him in the kitchen i was running around like trying the lights went out and then that's this is where we're at and i know where the kitchen uh okay ifa and lollies both look in the webcam we'll use this old trick okay both of you tell me you're not the imposter i am not the imposter i'm not the imposter but also i don't think i'm very believable but what i'll say is that little disclaimer you know that little disclaimer ifa straightaway went oh you're being really aggressive and i wasn't all i said is she i didn't see what body was and i'm pretty sure i just saw ethan running around circles listen to how much she wants to convince you right now did you not vote luke yes i did oh so if i didn't vote so you voted me okay well i did great i did vote no i voted for ethan there was only two votes did i not vote or maybe i didn't vote oh what do we do now loli's helped me wow okay this is interesting how do i not die okay oh my god luke why am i not why is it pointing me to those when i can't do them okay please fix there we go accept diverted power in the armory where the heckins is the armory over there okay [Music] don't say it sorry i i was sure i was on go on lilies go on do your re-bet no no my my bit is let's not again because okay okay i'm ready to vote again i actually saw her as well oh no it's luke was it lime green and yellow are such similar colors goodbye everyone's shaking their heads i made a terrible mistake legends against you're practically the same color luke luke killed me and ian walked over my body and i went we are not having space buddies again i didn't just walk i danced against [Music] i was sure but again like when we were after after the meeting i even said i was like yellow and lime green are such similar colors i could have i could have seen the wrong color really annoyed i didn't listen to myself oh well it's there sorry just quickly off topic is anyone unable to type messages in there yeah oh that's a new thing yeah um i don't know if there's a way to fix that or what i think now the way it works maybe you can toggle this off is do you see like there's a little speedometer yeah next to the chat now you can only do like sort of stock phrases i don't know i know because i know so i was typing because i was like i want to kill luke because i think you have to be over 18 to be able to type or something so you might have to sign in if you go on your settings there's a sensor chat option oh that might have something to do with it there you go hello no i think i might need to sign it my sense of chat was on um i think it's just because before yeah i signed in so like you just you just chat is only for grown-ups no freaky chats for the kids everyone you're glossing over the fact that luke is evil and lied to all of us yeah to be fair luke didn't need to lie either like lowly's so down on each other it was entirely my fault he just sat there going second he's like i just need to let this out when he does that one with his hand he's like i don't have to do anything and then he does that and they should add a new map all the time it makes everything so much more easy because i was like i'm gonna have to i don't know where i am which one of you is streaming to die spray spray okay so people wouldn't have seen that wheels actually did show me uh how to kick in the doors in in a cool way and then i killed him afterwards do you know what do you know what the most suspicious thing was we were perfectly set up to both kick in the door at the same time like we were epic swap buddies and he didn't do it so from that i'm going to say my play of the day was asking how many imposters do we have yes you should have heard me on you watch the orchestra shop chat back good luck okay good luck everyone engine room let's try here okay oh i've got fixed chat okay armory i'm re-armory armory hello hello ian don't you dare murder me there's wheels okay okay all right hang them up there hang on surely it's a bad idea that was swift wasn't wasting no time okay so i'm in the engine genuinely couldn't see andy because the lights are off i just walked past and my report button flashed up and i was like okay so why don't they they literally could have been in the room with me and i wouldn't have known okay i walked past you you came up from the armory and then into the engine room yeah you want to know who was behind me it was ian was he indeed yeah i was i was indeed behind you i'm in the engine room now doing a wiring task the fact that the lights were off made it very difficult to know what was going on i went up i did wiring in the top left i walked past to do another task which was in like the top bit of the map because i don't know what anything's called uh and i saw the report button right in the middle of the room okay i'm i started in the kitchen and now i'm on the viewing deck i was just going to fix the light that's because there's a light box on the viewing deck essentially i did like the what's that called when you have like a phone and you're holding it and you're trying to get yourself all the signal on that one yeah i was in the chat just taking a shower there is a shower [Laughter] it's a burger um but yeah so wheels you found the body in the engine room in the engine room and that's where i spawned i left i spawned next to ian and and maybe yeah maybe loli's in the kitchen no ian spawned with me in the engine room who did you go for learners i don't know i wanted for ian what well might as well because um because ellen said about what he came out the armory and into there and i came it's it's either wheels or ian in my mind hold on hold on ellen no no no that's just because of where people were no sorry i'm not no i want to know how you saw me at the lights were off because i don't remember seeing you you walked right past me and then i went into weapons and the i the lights went off oh damn it damn my resting guilt face do you vote for lily's ian no i didn't know i bought it for me i skipped my phone oh god for ian right oh sorry turn my mic off so people can't hear me i've got to finish off my weapons task because i was trying to hang these up there we go see i was in the menu and everyone's like oh the lights went out and i was like when did they go out it didn't go out for me is it here no where where have i gotta go i've gotta go oh my god i've gotta go all the way up there okay uh uh uh up into the brig and to the vault let's go to the vault what is that i thought that was a body for a second there there's so many ah i've got to do that shine it i'm punching a baboon um all right done done done done records i need to go to record so across here let's get can i hahaha hi jane don't met oh ian i am so sorry i didn't see either of them it was really weird in that first round i was like oh well i went to fix the lights and i was like when did the lights break it was because i was in the middle of a task and i couldn't say that though because i'm like i'm gonna look real sus if i'm like the lights were rough i'm more i'm more angry with everyone who voted for me just because you went i think it might be ian that's one of the proof you need i mean what it's worth ian i've i was the one who voted for lowly's oh good i mean look somehow i i ended up going in pink because you somehow turned orange oh i did turn orange okay i'll take that back if you want to be orange if anyone wants this green nam i'm happy to swap as well that was an incredible play ether and loli's and also did it heal a rift yeah well there is no ref to begin with [Laughter] seeing as it's very hard not only to get around this place but to know what the hell's going on because none of us know this map should be swapped to one imposter uh just throwing it out there yeah yeah that might make sense actually with such a big map it seems like the imposters are having a pretty easy time of it uh it wasn't easy it's very unimpressive [Laughter] i will say luke when we were in that final three you must have just been sat there like yeah no yeah just immediately at each other's throats and you just have to sit back lily's our chat's asking what's the opposite of space buddies because that might be what we are space how about friend and evil's evil space buddies bass buddies evil space space baddies bodies that song has been stuck in my head yeah it's just like horrible [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] no limit when i was a little kid i didn't know what the word limit was so i thought they were singing no lemon and i i was only corrected when i was loudly singing no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i know it took a while oh i'm terrible with song lyrics i've gotten so many of them wrong i tried to sign in just then but it was happening no my orange dance someone's gonna be like i saw orange it was wheels right all right engine let's try the engine again uh all right all right okay let's go down to the viewing deck okay there's ian you stay away from me ian there's ever and there's jane okay okay oh god i'm right on a vent here please don't come out the vent and murder me oh no the lights okay come on come on come on come on come on i think if i get killed here i literally can't see anyone coming because my view is already small all right all right let's fix this there we go all right all right let's do this phone let's get my connection hello poor none none uh come on where is it good there we go so you do when in doubt just wiggle it about don't say it no oh god i'm sorry no i meant for a phone when you're looking for signal that's not going on a t-shirt that's for sure right okay into the maze of electrical maze of electrical oh there's ian huh i immediately had to be like is there a body no okay uh right okay okay can i oh gosh this is horrible to get around right uh i need to go up okay hi andy oh lights have gone again or it's no it's that's just the what's it remember okay that's good to know um oh my god oh my god oh my god how do i get out there how do i get up there uh uh [Music] the dead orange of wheels i would know it well wheels is dead oh no um you want to know the two people who ran past me i'm pretty sure one of them was i think ether one of them was definitely ian ian i'm sorry you ran past me yes what it's worth i i was with ian for a time uh and he didn't he did not kill him i trust nothing that comes from your mouth luke west away okay that's fair all i was doing was non-guilty running around trying to work out how to there's a coat you have to do to make a walkway appear or something and you have to go from one end of a room and the codes are like diamonds and jewels and coins and then you have to run all the way through medical to then enter the code on the other side or a level of detail but i keep forgetting so i have to keep running backwards and forwards i don't know if that's a thing but i mean forgetting is definitely a thing it would be terrific if it wasn't i think um oh my god sorry i just realized how many people were dead yeah like we need to sort this out like now okay uh well ellen i don't know if i did honestly i couldn't say if you saw me because i wasn't really paying attention i ran past andy at one point but once the sabotage went off i was basically trying to find a path up to where it was happening yeah i i was running around with my map out and then i saw jane's dead body and he's still alive but he's having something he's filming all right my microphone has switched to a different microphone okay no worries i trust andy if that's anything because i've walked past him earlier and he could have easily killed me i was stuck somewhere and i did wait hold on so just because i ran past you i'm guilty because you ran past me from the direction of a dead body unfortunately because of the number of corpses we're going to have to agree to vote for someone and just hope for the best right all right i'm going for it i'm not doing any ghost tasks if i get voted out again i'm just going to stamp my little see-through feet okay so ian and the other imposter voted for me there's only one imposter now wait i thought there was one in buster yeah oh was there still two yeah there were two of them oh [ __ ] okay wait didn't we change it to one that's why we created a new room there's one imposter so we killed ian yes you did but we shouldn't have correct oh no oh no yes jay uh ellen yes i'm sorry ian right okay okay all right all right well i can do that at least i'm at a dead end oh my gosh oh no no i'm right next to a vent okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay can i oh my god where where where do i need to go to it's telling me to go there why i think that's a bug i think that's a bug don't kill me ether don't kill me if it was ether oh god i bet it was ether oh god i bet it was ether right i'm going to go around and try and find i don't know i'm going to sneak in here and try and do my task oh man no i fluffed it up guys guys gals non-binary pals welcome to ellen absolutely fluffing it right four five nine four oh come on [Laughter] where do i get out i need to get across oh and he's playing with his camera and he's got microphones oh no i can't talk i'm too busy fixing these i do legitimately have microphone issues it switched me over to a bad microphone that was massively done though i watched andy there and he just yeah smashed it also also like for what it for what it's worth um like it wasn't andy's microphone issues that made me trust andy it was ellen saying so confidently i trust andy because he walked past me so many times and didn't kill me yeah you know what that's exactly what i did but you still haven't i also didn't kill you ellen right you and ether both walked past a dead jane and didn't spot her and it was bright orange stuff my map out all the time yeah i had my map out and it's visible through the map because guess what she was bright orange this round okay andy you've sewn immense discord i'm going to try and fix my mic excuse me for a moment ian will hear this will make you feel better spanxy uh has said a toast for ian forever sus always a madness if only his fellows would just instill trust hashtag forever in our hearts nice oh well that does slightly make up for the fact that i have been twice condemned to death for the crime of joking sorry that would be hashtag forever ian our hearts you're like you're just always so soft though even even back in school i'd get in trouble for stuff other people did because the teacher would be like hector you were the the imposter in the first round so you know we've we've yeah and has been the imposter sometimes do you deny that you've been the imposter before [Laughter] forever says well i need that on a t-shirt now that's from that's from e122 forever [Laughter] all right oh the chat wants me to tell you all about what i said when i was playing with the phone signal game um and i was like i did it and then i just kind of went across the screen and i was like well when in doubt wiggle it about and then i realized i did the phone signal thing and i i thought it was one of those ones where you just have to wait i watched yeah you just have to wait but you have to find the you have to find it i was there for like 45 seconds or like a ludicrous amount of time watching it you have to find it there's a perfect way where it says google you have to get it green good oh well i managed to get good perfect as orange which is weird but yeah that was weird well i mean i mean look look at the photo evidence we have here orange is perfect so let's crack on um i think we're waiting for emily by the way yeah we are he's doing things doing things yeah he looks like he's fixing her alarm [Laughter] hey i got a cat while we're waiting she's gone okay come join us sandy join us in the lobby one sec good luck me good luck in you got this buddy okay crewmate one imposter imagine if it is ian now right kitchen let's try let's try danny i what ian hello right let's go up to the cockpit all right all right all right all right all right all right oh my gosh someone already breaking the lights okay hovering over the report button no who else is here so what oh there's just multiple places that you can do it from i reckon okay okay because it's such a huge map so i was like there is a ghost here doing the thing like not lit what what is this what okay honk honk honk i've done it that's on there oh and i need to do it perfect there okay sorry i didn't see the little green arrow all right what is this anyone there okay there's someone in the vault okay there was two in the main hall and then not and then oh my goodness oh my goodness right i need to go down to electrical anyway uh there we go thank you whoever did that right i need to go to electrical so let's go through here [Music] why can i not come on oh oh jane [Music] i saw wheels a little while ago in the meeting room because i was up swiping or you're doing the thing where you get out your card and enter the id code and i was like oh yeah there's wheels and he can attest the fact that we saw each other and didn't kill each other so he can't have he can't attest to anything this is this is liable um i found wheels in security i'm in security right now um i fixed the lights on the viewing deck and then i went to the right through the hall of pictures into security and he was there by the security desk so i'm assuming he was doing like a task there okay i'm in the cargo bay i've seen no one does anyone know how to do the thing where you develop photos you leave it in there yes and then yeah and then walk away when do you know when they come out george's leaf there's a timer it counts it down on the taskbar for you and then you just go back later and you click on it and it's like done okay yeah all right well that was right well that was my round so the only people i've seen are ellen and wheels and we know it's not wheels and i'm pretty sure it's not ellen so you know it's not that's all i've got do we know i walked past oh wait he's dead start i can see his angry ghost though uh i think i ran past people did i run past i ran past pretty quickly so i don't know i don't think i saw you i'll vote with any world accusation if anyone's got one to [Laughter] it's safer to skip right now [Applause] wait no that wouldn't have been impossible that's the imposter hoping that ian would have done it as well that's exactly here we go go go okay yes first time oh i hate that these doors are all different all right all right all right can i get there we go that's the one please fix okay oh no how do i can i go through this way to get up to the thing no this is a bad way this is the bad way is there anyone here no that's just a bin oh god oh god oh no someone did it good okay i need to go into the showers no can't go that way how how okay let's go up through the lounge all right all right smash those open bang bang no one's dead yet in there okay okay hello hello that was a bit scary luke why did you turn around i was just trying to stick with you okay i found aether's corpse the green corpse in what's called the gap room which is the room with the platform that goes left to right yeah that i still haven't figured out um room whereabouts is on the map geographically it is in this like north north middle north middle yeah okay now isn't it is luke asking that to seem innocent i'm asking that to establish how far away it was from me where are you how do you see the map we're in the meeting um we're in the meeting room i've got the map open in a tab hacks i think we're in the meeting room and if you go down the ladder you know the little floaty flat platform okay th this whole area is like the gap room that we're like if you go down the ladder i think okay uh well i i briefly saw ifer at the end there i saw ian at the start of this round i finished my photo task i went up i did a fuse switching in the meeting room and then i saw loli's and that's about all i accomplished i did files in the filing room then i did the right button when the alarm was going off and then i went around to the one of the one of those buttons you did the left one okay yeah because then i came around to join you in the meeting room okay all right i'm happy it's not ether i think she's ready and and i'm happy it's not andy and i'm happy it's not wheels those three seem quite innocent to me i mean it seems at this point like we can't accuse ian but i feel like i can accuse you i briefly saw ellen but she could have been on cooldown i don't know i don't know who do we vote for tell me because i saw at the beginning of the game and i think it's jane i don't know i i it could i mean it must be a self report surely well if i was there and i was just in the air and i left and i didn't see imagine it's not a self self-report who would it be then because vote for james jane good i think i'm gonna be furious oh my god okay okay i just want to say because luke is freaking me out luke did turn around and start chasing me a moment ago so it might be luke it might be like oh my god luke oh my god all right so i have a feeling it's probably luke uh there was someone in this room with me at the very end of that thing and i can't remember who oh my god are you at how do i can i if i can i do how do i bring it across oh this is absolutely i hate it okay okay right where do i so i need to go down and all the way around [Music] all right ready on the report button in case i see anyone in this world no anyone anyone don't no one no one best murder me all right all right here we go here we go hi luke if you bloody kill me ah flip a neck three three two one six okay i've done all my tasks all right lee where'd you go where the heck do i go okay okay luke's doing that one i'm trusting him to do that one six two oh five six zero one nine five six zero one nine okay okay lolis lowly's lowly's no loneliness killed luke hello oh my goodness for a hot second i luke was on one side doing the beep to save the ship and then i went round across and i did the bib and then i came up and lolis came along on the left and i was like no looks dead and then he set the meeting alarm so okay i'm not saying i took ages though i'm not standing around waiting to be murdered i'm comfortable that it's not ellen because i think ellen and your vouch for me in return i think yeah both just did the yeah okay okay who's got a task left to do i've done all mine i've done all mine i'm done oh wait oh ghost ghost jane just put her hand up so okay it does i mean i feel like one task will win us the game anyway if you look at the task right uh okay well i feel like the polite thing to do at this point is to get loli's knee and to give an account of themselves and i will try and kill whoever i disbelieve wait but there's nothing going to finish on tasks um i mine comes from lolis i can't handle it is she right is that yeah the risk is there's one task to win if we if we kill someone who is innocent it means that the imposter only has to kill one person to win and so it would be a drastic race to the finish but there's but that's what we need to do all we need to do is rely on ghost jane to do a task swift and then okay all right everyone should we all skip then and then just everyone out there stay alive yeah yep okay stay alive simple as that i don't like how quickly ian voted ian voted for me it's ian stop the ellen what have you got against this no okay everyone stay alive here if it's not ian okay stay alive everyone especially ian oh my god it's got to be in right ian you you kill me and i will right don't don't right backup code okay zero five eight two six okay zero five eight two six someone go across oh my goodness the absolute you go down and round i will save us then come on [Music] i'm so sorry it took me so bloody long to do that one task that was so stressful i'm so glad the only one who had tasked was already done i literally just died as the game ended and lolis was like i opened the door that killed you isn't it as soon as that round began um like we went back in and immediately the alarm went off and i was like only lolis knows how to do it that quickly i don't know what's going on with that bridge thing like i pressed the buttons and nothing you i think you can only take it from the direction it's at so when you step yeah you can't you and i this maps are bastards it's like dark souls but they don't even put levers in do you want to try proximity from the only [Laughter] just remember you got to keep the mouse depressed you got to stay clicking on it because i i was do i did it like 30 or 40 times before i got it right so apologies to everyone watching on the outside xbox stream because that must have been infuriating but we got there in the end we got there in the end it's so good and like it was quite fun at the end there because me and ellen and ian were all struggling to do the thing and i was like at this point i just know it's lonely so i just went up to press the button but luckily oh my can we enjoy ian's [Music] proximity chat is for people who may not know um it's that um i thought like ian raised his hand but no uh yeah it just means you can talk to people who are in the same room as you so you'll be able to hear people inside the game when they're nearby so you can chat and interrogate them as to their current motives ask them what they're up to that kind of thing so it's a model that we have running background settings yeah yeah we've already set them which i think will be set for everyone okay um uh andy we are all in products yeah in a room yeah you don't have to be in a game you just left the i left the room couldn't hear me you've got to make sure you've got the right money you have to sell yourself i think every time you open the proximity chat you need to set your audio settings again because it wasn't saving for me so you want to check that it's coming out of the right speaker and you've got the right mic there we go you should all have a great one can everyone hear me yes mm-hmm can everyone hear me hear me i can hear you i hear lily's i hear james yes lovely okay okay let's go can i be heard sorry i should have asked yep yeah yeah excellent i know it puts us on the side well this is gonna be the most social game we've ever played very excited let's go so this is going to be a different experience for the viewers at home yes also ghost can talk to the empire oh ghosts can talk to you about okay okay ghost can talk to the imposter all right so hopefully only i can be heard at the moment because i'm not near anyone um let's right let's go into the main hall got a couple of tasks hello kai [Laughter] no [Music] okay ellen are you the imposter no i'm not oh i didn't hear the answer to that are you the imposter no i'm not i'm not good i'm not either okay but i would say that wouldn't i guess luke yeah the problem is i don't want to do any tasks now i'm like wait let's all hang out we'll get on the same spot so that whoever in this room is the imposter can do a nice statue because luke said why don't we stuck up here who said do a snack kill oh dude he did it no okay i think it's jane or andy because they said that just then i got very scared oh my god my heart is genuinely because i feel like whoever did that murder couldn't have chosen because we were it was there wasn't a better time i think it okay it was andy or jane because they came right out the gate with that with the accusing yeah just because i just because i suggested killing someone jane and i were together for ages before the before the kill that's true i can vouch for andy jane could have killed me my ages before i was joking about killing andy for ages and i didn't so that's yeah and i heard her doing it because of rockstar who kick it's the truth when in doubt kick ian out it's around that right with anyone the only thing is that yeah you could put anyone's name in there as long as it was if i didn't know it was definitely not like you weren't there i know now i know it's not me and i know it's not andy so i can only think it's like but i don't think i have enough information oh my gosh the tape will show i wasn't even barely even there and poor fools well good luck getting murdered all of you i'm sorry luke okay i did oh god damn it andy hi andy oh you can hear me because i'm a ghost you murdered me and i'm gonna haunt you for the rest of your life oh who died i didn't even see who died you know who died it was the person you stuck the knife into wasn't it andy oh look at you trying to be all happy and cheering yeah hi hi luke i can hear you sometimes i'm just haunted because he killed me i'm following the imposter right now i know i'm so sorry luke i was just like everyone oh my okay i'm gonna try and do some tasks let's yeah let's haunt is oh oh gosh a code okay code all right okay i'm gonna go over to the electrical okay okay it fits well least as a ghost i don't have to worry about how that was the most terrifying thing that's ever happened james but we're safe with lollies like lolita there's only one imposter and we were all there for the murder it's this bizarre scenario so lowly's inside all right let's do the towels first oh josie's town there we go there we go i like hearing these little snippets of conversation especially like people like myself who are having to host and just hear these little conversations that you're having with yourself it's nice let's check in on jane on the outside xbox chat you know um all right let's let's get let's get uh oh it's down in communications here we go here we go here we go here we go let's just do my tasks hi [Music] records then should we horn tandy yes that's we've done all your jobs i'm nearly there i've just got to go to uh cargo bay and communications all right should i meet you in the main hall in like 30 30 seconds uh yeah i think they'll do yeah all right see you there all right okay okay here we go oh good perfect yes done why is that orange okay okay lolis no i think he's over this direction i should probably do my tab where's ian he's probably dead jane he's probably dead right okay ghosts let's try and find andy ah here andy hello andy i have finished my tasks so now i'm going to make it my task to haunt you for this entire game how dare you stack kill me how dare how very dare you i'm going to haunt you forever [Music] dead men tell no tale it was jane it was [ __ ] and she ran away when she started jay went oh no oh no and then ran away [Applause] because we know it's not loneliness we know it's not wheels i don't have either because for a while i suspect but it can't be ether um it's not me because i know it's not me just entertain that notion um who does that leave ian and andy and i was singing a little song and then i heard you jane and you like is that ian's voice in the fence yes because i could i could hear you but i couldn't see it i could hear you i couldn't see you now ether i'm kind of just talking to you here i know it's not you um if we just vote for one of the three and then call another emergency meeting and then vote for another one eventually we'll win [Laughter] brute force among us what do you know this really jane oh jane actually pressed report but that might i i saw the body and then i saw movement so i was like i was back wheeling and reporting at the same time backpedaling and reporting this really depends this really all comes down to how good a liar we think jane is like because i kind yeah no it was lonely so it was definitely it was um at the bottom of the ship where you go outside to do the mobile phone reception thing okay so i was down there just in the kitchen doorway and i passed andy yeah [Music] [Laughter] let's find oh yeah candy again this is where we live and please stay away from me and what you stay away from me you stay away you stay away from jane or i shall murder you back till you're dead yes andy spooky spooky ghost haunting you handy [Music] way for me oh my god i heard [Music] jane whisper in the distance saying something about a sabotage and i was like no is it her and then i ran away with andy scared of sabotage yeah either i definitely could if i were the imposter i definitely could have killed you then no because no one started so he couldn't have been uncool well unless we just died i guess how long how long he's gonna hide my face i'm gonna hide my reaction yeah i think he probably missed been longer than that you probably tried to kill industry it's the same as the emergency meeting right i think jane did a panic self report personally no wheels to be honest can i convince you not no when when andy's guilty he usually goes really aggressively he's not doing that no that's true he's not he's not i don't i don't have a tell him [Laughter] um it's weird how props chat doesn't actually make this easier you know no it makes it even more doesn't it yeah because it's like oh i think i heard someone say something um it is funny hearing people go when they see you in there yeah it's funny hearing ghosts [Music] [Laughter] so let's start with jay yeah [Music] why don't you vote for randy first because you can no fix sorry we've got two pieces of evidence you were in the stack and you were next to a corpse oh there it is try not to react try not to react [Music] hey ellen hi luke how you doing i'm all right um i've done all my jobs should we go and find andy and and yeah it's a good time yeah oh look there he goes with the savage yeah sabotage immediately oh it makes him feel like a big man yeah but it does okay not in that way okay okay okay down here down here [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh rounds it's andy because ether and annie were next to each other yeah so vote for andy yes there we go all right thank you very much everybody [Laughter] [Laughter] you become a ghost and you start like you instantly hear all the ghosts haunting the empire i was so suspicious of being because you ran and it was like yeah he should be able to hear the ghost oh other guys who can hear nothing we were all like and he should have been able to hear all the angry ghosts pursuing him around the airship i thought he was doing an incredibly good job of keeping a poker face even though they were like yeah that must really matter eight voices yeah well you should watch that i should watch ellen's footage back andy because yeah okay this is incredible so nearly if i could have got across that gap i could have got to the last one of the last two but i had to go a big loop round took too long i can't believe i i vouched for andy right and right at the beginning that was my mistake because we were running around together for ages yeah yeah and he turned absolutely good luck all right here i am in the break with ian hi ellen hello ian hello just because i've spawned with you doesn't mean it's just interesting we have we're very like-minded in our spawning locations that's all that's true yeah not in our voting tendencies [Laughter] i didn't that's true one one out of five one out of five ain't bad oh he didn't hear my uh that's a reference to someone and i can't remember even what it is but it's a song that's in my head hello hello i had to be up here that's all right um i need to go down to the viewing deck let's do that one hello wheels oh hey ellen here we go down through weapons now this kitchen is like a dangerous spot i want to be careful along here someone could ease oh i don't have to do the phone one i need to do a download oh gosh download it's going to take a while come on come on downloads oh there goes wheels again hello wheels all right so um hi lm hello we're doing the phone as well yeah oh oh this one's infuriating yeah there we go all right that's good okay that's perfect you know what i'm just gonna say i heard you talking to yourself and like about the task and i don't think you knew i was there which i think i think is a good approximation of your guilt which is none ah thank you well i did i did spot you there i saw you go down and then i was like oh you have to do it oh okay fair enough maybe not then well i was doing something i was doing a wires or whatever that was a download that was it and then you went past i was like oh there's wheels hi but you were tv i remember you were like oh come on download and i was like i don't know if she goes out there i need to go to the main room now i think ah good luck see you let's have a look at the cameras oh i saw andy in the engine room luke and loli's from the vault and jane well loads of people in the vault oh boy okay mute yourself i saw ian i did that by muscle memory my muscle memory i thought where was ian i saw i saw him about like two or three minutes ago up um near the meeting room we were up on the top level yeah last time i saw him was the meeting room okay uh i thought lolis and luke were like a duo there did either of you i saw them in the vault because i was i was with lollies and luke yeah yeah we've never been live for like a minute at the end i would not even a minute it was like 10. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i wouldn't allow her into guilt-free club that lowly tonight you've helped yourself to fair enough one bit of evidence i would suggest is important is that there haven't been any sabotages which is unusual for someone else it's not lilies okay probably not lonely i know it's not lolis i would say uh ellen was also very innocent looking because i found ellen and we were standing around for ages and i think i heard ellen talking about her task when she didn't know i was there i think i don't know yeah the mark of an innocent yeah i was like download and then i saw wheels go past and i was like oh look there's wheels and then we both did the phone one i realized i stopped doing it because i realized although it was funny it would actually make me quite suspicious to be like handy come back here andy here we are oh god i couldn't tell you i reported it but it was it was in the corridor oh yeah oh okay where was it quickly you're lucky that two people skipped okay there was two votes for her just just a note what were the other two votes for yeah yeah who what who else was oh if if more than two people skipped vote maybe oh there was two skips uh okay oh okay all right hello i'm a little bit suspiciously so i'm gonna run away that's okay okay put some space sorry for i'm just i need to get through to electrical okay off we go oh it slides down okay oh that was good okay go go yes first time again okay hello oh god um okay what's up what it's really funny like hearing people get cut off right okay okay let's uh hi it was jane i shouldn't have skipped the vote i shouldn't have skipped the vote damn it right well this is giving me a throwback to the 90s there we go oh is that telling me to go to the to fix the lights bit i've done all my tasks okay all right jane where are you jane there's me in security okay peter's in the cargo bay all right genji and jane went up this way jane james james hi james hi jane jane jane is thank you we saw you murdering everyone i thought i was so close i'm just like hanging out with ether going like oh ether no i don't know how you get across this game wasn't i right to deny jane entry into guilt free club you were no you were you absolutely were and i tried to get on that bandwagon you pushed me right off that bandwagon and you were right too so who's going to throw me off this goddamn airship do the ceremonial shoving like the ceremonial [Laughter] that was amazing i was so glad i was immediately avenged yeah yay i'm just gonna say proximity chat makes a really good game even better like it's so oh funny can't hear anyone else i think we should not there we go no obviously yes i was about to stab you andy i knew it i know how you are when you're about to stab me yeah yeah yeah you do jane asked me i was like oh hi jane it is so much fun but also a great giveaway yeah yeah so jane even though you were stalling for time how is the actual way you do that puzzle you have to remember the code and put it in somewhere i wasn't stalling for time i i genuinely do not know how to be i was not lying to you i have no idea how you do that one how do you do that okay you have to remember the four jewels in order and then run all the way around to the other side hey everyone that's a nightmare oh hey we need to go to the other room oh sorry all right oh everyone's gone hello everyone just popping in the code for the new game hello hello hey hi hi hi hi hey echoes you're on youtube yeah there we go lovely lovely lovely okay two imposters let's rock and roll oh two interesting yeah uh-oh so can hear you covering the events but no one else can you can't apparently still i've never made it like that but yeah that's right good luck everybody good luck all right here we go let's go straight across to records yes let's use this okay okay okay hi luke hi hey ellen are you an imposter no i'm not good i'm doing download you better not be the imposter well i'm standing here smiling okay cool you want to stick together yeah okay all right oh my gosh it's so dark i don't i can't even see where you are uh i'm still just in there oh there we are hello okay should we do i'll follow you we'll do your tasks first and then we can do mine okay okay if we go down this way all right so i think do i have to do [Laughter] are you doing it with your hat on that's going to get wet i'm washing myself and my clothes next door i've just got to do these these photo ones are just right here so i'm just going to come in there yeah i hate this one okay i'll go down to electrical next all right i always get so confused in here because it goes down to low visibility because it's a red oh oh boy and we found a dead jane in the bath in the toilets i don't know it's also dead oh god yes that's helpful because i know it's i thanks ian um because i know it's not because i know it's not ellen and i'm pretty sure it's not lowly's um how we're all in the kitchen at the beginning yeah well this is making a sandwich i was making a sandwich yeah lonely slowlys and luke both watched me shower okay i'm sure that sounds just as okay as it is it's fine for yourself um so i started off in the cargo bay um and then i went south into elections it's never gonna work you're too good at the game e for account for yourself i was in the game i was in the kitchen for a bit and then i was in the bed um it's like a maze i don't really understand how it works because the doors are all like different um and then doing some wiring in there um and then yeah just i went in uh to do some stuff in the vault the big bit at the top of the statues what tasks have you done this round wheels what tasks have i done i've done the dividing you probably didn't need to repeat that question i probably didn't need to repeat that question yeah the thing the extra thinking time you think that you buy an extra second of thinking time yeah i don't know if it does buy me actually no i'm gonna stop now um so i've diverted power um i'm the cargo bay i did some wires i also uh i think i've got a phone thing is that in the bottom left because that's the yeah the one where you have to hold thank you that's the one i was walking towards yeah it's either that or it's like the the panel that's on the wall wheels you and i just did that game in the last round and we were we were right next to we're right next to each other no but there's so much 10 seconds i might vote for andy i dressed up a mannequin i had to put a little hat on it and an eye patch and a like a tank top thing i've not done that task before that was new and it took me ages to get in there because i had to go down on some stairs okay well i'm dead luke i actually didn't vote for wheels [Laughter] large map where are we going then all right i feel okay about it but also is it okay i don't know somebody just ran past me didn't talk hello it's me lolis lolis oh it's you hey ah that's the night okay hello hello ventilation hey i have to go to electrical luke i didn't we didn't coordinate where to where to spawn in that was a real oh well well i'll try and get some stuff done okay i need to go to the meeting room and i need to go along to the viewing deck okay okay okay oh wow oh good oh good for good none yeah there you are never see anyone hi what are you doing i just did the phone one and i'm trying to get up and there's a door locked there so i'm going to these ladders phone yeah there's one on that viewing one as well as the other one i don't know whether she heard that she probably is so sus with me hi eva hi ellen eva eva how dare how dare you okay okay all right okay where is this going where are we going to go to the meeting room and do this okay where do we avert the crash course oh you're trying no that's not right they're all on the other side either oh okay thank you okay i assume terry jane oh no hi jane right okay where have i got to go down straight down straight down let's get this task done and then i can haunt the haircut [Music] so i saw ellen ellen went up the ladder and then i ran to vitals and ellen was dead so she died within seconds of me seeing her um [Laughter] luke and andy have you been together that whole time more or less yeah there were a few seconds at the beginning i think it must be e5 because it happened literally in the last few seconds before i met you two and i didn't we've only got one imposter left we've only got one imposter left because there's four of us and the game would be over if it was two damn well like i haven't seen anybody i saw i saw no wait because i saw luke and andy a few times i hadn't seen you at all lily's ethan no stalling what was the last task you did yeah defend yourself right the rifles like reloading rifles was it you reloading unless she's lying i don't i'm not a very good well i am a good liar but i would have i would have i would have said because look look throws his lot in with imposters anyway so i told the two of you that ellen was dead and then then andy went to find the body so why would i do that if like if i was the imposter why would i have said i just saw her dead on vitals and she's playing the long game but like i was around you for ages and didn't kill you ages yeah but i i split off before around 30 seconds went past because i thought you were on a cooldown probably right well that but that doesn't like that doesn't mean i wasn't i was the imposter like and then i saw both of you right i spent so much time with andy yeah a lot of time with loli's i don't know i'm sorry for if i could i'm ready to luke just vote for it i'm ready to believe that lolis has played us like a fiddle oh god what if loli's displayed it's like a damn fiddle [Music] okay the game the game is so much harder when you're the imposter and you can hear the ghosts because you can't respond to them when you're streaming so you're like he was like feeding you information i could hear you but i didn't want to say anything in case anyone else was an ear shot so like i was like like either they're above you they're on your left quick but like well what can i do about it you know they were both they were both together so it's really funny though because you just hear people going ah [Laughter] can you hear us in the meeting as well when we're dead and you're the killer or could you no i don't i don't think so no yeah she was singing and i'm like i couldn't possibly eat her because she's singing so beautifully and innocently and then later i found out that it was ian's singing it was ghostly we were doing a jet from beyond the [Laughter] grave okay all right once more on to the breach all right hello oh hey ellen hey y'all are you the imposter then no i'm not i know i need to go in here though i think i have to what's this what what do i have to do hey hey hello what do i have what is the task in here oh it's that one it's over here there's a pilot that you can polish oh this one you get to dress up some mannequins yay [Music] okay all right done okay all right all right all right all right uh which way are you good oh but i'm going south oh here's andy hi hi can we trust you then i'm downloading files from the brick to my tablet it's 56 73 85. all right let's try which is down here um oh my gosh it's way down okay okay fix these lights yep i did it well done i've done the thing nice okay i'm gonna go down to electrical okay i trust lolis i think because she could have easily killed me there i need to go along here all right hello hello hello make sure that she's up hello oh yeah electrical is this way oh no that's round oh fly me it's an absolute maze it changes every time ready okay i think ellen's safe i think ella's not a killer i'm good i'm good ladies i think you're saying um i need to go in here [Laughter] is we just wanted to show we wanted to find luke to show him the condimates in the kitchen i don't but then ether was also supposedly doing the phone task and then was like whoa are you why is that suspicious though like that's a natural reaction on edge which is wheeling around why would i be on edge as an imposter i reported andy is dead right oh yeah sorry [Laughter] well me and ian were nowhere near andy so yeah where did you i was yeah oh you were all in the kitchen because there's no dead andy corpse in the club he's in there like the um you're in the kitchen at the beginning of the first round how are you still in the kitchen i've been so that's my fault i've been making him look at the condymates on the kitchen shelves yeah i was mainly chatting with you we were having the best time for condiments and he is in the um i think it's the room with like just the one shower in it okay you know where there's where you take a shower rather than this dark room oh uh hang on it says it says communications but i don't think it's oh communications is by the british station's then yeah by the cockpit yeah oh okay i'm mixing my room up room's up then well i love how we know when the game's on you jane because you turn pink oh yeah sorry about my i have no idea why my camera is turning me pink whenever i opt out so that's a bug to fix after today at least you're pink in the game um yeah it matches skip so yeah i guess yeah oh you'd like that i can barely follow him i'm suspicious [Music] oh hello hello yeah it's funny how long is it i'm going to the kitchen all right i'm going to go up to the cockpit that's open that's okay let's use this we go lovely accept the power okay let's go back into the electrical oh my god no please okay i have to go up to the room uh okay i'm getting the the hang of this map now though uh seven two two or three stop i can't steal it hi uh i thought i was gonna steal that from you no um yeah yeah you can hear me look at your little side i am fear i'm gonna murder you lowly snow you killed lolis i will never forgive you all right i'm gonna go and get i don't mind oh both of you leave me alone leave me alone why wouldn't it be yeah all right go over here fix these do my tasks that's the light just make a beeline hi luke hi friends [Music] oh i hovered over jane i almost voted for jane and i'm so annoyed i didn't i followed him around for a bit as a ghost i followed ian around for a bit as a ghost going running around guilt-free and i'm like someone hear that please that i know that it was one of you that i was at least half justified and that's suspicious prisoner and um we made him so we stuck around as a three and we told wheels that if he tried to make a break for it we would report him straight away you know that was well played both of you i was terrified here we go again here we go okay oh my goodness back to the face all right okay hey lolis all right hi uh up to the meeting room all right which one is it along here oh it's the one in the crowd shoot me in the butt one day hello don't murder me please i promise oh i'll be really sad if you do all right i mean same if you do it to me so so yeah there's that just remember that we have that on your conscience yeah all right all right uh oh gosh oh that was ian okay here we go download no one come in here kill me please no one while i'm downloading this please thank you all right guys buddies buddies in space someone did an amazing fan song um i'm very oh come oh my goodness stop breaking the lights hi hey ellen are you the imposter no um that's all luke needs all right let's have a little look through there's wheels working away okay that's me hi nothing meeting room it's been a long time i know he's done he's done it good all right electrical off thank you whoever did that um ah okay i've gotta go through medical oh there's one thing about steampunk places in space ian's dead where is he come on wheels don't you kill me please i don't know ian's dead yeah i think loli saw it on the camera um oh did she go on vitals ah you you hey whales how's it going ian [Laughter] okay ether jane disappeared the breakers stay away from the guys stay together oh she was telling me that ian was dead because i think she'd been on the camera is anyone going to notice that i'm dead but here's the thing could this be a self-report from luke i noticed i was with yeah in the election right now with the numbers but i felt like because wheels came out to be going so i'm just saying i was asking james so it's still going on i believe it is very i did that i had some wiring stuff to do look where did you go after the meeting room when you were in the meeting room at the top right left um when i was with you yeah after that where were you i vented the leaves in there went down okay did a quick vent did yeah i went down into the middle bit and then i went and then i went broadly south to where i am now security and where was loli's corpse where was that floor no but where sorry it was intense bits are on the wall i don't know uh i it could either would it was playing a very good game if it was her andy is the one that's not your first information on he's dead [Music] oh my god that was amazing all right okay i'm just gonna go protect unless it was andy it was andrew james hi andy supposed to be protecting ether uh all right okay laughter i guess where are they oh hello is that the saying hi but it's not helping don't be scared of luke stay together numerical order um beat space buddies you would think is quite straightforward but um this is a tough one yeah i'm gonna do this one first i've not i've never done it but i've seen don't you kill me don't you kill me look i get look i'm not it's not me i'm going to go do the crash course thing okay okay all right okay okay okay okay okay trust trust has been built there okay you go with ifa i'll stay with luke [Music] again again yes [Music] it's so funny because luke is someone that i you know if anyone hurt him i would murder them also i want to murder him whenever he's the imposter goodbye hi luke uh yes hello it's me i just okay get out straight away why are you following me oh my gosh i've done all my tasks okay but you don't need to be near me do you unbelievable you don't need to be near me halo okay all right fine i i appreciate the halo thing there's a golden gun i know that's a reference can i shut the door can i lock you in the vault yeah lock me in the vault that's fine [ __ ] right lock you in who's left help me figure out who it is that you are one of the streaming ones because i just want this to be on video it's on it's on both luke go on luke do it fix it win her trust one six seven gone wheels wheels okay well now i don't know what to do okay um wheels obviously i'm not really what you do it might be don't do what tell me what i shouldn't do you do it wheels i'm all the way over here wheels you can't get me who's left i'm trying to think who's alive who hasn't done all their tasks is it me hi imposter okay okay fine let's go down to electrical okay it's another stuff yes yes no no no no look looks [Music] oh hey luke hi hello jane it's me still not the imposter okay i bumped into wheels and he was acting way suspicious wheels dropped an event just when i was about to haunt him okay yes okay good [Music] i was just about to haunt you when you're done for the rent was it i couldn't find any of them i took back everything i thought it was me i'm so glad that i honestly that whole round was just walking into people and they were like stay away from me yeah that's the thing they've made a video there we go all right that's good man you ready all right good luck everyone everyone good luck have fun please don't kill me oh my god it's luke and i am going to the brick in the kitchen oh this is the thing you were trying to show yeah just above your motherhood what do you do how there's four of them though yeah done we really shouldn't have this many weapons in an aircraft oh okay okay i think we're [Music] alone i didn't like how ominous it was when ian was singing hello please don't kill me this time one nine two oh three oh mine's eight one oh my god whoa we're gonna pick up some cards just i don't think luke saw me um no i think luke didn't see me and killed jane right in front of me like i knew she was just behind jane jane and i were running from the main hole um what lolita is saying the opposite i voted for loli's wait wait wait what lollies what were you doing what happened it's murdering jaime i did the um i was going to do that arm on the right but wheels already did it and then i had to finish a task there then i went through the showers to go [Music] i don't even know but jane was singing in front of me in front of me okay vote me whatever it's just me together and then jane was singing jane was like i'm going to make a burger blah blah blah i remember i heard quite a lot of it yeah she's like you murdered her well i don't even know why i'm fighting because i know you're all voting for me but it's not me i just need you to know that oh i need you to know that yeah but you're saying that luke what were you doing this round okay uh ian showed me the condiments in the kitchen quite a long time then i went west to the armory and i put the guns away and then i went south to the thing with the phone and did the perfect phone reception and then i was on my way to i was doing that i didn't see you i was doing that when the meeting was called and i didn't see any the same task right yeah but i didn't see you at all and i was around that area just saying i i we vote luke oh okay okay okay oh look on the next one i can't hear what luke is saying but he has it i know i heard luke on the next one yeah all right all right electrical down we go okay two tasks in electric oh no if i gotta do this in oh i've gotta do the order one four okay okay stop five okay four five uh three seven six okay well let's do this at least that's one thing powers to the shower okay [Music] thank you to whoever fixed that where's one one is the loneliest number okay okay so that's four that's five yeah one that is one okay that's three it was on the wrong side and ian was like can you show me the way to get around so i was like yeah of course i'll do that i take it all the way around and i'm like ian now it's going to be very annoying [Laughter] did you not see me when you killed jane oh no i i am no no i didn't i killed jane then saw you you reported it and i know what to do in those situations is to immediately get the effort that was uncharacteristically weak defense of yourself then well it was because i i was like luke jumped so fast on it that i was like if i just stay quiet and they see that luke is like really trying to get out of it then that people might believe me more if i'm more calm about it and then people straight away started jumping on me when i explained what happened or if i'm too loud people are going to think i'm suspicious if we thought about it loli's would never kill with a with a witness yeah never yes so yes wow do you think about that also and that was just a real good clean game of among us because um because like the the task doing did it i thought i thought we had ages more i thought we had loads of time getting it done absolutely smashed through the tasks i was right as well but the game was finished so quickly well both you and wheels said please don't kill me just before i killed you both [Laughter] were you like oh yes i'm just getting the signal i was screaming out of ghost mode trying to screw him up this mf suss chat is [Laughter] oh i screwed eve over at the at the beginning i guess in a way it's fine you've you've been full circle exactly my fault actually a little bit it's my color blindness i think it was dark and lime and yellow are the same it was citrus [Laughter] well you saved me from plunging a toilet look so thanks for that yeah yeah i was stuck in electrical doing the switches and i was like where's number one that's like a minute and a half i can't find another one that one's so annoying yeah that's a bad that's a bad time if you enjoyed this stream why not hit the like button on whichever one you're watching on all of them and then we'll watch the other one my favorite favorite comments are the people who are like i'm watching this one first then this one then this one yeah did we win that last game yeah yeah you did yeah oh i'm so used to the victory thing meaning that oh well done what you were talking about i thought we had more time but the tasks are all done i was like i might ask or not an absolute murder machine i didn't i only killed one person you only killed me space buddy's right again yeah oh my god what does it mean this goes all the way to the top [Laughter] all right great times good good work everyone yes all right see you guys okay all right about it [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 109,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KgQJC-Xk40E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 12sec (7332 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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