7 Sneaky Easter Eggs that Shout Out a Game Maker's Previous Game

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creative folks were putting hidden references to themselves in the stuff they created long before the advent of video games take rembrandt for instance who liked to paint a cheeky little portrait of himself into the background of his paintings in a tribute to the dutch master i'll be hiding my face somewhere in this video not this one keep an eye out okay similarly video game companies love to pop a hidden reference to themselves and their earlier work in their later games and video game worlds offer so many great places to hide an easter egg that no wonder some of them go unnoticed or unrecognized just consider these sneaky easter eggs that were callbacks to game maker's previous work [Music] too obvious okay hey boy something i can help you with just waiting for my associate he's back in town buying equipment it's hard to believe that the hitman series and the kanan lynch series are from the same developer considering that one of them is about an elegant assassin killing only his selected targets in the most undetectable way possible now as i was saying it what was that we got him 47. and the other well the other is kanan lynch actually it makes a lot more sense when you watch mike play hitman oh what a way to go [Laughter] circumcision knife in the neck horrible while the games might be quite different in their approaches the hitman developers obviously have a lot of fondness for the criminal duo which led to both kane and lynch making a series of easter egg cameos in the fifth hitman game hitman absolution you run into them both twice during your hitman adventures kane firstly in a bar where he gets into it with the locals and then later where you can see him writing a letter to his daughter a scene we've seen before in the intro movie to kane and lynch my life is a mercenary and all the pain i've caused most of it is true i should regret it all i should be scared of dying but i'm not certainly adds a new dimension to this scene knowing that agent 47 is crouching an event nearby watching a creepy creepy dimension as you know if you've read the papers my life is a mercenary and all the pain i've caused and most of it is true lynch shows up twice as well first at a firing range where he's displaying the restraint anger management skills and firm grip on reality that made him famous stop staring at me and twisted little fairy and then later on we get another glimpse of him after shooting an old still active atom bomb in the lobby of an arms manufacturer which to be fair is a very lynch thing to [Music] the do that hell can conjure all the wickedness that mankind can produce the doom slayer of doom fame is a busy dude what with all the ripping and tearing and as of recent installment do maternal first-person platforming the doom slayer is so busy in fact that he might easily skip right by this sneaky easter egg here in the cultist base the hell priest is somewhere in this facility i cannot pinpoint his exact location at this time off the edge of the level dangling from the end of what looks to be a fishing line you'll find not another demon but some kind of big green fish presumably some cultist or other hooked this freaky fish but didn't get the chance to land it before being busted by a hell priest for slacking off or maybe they took one look at its gog lies and yellowing buck teeth and thought you know what i'm not as hungry as i thought i was who can say in any case this inexplicable giant fish is explicable with a bit of id software history see the makers of doom have been making video games for a very long time and 30 years ago they released commander keen secret of the oracle commander keane was an eight-year-old in possession of a spaceship lucky and at one point in the game he goes scuba diving in the well of wishes [Music] so our child hero finds himself with not even a ray gun to defend himself against the denizens of this underwater level that's the queue for this gigantic man-eating fish known to its friends as the dope fish on account of its big dopey face hey the dope fish maybe you need better friends rude the dope fish's goofy appearance belies the fact that it is an apex predator and will chow down on this small child like he's no more than a rogue goldfish flake this toothy terror of the deep made a big impression clearly because easter eggs featuring the dope fish went on to become an id software hallmark cropping up in several subsequent id games such as quake and such as 2010's rage not only that but this fishy green giant was adopted by the games industry at large with dope fish cameos popping up all over the place in games made by other studios such as a desk novelty in hitman silent assassin from 2002 and as graffiti in deus ex human revolution and as more graffiti in max payne which brings us back to the dope fish's most recent easter egg appearance in a cultist base in doom eternal where this iconic character is rendered in more exquisite detail than ever before and to the unanswered question what exactly did a cultist want a dope fish for oh boy nothing good you go after them [Music] you might wonder how the development team formerly known as free radical design went from creating cheery colorful shooters full of human-sized gingerbread men in the time splitters series two being in charge of relentlessly grim and gritty misery sim homefront the revolution we hit and we run knowing we won't all come back knowing we won't all come back you're really selling it to me if you're not familiar with time splitters it was a series of multiplayer shooters for the playstation 2 era consoles built by a bunch of veterans who all worked together on the goldeneye n64 game it had similar weapon movement as you turned similarly compelling split screen multiplayer and a very similar dam level hey if it ain't broke [Music] for years fans have been asking for a remake of classic entries in the time splitters franchise and finally in 2016 after many years of emails forum posts and compelling well-reasoned online petitions they still didn't get that what they did get was an easter egg that was at least a brief uplifting moment in the otherwise unending gloom of homefront the revolution's campaign mode looks like not all of them made it out you might as well take his prisoner outfit he isn't exactly making use of it anymore to find this particular easter egg you had to head into a location called the boss which absolutely is not me attempting to effect a brooklyn accent and say the word boss this resistance safe house is designed to be a secret location where the gorilla revolutionaries can relax unwind and i don't know beat the crap out of each other in a cage fight not the best you got are the invading hostile forces not doing a good enough job of that either way head upstairs in the bourse like a boss and you'll find a seemingly derelict arcade cabinet interact with it and you'll discover it contains a fully working version of timesplitter's two's first couple of fun quirky time-hopping story missions look for symbols or hidden access points was this a cry for help from the developers i'm going to say yes this was a brilliant reminder of the great games this team used to make better yet if you entered a level unlock code you could access the rest of the missions even though the easter egg was only ever designed to be two of them these days on a modern xbox you can play the entire thing in crisp 4k which is painfully close to the hd remaster that people have been begging for albeit without the beloved multiplayer mode once you're done with the time splitters two levels though it's right back to the boss and another several hours of crushingly depressing traipsing through a war-torn dystopian philadelphia stay back forget petitions for another time splitters game i'm starting a petition for no more home front i believe the main interface is on the rooftop i'm looking at the windows can i try one of those badly sure if you can get there three options here one use the window washing platform two find a cargo drone three give up go home and resolve to be a better person check ubisoft games are full of sly nods to each other like how in every ubisoft game you have to climb a tower and synchronize a viewpoint to unlock more of the map okay i'm just being informed that that's actually a deliberate design choice and not an easter egg still the different ubisoft franchises do like to reference each other as we saw recently in watchdog's legion the london set latest entry in the tongue-in-cheek hack-em-up series let's take back london while parkour is an element of watchdog's legion jumping off high buildings and not dying is really more of an assassin's creed thing still there does come a point in the story of watchdog's legion where you have to do just that during the emission gap in the armor where you're required to jump off the roof of an apartment building into the river below the traps are disarmed now if you go through the front door of the flat it's much less likely you'll be killed clearly you can't present ubisoft designers with an opportunity like this and not expect them to take it because rather than maybe taking the stairs or summoning a drone to helicopter you down to safety your character will instead gracefully eagle dive headfirst off the roof into the river accompanied by the classic sound effects and far be it from me to suggest that ubisoft is also using watchdog's legion to have a dig at their rivals but this other easter egg looks an awful lot like faith from ea's mirror's edge attempted a leap of faith herself only to have it go horribly wrong i guess we need a new name for these things if faith herself can't even do them whatever you do stay in the light remedy entertainment the studio behind such games as max payne alan wake and quantum break loves putting easter eggs that reference one of its games inside another of its games like mr payne loves taking aspirin early in quantum break for example you can pause while fleeing through a lecture hall to read a chalkboard covered in notes from apparently a lecture on alan wake calm down okay i'll take care of this i'll i'll fight my way through i'll get the cardinal ringing around these notes appear to be about the plot of alan wake which seems to suggest the novelist protagonist alan wake exists as a work of fiction in the time warping world of quantum break that's all par for the course in the remedy cinematic universe where easter eggs are less like cute throw away references and more like cryptic clues about the interdimensional interconnectedness of everything we're just a speck of light floating in an endless ocean of darkness case in point remedy's most recent game control which takes place inside the bureau of control a kind of fbi that only does x-files among the spooky artifacts collected by the bureau you can discover a typewritten page from alan wake himself the contents of which imply he's spent the 10 years since his game came out trying to escape the nightmare it trapped him in and also narrating that nightmare it's a hideous trap my every thought made real fear desire how can i ever know for sure i've escaped and not just lost in my own fantasy of it another easter eggy file found elsewhere in the bureau records details of the bright falls altered world event or brightfalls awe which is to say the events of the game alan wake which took place in bright falls so far i've said alan wake nine times in this video and if you thought that was it then think again folks because along came the control expansion called awe which took the allen weight content in control from easter egg to full-blown crossover with the narration for jesse faden herself now undertaken by our friend alan wake it was a distress call to drowning man 11 times oh hey awake awake just got that you know i i want to just say one thing to you and that's the word interactive surely we've been making interactive games for 20 years haven't we well 30 years well no i don't think we have because that thing in our hands that thing that's evolved in our hands and got more and more complex got more and more buttons actually has been the biggest barrier to what we want to create beloved british video game developer peter molyneux has a habit of enthusiastically promising exciting revolutionary features that fail to ever actually materialize in the game and i said and i'm known for these things i said there's something amazing in the side something life-changing inside for example he promised that in amusement park building strategy games theme park that punters could be injured on your rides and those same punters would show up in the sequel theme hospital which never happened he promised that the game magic carpet 2 would support 60 players in multiplayer when it released in 1995. it supported eight players [Music] and he promised that the game milo and kate would feature an artificially intelligent little boy who could react to emotions in your voice interpret your drawings and learn words using the power of cloud computing i hope you agree this is a landmark in computer entertainment to be fair he could have said this is a game that will actually ever come out and he'd still have been over promising the hugely ambitious fable series resulted in hugely outlandish promises from molyneux including famously that you could plant an acorn and then watch it grow into a mighty oak tree over the course of the game you couldn't but you could kick the out of some chickens on balance probably more fun by fable 2 molyneux's legendary tall tales over the course of his 20-year career were deemed worthy of a cheeky easter egg in his own game head to the graveyard in fairfax gardens and you can inspect individual graves and read their inscriptions one of them is a headstone for one pdm which is a clear reference to peter douglas molyneux its inscription is a nod to the sort of hyperbolic promises molyneux was famous for reading this is possibly the best gravestone ever and will revolutionize the way we look at final resting places forever either that's a fun jokey tribute to the eternally optimistic game director molyneux from his team of developers or those same developers were asked at the last minute to program an accurate simulation of the life cycle of an oak tree and left the tombstone in there as some kind of threat i mean have you seen what they did to the chickens brutal [Music] badass [Music] capcom is a pretty eclectic publisher with games that let you fight dinosaurs slay demons and submit killer whales to legal cross-examination with so many big franchises ranging from resident evil to monster hunter capcom games are full of references to each other but no series does capcom easter eggs better than dead rising the zombie series for people who think that resident evil doesn't include enough chainsaw motorbikes [Music] the dead rising games are full of easter eggs that reference other capcom games from the names of businesses two costumes that you can wear but our favorite has to be the combo weapon known as the roaring thunder from dead rising 2 onwards when combo weapons were introduced the dead rising games have allowed you to cobble together a combo weapon called the roaring thunder that combines a novelty mask of blunker from street fighter with a 12 volt car battery to recreate his famous electric attack wicked of course you don't want to actually put this on yourself it goes on the head of zombies electrifying them and creating chain lightning that will zap other nearby zombies to death as well [Music] which is never not brilliant and when you think about it almost certainly what blanca would be doing if he were here [Music] later dead rising games leaned into the street fighter crossovers even harder but for our money nothing beats jamming a blanker mask on a zombie's head and watching the crowd around them light up like a christmas tree yeah you can start wrapping up now mike if you want i'm gonna be here a while thank you so much for watching this video about easter eggs that were references to game makers previous games and uh if you spotted the uh little version of my face that i hid in there well done you um now your next quest i think should be to uh see if you can find my face in any of the other videos in this playlist there's uh quite a few of them and they're all very similar to this sort of video but about different topics so um yeah see if you can see if you can spot my face in those ones it might take a while to get through them all uh oh also like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and if you really want to help us out hit that little bell notification icon to be notified every time we make a video thanks for watching bye
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 218,432
Rating: 4.9726057 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, funny, easter eggs
Id: XZUmffQno-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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