7 Distracting Youtuber Cameos that Made Us Go “Wait, what?”

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immersion is an important part of so many games losing yourself in Fantastical new worlds but it can so easily be broken this used to be just because you encountered a bug or someone knocking on your door IRL but a new immersion breaking distraction has arisen alongside these the YouTuber Cameo if you know a thing or two about celeb YouTubers you'll increasingly find that there are a multitude of games where you'll hear an NPC chatting away and you'll go hang on isn't that forcing you to stop what you're playing and run to IMDb to check on this occasion though we're saving you the effort just Ponder these distracting YouTuber cameos that made you go I know that voice and turned you into that Leonardo DiCaprio meme this one but wear some spoilers for The Following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] games this last week I've put in sweat smarts anything to get get this Heap running should have started with a step motor it would have been quicker cyberpunk 2077 was infamously full of bugs upon its initial release but another thing it was full of was cameos from online video creators truly it looked like CD project Red's YouTuber Cameo Department was given more time and budget than the QA team as many YouTubers and twitch streamers are lited about this dystopian City for players to stumble across it's basically like London then but with more mantis blade arms one of these cameos can only be found if you choose the Nomad storyline and take on the Mission named These Boots Are Made For Walkin in act two this side job in the Badlands gives you coordinates to your first car but when you head over there it seems someone else has their greasy mitts on it literally as this mechanic has been giving it an upgrade and they're not too pleased when you go rooting around in there hey what the hands off my car anyone who has watched funh housee IGN's daily fit rooster teeth's inside gaming or Alana Pierce's own channel will immediately clock this character Lana as portrayed by Aussie game joural and presenter yes Alana Pierce and you abandoned it and now out of nowhere you remembered you left it likely story Lana's character model even looks pretty similar to Alana herself orbe it with some high-tech augmentations cause mine now as soon as I'm done doing the basic fixes I am leaving this city in a cloud of exhaust wa Lana language you know what YouTube's like sake you have several options with Lana such to steal the car pay Lana for the car or let her keep the pile of drunk because hey she worked hard on it jeez thanks not sure what to say since the launch of cyberpunk 2077 Alana has moved from voicing night City Nomads to working at Sony Santa Monica and though she didn't seem to be hidden anywhere in God of War Ragnarok Lana's dialogue may have have influenced to tr Us's vocabulary language boy where do you think you are night City but oh my I've forgotten my manners Phil Hill At Your Service yes it Rhymes my parents had a thing about rhyming my siblings are named Bill Jill and sill the hills what a thrill when you really want to get away from it all the ultimate place to go is SP face and promising some of that sweet escapism is Starfield here you can leave earth-based Warriors behind as you customize your ship and get ready to blast off we know when you're ready to launch I'm sure the Blast Off is coming soon but you're not the only one hitting the interstellar Highway found in various star ports around the Galaxy usually in a bar is non-player character Phil Hill Phil is the General Secretary of list The League of independent settlers and is often sat next to a stack of papers hey there oh hello there friend have you been there long oh good I thought maybe I had fallen asleep upon chatting to Phil anyone who likes idiosyncratic Deep dive into the strangest of game law May recognize this voice and immediately run to Social Media to ask is Brian David Gilbert in Starfield the answer is yes he's Phil Hill for the uninitiated Brian David Gilbert has made a name for himself on YouTube working for polygon on his unraveled series and more recently making videos and music videos just for his own channel he's garnered a lot of fans with his high energy comedy and for being one of the vanishingly small number of creators online who can be described as having released an entire album of horror themed dab covers Lay All Your Blood on me so there will be a lot of Starfield players who reach Phil here and upon chatting to him stop thinking about the wonders of space to instead think about how this guy ranked Castlevania monsters in order of sexiness our choic is amuous no questions I hope uh everything's okay up there after you Rockstar went all out making Red Dead Redemption 2 feel as real as possible in the hopes of really making you feel part of the Wild West even to the point of making the horses poop realistically okay I'd argue that's more distracting than immersive but for some players horses pooping was just one distraction among many in one of the very early missions with your gang you end up in the hotel in Valentine and upon entering fans of hunting down achievements may have recognized the voice of the guy behind the desk can I help you sir hang on I know that voice why do I have the sudden urge to stop what I'm doing and open up the game's achievement list yes Rooster Teeth fans May recognize the voice of the guy behind the desk as one of the founding members of Achievement Hunter Jack patillo yeah they're in 2B upstairs are you uh a friend of his but he's not alone hey over to the Valentine railway station and the station clerk might make you wonder hang on do I know that voice if you would give me a minute please it's one of life's great Mysteries isn't it it's Jeff Ramsey the other founding member of Achievement Hunter what can I do for you Jack and Jeff both based in Austin Texas and owners of real life actual Southern us accents had already done Voice work for the hit web series red versus [Music] blue why won't you just kill me plus they'd shown off their love for the original Red Dead Redemption in a host of Let's Plays and achievement guides and then I grab him then he throws me down and then I roll down the hill take my time so it's no surprise that Rockstar invited them along even if it is a surprise for red versus blue enthusiasts to hear Griff Moonlighting as a station clerk happy to help you start over does this mean they're in the same universe I have so many questions now when you're hundreds of meters underwater on an alien planet the last thing you expect to find is YouTuber merch but should you dive into a game of subnautica that's exactly what you can find subnautica is a survival game set on the watery planet 4546b and one of the key things you'll be doing to progress is receiving the distress calls of your fellow crew mates from the radio then heading to their locations and finding their rescue pods inevitably empty except for some useful bits and Bobs once you've played 10 hours of the game you'll get a rescue call out to lifod 7 this is lifeod 7 coordinates attached pod is structurally sound but the Fabricators bust requesting assistance seven out and when you get there you might be somewhat surprised by its contents which include a toy car some caps and a doll with a bright red hairo and a somewhat familiar face H where do I know this person from scan the so-called unusual doll and you can build your very own fori your base which if interacted with will speak well speak and or scream oh God as many of you have no doubt already screamed at your screen these screams and that face of course belong to popular YouTuber Markiplier famous for being nearly as scared as us when it comes to horror games oh that's terrifying oh give me a side no oh God having done a popular subnotica series when the game was in Early Access the developers patched in this talking doll of Mark for the full release as thanks hello everybody my name is Mark and welcome back to subnautica so silly is this interactive collectible Cameo that you might just sit and play with it forever instead of you know playing more subnautica ah hello everybody my name is Mark hello look I nearly got killed by a bunch of bone sharks to get this which are exactly as horrible as they sound so let me just have this please so I'm running through the lobby and that's when I see it a map handle en lodged Under The Innovation wind gate so what'd you do Marcus well I just thought i' NAB the bloody yab be on me Merry way poppy playtime is a game that's already pretty full of surprises hey we didn't say good surprises but plenty of players were surprised by something other than a giant soft toy with lots of teeth dang it oh no oh oh so terrible when the first chapter of poppy play time was released back in 2021 stratospherically popular YouTuber Jack septi played it on his channel and had a really lovely time what the what the hell same Jack same Jack Septic ey real name sha joked in that video that he'd like to be in a future chapter of the game and then who's this appearing on a collectible VHS tape in Chapter 2 oh Jack septico C A sizable proportion of poppy playtime players most momentarily forgetting that they're stuck in a toy factory with terrifying toys as they enjoy listening to the famous YouTuber who here has also cranked his Irish accent up to a level that can only be described as turbo leprecorn well I'm reaching for the thing and above handled Jaws on its own had me scared stiff I I thought I was the only one there problem is Sean's character is conveying some very important and very scary information basically describing the next Monster you're going to face he no person that's 50 ft long with a, legs Marcus you're losing me maybe you just saw a bunch of people walking by look it wasn't people and at least some players we have to assume would not have clocked Jack septi instantly and they'd be left trying to work out where the hell they know that guy from oh that's is that Jack Septic Guy oh yeah we feel sorry for anyone so puzzled or distracted by The Cameo that they consequently weren't paying attention to what he said and missed the Vital Information about what's coming next but I wasn't human but I wasn't human I just realized we haven't lessen a word that he said you know what actually in this instance it may be for the best this game's already scary [Music] as Dragon Age Inquisition is a serious game for serious people with no thrilling jump scares for YouTubers to react hilariously to it's the last place you'd expect to find a celebrity YouTuber Cameo surely and yet one YouTu more known for screaming at Sonic the Hedgehog than fighting dark spawn in Dragon Age games can be found in Dragon Age Inquisition within the village of Haven the settlement that becomes your base of operations here you can chat to the locals or just wander around listening into their convers ation which is usually someone saying something rude about you forgive us we have the herald of andraste she was sent by the maker himself some people have trouble believing andrasi would send an elf to do her work yeah well she did so damn I can never think of a good comeback in time one of these e dropping opportunities is a dwarf who sometimes appears by the fire outside the Chantry if he strikes up a conversation with his friend well let me know if this sounds familiar hello with the Templars I'd imagine I've seen them weaken magic what about the rebel Mages Rebel Mages probably made that damn breach likers of Comedy gaming channel game grumps May recognize that as the voice of Aaron Hansen AKA Egoraptor someone who gets extremely angry at bad video games while his friend bursts into fits of Giggles no I hit end I hit end no no no Aaron is no stranger to voice acting he's even provided multiple voices in the owl house one of the best shows that Disney has ever cancelled damn it but for those used to hearing Aaron rage at Mario Maker hearing him voice a stoic dwarf uttering gentle pleasantries has a very different vibe walk safely a cheers wait I have it I should have said I have trouble believing the maker signed off on that face no that's nothing sorry give me five minutes criminal CEO conco conspiracy theory that Abe guy did it it is the conspiracy theory that swept the nation I didn't do nothing that Abe guy did it most of these entries are about singular YouTube creators but if you play Oddworld Soul storm be prepared this is a game more full of streamers than a Gamescom party with an open bar when walking around the industrial areas of the game you'll occasionally hear radio broadcasts updating you with the haps welcome back to news fig Blues following up on our top story how mlock the glucker deceived his own investors after burning down his own farm for the insurance Mula due to the sheer number of YouTube creators given radio segments Gamers who spent any time on this site will be guaranteed to recognize at least one for instance comedy sketch Creator turned twitch streamer Dean dobs this is the latest in a bizarre ster conspiracy theories coming H the disaster that rupt your Farms or j/ wrestler James Stephanie Sterling the Shan CEO is being sought by the authorities having fled shortly after the factory burned to the ground killing everyone inside you know after hearing that I have a strange desire to invest in boglins and while a lot of the creators were British presumably because we Brits can relate to the Grim industrial setting of Oddworld where workers are treated as second class citizens some American creators were also recruited for cameos such as kind of Funny's game over Greggy and prolific let's player the rad Brad shocked today in the local community after evil boss burns down Factory and kills entire Workforce and it runs away these slig radio broadcasts pop up on the radio waves to share conspiracy theories all to cover up the hard revolutionary work of main character Abe by now we've all heard the rumors of how mullet the Gluck schmuck is laying blame on this poor Abe guy a former employee of the month Abe is now just a spering pile of bones at least these YouTubers are only sharing conspiracy theories in a fictional World rather than the real one cheers for that stay tuned for more the well the maker send a an elf this this elf says your clothes something about there something about they smell I've got absolutely nothing outro outro the outro yeah oh yeah the outro okay so those were some YouTuber cameos that you may have spotted in games no one's ever asked us to be in a video game but um well can't say too much but uh keep it oh Cameo from me YouTuber Andy oh I oh Andy's in this one that's right they put Andy in it put me in doing my reg my trademark move oh look he's all articulated wow he looks so real look at these videos and now do your catchphrase Bingo po there it is there it is folks wow oh my gosh hey I think the only thing to do to to show how much you love that is go to our patreon patreon.com slox club and cancel your subscription no no don't do that please join it's fun we have a nice Discord that you get access to it's a good hangout uh and also why not check out these videos they're up here also they're good they're not as good as a patreon prioritize that but you know they're fun too uh and also subscribe obviously always subscribe maybe you're subscribed already in which case thanks anyway see you next time bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 307,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming, Youtuber, youtuber cameo, cameo, Alanah Pearce, Cyberpunk, Cyberpunk 2077, Brian David Gibert, Polygon, Starfield, Phil Hill, Jack Pattillo, Geoff Ransey, Red Dead Redemption 2, RDR2, Markiplier, Subnautica, Markiplier Doll, Jacksepticeye, Poppy Playtime, Arin Hanson, Game Grumps, Dragon Age, Dragon Age Inquisition, James Stephanie Sterling, Jim Sterling, Oddworld, Oddworld soulstorm, Dean Dobbs, TheRadBrad, Caddicarus
Id: B5pLeJUXcu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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