10 Games You Can NEVER Play Again

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some games uh be it through corporate meddling or some other weird reasons are just no longer available to play so that's what we're talking about today we got 10 games you can never play again let's get started off with number 10 and talk about the obvious it's PT we've talked about PT a million times at this point you may know the drill it was released as a playable teaser back in 2014 this was a legendary demo for an upcoming Silent Hills game that was apparently going to be like a PS4 exclusive now this little demo got a ton of attention and has been a major inspiration for a lot of horror games that came after it but that didn't stop Konami from removing the game from PlayStation Network in April of 2015 you probably heard the history by now again like I said we've talked about it a lot on this channel yada yada yada So Silent Hills was canceled and with kajima out of the company what reason was there to keep this demo up now the only ones capable of still playing the game are the lucky few who managed to download the game while it was available and have kept their hard drives intact there are plenty of games out there that have been Dlisted but are still playable in some shape or form but this one is a lot tougher because it's a PSN exclusive and while there's a PlayStation 4 emulator out there it's an extreme work in progress you're not going to get PT running on that software usually especially for the Layman it's still possible to download the game if you owned it previously but the process is actually tricky and awkward and if you didn't download the game at any point then you're just so the [ __ ] out of luck still uh this game has seen many fan remakes and Recreations over the years so you don't necessarily have to have the game if you want to experience it yourself it's just not going to be exactly the same as the original still at the very least maybe watch a YouTube video and see how cool it was put some headphones on turn the lights off ooh PT is still really spooky now over at number nine we have uh the original Destiny 2 campaign this one still pisses us off you know yeah I've heard all of Bungie's excuses about the ballooning file size of the game but you can still play the original story in Final Fantasy 14 you can still play the old story and Elder Scrolls Online hell you can even play the original version of World of Warcraft now those games are much bigger than anything in Destiny 2 but somehow there there's just no way they can make the game work with the original campaign and the first three DLCs give me a break you know I don't think they're lying from everything that we've heard all the back end behind the scenes technical stuff for Destiny 2 is messy but you know it still feels weird because we technically like bought that campaign we paid for that campaign and now we can't get what we paid for it's weird too especially cuz like a lot of the story of Destiny 2 still relies on that original campaign it's what introduced new players to the universe and now there's just nothing the loss of the red War makes an already confusing game even more impenetrable for new players and because the game requires you to update it and it needs like a constant internet connection to function there's no way to go back and play the original campaign in any way it's just gone for good and while yeah it wasn't the best firstperson shooter story it was still pretty fun so I don't know it sucks that you can't play it again next over at number eight Rumble verse now this game suffered the same fate as so many other creative free-to-play Battle Royale games it came out got some attention for a little while and then shut down only 6 months after its launch sometimes rarely these games give players the tools to keep playing them knockout city was another promising free-to-play game that shut down but at least that game allowed people to host their own private servers so it's at least still technically playable for that community that really loved it when it comes to multiplayer games technically playable is still playable because the alternative is that it's totally dead it's a shame because Rumble verse was actually a pretty fun alternative to your standard Battle Royale it did something different and managed to get a small but passionate fan base now with the servers closed and no alternative for fans to run the game locally there's nothing left to do but look at old videos of the game to remind yourself of what it was rumbl verse is just one of so many other free-to-play online only games that have sh shut down in the past few years and it's just a shame that there's no way to go back and play this one today even if all I wanted to do was wander around an empty map still next over at number seven oh boy uh on October 4th 2022 OverWatch 2 launched and completely replaced OverWatch 1 if you want to go back and play the original OverWatch game now it's impossible there is no OverWatch one it's just OverWatch 2 with all its new and improved monetization systems players were at least able to carry over their profiles and all the costumes they had previously earned but still they forced the entire Community to migrate over to the sequel I I've seen plenty of people make excuses about this decision saying that the servers are expensive running two games at once would split the player base that it's just extra work for blizzard you know Activision Blizzard the the biggest company in the world the thing is Call of Duty games don't overwrite the old ones you can still go back and play any old CoD game you want they're just not going to replace Black Ops Cold War when like Black Ops 6 comes out they will remain two separate games the reality is that OverWatch 2 is mostly just a marketing stunt it's been called OverWatch 1.5 at best especially now with most of the game's original promised features canceled or given up on it's not that OverWatch 2 is worse even though maybe it kind of is many features of the original game are kind of Mia and many of the biggest changes are still divisive the thing that really bothers us is that it completely just replaces the original would it really ruin the player base if that player base could just play the original 6v6 game mode once in a while just fire it up for Old Time sake I don't know next over at number six is mag oh my God I love this one I totally remember this one this is an extremely ambitious PS3 multiplayer shooter that had War zones like no other dude it could support up to 256 players in a single battle which made for some of the most epic and chaotic matches we can really remember uh there there were smaller modes but the real star of the show was domination where teams of 128 players battled for control of these gigantic Maps sure the game was a little buggy and there wasn't much content compared to your average Battlefield game but the Epic scale of the battles were really something to Behold a massive scale game needs like a massive audience to succeed which unfortunately the game never quite managed the online servers were shut down in 2014 just a little over 4 years after the game came out at least it got a good few years but with the game being locked on PS3 and no servers to play on it is dead it wasn't the biggest game ever but it was such a cool unique experience compared to most other things that we were seeing at the time you know stuff on the market it's a shame that it just it can't be played anymore next over at number five we have Marvel heroes this action RPG created by former Diablo I devs came out at the perfect time this massive multiplayer game gave players a huge selection of Marvel heroes to choose from all who had their own unique abilities and skill trees and it was in general one of the better Diablo likes of its time there was only one problem with it it was online only so the Clock Was ticking like it wasn't if the game would eventually be unplayable forever it was a matter of when this one was especially painful because by basically all metrics the game was still doing pretty well but Disney decided to end its relationship with the developers and the game was shut down in November of 2017 only about 4 years after it first came out looking at it now you might wonder what the big deal is you know it looks like any other forgettable arpg game but the difference was in the design it was just so much more fun to play than most other games of its type all the heroes were given pretty interesting and unique powers the loot was welld designed and there was a lot of stuff to keep players busy without making it feel like they were just wasting their time it it was a good game that just died before its time and now with the studio behind it closed and the server shut down there's really no hope of it ever coming back now at number four the Infinity Blade series the original Infinity Blade game was one of the first first big crossover hits for mobile gaming kind of like a mix between punch out and a fantasy Dungeon Crawler the game managed to have fun touchscreen controls while having the presentation and visuals of a AAA game it was a really novel thing at the time there weren't a ton of games on phones yet but this one really blew everything out of the water even if it was kind of simple then the sequel was even bigger than the first and the next one after that was even bigger these are foundational games for the mobile Market but epic still ended up giving up on them all three games were delisted in December of 2018 with epic releasing a statement that said that it has become increasingly difficult for our team to support the Infinity Blade series now you might be inclined to shake your head and understanding like oh yeah that's a reasonable excuse but remember that the games were delisted in 2018 the same year that fortnite's annual revenue was like 5.4 billion with a B that's more than the GDP of a small nation and they can't afford to support one of their most popular games really really simple games some of them not even requiring an internet connection obviously they could have kept supporting Infinity Blade if they wanted to but they just didn't want to anymore maybe it was like the fact that it was a little bit of a collaboration with apple in the early days I don't know these are the same guys who delisted their unreal games the games that put them on the map you know the games that their freaking engine is named after and apparently they're not important enough to keep on online they have to be Dlisted everywhere those games can at least be played offline so they're still alive but the Infinity Blade games are nearly impossible to get working anymore there is a community out there who has done a good job of bringing them back we'll show them on screen shout out to them here if you're just curious to look at some video game history some people are trying to keep the dream alive now at number three when it comes to a game with like user created content it's always a ticking Time Bomb when all that stuff is just going to disappear or be around B at least if one of those games is on PC then users can share and store their Creations locally but with a console game like Little Big Planet once those servers go down all that hard work usually goes up in smoke now if you don't know the Little Big Planet games were like all about player expression there was a single player mode but the real meat of the game was going online and playing through user created levels these things could get incredibly complex and the tools to make these things were pretty sophisticated like some of the things players managed to do with the creation tools is legit incredible but all that is gone now it was bad with the older games but Little Big Planet 3 was unceremoniously dumped after months of server issues I suppose like the writing was on the walls with the servers becoming barely functional but still PlayStation could have given people a little bit of warning so they could at least go in and play through some of their favorite levels one more time before they were gone for good that was rough now down at number two dark Spore this mostly forgotten about followup to Spore I believe me I forgot about it it's not that notable except for one thing it did rely on a central server to function there's absolutely no reason why this game couldn't be played offline there's nothing about it that actually requires online to function but it was the time and in early 2016 EA pulled the plug on the game and it had been rendered completely unplayable that's not even the first online only game to get shut down by EA like I said like another game the RTS game battle Forge was shut down for similar reasons in 2013 that game would still be dead today if not for a community effort to get the game running again and it's actually possible to play Battle Forge again if you really want to but dark Spore nah that game is completely dead now what's so infuriating about this isn't that dark Spore is some forgotten Masterpiece because it's not but there's just no reason for this the fact that like EA refuse to even release an offline patch to make it like a thing it it's just totally dead now and it's frustrating because it's like a video game preservation and history thing even if it's not the best game ever people made it and it was a point in gaming history and we want to be able to at least access it somehow now down at number one the crew this game developed by reflections of driver Fame and Ivory Tower has exactly one thing going for it the gigantic racing World which is made up of the entire Continental us it's a theme park version of the United States but like it's still absolutely massive with an impressive variety of cities and biomes to just drive through there was a story mode that was like the usual Bland stuff but as an excuse to drive around in different cities there was some fun to be had here in general The Crew 2 is a better game but while that game servers are still up this one shut down on March 31st 2024 this wasn't a free-to-play game it was a full-priced release that was sold in stores you still might have the box and a disc hell there are like used game stores out there still selling the crew but the game isn't worth the plastic it's printed on because that disc is completely useless what's even more painful about this all is that yet again this is a game that should I I think technically be playable offline I mean the Forza Horizon games have more online features than this game does and yet they're playable offline there was even rumors that the crew had an offline option that was disabled for launch so Ubisoft could have maybe made it so you could play this game but simply chose not to this is like another example of like a long running line of anti-consumer practices in the gaming World these are the types of things that the people running the website stop killing games.com or are trying to stop and we can't talk about all the games in this list that you can never play again without at least throwing a mention their way Ross Scott and all the people over there are doing good work and it all started because of the crew hopefully in the future we'll be able to live in a world where uh games can remain accessible in some way especially ones like this where there's really no reason why we can't play them anymore but like I said those are 10 games that you can never play again it's definitely a learning lesson it's be aware just know how things go down not to be like a fearmonger or anything but sometimes your digital games are just never safe that's that's how it goes but if there are other games out there that we neglected to mention let us know if there's one you miss in particular definitely let us know uh and if you just like talking games with us every day click on the like button is all you got to do it really helps us out and if you're new maybe consider subscribing hitting that notification Bell because we put out videos every single day but hey as always thanks for watching and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,326,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games you can't play anymore, delisted games, games no longer available, games you can't download, canceled games, video games delisted, video game preservation, 10 Games You Can NEVER Play Again, unplayable games, unplayable video games, silent hills, PT, the crew, the crew download, marvel heroes, MAG game, gameranx, gaming top 10, top 10 gaming
Id: Bnd4gQ-CH6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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