10 Cheat Codes That BROKE YOUR GAME

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they say cheaters never prosper and whilst video games tend to prove that that isn't the case well sometimes it is when they ruin the game's cord design needs at times shortcuts can render titles entirely unplayable in other cases they make it far too easy to win thereby erasing all of the challenge and skill that makes the journey worthwhile in the first place I'm SCI for whatculture.com and here are 10 cheat codes that broke your game number 10 evil cars Saints Row 2 few modern video game series are sillier than Saints Row And although 2011 Saints Row III is often seen as the entry that truly kicked the goofiness into high gear 2008 Saints Row 2 did plenty to advance the absurdity whil its increase in humorous activities characters dialogue and plots are important pieces of the puzzle Saints Row 2's greatest trolling comes from a covert tactic that immediately ruins any chance of you having a manageable time in the world obviously we're talking about typing the number 16 into your in-game cell phone to enable the hilariously titled e evil cars shortly after activating it you'll be running for your life and trying to avoid the Myriad of vehicles that suddenly want nothing more than to run you down steering clear of them isn't as simple as staying off the streets either as these multi- wielded foes will slam into you from any direction at any time any save file containing active cheats will have an orange star next to it so be sure to have a clean save to use when you're done with this otherwise your progress will be forever altered by an onslaught of automobiles that want to reenact Steven King's Max Maximum Overdrive number nine money X The Sims 4 one of the main goals of the Sims is to amass as much property material goods and other costly indulgences as possible with the envisioned way of bulking up your bank account being working jobs selling Collectibles marrying a rich partner and or engaging in potentially profitable Hobbies such as gardening fishing and painting that can be quite a timec consuming and complex process which is where the money X cheat comes in unlike rose bud kaching and motherload which instantly depos it 1,000 10,000 and 50,000 simoleons respectively into your funds the money X Che allows you to gift yourself any amount you desire need a COR million to spruce up your Mojo Dojo Cara house well no problem just pull up the cheat input box on your console or computer of choice type your desired payday and Bam you're now A Millionaire now granted you are able to decrease your funds in case you want to have a more realistic experience but the money X cheat intrinsically prevents you from playing the game as originally intended if you give into it even one time and that's the truest thing here just once there are two ways to play The Sims completely clean or with cheats there's no middle ground nobody ever cheated in The Sims for one purchase just like that particular sofa please once you've opened up Pandora's Box there's no closing the fact that you can do it again and again and again and again money money money money money number eight super sabers Star Wars episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Star Wars video games have existed for nearly as long as Star Wars films so there were bound to be some B bizarre modifications thrown in along the way although Star Wars demolition ability to turn on high gravity and Star Wars Episode 1 the Phantom menaces ability to view the game as wireframes are wonderfully wacky they can't hold a lightsaber to Star Wars episode 3 Revenge of the siths punch on for Gigantic laser swords released for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox as well as some handheld systems in 2005 Revenge of the Sith was known for being extremely difficult by default that said entering super sabers into the code section of the settings menu made it even tougher because it gave enemies and not the player massive lightsabers at the risk of sounding dirty the increases in length and girth made these weapons hilariously oversized yet overwhelmingly hazardous see there is such a thing as too big not like that as such it became damn near near impossible to overcome your foes and progress through the story adding insult to Galactic injury super sa can't be removed if the player saves with it on so you have to start a whole new save file to have a functional Adventure number Pokémon manipulation Pokémon Yellow so look I'm going to take this wonderful script and just set it aside for a moment to tell a personal story that I need to get out of me about Pokémon Yellow are there any cheats in Pokémon not typically especially if you're not counting glitches like Mingo that can duplicate your items that however means that those with access to a game shark or an action replay could work their magic by messing with the code there's the obviously helpful stuff like giving yourself loads of items or money or all the gym badges and then for Pokémon yellow there was a very specific code that was quite popular indeed you see the game has a hidden surfing Pikachu miname in it that can only be accessed by those who had a Pikachu who had learned the move surf which it normally can't be taught and so players would have to get this elusive Critter via special events of course game shark players made a loophole for this by rewriting code that changes the first Pokemon in your party into a Pikachu with surf Q my childhood friend his game shark and my very proud team that I work hard to put together that includ Ed Blastoise Charizard Venus or Mewtwo and so on all turning into Pikachus with surf press save and they're locked as that Pokemon Forever in theory you could dig into the code and change any Pokémon into any other if you knew what to tweak and as mad as I might have been at the time I could never erase that save data for the pure absurdity of my once beloved Blastoise now Raichu that had the move set surf skull bash hydropump and surf again good times number six rotating heads time splitters to why they consider the spiritual successors to N64 gems golden i7 and Perfect Dark free radical designs time Splitters Trilogy has been beloved for over 20 years now undoubtedly 2002's time Splitters 2 is the most popular one due to its almost Flawless balance of humor personality variety storytelling and action of course it also came packed with ways to transform how the game plays and looks whilst most are innocuously silly such as facilitating big or small heads infinite ammo paintball buckets in slowmo death the rotating head cheat is another story and not just because it makes you feel as though you're constantly facing off with a well equipped version of Reagan from The Exorcist so yes it forces opponent's skulls to spin incessantly and with immense speed what's the problem well their heads swivel so quickly that they're able to always see you coming thereby taking away any chance you have to sneak around them by bypassing their field division in turn advancing through the level from that point forward is Nyon unfeasible that's creating extra level of challenge for a game and then there's this cheat which makes it truly impossible honestly it's like trying to stick your finger through a fan when it's going at full force and not getting hit you just can't do it stop trying number five alien abduction FIFA 2000 this must be among the strangest entries on this list which is really saying something since it involves interrupting the relatively calm and leisurely sport of soccer with the ridiculous of extraterrestrial kidnapping basically the eighth entry in Electronic Arts is long running but technically at this point discontinued FIFA franchise allows Gamers to play an entire match with random alien abductions by entering dizzy in the cheap menu beforehand far from being a minor annoyance or temporary inconvenience the eerily precise hovering beam of light permanently removes each targeted teammate from the remainder of the match as funny as it is the first few times the momentarily disruptive nature of the gimmick soon reveals itself let's say you've sprinted across the entire field in preparation to score a goal only to get lifted off into outer space just as you line up your perfect shot or let's say you've outlined a brilliant game-winning play that involves kicking the ball from one player to another I don't know how this sport Works only to see them carried away just as you're about to make the pass clearly these otherworldly creatures are dead set on ruining the strategy fluidity and general playability of FIFA 2000 as well as the Ambiance gone is the kick around with your mates now FIFA 2000 is a terrifying apocalypse these players had families number four infinite health Donkey Kong 6 4 truth be told it's been reported that using any game shark code with Donkey Kong 64 will result in absolute destruction however the infinite health mod is the only one that continuously gets mentioned by other users journalists and the like so we're going to focus solely on that because Donkey Kong 64 is a long game all about amassing Collectibles conquering stages and exploring as much terrain as possible so you might consider being naughty and connecting your Donkey Kong 64 cartridge to a game shark and implementing infinite hell for an easier time of things but if you do you're in for complete and indefinite chaos why because afterwards the game has a nasty habit of breaking if it's restarted without the cheats activated from looping animations infused Sprites to characters flying all over the place vibrating uncontrollably dying in a single hit and being unable to pick up items it absolutely removes any chance you have of collecting the game's near 4,000 Collectibles the worst part of it all is that Donkey Kong 64 frequently autoaves so those glitches are forever tied to your experience expence in fact many victims have alleged that deleting the cursed safe file does nothing since the game shark ruins the cartridge for good game shark not even once number three O Canada Age of Mythology normally bears are inherently formidable that's true no matter who you are where you're from or in this case of 2002's Age of Mythology if you're a real person or a mass of digital people engaging in Conflict across multiple legendary backdrops and circumstances but then the age-old question what if bears attack in droves leapt great distances in seconds used overpowered weapons and were essentially Invincible obviously we're referring to the O Canada trick that mourned an entire unit of bloodthirsty Bears proudly wearing the Canadian flag as capes while their choice of attire isn't necessarily intimidating there other capabilities are game shattering in terms of eradicating every bit of engaging and compulsory difficulty critical thinking planning and Triumph summon bears come equipped with intimidatingly dangerous lasers punches and monkey sidekicks perit them to Vanquish pretty much any enemy in a matter of seconds in addition they regain Health at an alarming rate and are protected by thick armor so they're functionally Immortal if that weren't enough they can Traverse large areas with rapid speed by making it far too easy and quick to win these anarchic Bears demolish age of mythology's fundamental systems and objectives number two no jumping Super Mario Brothers 3 compared to other video game genres Platformers in particular early 2D Platformers aren't known for having a lot of complicated mechanics aside from needing the protagonist to move left and right jump and sometimes Crouch maybe use powerups and weapons if they're available there's not much else that goes into controlling a character that said each of these abilities is crucial to successfully playing each Adventure just look at how the industry's favorite Italian plumber SL Mushroom Kingdom savior Mario needs to jump in order to access hidden goodies cross Ledges Stomp copings and basically everything so what happens to Jump Man when he can't jump well 1988 groundbreaking Super Mario Brothers three let's players find out with the help of a Game Genie simply input one of the for some reason multiple cheats that disable jumping and Mario will be helplessly glued to the ground jumping is not only essential to Mario Reaching the end of each stage he needs to do it within the first few moments of world one one to avoid bumping into a Goomba so it's safe to say that this is one of the simplest yet most detrimental cheats on this list it begs the question who even thought this was a worthwhile addition to a cheat list in the first place you can't even get past the first hurdle and number one riots mode the grand Fair thoro series it's no secret that the Saints Rose series was inspired by Grand Theft Auto to put it nicely not only in terms of overarching game design and attitude but also in terms of its cheats whereas the former franchise implemented evil cars in the mid to late 2000s Rockstar games' primary Cash Cow was permitting pedestrians to wreak havoc on players since at least 1999's Grand Theft Auto 2 how I hear you ask well through riot mode which trans transforms every passer by into a bloodthirsty and rage filled Maniac whose sole purpose is to beat the crap out of you and each other they don't just punch and kick you either as they're more than happy to blow things up and start gunfights as well America as fun as it may sound riot mode makes everything you do from completing the game's final goal all the way down to just walking down the street an unmanageable chore worst of all it can't be deactivated if you save with it turned gone and what's very funny about this fact is that whilst it was missing from GTA 4 it sort of in GTA 5 that is to say it feels like an early version of GTA online where you boot up the online game and they get run down by hyperactive 12-year-olds high on too much prime still the chaos in all of us can't deny that we'd kind of love to see it make a return in GTA 6's campaign Rampages in grandford Auto are part of the franchise's DNA but maybe it's time that the riot made a return
Channel: WhatCulture Gaming
Views: 146,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aXaFJq_Cv3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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