7 Effed Up Secret Levels That Have Some Serious Explaining to Do

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few things in video games are more gratifying than discovering a secret level a hidden part of the game very few players will ever get to see and sometimes one that most players are just find not seeing because folks we're just going to warn you that some of the secret levels out there are well pretty far out there if you take our meaning super surreal mind-bending or tonally bizarre hidden stages that will have you desperate for the reassuring Embrace of the nice normal levels you just left here are some messed up secret levels that will live rentree in your head forever and be aware of quite a lot of flashing lights in the club Doom entry time codes below if you want to skip that incoming Enemy at the time Star Fox for the Super NES was heralded as a Great Leap Forward in 3D Graphics but with the benefit of hindsight surely looking at this sort of thing for hours is going to do some weird stuff to your brain I can see through time man the mind-altering potential of Star Fox is the only explanation we can think of for the presence of the out of this Dimension secret level found in the game a hidden Zone that boasts unbelievable attention to detail considering how absolutely B nuts it is to enter the level shoot one meteorite in particular on one particular level and a hang on I think this must be a typo it says a magic egg comes [Music] out no we're in that right after the magic egg comes out it hatches into a phoenix and if you have the flying skills to smash your awing precisely into the Phoenix's Center Mass you are taken to a secret area on the map where a bit of bespoke text from General pepper makes it clear you and the whole gang have disappeared forever into another dimension leaving corneria helpless this is already feeling like a few days development time I'm just saying good luck the out of this dimension level itself is for no discernable reason other than to F you up a swirling distorted Galaxy of creepy smiling moons while you are constantly attacked by paper planes and bits of random geometry all soundtracked to the very worst circus music the Super NES sound chip is capable of producing if you spend 3 minutes flying around in this bizarre Dimension the boss of the level will show itself as you've probably already guessed it is a building siiz slot machine that dispenses missiles or health restoring coins depending on what symbols you line up now soundtracked to a juny arrangement of When the Saints Go Marching [Music] In at this point you may Well Be Wondering hey how do I make it so that absolutely none of this is happening anymore the slot machine takes no damage so the only way to hurt it is by getting three sevens which as you can imagine is not all that likely it's not unrealistic to say you could be doing this for an hour or so with irreparable consequences to your mind most [Music] likely there's actually no way out of this level though when the boss dies these the end letters just keep looping infinitely but before this the end credits play so you at least know who to blame for what just happened Shigeru mamoto ehy well this must have been a career Ender for that guy isn't it great when a video game offers you something to do after you've beaten the final boss well you can't accuse Diablo 2 of not offering the player end game cont content the endgame content itself however we have questions about this secret Zone which developer blizzard has frequently publicly denied exists can only be accessed by finishing the game then returning to the starting area and combining a fast travel item with a wooden leg you likely picked up hours and hours earlier and hopefully didn't sell in the meantime this creates a portal to moooo farm a lush and verdant pasture that almost immediately becomes filled with an overwhelming number of Po B wielding killer cows the cows or hellbo Vine as they're known in the game appear only in this level do pretty massive damage and swarm in great numbers so it's highly likely that if you're not very careful they'll carve you up like a joint of roast beef then stand mooing around at your corpse this secret level was is included in reference to a hoax surrounding Diablo 1 that clicking on a cow in that game would open a portal to a secret level which goes someway to explaining why you're now being chased by dozens of murderous cows but we're going to say at most like 5% of the way [Music] 4.5 you have to assume the makers of the secret level known as Club Doom really didn't want anyone to find what they' done because the entrance to this secret stage found in the Sega Saturn and Playstation 1 versions of Doom isn't just hidden it's hidden within another secret level that itself requires some extremely fast and precise button and teleport action to enter make it into the secret Mansion stage and you're only another second perfect hidden switch and teleport jump into a mysterious exit away from the level called Club doom and folks it's exactly what it sounds like I mean exactly welcome to Club Doom an extremely intense night spot where revenants Come and Get Loose after a long day having their guts blast out there's a dance floor strobe lighting and a bunch of demons just losing their minds to the constantly accelerating rhythm in this fup Rave hole there's also a fully stocked bar and a hidden teleporter that sends you into the dancer's cages God damn it I think maybe Mom was right about video games now we're not here to yuck anybody's yum but person ly after a few minutes in this blood soaked drum and Bas fetish disco we're feeling the need to pop outside for some fresh air Fe not you can leave via a secret button behind the bar which leads you out of the club part of the level and into a flesh maze hi M yep yep you were right yes about video games yep yep flesh maze [Music] the Grand Theft Auto games are designed to be a cutting parody of the world we live in you don't think I recognize my own underwear now give them back now you want to play with me let's go ah yes satire as such when Rockstar sets a game in a new city they will create create a Mirror Universe version of all its famous landmarks so when New York inspired Liberty City appeared in GTA 4 the Statue of Liberty got its alt version the statue of Happiness also on its own little island this statue has a few differences to its real world counterpart she's holding a coffee cup instead of a torch instead of a serious face it's a smiling face that looks alarmingly like Hillary Clinton satire and inside instead of the a helix spiral staircase for visitors to climb up and down through the statue there's a single ladder leading up to a beating heart I'm sorry but what the yes hidden behind a fake door on the viewing platform labeled either side with plaque saying no hidden content this way is indeed some hidden content if you can call a heart ominously chained in place directly above you content all we can Wonder is where the hell did they get this heart and how and why did they chain it up inside this metal prison with a single viewing platform if you own GTA 4 and want to see the heart for yourself here's how it's done simply fly a helicopter over to the Statue and carefully jump down onto the oh okay let's try no no this time well still beats bowling with Roman good morning wedge the rest of Rogue Squadron is still back at base but I thought we could take an early morning run through Beggar's Canyon Rogue Squadron for the N64 is a game where you play as a fighter pilot in the Rebellion a faction who are to speak broadly the goodies in Star Wars Star Wars fans please don't na me as such you spend most of it flying around gunning down ships and droids dispatched by the evil empire protecting the Galaxy and being a brave and good Star Wars hero with your Brave and good friends the big brains at co-developers Factor 5 and LucasArts however presumably got a bit bored of doing good all the time because hidden inside Rogue Squadron is an extremely weird secret level accessed by inputting the password chicken now I don't know what you're imagining that code does but you probably wouldn't have guessed spawning you into an atst a vehicle colloquially known as a chicken Walker that is not playable in any other part of the game in a Big Green Valley that contains very little but notably does contain a defenseless Village and uh defenseless villagers I didn't think that would feel good and it didn't and oh what's this over here why it's the unmistakable silhouette of a moisture Farm like the one Luke Skywalker grew up on it's undefended I guess we're just supposed to to be fair to this rather unsettling secret level if you walk all the way across the field you can find some Empire installations that will at least put up a fight only problem is turns out the atst is hot garbage so I guess it's back to the Village then well that was Grim thanks Rogue Squadron now I feel like one of the inarguably evil Star Wars characters like Darth Vader or Boba Fett don't at me they've got the largest hammerhead shark in the world here yeah his name is shark heks octo dad is a game that starts with oh wow look at this sweet octopus pretending to be human looking after his family and ends with you stupid octopus how hard is it to throw a basketball you have eight arms if anything it should be easier for you basketball should be your sport still there's one part of the game that is more concerning than an octopus pretending to be a human and getting away with it so easily when the family heads over to the aquarium you can take Octodad to the bathroom and flush him down the toilet just like your dead goldfish at the end of his journey Octodad finds himself in a strange room with a series of pipes platforms and wheels that you can use to get up to the top of the room but we have some serious law questions who put this industrial eyesa right next to the glass of the poor poon en closure why are the words give up lit up on a sign right at the start like more of an order than a helpful sign and worst of all how horrible must it smell down here if you can get in directly via the toilet all I'm saying is it's not a pleasant place to be and no amount of gentle music is going to stop us and wanted to climb out of here as fast as as possible you stupid smash you in the ink [Music] sack if you have a stage in your game where you're crawling on your belly through the sewers while the axis forces trying to shoot you to death I would say that stage probably doesn't need to be any Bleaker but tell that to underground passage the campaign level in Call of Duty finest Hour which amid its Furious shootouts features a passage leading to a seemingly unopenable door one that with a combination of the action button and grenades can in fact be opened head down the corridor to find a surreal secret stage that only gets more haunting the more things you look at let's start with the candles floating in the sky your eye may also be drawn to for instance the tiny Sherman tank roving around on the floor down here or the many many terrifying photos on the walls this is easily the creepiest thing I've ever seen there's also a toilet teddy bears and a gigantic rat that can't be killed but that does snar and grunt like a pig in the center of this secret area there's oh no no an empty crib that's never good right oh crap it's not empty at all oh what the hell can we go back to crawling through sewers [Applause] [Music] please just eight eight arms Luke hey preach into the choir I've only got two and I'm better than that I hate that octopus so look at me he's the worst anyway but that was weird it was a weird place right these are all really weird places to find yourself wanting to strangle an octopus is that possible do they have next I don't know going to find out um but can you think of any weird secret levels that you found and you were like the hell is this this this is making me feel very uncomfortable and I want to leave now uh so let us know in the comments below so the uh other lovely folks watching can go find those scary places and so can we and maybe make another video um but if you enjoyed this video as well please give us a thumbs up uh please subscribe if you haven't already cuz we do loads more videos like this if you want to go that extra step we have our patreon for the ox supporters club uh where you can go join our Discord um we can all share some more terrifying levels there and chat about them and share our experiences with other lovely folks in that Discord in the meantime here's some wonderful videos that you can go watch that are maybe just should we do creepy ones or nice ones creepy ones creepy ones enjoy bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 348,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming, freaky, scary, horror, star fox, diablo 2, diablo ii, moo moo farm, club doom, doom, statue of happiness, gta 4, gta iv, liberty city, star wars rogue squadron, chicken level, at-st, octodad, aquarium, call of duty: finest hour, cod finest hour, cod, finest hour
Id: vRQtePPG4eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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