7 Bad Endings That Were Harder Work Than the Good Ending

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in games with multiple endings intuition tells us that the best ending should be the one you get when you put in the most effort that seems fair doesn't it but counter to that intuition certain games require a special additional effort for you to achieve some kind of bad ending where the only thing your hard work gets you is an unhappy Ever After and quite possibly dead consider this a warning to save you Blood Sweat and possibly tears watch out for these seven Bad Endings that were actually more work than the good ending and also beware spoilers for these following games [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone's getting killed arcade shooting game House of the Dead's Dr curion is described as a scientist who is obsessed with discovering the nature of life and death yep he's making zombies like so many of us in post pandemic 2023 kirins opted to work from home but the difference between him and you answering your emails from the kitchen table is that his home is an enormous Gothic mansion [Music] can we stop letting geneticists set up labs in mansions have we learned nothing from Resident Evil while you might know that house of the dead features branching Pathways you might not realize that it also has multiple endings in the shape of post-credits scenes thank you yeah and over a decade before Nick Fury made them fashionable these scenes concern the fate of a researcher called Sophie she's the fiancee of the game's playable character Thomas Rogan and the manual for the Sega Saturn version tells us Sophie's weight is highly classified mine too Sophie at least until I get around to renewing my gym subscription Sophie ends up passing out part way through the game and if you use multiple continues to complete this brutally difficult arcade game and failed to score 62 000 points you get a post-credits scene that leaves her fate a mystery if you use no continues and score over 62 000 you'll unlock the best ending that scene where Sophie is revealed to be fine thank you to get the worst ending you have to use no continues and also score less than 62 000. the thing is if you're completing the game without using a single continue you're probably playing well enough that you're going to score over the requisite 62 000 points you'd have to be trying pretty hard to both score under that and finish the game without losing all of your lives you'd spend the entire game dancing the fine line between Brilliance and embarrassment like the career of Nicholas Cage your reward for this Precision playthrough Sophie is revealed to have been turned into a zombie curse you Dr curion more like Dr make alien is he dead yeah he's dead him and George you both news I've heard in ages so what happens now the ideal way to end your career as a legendary Crime Boss is dying of old age in your solid gold bed that option is not available to you in Mafia 3 a game in which the best possible ending involves protagonist Lincoln clay leaving behind his life of organized crime to travel the world evading the feds and sending the occasional note to his spiritual Mentor Father James I still get postcards from time to time not a great postcard writer it turns out as good endings go it's bittersweet but it does leave Lincoln's trusted underboss fito scaletta in charge of the city of New Bordeaux where it looks like he's having a lovely time he still lives in that Penthouse at the top of marcano's Casino looking out of the city he owns to achieve that good ending all you have to do when presented with the option at the end of the game is leave town simple if on the other hand you want to make a lot of work for yourself and achieve a much worse ending you can set out to kill off your three lieutenants and rule the city all by yourself it's possible to murder two of these underbosses in the course of the game by favoring the third until the jealous neglected other two are sufficiently jealous and angry the next day they see your black hide it will be at the end of my God I'm gone [Music] Mick ain't got nothing on me you want to see what pissed off really looks like at this point you have to hunt down and kill each of those two formerly trusted lieutenants in a dramatic Showdown [Music] sorry Cassandra sorry Burke then at the end of the game when given the option to skip town or stay and claim your throne you have to choose to stick around go for a sit down with your one remaining crime pal and then choose to do a Betrayal on him a personal now your bloody Quest is at an end you think climbing back into your car and all that's left is to enjoy your long and happy rain as the Untouchable crime king of new Bordeaux or is it [Music] it turns out in this worst of all endings that Lincoln's ethical advisor Father James couldn't abide seeing Lincoln grow into as a tyrannical a crime Lord as the one you spent the game toppling so he went and stuck a car bomb in Lincoln's ride I did some things in my life things that I regret but kill and Lincoln play isn't one of them steli makes a change normally when my car explodes it's my driving that did it [Music] hmm [Music] say what you like about ghost hunting as a profession at least it's well compensated or at least it is if Luigi's Mansion is anything to go by because when you're not vacuuming up ghosts you're vacuuming up a cash for gold store's stockroom worth of coins gold bars gems and assorted other pricey baubles at the end of the game once you've defeated the evil King Boo and trapped him in a painting Luigi's pal Professor egad uses the treasure you gather throughout the game to build Luigi a new house as a way of saying thanks for all the ghostbusting he's been doing depending on how much loot you've collected these houses range from a tiny Shack to a small family home to a huge sprawling mansion the hardest House of all to achieve however is the worst possible one a humble tent the reason for this is that to get this ending you need to collect between 5000 and 4.9 million gold which sounds like a lot but in the world of Luigi's Mansion is basically the least you can do to collect such a minute amount of gold you're going to have to actively avoid picking up loot wherever possible going out of your way to steer clear of these shiny inviting coins and Luscious gold bars and that's not easy have you heard the noise they make when you collect them oh yeah that's the stuff if you're determined and stay the course however you too can earn this rare ending in which Luigi has to live in a tent now sorry Luigi [Music] that guy just can't catch a break foreign [Music] [Music] 2008 puzzle platformer braid isn't just a straightforward video game about rewinding time it's also Laden with metaphor some would say to Laden after all it's seen as a portrait of an overbearing and possessive romantic relationship where the nominal hero of the game Tim is actually the True Villain of the piece but there's also a theory that the princess he's seeking is a metaphor for the atomic bomb which seems like a bit of a leap of logic until you read the epilogue text and it's all about literally blowing stuff up in the desert [Music] I don't want to say pick a lane but pick a lane man the old princess is the atomic bomb theory is Lent further Credence by an additional secret ending that's designed to be unlocked when you collect seven of the eight secret stars hidden around the game these are harder to get than tickets to Taylor Swift requiring Advanced puzzling tricky jumps and in one case waiting literal hours for a cloud to slowly move across the screen [Music] is that also a metaphor for something probably collect the first seven stars and in the level that is titled one one that actually serves as the final level of the game you'll be able to manipulate time to actually catch the princess at which point she explodes and this time in a very much not metaphorical way I've not seen Oppenheimer yet but I assume it ends much the same way so you've gone to all this time and effort including the interminable Cloud waiting bit just to wind up with an ending that somehow even worse than the regular one where it's revealed you're an overly possessive jerk and the real bad guy of the game probably a metaphor for how I should switch my console off and go and touch grass let's do this by the end of colif Juarez the cartel you will have shot blown up and otherwise killed at a conservative estimate 1 000 people this is quite a lot of people to have killed whether you're playing as FBI agent Kim Evans DEA agent Eddie Guerra or Ben McCall a Los Angeles police detective who dresses like a cowboy because Call of Juarez you do realize if you don't talk I have no reason to keep you alive having slogged your way to the end of the game though through hours of this murky morality play about crime Justice power and Corruption you are presented with an important final choice you and your two partners have finally secured bad guy Antonio Alvarez at which point the three of you turn on each other agent Evans wants to bring Alvarez in alive so he can testify against corrupt officials detective McCall wants to kill him because he's a bad guy and agent Guerra wants to kill him because there's a bunch of money we can split it three ways and no one will ever know it's what I said to Mike and Andy when Luke and Ellen's Pizza arrived while they were in the bathroom the point of this standoff is you can decide not to betray your teammates and fight them to the death or you can decide that hey what's two more murders on my slate when I've come this far if you choose not to fight you get the closest approximation this game has to a good ending where Alvarez's testimony is used to expose corruption in the Department of Justice and the three protagonists are left alive on the other hand if you want to go the extra mile and battle your erstwhile friends you get one of three Bad Endings depending on which character you're playing as wherein Alvarez escapes then you have to fight the other two characters to the death then either Eddie is assassinated in a hotel room having fled with the cash or Kim is arrested having punched out her boss on stage at a medal ceremony or Ben is sent to prison where he is far from popular oh hey another postcard from a fugitive On The Run well it's better than hope you are well [Music] in the Streets of Rage the Sinister crime Lord Mr X and his organization The Syndicate have taken over the city which in Practical terms just means that everyone on the street at night looks like an extra from a sex pistol's music video you play as one of a group of ex-cops who for some reason still have access to police bazooka cars who have to fight their way through These Streets of Rage to the syndicates headquarters taking on Mr X's various pro wrestlers and Boomerang enthusiasts [Music] so what you like about bazooka car he gets the job done anyway when you finally make it to Mr X's office in a skyscraper high above the city he offers you a deal join his criminal organization and Rule at his right hand this is a trick of course in accepting it dumps you back to the start of the level [Music] rejecting the offer leads to a final showdown after which you get the game's good ending in which not a lot happens to be honest you mope around the office for a bit say hi to Bazooka car who has had quite the evening and then go and look at the city for what must be judging by going from early evening to the dead of night about eight hours [Music] there is however a bad ending that you can achieve but it's a lot trickier to obtain first of all you need to be playing with a friend and when you reach Mr X he'll ask you both to join the organization [Music] if your friend says no but you decide that actually being head of a criminal organization fits well into your Five-Year Plan and say yes you end up having to fight each other to the death in a grueling drawn out punch-up by this point you're presumably all in and so challenge Mr X to another even more grueling drawn out punch-up [Music] win that and you finally get the game's bad ending in which your character is now the head of the Syndicate and gets their own sweet Throne to sit on while looking sinister although the game does tell you you're great which it doesn't do in the other ending and I'm always looking for that kind of validation so maybe this is actually the good ending [Music] lots to think about it [Music] [Music] 1v1 fighting games deliver a lot of things but usually a proper compelling storyline isn't one of them in fact most fighting game plots can be summed up in a single sentence badman hosts a fighting tournament there's Street Fighter 2 where Batman and bison hosts a fighting tournament [Applause] that's where Batman Shang Tsung hosts a fighting tournament and Tekken where Batman hey Hachi Mishima hosts a fighting tournament probably they just copy and pasted the text on the back of a VHS copy of 1973 film Enter the Dragon in which Batman Han hosts a fighting tournament one exception to this rule is the blaze blue series which arguably has too much Story the plot of blaze blue Continuum Shift involves a probabilistic event that causes multiple parallel universes to collapse into one reality creating a world of near infinite possibilities affirmative distortions caused by the master unit are currently being considered along with other possible outcomes as a result of the Continuum Shift and you'll be pleased to hear none of those possibilities involves a bad man hosting a fighting tournament while each character in the game has a canonical ending in blaze blue Continuum ship each character also has a hidden bad ending and in order to unlock it the game requires you to perform certain often tricky character-specific tasks during fights sometimes even losing key fights with the story carrying on anyway I really must have lost my focus to get beaten this badly finally a fighting game that allows me the space to suck at fighting games there's no doubt though that you're spending your time and energy earning an ending that sucks even more than the regular one take the character Tsubaki for example complete the game as normal and it ends pretty badly with her going blind from using her magical Armament called izayoi ah I I can't I can't see but if you have the skill to finish three key matches with what's known as a distortion Drive move you'll unlock her bad ending in which she also goes blind Tsubaki your eyes why but as an extra kicker she then dies accompanied by some of the best anime voice actor whaling we've ever heard [Music] a plus whaling no notes I tell you something see I just got the bad ending oh no no no it's okay I'm not complaining I mean I finally got to be a playable character in this one and the developers were even nice enough to write a whole story for me hello and welcome to the good ending of this video which you have unlocked in which I am neither arrested nor blown up nor what else happens in Bad Endings the world is not going to end right now so we're in the clear uh check out this video from outside Xbox while the world continues to not end for 20 minutes or so or there's this video from outside extra in which um the world will not end so uh do I need to work harder for the bad ending you'll need to watch it yeah yeah you didn't work nearly hard enough for the Bandon for this video so try again I guess go back fresh
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 471,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, luigi's mansion, funny, funny moments, list, top 10, top 5, 7 worst, 10 worst, worst endings, bad endings, call of juarez, the cartel, mafia 3, mafia III, braid, blazblue, blazblue continuum shift, streets of rage, endings, worst ending, funny ending, house of the dead, sophie, zombie
Id: 366f3uWKDp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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