Catch and Cook Wagyu Steak - Celebrating 1 Million Subscribers - Thank You A!! / Cooking Wagyu beef

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right today boys and girls we have built for you an assortment of entertaining show seen all these videos on facebook and i thought i'd try my own hand at it that's me out in patagonia on my slingshot taking place in history's newest season of alone this is my youtube channel how to make a rustic yurt bunk bed and this is rooster bola all right all my new camera equipment so sexy stuff that goes on top and i can do stuff like casey neistat when i point at things you can't see my eyes looking at the uh we're setting up home in a new place right there welcome to your new home awesome this is my new studio and if you've been following me you realize something's off this is so ridiculous 87 days you're gonna see the duck hunter all the traps i made out there that never made it on the show at 87 days i had lost 73 pounds fidget spinner slingshot [Music] cold steel shovel get them while they're hot [Applause] i'm pretty sure i got the warranty you'll be just the best you that you can be if you're doing what you love to do if you're creating what you love to create there is nothing that should stand between you and that slingshot instruction episode one squirt on tuesdays on youtube spin and this is season four of the wilderness living challenge nailed it there's only one well don't forget seven days [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this isn't working this is ridiculous john's got the umbrella so he's dry but i can't quite fit underneath of it can we both fit underneath of it and film sure it's just some really close shots here otherwise it was supposed to hold off till two we're doing a catch and cook oh look at that i caught it oh i caught it got some more and some more i have never had kobe beef i thought it would be kind of a fun video for our celebrating one million subscribers thank you guys for subscribing thanks for all the views all right so we didn't actually catch the kobe beef outside of what you just saw right there i've always wanted to try kobe beef i've even turned down getting it at a restaurant once or twice just so i can save it for this special day once i hit a million and uh and to be able to share it with you and tell you guys what it tastes like and i actually reached out to uh some local butchers nobody has it they're like you can't get that in maine but then i saw in vermont we have vermont wagyu and they sent us these beautiful beautiful steaks i'm gonna do like a sushi type roll one uh one on the grill we got a control steak and everybody's gonna be able to enjoy it and uh we'll do a little taste off so that you guys can get a little idea of what it's like to have well goo i've seen it on so many other youtube channels that are fancy cooking channels and uh really wanted to try it so wagyu is a very special meat this one cost like 200 and they were so nice to send us all these for free to try them out in the video the reason it costs so much is it comes from a very special cow in japan originally for the longest time you couldn't even get them here in the us except for buying the steaks from them until they finally released it it used to be rumored that uh wagyu um kobe beep was made by having cows that were massaged with beer and they didn't have to stand on their own all that stuff it turns out it's just from a very special breed and um so it's very sought after and the people in vermont have uh managed to obtain some of the cows and successfully uh created a beautiful business and we got a control stake just from the local local store control steak we'll see if uh that tastes any better i'm pretty sure it doesn't taste better as long as i don't burn these horribly but before we get into the rest of the cooking a bunch of people sent in some congratulations to me and the guys while i was out doing the seven-day island survival challenge which coincidentally enough comes out next friday tune in for that they uh they thought they'd say congratulations and do something a little crazy uh trying some hot sauce that uh i don't know about check this out well zach congratulations that's one million subscribers that's a huge milestone i know you thought you were gonna get there before i did but on the bright side it only took you an extra year to make it all joking aside dude you deserve it there's nobody who works harder on youtube than you do you put in so much creative energy into all of your projects and some of your most outlandish ideas have actually come to fruition on paper they sound like madness but you've always managed to come through and you've been a good friend to me and you've helped me and i would dare to say that you'll you help me as much as you help yourself succeed which makes you a good friend you never leave me hanging and i think that's what ultimately has led to your success keep up the good work and who knows maybe i'll make it to two million first or maybe you will big congratulations on the million zack and i knew you'd be there as soon as i saw your channel on you got too many skills and i know you're still not using all of them i know you got some more up your sleeve well zach congratulations on getting one million subscribers that's a huge accomplishment and i know it's a lot of work so seriously though congratulations congratulations to get a million subscribers daddy huge shout out to zach for hitting a million subscribers that is awesome man congratulations he's taught me a lot since i've started working for him whether it be filming or just working and like with the mushroom video i would have probably never learned about black trumpets unless i learned it from zach thanks for all the support you've given me over my channel and all the best for hitting 1 million subscribers hey zach just wanted to say congratulations on your million subscribers wow and uh god bless and uh great job man really proud of you congratulations zach 1 million followers that is amazing stuff you deserve 100 of it all the hard work and the late nights you put into and the great content you made so glad i got to meet you and i'm glad to call you one of my friends just keep on being awesome celebrate have a good time and that's how you do it hey zach congratulations on reaching a million subscribers um i knew when you started out on this big new adventure of yours that you would get to this point so much determination and dedication and drive and i've never met anybody that works harder to reach a goal than you do [Applause] fowler you did it dude you hit that one million mark congratulations fowler dustin from wazoo hey man congratulations on 1 million subscribers on youtube uh forgot to also say lester was up there in maine really sorry about beating you [Music] hey zach it's luke here with the outdoor boys youtube channel and me and the family we're here on the arctic ocean near fruto bay alaska and we just heard about your 1 million subscriber mark and wanted to wish you a big congratulations and go get them you're going to get a million more all right all right here we go come on baby here we go come on let's go let's go [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right so congratulations zach on one million subscribers it takes a lot of work a lot of dedication and to celebrate we have one million scoville hot wings jalapeno so we basically took ghost pepper extract combined it with the fowler's signature chipotle hot sauce to show our dedication to uh to you and uh and all the hard work uh that you've put into this channel all right let's get this over with let's just do it uh do we need like tongs or gloves do not touch your eyes or other orifices all right zach go back back it definitely burns more as soon as you swap all right i'm getting a lot more heat than i've ever had i feel like yeah easily i really don't know about this one you got this buddy uh it's just like aidan made these i did make these i don't know aidan knows the differences in these i can smell way more than the person i'm sweating are you serious oh my god i'm not lying happy 1 million dude that's a huge bite oh this tastes much different whoa oh oh gosh you gotta clear it jack congratulations on one million subscribers do we have um do we have anything in the fridge nope not dr pepper is supposed to help oh that's on my lips [Music] i think you need more cream stuff what any more korean stuff [Music] i don't feel so good [Music] hey zach i heard you made it to a million subscribers that's pretty impressive it's been fun working with you on our collaborations with our glamper build off and i hope to actually visit you in person at some point maybe tow this thing along have a little clamp off anyways congratulations buddy hey zach john opper sliding with sasquatch man congratulations on 1 million greetings from the woods this is kit zero survival saying congratulations zachary fowler on one million subscribers you earned it and you do a good job so a little clip for my good buddy zach fowler congratulations buddy 1 million subscribers what a lot of effort you put into all these videos over the years and i appreciate everything you've done for my channel evans rocky mountain bushcraft 1 million right on [Music] congratulations zachary on a million subs what's that taste like tastes like carrots [Music] congratulations on your first million i know you're gonna get tons more i am truly inspired by your content i love how you showcase the incredible state of maine your humor and your authenticity that you bring to this platform is a breath of fresh air and i can't wait to see what you have in store next man again congratulations mr beast you better look out a million subscribers man i am so proud of you i'm so joyful for you in this moment i am just amazed back congratulations congratulations zach really pleased for you uh you've been a fantastic ambassador for the outdoors and a great inspiration to loads of people throughout the years i know you're putting tons of effort on your channel creating some amazing videos for us all to watch and i just wanted to say a huge congrats welcome to the million club uh you thoroughly deserve it buddy and really looking forward to seeing what content you've got in the future keep it up hollywood bushcraft here and i'm here to say congratulations zachary fowler on surpassing 1 million subscribers i knew you could do it just like i knew you could last 87 days on a loan with only 10 items so from me and all the wood squad we want to say congratulations and thank you so much for everything you've done for me and for my channel i will see you on the next one hey zach how you doing congratulations on the million subs blood you really deserve it i couldn't think of a better deserving person than that you see the shirt i got on best of luck on the next million hope it comes twice as fast congratulations hey whole family's here we just wanted to congratulate you on 1 million subscribers so everyone say congratulations congratulations way to go congratulations zach congratulations congratulations [Music] [Applause] hey guys thank you for all the congratulations i did watch the longer version of that been a private showing with the guys but i'm not going to show you they filmed me blubbering so much so let's get on with the cooking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foaming all right steak time oh that's that's scary this thing's sharp i just probably don't want to do that i think this is the dad's dream oh look at that marbling that's pretty good i will pan sear this and then i will put it in the smoker upper a little bit of oil so if i do one plane one just smoked instead of pan seared at all one in the sushi roll-ups and sliders and then a controlled steak sirloin steak is the heart-shaped steak these are all so beautiful so marbled oops i was supposed to pat that one dry and maybe this one i will be a little fancier i'll put a little crust of uh of this uh kimchi powder there we go chuck sirloin dad's dream which is like a new york strip and now burger it almost looks like pork it's so uh fatty and so white somebody's gonna be cringy in the comments i hope you know that you don't ever use a wooden cutting board or meat you know how light colored it is almost is it like a pork there's just so much fat sliders here we come i want it all done at the same time that's one of the hardest things about some stuff i do is trying to make sure that everything is done at the same time super thick i mean look at that all right i almost forgot about the control [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] there we go got some vermont cheese to go on our vermont wagu sliders that should be good i get as thin as i can i want to be an accent to the burger not the overwhelming flavor [Music] i like my steaks raw and wriggling take it out at 140 let it sit let it cool it's cooked through i don't care what anybody says if it's red juicy if the fibers are starting to separate that's 140 that's medium rare that's when it's good especially with the got i think with the wagyu you got to do that i mean i think you should do that with every steak but some people like to burn theirs they like to taste the shoe leather and then they like to put like some ridiculous thing like a1 sauce or whatever the canadian version is that greg likes us if you're gonna do that you can just take a piece of old leather throw it on the grill warm it up and then uh splash it with some ridiculous sauce says the sauce guy i love sauce and everything just pretending to be a purist today i'm trying something new i have never done this on the seven day island survival challenge coming next week i did some sushi for the first time but i did not do the what is it the california roll which is actually has the rice on the outside so this time i'm going to do that with the steak in the middle and try to do the california roll thing so like first you put the rice on then you roll it then you roll it in some sesame seeds gotta wet your hands so the rice doesn't stick uh did i want to wet this thing no it seems like it's okay sticky this doesn't feel like as sticky as it could be i don't know if this will work oh look at that oh that's my piece with a big old piece of fat on it right there i call that one called dibs that piece is a little bit too long right there oh yeah you're starting early oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my god that was amazing all right roll this bad boy up [Music] oh did i get it california roll did i get it i feel like i got it i feel like i nailed it oh i uh well okay i don't know if i nailed it but actually i'm gonna put them on here and roll it back through them seems to be sticking well to the sushi part [Applause] oh that one turned out really good all right let's take those in we're ready to eat [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll start out with the control [Music] thin slices on everybody's plate that plain delicious wai gu this is the most plain this is the dad's dream and i didn't end up quite as rare as i wanted on the edge but i think that'll do there's like new york strip and this is sirloin this is the the one that's the pepper crusted went for medium so that not everybody would be appreciate the rare this is oh that's nice that's a medium and we got our our chuck rare uh california rolls yeah i'm a little bit more yeah so it's probably medium well done what do you want on your burger i would love tomato pickle and lettuce all right tomato pickle and lettuce you want mayonnaise or mustard or gotta go dry you gonna go dry yeah it's up to you i mean it's your thing i mean somebody's probably gonna yell at us like why are you putting like anything on a wagyu burger or some foolishness peppers and there and a couple of giant brussels sprouts and we're doing the sides and then uh taters look like they got really cooked little taters in the middle not bad look at that like that is quite the plate that's a lot well here you go everybody else join in come on over here let's i'll plate you up more cooked or less cooked less cooked california rule the dad's dream oh my goodness this is insane uh what kind of slider you want more or less cooked they're all good don't worry about it brussels sprouts lettuce i'll do onion pickle what am i going with my slider bun that guy and i saved one of these one of these was a big old so it's it's really meaty there but the other half of that is a big old fatty chunk wow this is insane that's a feast when he sits down of course he's got the smallest i thought he gave him the smallest chair he's still taller than johnny johnson looks like you're six he's got my chair that's why he's so tall synchronized who's counting it all right five four three two one [Music] cheers to one million subscribers thank you guys for all of your help and your hard work thank you guys subscribers for all your subscribing and uh subscribing twice if you find a second phone just want to say again thank you guys for all of your hard work you know it's like uh i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you or at least it would have taken twice as long so those of you comment and subscribe thank you very much i think we'll say grace and we'll dig in and let you know how good this turned out lord thank you for a million subscribers on youtube thank you for uh just blessing us with such a great team of everybody that works so hard and put so much of their own hearts and efforts into this thank you for all of you that have been viewing lord those that you have brought to us to be able to enjoy the adventures with us in jesus name amen oh and thank you vermont wagoo so we are about to test it so do what do we start with which one how do we know which ones i say we start with dad's dream which one is that next to the yeah next to the control is there a way to do it all in our mouth at once i'm just going for the whole piece that's everything i ever dreamed it would be that's incredible yeah i actually get really freaked out by like fatty bits but that's like not rubbery melts in your mouth no because i've never had them that almost disappears too quickly yeah yeah it's almost like you take a bite of it and it's like i was able to swallow it it was still you really you chew it all right this one was just smoked and uh the whole time whereas the last one was and seared and then smoked and taken off at 140. you can i mean i'm not judging you you did i like that smokey flavor [Music] and that little bit of uh zestiness on the outside there yeah it doesn't overpower it yeah it's a little bit in the tongue a little chewier than the dad's dream one yeah i think maybe it's still very good but yeah it's like compared to a regular steak it's exceptional except something let's try the let's try the regular the natural stuff let's go back to the control stake which we start with this one this is like a decent normal steak too it was a decent normal steak it's like 13 bucks for a while you didn't buy us the junkiest one to like try to like try to be like oh my goodness this is so leathery okay that's so bad i can't do that no oh you don't like the fat on it mm-hmm it's like gelatin that was the fat that i was worried about in this first one then it wasn't it's bristling it makes the hair like my neck it's still good it tastes like a piece of meat yeah i mean the issue is right it tastes like a piece of meat this is gonna ruin steak for the rest of our lives mm-hmm i'm going oh wait the slider next i think cheers oh no once again burger burger [Applause] wow for real what type of cheese did you use oh that's vermont cheddar so i figured since the vampu vermont cheddar that's good oh yum that's good burger crazy they actually sent more than enough for more catching cooks next time i go out and do something out in the outdoors i can bring one of these with me or you know technically still a catch and cook yeah i did catch it you did you threw it i caught it we cooked it boom i haven't checked yet on the map but remember when i did my vermont trip a couple years ago there's cows on the river the whole way i went and it's on the border of vermont i haven't looked but i might have actually piled by and that might have been the cows that i mood at maybe i even talked mood through the cow that we are eating now that would be incredible that's in cream that's pretty great i don't want to do this okay yeah we have to we gotta do this we need soy sauce so it's awesome it's gonna ruin it it's not gonna ruin it i mean is it technically sushi or it's just a because it's not fish so i don't really know what it officially makes i'd like to ask a question is anybody else feeling already full i think it's weird wagyu i've heard fills you up faster well the fat i'm not hot yeah if you don't like it just like say so chris i know it's good i'm gonna keep eating it and look at this this is that fat one i picked it's all blah blah oh that really i'm waiting for it just slow right on the rice [Music] [Laughter] it's yummy it's just oh it just melted in my mouth too fast sesame seeds added a nice little yeah the sesame seeds smoky flavor i barely pulled it off because i over did the rice so it wasn't as sticky and and i forgot to toss it with a little bit of rice vinegar to kind of it makes bring back the stickiness to it so if you do that you can get a better sticky rice at the end i think the sear added a nice little crust and it changed it a little bit but they're both excellent yeah i like the uh both of those whole sand oh how you doing over there don't choke you're not allowed to put that up that's about 50 bucks if you spit that out the fowler california rolls and we could just do like you know make a little food truck yeah we call them like there's a squirrel one there's the awesome one or even do a spring roll but with you know with all like a salad rack but with a piece of wagyu in that be good and like the light like a rice paper yeah those like rice paper ones yeah nothing like any steak i've ever had i can tell the dad's dream yes so juicy and i don't know well i think the dad's dream was the most marbled and like yeah i didn't see the right it's almost like it's almost just the same way that cotton candy just oh my goodness yeah yeah that's a good way to put it i guess what was your favorite the dad's dream as dream what about you yeah the dream daddy there has like the most unique dream dream to uh dad's dad dream daddy whatever that was like a dream yeah i think it's the most like unique like i think you can like immediately taste where the money's gone it's like really really good that one well that was a 200 steak is that true so yeah you just so you probably just had like fourteen dollars in two bites it stresses me out dad's dream definitely that's that everybody say a dad's dream except for john and what did you say aidan nothing that's i like the chuck which was in the the sushi one but i just like that like i just put the right amount of uh the soy sauce on so it was just a little flavorful and that piece that i had picked for my sushi piece was like the one with the fat on the end of it so it was like half meat half fat and it just melted in my mouth it was just so and that little bit of rice and that little bit of sesame seeds it was such a good accompaniment if i beat you in ping pong can i have seconds you can have seconds all you like this is for you guys to say thank you as well as your bonuses which i hope you enjoy don't spend them all in one place um i'll spend them back on the website baby actually in the gift card johnny so that worked out yeah i forgot to tell you about it all in one place well now i guess we're just wasting your guys time probably have better things to do and uh you know like watch some other videos that we've done that weren't so uh weird is this one i thank you guys once again thank you for vermont waku for sending us this for hitting a million thank you guys here for all your hard work that you've put in over the years uh chris has been here the longest he put the most work in and uh he's uh he's got his own channel now so check out that link in the description below chris taylor mainstream adventures make sure you subscribe through the way you're the way it rains oh yeah mainstream adventures appreciate it guys and uh yeah we'll just keep on having more adventures what are you doing back there he like snuck over there you can have all the seconds you want we're gonna have some seconds play some ping pong and have some fun and i'll see you guys in the next one don't forget to tune in september what 17 17 perhaps next friday september 17th for the first episode of the island survival challenge and they're going for seconds i'll see you guys later foulder out i always wondered if wagu is actually this different than just regular cuts of steak but it truly is and it's worth a try oh there's still a lot of that left and there could be some left for you check it out there are links in the description below vermont it's very it's a reachable dream dad's dream steaks it's not that hard it's easy to cook tastes so good it's worth it if you have never experienced it before maybe your dad would like to experience it check out that link below for them thank you guys actually they knew zach from alone and they're big fans the only piece of steak left behind is the uh the non wagyu matt couldn't choke it down i'm zachary fowler and there's our island for the next seven days she's all mine the build i hope this works to create number five [Music] [Applause] have adventure on yeehaw [Music]
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 148,617
Rating: 4.9346485 out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, fowler survival challenge, Catch and cook wagyu, catch and cook steak, wagyu beef, wagyu steak, wagyu beef cooking, wagyu steak cooking, cooking wagyu, cooking wagyu steak, how to cook wagyu steak, how to cook wagyu beef, catchn cook wagyu, catch n cook steak, wagyu, wagyu meat, steak cooking videos, cooking videos wagyu beef, catch and cook beef, fowler catch and cook, cook wagyu, cook wagyu steak, cooking steak
Id: 3j1gyUZ3AHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 21sec (2241 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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