One Day Build and Move-in Floating Fishing Cabin - Day 1 of 7 Day WaterWorld Survival Challenge

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all right it is building day day one launching day one day build raft and live on it's so like you can see the ripples in the water we're making good headway dude fish on come on i'm zachary fowler and this is the seven day water world survival challenge [Music] fish on [Music] water world survival challenge is brought to you by mystery tackle box check out the link in the description below for them and the water world survival challenge official gear video right we are here at home depot if you clicked on this you already know we're going to build a platform we're going to build a platform and spend five days living seven days living out we're going to build something 16 by 12. so we need plywood we need two by fours we need screws we need hardware and we need a lot of totes i'm thinking like 50 totes this is a drawing i did on my phone almost a year ago now chappelle had sent me an ice shack to use in the on the ice series and we never ended up using it mostly because it ended up being me at the wooded beardsman and alex perrick and there wasn't enough room for the three of us to live in it when i first designed this i was thinking i would use 55 gallon drums get some of those free off of craigslist and this would keep the cost of the build down but literally the day after i shared my drawings and plans in a video the outdoor boys had already done it and they shared their video he used 18 gallon totes and nailed it look at that she rides pretty well in that water i am super happy with this project so after spending several hours on craigslist and finding zero free 55-gallon barrels i decided to switch to the tote method and follow the lead of the outdoor boys and for those of you that have been watching for a while you might remember this guy that's chris he's back we need a big cart let's do this whoo 50 totes times six you you do the math how many is that 50. we're looking for something more like this we should get some big ones make it happen like individual like the batmobile like you you gotta we got our platform and then you kick something you jump into one and paddle free of it like the motorcycle comes out of the batmobile a little less technology a little bit a little bit cheesier but i'm not seeing what we need here let's go look at wood if we have to we can start building tomorrow and send the other parts of our youtube team out to scavenge the world for every tote and or hey what about this five gallons build them at a home depot barrels how many home depot barrels would it take to float a 16 by five times six it would be six times 50. 205 gallon buckets that'd be crazy all right we got a cart cue the building montage [Music] so [Music] patio set for the deck they're on sale right now looking for that home depot sponsorship we got orange in common home depot you want to sponsor the next build let me know we wouldn't get any fishing done there'd just be all kinds of napping happen it was a thousand only four hundred dollars for this not rain proof not rain proof but shade cloth that would be nice if we get too warm let's get back if we get too warm we'll just go for a swim they're closing soon okay okay i have to ask you a question are you are you from the show yeah are you from that show alone yeah like for real yeah oh my gosh [Music] okay it's gonna be 5 seventeen fifty how much [Music] 18 gallons so we pick out princess poles for a little princess pole fish off because i already have that paul that's my favorite the elsa series spiderman i do like these white chatter baits i'm always successful on that i think we need all the totes we can get let's get them [Music] get those out of your way 16 totes and and 140 dollars down uh about five of that was treats and what another 15 or so 20 was some extra fishing tackles and some rod holders for the boats so our total for the build so far is up to that number right there over 600 and we still need 35 totes 34 totes something like that assuming all the totes work and last but not least this one's actually my favorite don't tell home depot that we need our the rest of our totes totes we need 38 of them or 50 if you got them well there's six there's six it's a start yep oh there we go here we go got one two three four eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two three twenty three plus sixteen we just need another 10 right somewhere else we're down to getting in trouble we're down to getting in trouble for not wearing masks 18s those two are different that's why they don't fit in there i don't mind the color eighteen one two three four thirteen fourteen that's it take it should we get the the blue ones too all right and now you talked me into it let's have a couple lids we spent over a thousand dollars in just those first three stores we did spend a couple dollars on screws the next day as we get into the build but we ended up buying 24 totes we didn't need so we saved a couple bucks there at least all right it is building day day one launching day one day build raft and live on chris has got everything already organized i was doing a little editing this morning from the last thing so we can i could be free and clear to do this here's our plans for the project right here we're gonna keep it simple three pieces of plywood this will be one platform and this will be the other platform and when we get there we can bolt the two together and we put as many totes as we can underneath each one of these we got our two by fours 12 footers eight footers two by two and a half or whatever they are a whole bunch of totes we might not have to use a little clear ones or maybe we'll hook up one of those we'll have ourselves a wet well so we can uh keep some alive if we start catching more than we need just in case the next day we're not doing well and uh tiki torches i was talking we're building [Music] 141 and an 8. [Music] sawdust poland springs now comes with fiber [Music] let's throw the totes in oh no they all have these labels on them yeah otherwise they'd be floating around the lake no good are we overdoing it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] there [Music] we'll see how much it weighs i throw our backs out we can't even do anything for the rest of the week that's not that bad let's walk it back that way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you think how's that look nice eight inches [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] all right we're ready to flip it and finish it [Music] and one two three drop originally we're going to bolt the totes to the platform but in the end it was just too time consuming we went with sheetrock screws and just round the screws off with the grinder [Music] whoops i don't know what happened here for some reason we lost audio on this one clip so i'll try to just give you the gist of what we're saying basically it's done it's on the trailer it uh we're screwing it on we didn't screw it up so that's good and uh now we're ready to go uh we screwed the two platforms together and then strapped them to the trailer oh yeah that looks good we should be good all right chris approves we're gonna do this let's uh let's head out still got a lot to do before it's dark and we still want to catch three fish before dark oh no wait no i'm saying there's still three boats that need to get down there to the lake and uh yeah i think that pretty much covers it less talking more uh getting out there on the water and having some adventure i'm excited how about you there there put it all there one-handed are you feeling it silicone is good silicone is good yep we'll put a little silicone if you didn't see that on the deck between the seams because it's not sealed by boards and some totes are over it that way if it does get a lot of rain we shouldn't get a lot of rain pouring through the cracks and into those the rest of them are all hard up against the plywood so those of you that are like naysaying already are like oh they're gonna get water in them they really shouldn't have any more water my prediction is about there maybe even less somewhere less than that you know like let's say thumb and finger is about as far down as it's gonna settle into the water so we will see let's bring it over to the lake and launch this beastie [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] what do you guys think is it gonna float i think it is no we got one one vote for no yes what about you guys yes yeah all right i got one no one naysayer one nice hair and the rest of them were yes's so i'm feeling good feeling confident how are we going to get it in once they're screwed together watch out for that nail polish [Laughter] nailed it ella enchanted that was one of my favorites this is the peanut gallery hello these are all the people that voted for me the young man that devoted that we would sink he he took off he had to leave in shame no he didn't leave in shame have you been watching my videos the majority of my little adventures close to home always happen in 7th tree pond right here but this time we're going with crawford pond i'm not even a mile from home but i've never been on crawford before but it's a really special place with this hundred acre island in the middle and so many unique features in it and it's a private lake all the properties around the lake are private so we thought without public access and us only having access through mcma campground and renting a campsite that we would be in a quiet secluded little place turns out it's quite the little water world in its own right it's about 10 o'clock at night we're here with the final load cars got the kayak i think we're gonna need a bigger raft what is this when did you sneak all these into here six twenty thirty forty five ice fishing sets my rods are under there somewhere too wow we got a lot of stuff now we have to get it all on to the raft don't read it into the bank oh dude this is so cool we uh just cast off and we try to bring the boat around tie it off fire it up and motor out to where we're gonna spend the night we are getting farther away from the shore [Music] and put the trolling motor in and steer the front of the boat if you would please heading towards the moon oh look at that beautiful beautiful night head for the moon shoot for the moon we got it figured out now even with the motor turned all the way over as if we're supposed to be going this way that bars just like now i'm calling it barge the float just keeps dragging us around circles so we got chris on the trolling motor and he's cranking hard that way and that keeps us straight you can see the ripples in the water we're making good headway maybe the 2.0 version will have to have its own motor that'd be cool solar powered solar-powered float home away from home cool but right now we gotta find our home away from home for the night so we can make some dinner have a fire and relax set up our our ice shack for our tent and be able to go to bed with a full belly the lights of civilization as we leave them behind goodbye civilization probably want to just pick somewhere easy tonight where the depth isn't too bad 14 feet we could live with 14 feet [Music] i can't tell how close we are to the edge like quite a ways off or what oh looks like we're getting close to the other side let's tuck ourselves right in here oh little bait fish jumping i heard that but what is that is a sticker or a beaver oh it's a loon oh like like it's staring at us pops up right here tax when loons attack we failed our first night out because we got attacked by loons we're at 16 feet but pretty good i mean a fish almost did just jump into the boat i wouldn't doubt that it was a mark the other side is now far far away and we're coming into what looks to be a little co i'd say we make uh call it good right here beaver all right we gotta get ourselves all squared away somehow two and three take that beaver that's definitely spacious but we forgot that it's an ice fishing shack so those are just windows not screens so if the bugs get bad um but hopefully since we're far enough from land i'm not feeling any bugs right now hopefully they don't get bad too shabby all right you want to toss me in the cots and i'll set those up [Music] man i hate putting cots together this is why a hammock is so much better come on miserable curse all right home sweet home not so convenient that the doors are on the corners fire and food so i'm good playing food super hungry angry almost yeah there just keep falling in or i know that's royalty free we got lucky that where the fires doesn't blow right into our shelter that's true yeah we didn't look at that well it keeps the bugs away it's trying to chop all quietly so we don't disturb our neighbors and just like preserve our peaceful thing and now there's blood you should have shaken it in the water did you track some fish i did i washed my hands instantly oh yeah your shirt is yeah i think i should change holy cow nobody makes me bleed my own blood throw a little bit of that on the line just give it a little little jigging did you catch a bit catch a fish with a piece of your shirt that wouldn't surprise me stop bleeding also happy about that oh that was worth it it's freaky i can't remember the last time i went swimming at night i just want to get back out like that beaver splashing all i could do i swam to the edge pretty quick but man do i feel good no i gave my face like a underwater until i came up and then i was just like oh that's nice tonight on the floating iron chef cheddar worth because we got out here so late there's no way we're going to get to where we may catch a fish but we want to eat peppers onions chunk it all up throw it in a pan put it on the fire you have yourself a delicious dinner big healthy chunk of butter spicy cheddar was [Music] [Music] so [Music] digging rod from frostbite little grub i'm just gonna drop it straight down leave it there see what happens no freaking dude fish on come on are you kidding me right now you pop it off the tripod yeah we got here we go white perch that a white oh i really there he goes he's gone as soon as i dropped it in i felt like a little bump and i wasn't sure if it was this dropping down and because it dropped so smoothly and then they must be all up underneath of us what was that on it was just this little pink jig head with a grub on it well yeah wax worm nice job man first fish thanks let's see if we catch a bigger one from down there it's like jigging spot right here that's cool i can't believe you just pulled that [Music] i was just gonna leave my rod there but i think i'm gonna move over and sit here in my swivel chair and try not to fall in and then actively just jig off the side of our platform here pretty excited can you imagine just living like this every day like everybody probably thinks that like isn't that's what you do every day that's all i see you doing videos july 15th then you i can't wait for ice fishing well i like the cold watch the rest of the night we now get a single bite i just i do love the small stuff don't i i mean fish must be able to see in the dark some otherwise they just bump into things all the time right cooking up at all the things are taking forever frozen i don't know it seems like no i do love these just this little but just pull the trigger and it just drops straight these these reels have we ever spoken about you building an ice shack like a sweet ice shack type of deal i mean i guess that's the inevitable next step like some sort of a well not saying that be that like you could bomb around in with a nice long trap and so maybe making some sort of an ultra light shack that was like super palace but also light enough that a heavy duty long track snowmobile could drag it handle it so you bring it to the location on your trailer and you got your you make it so the snowmobile tucks inside of it oh so you slip the shack on top of your snowmobile trailer or your trailer of some sort and then you oh oh i'm not scared you just saw me fire on doc we have some sort of like we get them extinguishing uh i forgot the fire extinguisher [Music] oh yeah that's ready let's divvy it up 2 am yes sir burn in the midnight oil i'm not waking up at 5 today or today yeah today literally i i divided them you can pick it's called chef's choice we don't even have the woods to get sticks to make chopsticks it's good it's good possible just need to uh cut a paper forward i'm trying to figure out what uh i got my utensils were you about to use fat wood that is my that's my other thing i was gonna make here you can use the big spoon and i'm going to make fat wood chopsticks so i'll just uh take the fat wood split it and that stuff's from mexico right what's that have to do with anything excellent job zach thank you fatwood chopsticks lord thank you for the food thank you for helping us complete this thing in a extremely fast manner and make it out here tonight help us get a good night's sleep not to get bit by bugs but bit by lots of fish while we're out here jesus name amen wow i don't know if it's all the fumes and the smoke or but the bugs aren't really that bad i we haven't really i didn't see any bugs when we first arrived either before we had smoke but we didn't have two torches i was getting bit up we're gonna have to swing by the woods or something on one of the boats and get ourselves some more wood for chopsticks he's getting tangled behind the ladder darn it there we go oh i shouldn't have forced it out would you go for the boat flip yeah i was going for the boat flipping i was just like that was a bigger one that was a keeper for breakfast [Music] keep popping off yeah [Music] there we go now that's a good breakfast right there that's there's a yummy perch for breakfast that's a good one [Music] that's the second or third one i got but like finally landed one [Music] i thought i can get like three more for [Music] breakfast [Music] delicious birch breakfast [Music] perch and eggs but i didn't bring any eggs perch fries and bacon fat maybe i should catch one more so i have something to share with chris he can't seem to catch anything [Music] oh broke off all right that's it i'm going to bed you are yeah well awesome first day build the raft launch it get out here have dinner catch a couple fish for tomorrow's breakfast actually today's breakfast since it's like three in the morning right now i'm done stick a fork in me i'll see you guys in the next one thanks for watching fowler out tune in next time as we explore underneath the raft to make sure it's working out okay and then we're not gonna sink and that the adventure actually does continue for all seven episodes and then we'll make some friends and then we're gonna eat them
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 3,307,065
Rating: 4.8625426 out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, survival, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, fishing, fishing cabin, cabin, building a cabin, diy fishing cabin, floating cabin, floating fishing cabin, fishing adventures, homestead cabin, cheap house boat, diy house boat, house boat project, building a cheap boat, 7 day survival challenge, one day builds, one day build to catch, build a floating fishing cabin
Id: QATeJlLwlu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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