GIANT TROUT Fishing in the MOUNTAINS!!! SOLO Backpacking! (Catch, Cook, Camp pt.2)

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[Music] what have i gotten myself into again right there oh look at this look at that there it is there it is bobber down bobber down bobber down there we go fish on baby welcome to another episode guys i'm out in the mountains right now i've been here for two days backpacking i've got camp in the tent right over there i'm seeking shelter under a tree right now but the mission for this episode is going to be to weather out one more night here and hopefully by tomorrow morning the weather should totally turn around and we should have a really nice day tomorrow and then we will climb up the mountain to an even higher lake so i have no idea if there are fish in that lake but if that lake fishes the way that this one does or better because it's even more remote then there's potential for some absolute giants living in there let me show you around i'll get in the rain here real fast i don't mind too much getting wet got a couple of fishing poles right there in the net here's our tent shake off the water a little bit oh man and here's the lake it's really hard to see right now probably because it is so foggy but she's absolutely beautiful super crystal clear water and loaded with giant trout this is the shore right here welcome to my beach this is uh yeah where we're staying the next day i don't put my raincoat on often but when i do it keeps me dry being rained on it's cold i need some some comfort food this mre has like chili mac this here is the chemical pouch stuff in there that makes water boil when it gets in contact with water so we're gonna fill this is the pouch that contains the food look at this like a huge hot pocket bag i'm just gonna set that baby aside here let that kind of start warming up i guess some military lemonade right here let's do that whenever you are stuck in a weird rainy situation like that you're kind of rained in or the weather's just bad in some way it's super cold just keep your morale up you know if there's someone in the team like maybe if you're out with some other people and someone's just like it's getting to them make them give them some cool treat that you brought along it's amazing how a little something can cheer you right back up this will give us some sugars and some electrolytes to keep going here throughout the day to stay warm that's good here we go military lemonade a beef snack strip i'm not sure what that is it's probably just like beef jerky or something yeah this emory is like from 2015 or 16 or something so yeah those things will hold for a really long time great to have as kind of like an emergency food supply or just fun little backpacking meals that is not beef jerky but man would it be that hard to give our people in the military a real piece of beef jerky ah man that's why they give you the lemonade is to just kind of work down that weird beef strip thing that they give you let me know in the comments if you guys know like if i'm doing something wrong or if these things just maybe over time degrade or something like that let's get the bobber rod ready and uh just fish a little bit while we wait for that to heat up that's that itty-bitty little mosquito hook that i'm using what i'm just doing is i redid an entire leader uh just because the old one got tangled and i just i lost confidence jeremy wade actually said is that if you're targeting fish and it really counts you have to have 100 confidence in every single piece of your equipment if there's anything that you don't feel 100 about change it out so i'm just doing now is adding split shots to my fresh leader the leader begins right here ends down there and i like to add them every few inches not all bunched on top of each other if you space them out it'll cast more like a u-shape and you're less likely to tangle up your leader how convenient we still have a dragonfly larva in the box he's not looking great we might need to go find a fresh one oh yeah he's still doing all right so we're gonna throw this guy on the hook and it is so foggy you can barely you can't even see anything just poke them right through the back little dudes on the hook oh these rocks are so slippery wow we gotta watch out there you go bobbers out so we're gonna try and get another dragonfly larva already i'd like a bigger one put that guy right back where it was oh there's a big one now that is what we are looking for trophy trophy dragonfly larvae [Applause] an itty-bitty baby dragonfly larva we'll let that one grow ooh good one there we go wow he was the same color as the wood almost didn't see him all right so we got around the lake we came from over there and over here is where on that rock there i hooked a giant giant trout and he broke the hook but what we thought it is so slippery here and up here is where we're going to go up tomorrow climb up that mountain there there's another lake up beyond these boulders there's no trail going up to that spot so we just gotta kinda climb up i guess all right we made it that's the spot where we got our butts kicked what we will do is we're just going to set our bobber a lot deeper there we go that way this dragonfly larva can sink way down i think the trout are hanging low now towards the evening they'll probably come back up to the surface but right now i'm not seeing any surface at all yeah that's the magic spot now these trout have been extremely picky at this lake but i have this feeling that they won't be able to resist the dragonfly larva just look at how clear the water is even though it's not sunny at all you can still see the bottom it's insane [Applause] all right time to put on a big fat juicer oh man this guy is lively super lively a little creepy looking let's get this guy on the hook there we go right in the danger zone so right there i think is money oh bobber just completely went down completely went down and i snoozed it oh there it is there it is there it is bobber down bobber down bobber down there we go fish on baby oh he's coming this way there he is oh beautiful oh come on baby oh there he is oh feisty little trout feisty little trout let's get him in the net come here nice in the net let's go we got one got him on the dragonfly all right buddy wet the hand gorgeous rainbow there he goes let's go that's awesome great way to start an episode and good way to spend some time in the rain here so that little guy swam off good mission accomplished let's go ahead and see if that chili mac is done i'm excited to see if that chili macaroni is uh warmed up now yeah it's kind of clearing up a little bit it feels kind of warm not like hot hot i want this hot it smells good smells nice in there every last bit of it i'm so feeling some chili right now i think it's ready chili mac oh yeah look at that delicious chili all i can hear is just a couple of birds but most everything is just hiding away right now so it's eerily quiet that's funny just like jumping around and running through the woods out here it just reminds me so much of being a kid where i grew up was just like in the middle of nowhere farm town in germany up in the mountains and i basically grew up in like forests that looked a lot like this like as a kid that's all i did was just run around in the woods and i knew every single tree every single stump every little ant hill every pond every creek the woods are just such a calm and alive place everything here is living all the green trees and the bushes everything in the soil the animals so we'll probably do is just collect a few berries maybe maybe do a quick little mushroom foraging session and see what else we can find there's something over here that i want to check out it's like sitting there eating oh dude oh my goodness i am like 99 sure that that's chicken of the woods they're huge oh look at the size of those things man oh look at those dude that is awesome i was like what's that orange thing over there i thought it was just a branch but i realized nah that that doesn't look like a branch that looks like that looks like a mushroom so we had to go check it out and i'm assuming just like with other mushrooms we're just gonna like cut it off of these is absolutely plenty for me up here we don't need any more oh look at that oh it smells very pleasant yeah this looks totally different on the bottom than those other ones so those other ones were getting old uh this one here this one's good to eat oh there's some worms in there a little bit of wormage going on that's all right look at that beautiful chicken of the woods first one i've ever found that's cool that has me excited i've been a mushroom forager for probably longer than i have been a fisherman it looks like an underwater coral all right we're out on a full-on mushroom foraging sesh i'm looking for him usually where there's one good one growing there's there's a lot more what i'm looking at for like chicken of the woods or that kind of stuff you're looking for the dead dead wood laying here small bullet down there not a king delete mushroom hunting can get so intense because literally is like hunting no more mushrooms but check this out i found a beautiful huckleberry bush here with some really large ripe huckleberries oh yeah we're just gonna pick a few of those get a little snack a sugary sweet snack look at those freshly washed by the rain oh that one was really good [Applause] funny story i was out in the mountains once years and years ago backpacking and i ran into this dude like this really skinny dude and he was just came down the other way so naturally what you do on the trail is you stop and say hi how's it going what you've been up to and this guy just looks at me he's like i've been in the mountains for a week just living off of honey and wild berries so i guess you can survive just off of wild berries for a while i'd probably want to mix in some fish [Applause] man i had to change locations it was just getting way too wet over here the spot is beautiful but man it's just kind of more under the the open sky just got poured on over there those trees are going to protect me way better from the weather and i can already see and hear that it's not just constantly drizzling on there there's still some water but a little tiny drizzle i can deal with i just don't want to deal with the constant rain [Music] all right it's a little breezy out there hard to bobber fish it's starting to get dark i'd like to pick up one more fish so i just threw a little bottom rig together here look at that we actually put power bait on so now all we got to do is watch the tip of that pole magic oh that was hot i didn't mean to touch the metal so i just got a little bit of coffee here that i made just a little earlier so tempting tempting to touch that flame but that's a bad idea oh yeah what do you think are we gonna get one on that bottom rig come on baby munch it up munch it up oh yeah we got one on there oh he didn't eat it all the way we'll cast that right back out there i'll have to juice it up some more that's a good cast if i may say so got the fish oh there we go fish on baby i was just grabbing a new gopro battery that's a good fish that's a really good fish man that's a really good one that's a good fish that's a really good fish that's going to be dinner here we go that is a toad of a trout dude look at this fish look at this thing absolute football toad there we go oh man thank you buddy for providing dinner got him on the bottom rig man that's a that's a healthy looking trout man really healthy looking trout i was a little worried with all that rain that uh i wasn't gonna be able to get out and catch dinner anymore and i'm actually out of food now that i have with me all i've got is fixings for just cooking up some fish it's belly is super full of blubber head comes off with all the guts i can go right back out into the ecosystem where it came from kind of semi-orange meat on this guy here kind of like a small salmon whoa those mountain trout fillets [Music] we got our catch oh man that's gonna be a nice dinner good chunk of butter oh man we're down to the very last bits of butter here we're gonna fry up some of this chicken of the woods i've got some small pieces here that we'll just throw in and we'll cut off a couple pieces of the big one i mean look at that thing that's a big mushroom absolutely beautiful there we go we got a net full of fish probably this whole trout ain't gonna fit we're gonna have to have to cut it down just a little bit there we go we're going to do skin side down first it barely fits yes we got our trout got the mushrooms look at that fat piece of trout right there dude that's delicious just a hot meal right now when you're so chilled that's just i mean it doesn't get any better those mushrooms are good a lot of bite to them a lot of bite nope i'm not eating that other half tonight we'll save that for tomorrow time to be in the tent oh i'm excited actually to finally lay down it's been a long day it's my little charging station got the gopro batteries in there several battery packs charging my phone right now oh man those boots are smelly oh it feels good to take them off though always make sure you guys are out backpacking always bring some extra socks along that sucks if you have wet feet on the whole trip fresh socks i'm just gonna let my feet dry just a little bit first and then we'll put these guys on oh man feels good in the sleeping bag we go all right guys i'm gonna get some sleep i'm gonna need all the rest i can get to make it up to that lake tomorrow so good night i'll see you guys in the morning [Music] [Music] good morning guys it was a cold night a really cold night kind of wet out stayed dry in the tent but it was still it was i don't know what it was so i threw on the puffy here making a little bit of coffee first thing i just want to show you this guy we got some sunshine poking through up there up there you can see some sun in the trees we're just kind of scanning the lake seeing if anything crazy is happening nothing yet nothing yet actually and this is just a theory of mine just kind of an observation once it started raining less bugs were flying around there haven't been any mosquitoes out or anything so the rain probably cleanses the surface so the trout are just like yeah there's nothing up there so we're just going to chill down low but in that forest i'm hoping that it's not too steep and we can kind of find our way up the boulders and the forest in there get up to lake number two oh we have arrived we are at a rolling boil there we go and then all i've got here is some some instant coffee that we're gonna throw in we're not gonna be shy at all i'm gonna want this to be a nice strong cup ah there we go now we're talking now i noticed that the mre that we've been eating over the last couple days in the accessory packet had salt and sugar in there so we're just gonna sit here enjoy our coffee and we're gonna watch that sunrise right behind the mountain there this is my favorite thing to do man coming out out here in the mountains to these beautiful lakes fishing camping drinking mountain coffee i really appreciate having you guys along so what we're gonna do for breakfast is just collect some of these delicious wild blueberries growing everywhere this is just all blueberry fields right here wild blueberries so we're just gonna collect a whole handful of them [Music] one of nature's beautiful gifts wow look at all those now those berries honestly one of the most delicious things like in the world that lid still has a little bit of trout grease on there from last night so the berries came out a little trouty matt feels crazy knowing that we could just stay here and catch fish all day long and instead we're going up the mountain okay if there's a mushroom growing in there there's lots and lots of poop there not sure what animal's been pooping there that's kind of always been a goal is to kind of climb some of the big mountains maybe mount everest who knows where it goes oh man dude this looks almost near vertical what have i gotten myself into again oh oh man it's a lot harder to climb a mountain when there's no trail and no switchbacks this is just straight up oh look at barry can't even see the lake below us anymore apparently it's just goes down and down in the woods oh look an edible mushroom this nasty yellow stuff is called which is butter doesn't taste like a whole lot whenever you see a big break in the trees like after these trees and then you see there's no trees growing for a while that usually means either there's a huge valley or there's a lake where there's no trees going so it's got to be right there oh my goodness oh look at this oh the water is just crystal blue oh look at all the mountaintops up there sun's hiding just behind those trees i just saw one jump over there so just seeing one sign of life one trout jumping that gets me excited because in theory we could catch something now i think we could check out that area there instead it is way sunnier there i keep watching the sun just sitting on that i bet there's fish over there too so let's go ahead and go there i think we might be able to climb over those rocks too and see what's on the other side that sun feels so good a little bit of fishing line man look at this holy moly without a rope i ain't going down that so you got to know when to call it we're going back and we're going to try fishing at a different spot all right what do you think did we try this little ledge right here i certainly think we do there's got to be some larva here ooh a white one that what that's kind of cool there's a dragonfly checking us out he's like what are you doing with my baby we still have one in the taco box this guy here that gives us two to start with all right we got our bobber rod ready and we're just gonna take this little albino dragonfly and we're just gonna throw this guy on the hook now we've got our bobber stop probably about five or six feet deep so that's how deep we're gonna fish under that bobber let's go ahead and give that a gentle cast out this guy is so soft that i'm afraid he'll fall off the hook if we cast too hard oh man he's gone first cast i forgot to open the bail how often does that happen to you guys and don't say never yeah let's start right in front of us right there so we can sight fish for him too the weights kind of go down first and then the dragonfly just naturally drops and on that drop that's generally what the trout like the most and now he's just kind of oh there's already a fish there's a fish coming fish coming fish coming looking at it looking at it took it oh he's biting him it's a little tiny trout a little tiny trout i can see them under water and it was right as i was described oh there's that little truck there's two little trout two small trout let's see if we can get one of those little guys to bite like right in front of us how cool would that be oh there's a trout right here trout right there oh my goodness oh what am i doing he was like right there looking at it here maybe we can entice him with the bullet lure on baby come on come on come on man the trout here are very excited but they're they're very skittish let's go ahead and give this little panther martin a couple casts just see what happens not sure if you guys can see it but there's an itty-bitty little trout down here that's kind of checking out the lure he's swimming right there uh he's kind of losing interest but we're gonna try one thing that we have not tried at this lake yet and this is definitely not how i wanted to catch my first trout at this lake but we put on a little nugget of power bit they're not even going after power bait so let me know in the comments how you would catch these fish seriously i'm dead serious this is some of the most perplexed i've been in a long time if i don't catch anything and i don't see any fish i kind of guess okay there's just not a lot of fish but there's tons of fish in this lake what we might do is just go back down to the other lake while it's still sunny and beautiful out and try and get some more bobber downs down there and maybe get revenge on that giant trout that broke my hook yesterday let's do it i'm hungry i'm really hungry i'm out of food i actually need a fish to eat now like i i really do need a fish to eat there we go lower lake is right there almost almost back no no we're gonna get one at this lake i know we are look at this beauty we're all set up again i pulled out the biggest juiciest of the dragonfly larva we're gonna try and catch a new pb mountain trout [Music] and sorry for dropping you off the rock there we're on the move again we're gonna keep sight fishing for this trout oh bobber down bobber down bobber down bobber down oh oh we missed it we missed it oh he's attacking the bobber oh let's see i don't have any dragonflies larva here now oh there's a little salamander down there sorry buddy we're going to put that rock right over you again there we go nice freshy we got a lively one okay come on baby oh big trout right there right there i see him oh we cast like right on top of him oh there he is there is he always he's grabbing it he's going back and and he has it oh we missed him again but the dragonfly is probably gone all right come on let's get another dragonfly larva i'm gonna sneak over here there he is slightly smaller dragonfly this time oh power's down bobber down bobber down there we go that's a fish on baby that's a fish on we got him we go that's not the giant it's not the giant but that's still a good rainbow that's a good rainbow oh my goodness come here come here come here oh oh he's making another run come here baby come here oh oh no no no we got him in the nuts oh he's he's a fatty oh my goodness look at this guy oh he just spat the hook that's a perfect eater size that's all we're gonna keep maybe we'll fish a little bit for fun still but i'm super happy let's go and just get him out of his misery right away there we go he's out he's out we just put that one out of his misery the giant just swam right by us again if we catch the big one we're gonna let him go so i found one more dragonfly larva we're gonna put that baby on a hook he kind of swam this way where did you go giant right there right beneath us tell you what we're just gonna just send that bobber out there and see what happens if it sits right there oh there he is there he is there we go fish on fish on that's a big one oh oh my goodness oh come here massive head shakes in the water it's a giant oh come here come here come here come here come here come here nice and easy oh my goodness that's huge oh my goodness this is a giant oh [Music] he's not done yet oh guys this trout is fighting harder than some of the salmon i've ever fought [Laughter] oh come here baby come here come here oh look at that giant fish not too much pressure it does not want to come too short oh we caught a dragonfly we caught a dragonfly we'll let the dragonfly go come here come here oh my goodness oh it's huge it's huge look at that it barely fits in the net man i'm pretty darn sure this is the biggest trout i've ever caught we're going to measure with the net and that's about as good as we can do there we go hook is out that is a beauty ah look at that giant right there compared to the net handle to about the thickest point handle to thickest point of the net she's looking around i think she's ready there she goes there she goes goodbye all right there's a trout fillet from the one that we caught last night the big one didn't want to let that go bad and we'll take the new one that we caught today at home share it with the family so what we're just gonna do is cut a couple of strips out of this guy here oh yeah let's get this party started a little bit of butter to get things started oh i'm so hungry man i've needed anything since climbing up to other lake i'm still blown away that we did not catch anything there and let me know in the comments what you guys think i did wrong at that lake but uh man good decision to come down here pb rainbow trout that was awesome oh yeah they're happy in there really happy oh it's spraying on me i don't even care oh i do care ow hot butter to the face look at that buttery trout sizzle sizzle looking good how about a couple of white puffball mushrooms that i've been keeping in an old powerbait jar found those guys a couple days ago on the way up on the trail in the last episode if you guys haven't seen that already of course feel free to watch it after this one and subscribe if you guys aren't already of course you don't have to when they're nice and white in there totally good to eat we're forgetting something the danish sea salt there we go oh the wind oh man look at that look at that wind dragging into the pan look look look look crispy brown underneath look at that i can't wait just a little crispy trout skin here we're going to throw our tortilla on top and we're going to steam that tortilla just because we're going to throw on a little bit of cheese oh i'm trying to stay out of the sun she's grilling me i think it's ready oh good look at all that fish what an adventure once again also can't believe that we caught a new pb baby so sweet and honestly i feel really good that we let that one go i saw a couple more giants and i'm gonna want to come up here again next year and hopefully by then they'll be even bigger you know i want the peace with the big the crispy skin look at that oh my god do you guys like the skin on on trout more trout we'll just eat one just like this not a bad avocado it was just a little got a little mushed up in the bag so it's more like guacamole that we put on there look at that i certainly would share bite it with you if i could [Applause] man guys i live for this stuff it doesn't get any better than this we forgot a little squirt of lemon i think we got enough lemon hmm my hand's full of lemon juice but i love it that's all i got for you guys on this one so remember leave a like on the video drop a comment you know i love reading them subscribe if you're brand new and we'll see all of you guys next week for the next fishing adventure till then you all know it fish on baby
Channel: NW Fishing Secrets
Views: 806,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trout fishing, fishing, trout catch & cook, rainbow trout fishing, trout catch clean cook, rainbow trout catch clean cook, catch clean cook trout, catch and cook trout, trout catch and, trout catch and cook camping, trout catch and cook, catch & cook, catch and cook, catch clean cook, catch cook camp, catch clean cook camping, catch cook and camp, catch & cook fish, nwfs, nw fishing secrets, mountain trout fishing, mountain trout catch and cook, solo backpacking, camping, solo
Id: lRckECFnv2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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