We Were CATCHING FISH EVERY Cast! TROUT Fishing, Catch, Camp, & COOK!! AERIAL BITES Captured!!!

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good morning hello everybody and welcome back to another addictive fishing video i'm cold and it's the morning time and i got my coffee and we have a beautiful lake sitting right here next to us next to camp and there's fish rolling everywhere so it's time to stop being a baby get on the kayaks and go catch some fish if you guys didn't catch the last episode for this series of videos yesterday we were doing some really cool fishing on a different lake camping on that lake and we harvested some berries for the recipe i'm going to do this afternoon so the goal is today go out into that lake right there catch some fish on some weird stuff i have a few extra lures that i brought along that were gifted to me from somebody that i want to see if we can make work got the fly rod got all the necessary tools there are to catch fish and then at the end of it we're going to make a really really really cool recipe so stick around it's going to be a beautiful day i'm gonna drink this coffee let's get on the kayaks and away we go all right everybody new lake new day whole different set of challenges today it's much much prettier out here look how glassy this is absolute paradise there's fish rolling everywhere i talked to a fellow angler at the bank here who said he did really well yesterday despite of the wind but we got no wind today so i'm gonna take this opportunity at the beginning of the day to either one fish boppers or two fish flies so that way i can see the fish i can cast to them and i can have a little more fun i'm going to try these what are they tom's goldfish that lucas holmgren gave me lucas homegreen from san mateo steelhead he was the one on the first episode of this little series of episodes um but he gave me these dang things and he swears by him and he won't shut the heck up about him so i'm gonna use him out here just just to make him happy just to tickle his fancy but i'm gonna use i'm gonna start honestly with the fly rod i'm gonna put the green leggy bug back on and we're really just looking for a few fish to eat here i'm going to do my best to catch as many as i can on as many different presentations as i can i'd love to catch them on topwater but we'll see what happens with that let's get this rod set up let's get to casting let's find some fish so i'm starting the morning off the flight right here and seeing fish rolling all the way around i'm just gonna give her hell i'm gonna start casting i'm gonna start retrieving oh got him got him oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh he's off dang it first fish in the morning guys i was just screaming screaming at the world oh he hit it while it's falling again oh my god get it back out there here we go he wants it really bad this little fishy wanted he's got it right now oh my god this is crazy early morning madness early morning madness oh my god there's a huge school of them you guys are everywhere right here we don't even need to move we don't even need to move this is insane this is rogue everybody this is lawlessness oh oh oh wow what a jump oh man what a cool looking trout beautiful rainbow here holy shnikeys batman they are everywhere guys i threw this in there there's a fish hit it i thought it was like real something really special and exciting they let it fall the thing went like another foot another one hit it i twitched it twice another one hit it and then as i reeled this one in there was fish all over the place chasing him wow that one looks a little beat up i'm gonna let him go we're gonna keep a little bit healthier one we're only gonna really keep one to eat today we'll let everything else go because there's no need but there i know there's multiple species of fish in this lake there's browns there's cutthroat and then there's these rainbows like this so looks like we're in the right spot i'm gonna put my glasses on so i can see a little bit better this is so cool okay here we go run number two i can definitely see why these fish would want to live here it's got this like big deep cut off ledge right underneath us here we're right on the edge of the deep and this channel kind of goes out into the middle of the lake i can already tell it's going to be really cool today as long as that that wind stays calm we'll be able to sight cast to a lot of these fish i'm going to be able to see around a lot of the lake here it's going to be absolutely amazing for this kind of fishing i'm going to be able to pick out the fish i want to catch oh there's some right behind me see one right behind me i dropped right in the middle of them there's a million of them chasing it oh my god everybody i got one oh my god can you guys see this i hope you can see this right now on the gopro look at them all in there look at them all back up you can see them on the camera look at them oh god got them oh that was so cool there's a huge school of me guys this is insane oh my god they go all the way out to there i gotta hit spot lock here i gotta hit spot lock i'm gonna hit spot lock on my little heel here i wanna stay right here anchor anchor i'm not gonna leave this spot now oh man that's cool oh oh he's a tail walker he's a tail walker luke tailwalker trout tail walker oh that's a good one that's a good one we're eating him that one that one's lunch that one's lunch tiny we'll call him lunch look at that everybody oh might not be lunch you might not be lunch you might be supper there it is first one of the day oh yeah everybody look at that beauty oh that's so cool first one first keeper of the day we're gonna put him up here in my little live well oh this is so neat you guys we just landed on a gold mine guys this is so cool i'm literally trying to see if i can get him as close to the camera as i can oh one notice it two noticed it three noticed it oh he's coming for it oh got him oh that was so cool oh my god oh that was so cool everybody what a oh that is such a hog too oh wow he's gonna get airborne i can tell oh yeah wow what a good fish you guys what a blessing that is such a cool looking rainbow camera no never mind he's gone can't hold on to fish today guys a little too early hands are a little too cold you know what i think we're gonna do here there's so many fish and they're not moving we're gonna fly this drone up and try to get some of these epic fly bites from the sky let's do it see where i like casting i'm gonna try to get just a ton of them to follow got him oh yeah oh man oh that was a good one everybody oh that was so cool oh my god this is just a dream come true right now we got early morning conditions we got fish swarming my fly we got crystal clear water and we basically have the recipe for disaster for this poor little trout look at this one oh my goodness he's freaking beautiful oh wow man what a cool fish look at that everybody look at those colors in that early morning light beautiful red cheeks let's get him back here everybody all right guys i'm going to stick to this one i'm going to get one more bite on the drone and i think what our goal is going to be here now that we have this opportunity we're going to try to get drone footage or underwater footage of these fish chasing each and every lure the kind of that we have i'm going to try these toms goldfish i'm going to try some panther martins and we're going to see exactly how they react to every single one of them let's check it out oh my god they're coming for it but it's very interesting so far i'm seeing that these little guys do not want to see this thing just falling as far as the fly goes it's they're much more reactionary to it once you move it that's when you'll get the most of them to chase it so now knowing that lets me know that if we do go back to the fly today we're going to probably add a little more motion to it and maybe even add a little bit heavier fly so it gets down faster and letting it grow but now it's time for the tom's goldfish okay everybody this is the tom's goldfish lucas is pride and joy i'm doing it for you lucas if you're watching this episode i hope you are this is all for you i would normally never use a spoon like this but i have seen it work i've seen them catch salmon on them i've seen them catch trout on them but it's one of those things i don't know comment below if you guys have that with one of your buddies that there's a method that you just don't like to use marlins beads me it's anything lucas holmgren says others might be something else whether it's bait or whatever there's always those little feuds in between fisherman friends that uh they all say that something won't work or something will work and one guy just has to do it so here we go this is for you lucas first cast oh we already got some attention here we'll let that thing fall and let it flutter oh we already got a big one we got a big one chasing oh my god they want it bad i'm gonna let it fall they can't help themselves man it goes to show you there do you guys see that did you see how those fish were pursued like in hot pursuit of that lure and stayed a few feet behind it the whole time but for some reason wouldn't commit but let's see here we're getting a really good look at how well this thing works we got more followers he doesn't like it everybody you got that on the camera that is so cool everyone i hope you can all see that we're getting a very very good look into the eyes of a fish and what they like and they don't like the taunt the toms the goldfish maybe it's the color i don't know lucas will probably have some excuse for why it's not working but it's not working they want it they're very very aggressive to it but they're not coming all the way at it to take it okay here we go everyone oh my god one just almost nailed it we got a whole feeding frenzy coming it's attracting these things from a long distance i will say that much it's getting those fish to swim a long ways to look at it but they are not committing they are not interested whatsoever oh there goes a pack of them i'm going right in front of the pack right in front of the pack i hope you guys can see that on the camera oh my god i made the moon oh my god mayhem wow it worked everyone the al's goldfish i've been calling it tom's goldfish but that was just in spite of lucas but the al's goldfish got him yes it did get the out around the fly rod the owl's cold fish got one check that out it did it finally we found one crazy one crazy enough to eat the owl's goldfish there you go lucas well everyone it worked there it is beauty rainbow see you later guy you're welcome lucas okay on to the next thing i'm gonna cut this off i'm gonna put my panther martin on and we're gonna see how they react to that there we go and the martin engaged i think we all know how this is gonna turn out but it don't matter i gotta see anyways i wanna see how they react to this thing okay here we go oh here we go oh we got hot pursuit hot pursuit we got one coming a long distance here he's he's going miles he's swimming miles for it everyone we're attracting the crowd there's more than one now there's multiple big fish over there hey it's so interesting to get to watch this you guys how long these fish try like trail these these spinners and stuff and it can only imagine when you're actually out trolling and stuff like that and and you're casting and you know fishing blind all day long where you can't see them how many opportunities you probably get that you don't even know about you have no clue that those fish are even there and they follow it and follow it and follow it and then they dart away i mean they're they're out all they do is eat they just live in this lake and they swim around in circles and they eat stuff so when something goes buying that they like to eat they can't help it they're not gonna leave it alone but the key is is it enough to get them to bite there you come here they come here we go here we go are you on me oh my god i think they wanted everyone oh my god oh my god i hope everybody can see this right now this is like absolutely heaven okay what's going on oh my god there's a hundred of them oh my god they're all chasing it oh my god oh he got it yes oh that was so cool guys can you see all these bears right now so they like the panther martin and i think oh there he goes okay here we go again i can see them all still in this deep little pocket here here we go oh my god oh my god look at this swarm oh i got it i pulled it out of his mouth oh god i'm on the phone yeah a little party party on yeah oh what a nice fish too wow wow so cool everyone okay okay okay such a cool fish look at how beautiful this one is too i love these fish in this lake too for the way that they have that just that golden cheek like that and those red stripes there is everyone what a beauty okay panther martin did it al's goldfish did it now i think it's time for drum roll cast master let's see how they react to this thing oh my god oh my i got him i got him oh that was so cool what a crowd this thing draws so so far guys so far the cast master is by far the biggest detractor of these things and i think it's the way it's falling and it's constantly moving and so far obviously too it got the biggest one look at that thing oh wow wow wow oh that's a good one that is a good one i'm gonna whip around and show you guys really quick this is my pet fish his name's fred fred the flounder everybody in grade school called him a flounder but he was actually a rainbow trout so he kind of lives with that stigma his whole life oh wow what a cool one look at that chunker just an absolute beast of a trout holy cripes look at him one of the coolest looking rainbows around i don't know why they called him a flounder in grade school because he was obviously pretty they were just jealous they just hate hated yet because they ain't you buddy they hate us because the anus see you later all right i want to see that one more time comment below if you do and drop a thumbs up on this video if you guys like what's going on here this is so cool getting to test each lure and see the reaction all these fish so i'm going to do one more they obviously like this cast master the very best i'm going to cast it out there and then i'm gonna switch again i'm gonna use a blue fox oh that was a good one dang it what a beautiful setting everybody fish jumping on my line sun coming up beautiful oh gosh oh my god guys they are loaded oh i hit it again on the fall wow oh my god right adams oh wow what the heck oh my god oh my god i think we're going to keep that one too that's about the freshest looking one we've caught so far i want to keep two for this recipe because i'm going to fillet them out so i want to keep a little bit bigger ones like i've got wow yeah it's a nice clean one i'm gonna go ahead and keep him wow what a perfect fish look at that cast mastered he got cast mastered everybody and he wasn't coming off neither okay so that's enough of the cast master it's time to go to a blue fox here's my box here i only got a couple more things i can really try out here but i'm gonna go with the meps and a blue fox and then i might try some top water with the fly i got a couple of bugs in here that might go well on the surface these little salmon flies and i can just skate those across by those little pods of fish and see if they'll come to the surface and hit it because that will be some super badass footage so where is it at there it is blue fox engage here we go everyone first cast with the blue fox let her sink oh my god instant instant instant instant didn't even last two seconds in that pod oh my god what a nice one oh i'm on bender i'm all bent up oh my god we got a thousand of them chasing him okay okay yeah oh look at this that's a hog too oh my god look at how beautiful this one is everyone oh he's a cartwheeler oh he's a gymnastics guy he's a gymnastics guy he's all buff and stuff wow that's a pretty one goodness let's get him back in quick there's more to be had okay i'm doing one more cast with this guys and then i'm putting the top water fly on i can't help myself i know it's going to work one more cat like huge oh my god it didn't even move oh wow this one wants to be a steelhead this one wants me to feel so bad so bad he wants to be a steelhead do you see the way he was tail walking over there goodness gracious oh god okay okay okay okay okay i got my fix another beauty in the blue box apparently the blue fox is working and you know what guys this is kind of proving a point of mine but i tell people all the time like what's the best use for this what's the best use for that and i tell them every single time you guys there is no gimmicks in fishing whatsoever no gimmicks every single method every single lure that you like to use works at some point in time and a lot of times it's just the fish being there that is the biggest factor to it all is just those fish existing in that area that you're fishing as you can see here so i'm switching out of this now i'm grabbing my fly rod again and i'm going to top water i gotta see if i can get these things on the surface here goes nothing the old chubby chernobyl for the win well they're already coming up for it there is a massive school of them following it oh he blew up on it oh i missed him i missed him i gotta really let him eat it you gotta let him eat it and go all the way back down into the water with it that's gonna be the trick with this thing and i'm gonna have a hard time doing that oh my god oh man there's so many of them chasing it it's just so cool everybody see if we can get this to work i want to get one on this there's so many of them following it i think i need to go to maybe a smaller bug maybe something looks more like an ant like a termite something that they might actually be eating out here these salmon flies don't exist this time of year okay it's obvious we're getting followed they're not eating it i'm gonna change my fly really quick here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go to this little guy a little bit smaller looks honestly looks like a termite or like a carpenter ant excuse me a carpenter ant that you'd see out here on the lake anyhow there's a bunch of them in camp last night little was freaking out okay here we go everyone different bug so the smaller oh instant instant and he freaking came off that was epic see what a fly change will do sometimes you guys if you know they're fl they're on it they're looking towards the surface they want to eat it sometimes you might just have the wrong pattern oh they're all right here in front of us oh he already bit it well what a freaking rodeo that was i love when a plan comes together and when everything in the boat works so the plan is now i'm going to move out into the main lake away from the honey hole i want to try to find a couple different species that we have in this lake and maybe a bigger one so i'm going to move out fish for about another half hour so then we're going to hit the bank because i'm getting hungry and i'm really looking forward to this meal oh that's good it came off that was a whole other class of fish there didn't even really oh god dang it everybody dang it that was a whole nother class of fish right there i don't know what that was it might have been a brown man i stuck him really hard too dang it looks more like a cut throat you can already tell by the way it is oh definitely definitely cut throat beautiful beautiful you instantly see the difference in those colors obviously it's got that really nice red i guess we'll find out later has that really nice red undercut under its jaw obviously had a lot prettier spots than some of those rainbows but it seems like we've kind of hit the mother lode on these things right here so i'm gonna keep casting i think i'll find another one that thing hit it on the fall i can see them all right here underneath me got him oh that's a good one that's a really good one oh good lord that's a nice one what is it what is it little i don't really know what is it looks like it might be a rainbow i don't know but it's a nice one best one of the day by far by far best one of the day look at this thing hallelujah yep rainbow best one of the day for sure lettuce oh there he goes there he goes once again well everybody it has been for lack of a better word an absolutely incredible morning i hope you guys have enjoyed this episode so far if you have be sure to drop that thumbs up down below it's getting about that time it's lunch time we've had an awesome morning on the lake so far accomplished every goal i had so far this morning now the next goal is to prepare an amazing dish for you guys so let's hit the bank let's grab that play knife let's get lunch going all right so for this recipe guys i'm gonna fillet these things which isn't typical but these things are probably just big enough to say that they're okay to fillet so you really want to fish it's over about 12 inches that way you have enough meat to actually successfully get it off the bone like that those turned out nice just the right size keep that knife right along that backbone and to help that through make sure not to catch those other fins and there we go perfect perfect perfect so then what i'm going to do is i'm going to skin these things so i'm going to take my knife right under that skin slide that all the way down there we have it nice little chunk of meat next i'm going to take those rib bones off one nice thorough slice and there we go perfect perfect piece of meat ready to go on the pan set that aside do my other ones okay everybody we are back in the kitchen for the absolutely delicious lunch that's about to partake i filled these out i got them skinned i'm going to season them up but first i'm going to make my sauce and this sauce is one that is very special and it's going to taste very special as well because we got these wild blueberries that we picked in yesterday's video so if you didn't see yesterday's video we're in a different lake fly fishing catching trout having a blast and some really cool stuff happen so go back and check out that last video that just came out and check out how we found these blueberries and where to find blueberries but what i'm gonna make is basically a blueberry tartar sauce here i got my pickles i got my blueberries and what i'm going to use for my tartar sauce is a bunch of gas station condiments and if you guys don't get the inside joke here go check out the 48-hour jetty survival challenge that came out a couple of weeks ago where i go and live off of jetty and i make a really really tasty tartar sauce out of the gas station condiments just like i'm going to do here but this one's got a little different twist to it so let's get this started so i have just a tiny bit of water in the pan what i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna take my blueberries i'm gonna dump them into that water just a few of them i don't need many here all those look like they ripened up even a little more last night that's probably even a little more than i need but it'll still be good so i'm going to get those things going i'm going to get them nice and hot in that water and then i'm going to take a little lapping of butter a little dollop dollop of butter in there maybe a little bit more i'm gonna let all that get to know itself in there and start letting that simmer down you're gonna see that color start to change and we're gonna let that water cook off but it's gonna help render it down to where there's just those sugars from those blueberries in there so now i'm gonna go for my main my main base of my stuff here and that's mayonnaise ketchup and a little bit of mustard okay so we're starting to get a nice simmer to our berries here what i want to do is i want to get these things down in the corner here and again i want a lot of that water to cook off and i also want to smash these things up so it kind of creates like a little bit of a paste more like a roux if you will so those aren't quite warm enough yet so i'm gonna let those go back to simmering and of course no tartar sauce is complete without the pickle this may seem funny guys but it's going to taste amazing this is full on kanig's backyard kitchen out here in the wild on the road filming for you guys but i love it this might not be the most conventional chef show you've ever seen you guys but we get it done in rough places in harsh conditions in the wind on the road it doesn't matter we're gonna make a good meal dump those in there just like that there we go oh this is starting to look like it's supposed to here see how thick that's getting already it's getting that nice pace to it oh my god this is going to be so good and that sweet that sweet flavor of these blueberries and that butter mixed with that little bit of that that tanginess from those pickles mixed with that mild flavor that mayonnaise it's just gonna make such a tasty little sauce here let me get these smashed up a little bit better oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah let that heat up for just a second longer okay we're ready i send this this little gooeyness right into the cup probably don't need all of them i'm going to go about half here just enough for flavor i don't want to go too crazy and then we're going to mix that all together oh my goodness look at that you guys holy moly look at that now if that don't look like a good tartar sauce i don't know what does i'm going to add a little just a little fresh ground pepper in there tiny scotches salt and there we have it there's our tartar let's give her a taste oh my god that is exactly as i expected in a way it kind of tastes like a blueberry milkshake it kind of has that tanginess again from the dill that's going to go so good now on to the fit i got some cake and chicken seasoning any kind of chicken or poultry seasoning i find goes very well with fish but this is what i have in the pan i'm going to keep the seasoning very simple because i want to rely more on the flavor of that tartar on this fish than the actual seasoning itself so let's go a nice little dusting and this doesn't really have any salt in it it's just seasoning flip them over get that skin side it's okay to have a little bit of skin on there still a little flavor oh boy this is gonna be good everybody i'm gonna go just a touch of olive oil just to get this stuff going and then we're going to finish this off with that butter all right into the pan we go that looks so wonderful i'll go a little fresh cracked pepper again while it's in the pan and we're gonna let that cook oh my god the smells everybody the smells the smells so we see how that's starting to cook all the way through to that pink meat this stuff cooks pretty darn quick so you don't want to overdo it i'm gonna take that give her the old flipparoo i'd rather that top side be a little more done than this bottom side there there we go and then here is where i'm going to finish that with the butter okay we're gonna put these over checklist oh my goodness slowly take these out of the pan look at that everybody perfection nice blackened there let's get a little bit of our sauce on the pan here oh wonderful look at that look at that absolutely delish let's give it a try this little piece right here a little bit of that berry look at that fish look at the colors too it's so nice holy hell goodness gracious my gosh my golly that is so good look at that presentation i love the color that that blueberry turns that sauce nice little hint of pickle in there look at how amazing that is mmm so amazing alex i wish you were here to enjoy this with me but i will highly recommend whether you go pick your own blueberries or you pick some up from the store give that tartar sauce a try it is absolutely delicious i went really simple on my fish recipe and right now this whole recipe is about this tartar sauce what a mind blower well everybody it has been a fantastic day hanging out with you guys i'm so glad this recipe turned out and i'm so glad that you guys are along for the ride to join this absolutely amazing morning of fishing if you guys want to see more awesome catching cooks and fun trout adventures just like this one go up here and click this link to this next video go down here hit subscribe turn those bells on please give this video a thumbs up and comment below and you can be the comment of the day just like this person right here thank you so much for tuning in guys you stay fishy we'll see you out there
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 14,790
Rating: 4.9348035 out of 5
Keywords: camping, fishing, cooking, trout fishing, trout camping, fly fishing for trout, catching tons of trout, catch and cook, catch & cook, catch n cook, catch clean cook, catch camp cook, camp catch and cook fish, seeing fish with drone, trout lake, epic trout lake, tons of fish, trout recipe, rainbow trout fishing, trout, rainbow trout, truck camping, tarp camping, survival skills, survival skills cooking, survival skills camping, fishing for trout, solo, fish, trout catch & cook
Id: 5NwVAqfYSkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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