7 Bosses You Could Only Run From: The Return

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Only shattered knees, at least no one got fired this time, soooo progress.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nuttyprofwd 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
back in 2019 wow good times we looked at the bosses in gaming that you could only run from whether they were invincible or you were just too weak all you could do was run away from these fiends as fast as your hero's legs could carry you but it turns out there are plenty more horrible things ready to chase us down and set our heart rate so high it's like we're actually running the very thing we play video games to avoid so lace up your escaping shoes and join us as we look at even more bosses you could only run from let's go oh oh i didn't tire them properly i should really learn to do that [Music] [Music] you know when you turn a light off and then you have to run up the stairs or down the corridor and you only feel mildly safe once you've slammed your bedroom door shut because there might be something running after you well welcome to that the video game it's called resident evil village nowhere is this more true than inside the basement of house beneviento this is where you end up after looking for your baby's legs in a jar and twisting bits off a mannequin made to look like your wife mia standard it's also where you're chased around by a horrible nightmare fetus standard yes in a supposedly fun sequence of events in a supposedly fun game after having solved a number of creepy puzzles that include walking through a secret passageway lined with glassy-eyed dolls you find yourself being stalked by what is presumably a physical manifestation of ethan's fear of fatherhood this thing chases you down relentlessly your only respite being the few ethan sized cupboards you can stuff yourself into as the creature bumbles around the room looking for you everything's fine everything's fine despite your ability to cower in a cabinet the game forces you into multiple chase sequences with a single escape route your only other option being turned into a human pacifier having this creature suddenly block the top of a set of stairs might strike fear into the heart of even the bravest of players but as you can see when i played it i handled these situations with great poise [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] sorry sorry i meant great noise but possibly the worst chase is when you fix the lift you came down in to make your escape power this baby up and the other baby or whatever the hell it is appears right behind you forcing you to run into the nearby study and kite it around a desk while you wait for the lift to kick into gear we're used to making stressful dashes to get into elevators but most of them don't end in a giant nightmare feature screaming a wet goodbye through the shutter doors at least i think that's what it's saying i don't speak giant nightmare fetus that doesn't look good it isn't jedi fallen order is like if dark souls met the dark side he's a jedi that's the opposite of darkseid shut up the game features a well fleshed out combat system and utilizes all the fanciest lightsaber moves and uses of the force so you'd imagine that the developers would want you to use it for every single boss fight in the game and you'd be wrong and warning because you get to the end of the game and well let's just say huge spoilers coming up yes if the intro clip hadn't tipped you off darth vader shows up and oh no he's mad showing off both his callous heart and incredible strength with the force he cuts down the boss you spent ages trying to beat and casually sends your mate ser flying into lava right no you would be wise to surrender would i i mean i actually think i'd just like you want to cheese it cal doesn't show signs of cheesing it at first and in attempting to take vader down gets caught in a force choke force pulling something to hit vader with doesn't help and then vader force pushes cal out of a door at which point he is forced to run is there such a thing as over using the force because i think i just did it with that last sentence with an angry vader right behind him you have to guide cal across a walkway that is crumbling around you as you sprint jump and wall run across it so not only do you have the prospect of being forced choked to death by vader if he catches up to you but you also could fall into lava and be cooked alive or share the fate of these stormtroopers when you finally get to the escape elevator vader makes it very clear that he's mad you didn't hold the doors for him but it seems he found a fire escape or something because a few seconds later you reach another door and you suddenly get the urge to run back to the collapsing room filled with lava knowing you have no way to beat him you're pretty relieved when an uncooked ser comes back to save the day of course the other reason you can't fight him is that because if you did somehow beat him it wouldn't be canonically correct so the law demands you run cal you coward those of you excited about the new dune film might be interested to know that it's not the only piece of visual media with a big sand worm in it no i'm not talking about the original dune or star wars i'm talking ori and the will of the wisps and tremors but for the purposes of this list or in the will of the wisps yep much to your surprise turns out giant sand worms aren't just restricted to planets and sci-fi adventures when little guardian spirit ori gets to the wind-torn rumens they find that it probably wasn't just the winds that ruined this old temple in here lies the heart of the spirit one of the wisps ori is tasked with finding but there's also something in here that doesn't want that spirit to get out and that's what you discover when the wisps magically bond together to form the potentially world-saving wisp the golden light also known as seer no not the one that sang chandelier [Music] i'm gonna run from the big sandy worm from the big sandy worm yep there's a big horrible beaky worm thing drilling through the temple destroying everything in its path in its quest to make you and sia no not that one it's dinner it's at this point that you have to show just how well you can pull off all of ori's special abilities fail and you'll get smushed by the big worm as it catches up with you smushed by the collapsing ceiling after the big worm overtakes you [Applause] or smushed by the big worm as it doubles back on you there's a lot of ways to get smushed by a big worm is what we're saying this boss fight is a real test of your platforming prowess throwing you right back to the start of the run if you get caught at any point meaning it all has to be done perfectly in one go or auri is stuck there forever getting smushed over and over again by an enormous invertebrate but fortunately the worm isn't completely unkillable as once you reach the exit the thing smashes its beaky bones into the rocky ceiling causing it to cave in its own head with a well cave-in i assume this is how the new dune ends yeah right [Music] it has been well established that kirby is an all-powerful creation being the only smash brothers ultimate character to survive the great evaporating and indeed look how easily he takes out this woolly dangler fish [Music] easy peasy sadly for kirby though that fish has a big brother indeed when swimming around the caves of deep dive deep kirby bumps into this yarn version of the real-life nightmare monster fish that somehow is just as terrifying in fabric form but don't bump into it literally kirby can't fight this huge thing so just has to swim as fast as his legs can propel him and they ain't big legs yep kirby is weak source in yarn form so instead of destroying it while riding on a warp star you have to avoid obstacles and enemies all while a great gaping moor is chasing you down but it doesn't end there as you swim around in dolphin form two more angler fish appear and they tag team giving you little respite as you try to get kirby out of there as fast as his little fins can carry him panic inducing but if that thing can beat kirby i want it in smash new mane here i come sorry waluigi back of the queue once inside beware of the outsized killer who patrols her domain never confront him he is invincible now cut me loose i'll show you the meaning of sacrifice [Applause] alice madness returns is proof that everyone goes through an emo phase indeed this dark take on lewis carroll's strange world sees a wonderland falling into disrepair and an alice that looks like she's been fired out of a cannon into a hot topic i've not come back here looking for a fight really that's a pity one's certainly looking for you the other residents aren't too sunny either the door mouse and the mad march hair have been turned into heartless captains of industry and the living teapots are all trying to stab you ouch is this for always filling you with boiling water because i'm not sorry you need boiling water to make a proper cup of tea ellen i said i was sorry it was room temperature you absolute scum another wonderland local hoping to get you with something sharp and pointy is the executioner a huge card man with tentacles coming out of him all over which is apparently an entirely normal sentence in this game you can't judiciously smash this guy like you can the teapot as he's invulnerable to alice's attacks all you can do is dodge his side as he swipes at you and scurry to safety as soon as a way out appears the executioner is stubborn though kicking off a chase sequence that sees you blindly legging it towards the camera while he runs up behind you spinning his blade like the world's angriest nutribullet dude i thought it was off with her head not off with her head her limbs and also turn her into a protein smoothie you can get away but not content with giving you one mild panic attack the executioner returns multiple times jumping out again and again to funnel you down terrifying corridors and around arenas slicing through all his buddies in his quest to get to you well i suppose i can't complain too much if he's doing my job for me you might be knackered after all that but you're treated to one last chase down part of a labyrinth that looks like the hampton court hedge maze was turned into a pop-up halloween store but the way you finally escape well see for yourself yeah i don't remember that happening in the disney film although it has been a while since i've watched it did i imagine the caterpillar getting high i estimate a 99 probability of death if an enemy captures you there may be a very small opportunity to escape but exploiting this window will be virtually impossible the enemy are immune to your current weapons you lack the unique energy used to defeat the first emmy your only option now is to evade capture and find an exit your highest priority in an enemy zone could be simply to survive if you looked up badass in the dictionary there would just be a picture of sama saran what your dictionary doesn't have pictures you need to upgrade the armored hero of the metroid series isn't afraid of anything whether that be energy sucking aliens or massive pit dwelling dragon monster things i don't know whatever crade is but that all changes in metroid dread when she comes across emmys extra planetary multiforme mobile identifiers on the planet zdr see these robots built by the galactic federation are invulnerable to samus's regular weaponry so she quickly discovers that if she wants to survive she has to scarpa leggett samus these robots are relentless and relentlessly terrifying looking as they do like a cross between glados and a demogorgon samus fortunately has some tricks up her shiny metal sleeves being able to slide through tight gaps and find routes that the emmys can't take forcing them to take the long way round but if she gets caught and can't break free well here's metroid's first horrible insta-death samus no thankfully samus can escape these metal monsters by getting out of the special designated zones they patrol meaning you can breathe a sigh of relief while your first response to seeing an emmy should always be to run samus does acquire a few more powers to deal with them such as the phantom cloak which unlocks the ability to cower in fear and eventually after a lot of running away should samus find an omega cannon upgrade to her arm cannon she can go and melt their stupid faces maybe should have included that in the alpha build of the cannon galactic federation save us all this running around are you i'm real enough he's coming you you've got to go why you don't want to be here when he gets here just a minute i'm getting dressed get you out of here there's no way out trust me i've looked stop it you're you're too impatient that's enough the bioshock series is full of terrifying half human half robot steampunk hybrids it's like thomas the tank engine but with more drill hands yeah i don't see percy doing that gordon though one of these creatures that is massively terrifying and massively well massive is the songbird of colombia this monster machine guards elizabeth in her tower and is somewhat of a celebrity even having its own nursery rhyme songbird songbird see him fly drop the children from the sky when the young ones misbehave escorts children to their grave never back talk never lie or he'll drop you from the sky cool chill ice cold yeah you really don't want to get on this beast's bad side so of course you immediately get on its bad side in your attempt to break elizabeth out from her tower this winged monstrosity decides to pop by for a visit because everyone loves unexpected guests at the last minute the songbird doesn't like the idea of elizabeth leaving the tower though it's a way out [Music] ah this is not going to be good despite having lots of guns and a hand that can shoot crows the songbird is too powerful for you to take on so instead of a big fight you're thrown into a high adrenaline high altitude chase guiding booker and elizabeth down through the tower or while the songbird rips the building apart trying to get to you hate waiting for the lift well imagine waiting for your elevator to arrive while a giant birdman is eyeing you up and wanting to slice you into ribbons yeah i think i'm gonna take the stairs this chase while scripted is one of the most intense moments of the game meaning that while you're making book a book it you're probably also making all the same noises as him while the tower nearly crushes you in the end the only thing that saves you from the songbird's grasp is falling from a great height into the sea why because its one weakness is its lack of waterproofing you know what i think i know a guy down in rapture who could help with that [Music] so those were even more of the bosses that you could only run away from we hope you enjoyed this video because i shattered my knees making it in that bit in the beginning so unfortunately that's the only running around i'll be doing for some time until i get these babies on ice but while we're waiting for the tendons to heal why not why don't you in the comments let us know some more examples of bosses that you can only run away from and if you enjoyed this then why not check out some other videos they're floating around on screen above my shattered knees and subscribe well i can't get away can i because of my shattered knees
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 611,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outsidexbox, funny, ps5, switch, xbox, gameplay, star wars, vader, boss fights
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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