7 NPCs Who Are So Done With Your Bulls***

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npcs or non-player characters have many duties in video games like telling you where to go or where not to go or selling you items that you will 100 never use but another duty npcs must carry out is patiently putting up with endless nonsense from you when you do that thing that every player has done at some point and continue interacting with them over and over again for no reason other than you can and you are an agent of chaos or just love hearing the same phrase 10 000 times got some rare things on sale stranger but just occasionally that patience runs out and you encounter an npc who loses their temper when you won't stop bothering them resorting to unconventional and often hilarious methods of getting you to f off and leave them alone these are the npcs who are so done with your bullsh beware mild spoilers for the following games [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] really you must stop touching that once more the celerian union formally requests that you not touch that solarians are the aliens in mass effect whose capacity for non-linear thinking and love of protocol makes them expert scientists and also so funny to annoy release the female we're leaving i can't protocol states during lockdown no specimen nerd alien go zap luckily mass effect offers players several choice opportunities to wind up these spindly space dorks whose home planet of sirkesh commander shepard finds herself exploring on a main mission to rescue a female krogan as you can see this base contains sensitive information this research pace is a bastion of solarian scientific endeavour and now such is packed full of solarians hard at work in a typically modern workspace all open plan and standing desks and the free exchange of gossip you'd think the asari could do something about the reapers yeah keep it to the water cooler you too one salarian's console can even be interacted with though the employee working on it doesn't much appreciate the interruption please don't touch that as i said commander don't touch that again i would ask you to refrain from touching that unfortunately this solarian who is so done with your interfering has committed a spectacular blunder namely spouting different dialogue every time you annoy him so settle in poindexter this console is going to get seriously booped boop perhaps don't touch that means something different in your language boop i would rather not refer this matter to the human embassy boop are humans really so deprived of stimulus that they must insist on touching everything rude also boop really you must stop touching that boop i'm afraid if you keep touching that you risk a diplomatic incident boop touch it all you want you'll never find out what it does i don't care what it does mate i just care that it annoys you fine if you are so enamored of that object then i suggest you get your own feces analyzer ew you nerds are gross where's the hand gel [Music] being an npc must suck some punk won't stop bothering you or stealing everything in your shop and you just have to sit there and take it because they're saving the world also if you think you're getting a bathroom break think again especially pity the non-player characters in quirky super nes rpg earthbound who are just trying to get on with their lives but must endure constant bothering by ness who is wandering the world badgering every grown-up he sees no ness you are a little boy you can't have a driver's license jeez [Music] ness is also certainly too young to be staying in a luxury business hotel by himself but i guess earthbound nbcs only have so much stamina for enduring his pestering and so the manager of the tucson hotel will let ness rest here if he has the 50 room fee just saying when i was ness's age if i'd had 50 dollars i wouldn't be off down the marriot i'd be up to my waist in beanie babies at breakfast the next morning ness can get back to his important job of bothering the grown-ups like this man who's just trying to start his day but ness won't leave him alone [Music] the man is probably thinking ness will give up and leave but clearly hasn't reckoned with the patience of someone who's chosen to play a 40-hour rpg he's please of you're annoying and dang me fall on deaf ears if you persist in annoying the npc even through all of his small talk and requests to be left alone he'll put an end to your nonsense in the most hilarious and desperate way actually paying you to leave him alone [Music] hey that's how much the hotel cost beanie baby o'clock baby moving around in your hev suit can be slightly disorienting at first take a moment to familiarize yourself with basic movement and soon it will fit you like a second skin you wouldn't think you'd need a tutorial for half-life i mean it's just run jump shoot crowbar scientists right but in fact it's a very good idea indeed to take a run through half-life's optional hazard course introductory mission which teaches you the basics of controlling the game partly because half-life is maybe the only game ever to insist you master something called crouch jumping and partly because if you skip the tutorial you miss an opportunity to wind up the security ai that governs the black mesa research complex in which most of half-life is set also you need to master long jump which is done by crouching then jumping in quick succession but is different from crouch jump which is jumping then crouching oh boy nice job get all of your jumps done and the game tries to teach you to enlist a guard's help in bypassing locked doors you must approach a guard and press your use key he will follow you until you face him and press the use key again but don't do that because it's much funnier to find out how irritated the disembodied security ai gets if you try to walk through the door solo access denied access is denied at first it sounds like the system is just cycling through variations on access denied entering forbidden entry but keep it up and you'll detect a note of desperation as the ai starts to ask nicely presumably exasperated that you're still trying to get through this door for some reason and wishing it didn't live at the whim of squishy human idiots please persist and the ai will eventually start to get snarky with you will we do this all day yes if i want to we will and i'll thank you to mind your tone no no and no your place security ai i'm the human you're the robot servant what are you gonna do about it hey [Music] touches [Music] i love evie in fact i've spoken before on this channel about how interacting with evie and pokemon let's go eevee via the game's partner play mini game and cuddling this sweet fox's cute face has moved me to literal tears so before we begin i want to make clear to you viewer how much it pained me to deliberately make evie sad so that we could make this video in other words you owe me big time the subscribe button is just there it's the least you could do frankly this minigame gives let's go pikachu or let's go eevee players an opportunity to take a break from snatching nidorans out of their natural environment to raise the friendship level of a pokemon who actually wants to be with you your sweet partner pokemon npc evie evie enjoys having its ears stroked via the touch screen or switch joy cons and also likes having its face snuggled and being tickled until it sneezes [Music] but of course evie doesn't like everything jabbing at eevee for instance will irritate it and certain actions will even make evie feel sad now it would take a pokemon trainer who is particularly cold-hearted curious or bored to keep making evie sad just to see if anything happens but let's face it we're at least two of those things and guess what if you continue to push your luck with evie it'll push right back literally because when evie's patience runs out it'll quick attack you so hard you end up back in the main menu [Music] ow come on evie what did i ever do to you oh wait the sadness as if to cement the end of your friendship if you try to play with evie after this you'll find it turned haughtily away now evie won't gain to play with you until you prod it apologetically a few times friends again but oh no it's awkward now i'm sorry evie [Music] npc technology has come so far once it was just towed telling you your princess was in another castle today you can fling your hat into toad's face over and over and over again the sweet sound of progress because of this you wouldn't necessarily expect to find an npc capable of being relentlessly annoyed in the messenger a 2018 action platformer that is very much rooted in the old days of video games being as it is a love letter to vintage side scrollers like ninja gaiden and yet this slick indie throwback features one of the cleverest and funniest ways that an npc punishes you for your nonsense we've ever seen that npc is the shopkeeper this hooded figure is the proprietor of a trans-dimensional outlet where you can spend your hard-won time shards on upgrades and new powers [Music] being a creature that exists outside of time and space the shopkeeper quickly establishes themselves as your go-to source for meta jokes and commentary on video games like this one [Music] get it like ninja gaiden anyway you might have noticed the shopkeepers room contains a mysterious cabinet prodding said cabinet gets you the usual npc lines about well not doing that please [Music] by this point in the video you'll be very much expecting the escalation of threats and sassiness that follows if you persist in interacting with the forbidden closet of mystery maybe what's in the cabinet could help me save humanity you ever think of that shopkey checkmate continue to push the shopkeeper and they'll start to threaten you with having to listen to a boring story one that they warn is very long philosophical and unskippable you might think the shopkeeper is bluffing but well buckle up folks we're just going to let this play in its unskippable entirety let's watch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa that was [Music] man i'm gonna press the cabinet again [Music] [Music] is [Music] you might think that the world's most famous pop star is not a good choice for a secret agent well that's why you are not in charge of the new squid beak splatoon a secret society in the world of splatoon 2 dedicated to saving the world of squid kids from octarians gross creatures with plans for global domination who pop very satisfyingly one high-ranking member of the society is marie codenamed agent two who fights the octarian menace despite also being a member of the iconic squid sisters pop duo [Music] a squid themed pop band incredible look i'm just saying it's got a beak and i can dance to it hey i'm just going to load this onto my isephalopod oh my splatoon 2's story mode sees you recruited to the new squid beat splatoon as agent 4 which of course brings you into close proximity with marie in npc form which gives you the power to stop doing your urgent mission and bug her relentlessly for a long time marie will respond to your repeated interactions with gameplay tips and bits of splatoon law marie probably assumes you'll get bored of this though and go and play the actual game but has a great way of showing how done she is with you if you don't she stops responding to you and instead starts delivering thought bubbles that drive home quite how weird you're being [Music] as a result you might get to keep annoying marie but your self-esteem will inevitably suffer how marie we were just trying to exhaust the dialogue you don't have to hurt our feelings very callous mari get it caller mario cut her mic you may have thought class warfare in world of warcraft was limited to rich players being able to spend real money to buy all the best mounts but not so as the venerable mmorpg's legion expansion in 2016 introduced class halls locations where specific classes could gather to wage war if you played as a warrior your class hall was skyhold accessible only by achieving what every warrior dreams of dying being exploded by this demon saw your body restored in skyhold a gleaming viking sky palace reserved only for the truest of warriors and ruled over by who else odin you have proven yourself the greatest living warrior on azeroth guess he missed the part where i died nobody tell him in the course of doing fetch quests and busy work for odin which is surely what all warriors dream valhalla will be you would have encountered a particularly furious boss enemy known as emiron the fallen king as angry as he is 20 foot high and vengeful as he is fond of forcing you to run away the scumbag [Music] upon killing emiron you could tell odin you think he should be allowed to join the ranks of skyhold's army to which odin responded no thanks that guy is a jerk to which you responded yes but wouldn't it be funny if he had to serve you for all eternity yes is the answer it would be funny from this point on a humbled and less glowing npc version of emiron could be found in skyhold toiling away for odin for all time and my god was he not in any mood to see you again why couldn't you let me die because imiron we thought it would be funny repeatedly interacting with emir on the npc resulted in him insisting you go away before issuing forth a stream of insults i would die a thousand deaths to see you suffer those who continued prodding imiron would eventually witness this unwillingly revived king's most vociferous expression of just how done he was with your whole deal in a tirade that has since been patched out the game but sounded like curse this mother i will think back your king head down down your throat you holding himself well i guess it was nice of him to bleep it i hate your damn gods so those are some of the npcs who got really tired of us annoying them so that they keep talking and you know what you know if we've completely run out of things to say so instead you should hit that like button as thanks for us for telling you all of these things and then you should also go and watch these videos and if you want more videos like this in future as well subscribe then we'll have you know maybe some more dialogue options in a little bit and you'll be updated as to when we have those and if you really want to have even more dialogue options with us you can join our patreon where you can then join our discord and ask us questions questions and we promise we won't be as mean to you as marie and all the others thanks for watching bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 791,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming
Id: g4nUzEvlpGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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