BEST Copyright FREE Music For Your Twitch Stream! - DMCA Safe In 2021!

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if you're anything like me you're tired of  hearing the same three royalty-free music tracks   every time you go into a brand new stream or  worse hearing copyrighted music and knowing that   even if you like this streamer their days  are numbered because they're getting banned   after all it's 2021 and we shouldn't still be  having conversations about dmca and royalty free   after all those things have been around for years  today i'm going to explain what dmca is since i   seem to get asked this every single day as well  as give you some great places that you probably   and hopefully haven't heard of yet to get  some amazing royalty-free music let's go   hey i'm Eljay with i'm also  a variety streamer over at   there's a link to that in the description  if you want to check me out i am live right   now but there's also in the description a link to a place with over 600 guides all   about streaming for your streaming needs if there  isn't a video on this channel covering a topic   there's probably one over on  so check it out it's free and entirely for you   before i jump into this video and show you guys  where you can get some music to create a very   unique stream from everyone else i also want to  throw a massive thank you out to   are your one-stop shop for all things streaming  related and that's not just marketing jargon   they actually have a little bit of everything you  want some dmca safe sound alerts for your stream   heck they even have a music service owned music  there's a link to it in the description guys go   check them out grab yourself some sound effects  some music heck even just a full animated overlay   and if you want to support us support them because  they support the channel if you're here just to   find out some resources for music feel free to  check out the time codes in the description but   first i kind of need to explain what dmca and a  copyright strike is because a lot of new streamers   who just don't know now if you've been on twitch  whether as a watcher or as a streamer for the   last eight months you've probably heard about this  brand new never before seen thing called dmca the   digital millennium copyright act now this thing  just came out of nowhere nobody saw it coming and   twitch they're the guys behind it that's why you  see all these people saying twitch bad and shaking   their fists angrily at the sky because they're  slapping these dmcas out left right and center   just hurting creators for no reason it's also  probably why you've heard people say that youtube   is a much better place for streamers and content  creators for example on twitch if you were to get   three copyright strikes that's right just three  copyright strikes they'll delete your channel   whereas over on youtube if you get three  copyright strikes they'll delete your channel wait all jokes aside dmca and copyright strikes  have been around for years and in the same   vein that they've been around for years  royalty-free music and labels who have   been creating music for streamers and video  makers have also been around for years i will   admit that youtube does have better ways to  handle dmca and copyright strikes and there   are situations where they will protect  creators for fair use but blaming people   isn't the way forward instead let's just figure  out exactly what dmca and copyright strikes   are and how you can protect yourself from being  banned without digging too deep into the dmca or   the digital millennium copyright act essentially  all it does is stop people from using artists   work if they don't have the appropriate license to  use it this means if you're going to use music in   your stream you need to make sure you have the  appropriate licenses or rights to use the music   you need to do this by purchasing a license  from one of the services we talked about today   or just going and using one of the free services  we're going to talk about today and you'll be good   to go and now i know i'm going to get asked so i  will just quickly say youtube premium and spotify   premium aren't the same as having a broadcast  license to use music if you want to protect   yourself and you want to avoid being banned there  is one simple way forward in this entire process   do not use copyright music without the appropriate  rights and anyone who says just delete your vod   after or don't save your vod you're gonna get  caught with your pants down if you think that   just deleting your vault is gonna get rid of  the evidence besides on twitch and streaming   in general there's an even bigger problem than  dmc and copyright strike when it comes to music   most content creators aren't using music in a way  that actually gives them any benefit they're using   it to fill dead air but there's such a better  way to use music is there a lull in the stream   maybe it's a bit quiet or maybe you're just  finishing up the stream and people have kind of   gone into work mode music sets a tone and a  mood it lifts people up and gets them excited   maybe you do want to feel dead air but you  don't want to use the same generic background   low fire you want to use something that has some  character and personality to it maybe you have   some nostalgia that helps you engage people when  they join one of the places we're going to talk   about today game chops is literally that in a  nutshell look let's just get straight into some   of the creators because i really want to talk  about where you can get your music from but just   to reiterate guys if you curate your playlist and  you work to make an amazing set of songs designed   to create emotion give people a feeling maybe  just make them want to chill out and enjoy the   stream then it will go so much further i curate  the music that i want to listen to on my stream   heavily to make sure that it fits the vibe and  gives people the feeling that i want them to feel   and i know that it works because i see great  engagement pick up when i use certain songs   or i just see us all chill out and vibe when i use  other ones if you want to see any of those tracks   that i use by the way you can go to my chat right  now and type exclamation marks song it'll give you   a full playlist everything in it is royalty free  or copyright free whatever you want to call it   as long as you credit the people seriously check  it out in that playlist you're going to see at   the very very start i have two particular  musicians the first hyper potions and the   second is young bae i want to talk about  high proportions first because honestly   these guys are so underrated and i know they've  got hundreds of thousands of views and they've   made music for the sonic film and stuff but they  are still underrated in the streaming community   if you go over to their youtube and look at  any of their tracks and you scroll down check   the description it'll tell you exactly what  you have to do to be able to use that song   and a lot of the time it's just credit them there  are some songs up there that you won't be able to   use but it says it in the description if  you can't i think the reason why people   love the high potion tracks in my playlist is  because it gives them nostalgia they remember   things like old school nintendo or old school  zelda or even sega games they're not directly   connected to these games but they're so heavily  inspired by them and they're just fantastic tracks   that people can't help but enjoy themselves second  up you'll see in the playlist is young bae now   these guys are fantastic i absolutely love young  bae's music and the thing is he just gave everyone   permission to use it just tweeted it out and that  is permission enough for you to protect yourself   they're very high tempo very boppy and very very  very engaging for your chat they're incredibly   exciting for people the only reason why i  considered not including them was because   when working with artists you never know if their  record label is just going to turn around and say   yeah we don't care about that tweet but his  music is kind of worth that little risk for   me i think and that tweets screenshotted and  saved in a little folder in my computer so   if it gets taken down and someone tries to come  after me i got my proof all right these two   creators start my stream off every single night in  that exact order of that playlist and people love   it when 16 seconds hits on my timer people start  saying hype people get excited because young bay   starts and it builds up to the moment when i'm  going to transition and be live seriously check   out these creators they're incredibly underrated  when it comes to streaming music but they'll do   amazing work to set that tempo and set that energy  for yourself and if your stream but you've got all   your energy right and you're not going to be able  to stay that energy for four hours five hours i   don't know however long you want to stream for  so what do you put in between all the hype well   my go-to is game chops and also chill hop but  i'll talk about them in a second first game   chops i don't understand why more people don't use  it you name your favorite video game soundtrack   game chops has taken that and remixed it and  then released it under their record label   so that has creative commons and then given  everyone permission to use those songs as long   as you credit them yeah that sounds amazing i'll  take that in a heartbeat i use their zelda lo-fi   pokemon lo-fi i honestly i just use everything by  them because they're fantastic and the nostalgia   that's connected to it instantly connects with  people when they jump into chat i have brand new   viewers join my chat and then go whoa is this  gerudo valley remixed i love it and i go yeah   it is do you like zelda and the conversation  starts you should check it out they got a lot   of different stuff over there but seriously stop  wasting time game chops are so talented maybe you   aren't a gamer though or maybe just not feeling  the style that game chops has then i recommend   you check out chill hop chill hop have been around  for ages and they have so much content and so much   music for you to use all you have to do is credit  them in the panels but that's easy to do and   with music this good i don't see why you would be  upset about that they've got these fantastic two   hour long playlists as well with a particular vibe  and feeling to them whether it's summertime vibes   endless sunday airplane mode these tracks are  fantastic i really recommend checking out chillhop   as i said chill hop and game shops are free you  just need to credit them properly which is on   their site i'm gonna cover a question i get asked  every single video my twitter dms are literally   dead because of this question lj where do you get  the music for your videos what is that song name   can i use it don't worry we will get there but  before we do i want to throw it out if this video   helps you out at all consider subscribing and  checking out our other content we have videos   about the best time to stream best games to stream  how to keep yourself talking you name it we've got   it check it all out if it helps subscribing to the  channel helps us out and if you want you can get   free overlays that we've created and released into  our discord we have some new ones coming out soon   i will get to them don't worry so consider  checking out our discord and downloading those   so you can get your stream looking nice and fancy  okay all of the tracks on this youtube channel and   on every youtube channel i've had before today and  on every brand video that i've done or filmmaking   challenge that i've done has come from two places  the first atlas dot io it is a fantastic place   if you were looking for music the second and the  place that i use much more often is epidemic sound   both of these are paid options you do have to buy  a license or a subscription to use these services   but you're probably thinking why would i do that  when you just outlined a bunch of amazing free   services because i want my videos to be unique i  want my content to be unique i want people to not   think oh it's that same third most popular song  from no copyright sound being used again and   not just that but when i use epidemic sound it  gives me stems which means if i download a song   it usually comes with four or five files and  each one is just a certain instrument if i want   just the bass guitar then i can just use the bass  guitar it gives me the ability to break up a song   and change the melody and change the kind of  feeling behind it throughout a video you'll   actually hear it if you watch back the last  few videos randomly i'll just decide this   will do better if it's just bass guitar both of  these services are incredibly flexible and they   can really fit any genre at all the reason they  tend to go with epidemic other than those stems   is also because they have around 30 000 tracks  and 64 000 sound effects that can also be used   as stream alerts if you want to and all 30 000 of  those tracks are actually spotify compatible sadly   artless doesn't have a free trial but epidemic  actually has a 30 day free trial that anyone   can sign up with as i said it's linked in the  description after those 30 days you can decide if   the music was worth it if you're really using it  and then if you don't want to upgrade or you don't   want to buy a license you don't have to neither of  these guys have sponsored me or anything like that   i've literally been using artless and epidemic  for years now across all of my filmmaking work   i just highly recommend them i don't think anyone  else is producing music and tracks for artists as   good as these guys let's list off in a quick fire  away a few more different services you can use now   i might not be using these guys in my tracks but  i have used them previously and they're fantastic   first off pretzel rock i think you should all  know pretzel rock by now there is a free version   and a paid version the paid version all it does is  change that you don't need to give them credit in   the chat now i actually kind of like people who  give credit in the chat automatically because   for me i get asked every five minutes literally  what song is this where can i listen to this how   do i find this and i have to make a command for  it so pretzel rock your free version it's extra   features that comes up with the chat attribution  monster cat are just as well known as pretzel   rock i must say and not just because they tried to  sell affiliate status to twitch streamers for five   dollars but because they have a lot of great music  and they've been in this industry for so long now   they've managed to accrue a huge amount of tracks  and genres under their banner now i know i joked   about them earlier but no copyright sound is a  staple of this industry in this field if i hadn't   brought them up someone would have brought it up  in the comments no copyright sounds are fantastic   the only problem i have is that they aren't very  unique seriously if you go look at call of duty   4 montages from five years ago there's tracks  from no copyright sound being used pretty much   constantly no copyright sound just simply requires  some attribution credit to them which is great you   have to pay anything and they are really high  quality tracks monster cat no copyright sound   and pretzel rock are fantastic for those faster  paced games however if you are doing slower to   medium games i do think game chops chill hop  hyper potions and stuff like that are a better   bet for you now the final and probably the most  important royalty-free service that you're going   to need to know about and you probably already  know about it because it has one of the hardest   working people in this industry creating it  tirelessly making sure that you have dmca   safe music seriously i feel like i don't even  need to mention them you guys know who they   are it's lily pichu with comfy beats now comfy  beats isn't necessarily directly designed for   streaming but it's still fantastic and has some  really great vibes i want to include this because   i think it's something that a lot of people have  just never even looked at using go check them   out because they really will give you a certain  feeling to your chat that i think a lot of just   chatting streamers and cozy streamers or slower  pace streamers would really love so i think that's   pretty much every single royalty free service that  i would recommend anything else out there chuck it   in the comments i'd love to hear it we'll be back  next week with some more videos and content for   you though so please consider liking subscribing  hope you have a great week guys i'll see you later   all right i think that's the end  of the video nothing else to do   whoa how did you get in here hey man  hey whoa whoa don't don't i don't   okay yeah yeah yeah stream beats use stream  beats all right calm down okay we're gonna   use stream beats not none of this stuff i'm  just gonna use stream beats all right easy
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 180,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch dmca, twitch news, twitch copyright, twitch drama, twitch music, twitch copyright music, twitch bans, twitch music dmca, twitch clips, copyright free music, copyright free background music, copyright free music for streaming, copyright free music for streamers, best music for streaming, best music for streaming on twitch, music for twitch, monstercat, epidemic sound, pretzel rocks, nocopyrightsounds, music for streamers, no copyright music for streamers, hyper potions
Id: WDEi5SdDoPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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