6 Insane Stereotypes That You Still See in Every Movie - After Hours

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[Music] I'm serious I know that you think you are what are we talking about gay people are magic no come on just look this is for the record we're in time we are four white straight people who are gonna be talking about sexism racism and homophobia okay we are less qualified than a lampshade made of toilet paper oh no Katy's a woman dan is if anything a genderless lego man and i view sex as a constantly evolving spectrum well that's better I guess so racism in movies like how all our enemies used to be Russian and now they're all vaguely Middle Eastern not quite so direct as that yes Hollywood is still trying to force stereotypes down our throat but it's not racist in the old-school negative sort of way it's more well-meaning than that it's a white guilt thing yes like that magical black character that's been around for so long me Hollywood was so worried about being perceived as racist that they created this weird stereotype that all old black people are like full of folksy wisdom and just perfect advice advice that they selflessly dole out to the dumb white protagonist Shepherd from Firefly most of the characters that Morgan Freeman's ever played that's goddamn right Moses hudsucker proxy there's a period in the 90s where almost every single wise down-to-earth judge was an old black man and sometimes they were actually magic like in Legend of Bagger Vance or The Green Mile and speaking of that thing I said now it's gay people who are magic that's Hollywood's new thing this is a Dumbledore jab previously gay people were only clowns in shows Hollywood in the mannequin Jack and Will & Grace snagglepuss just so mincing around all is funny young gay but now if there's a gay character in a supporting role in a TV show or movie nine times out of ten Hollywood makes him an expert Harvey Fierstein in that Simpsons so where Homer gets hair we know two things about that character one he is incredibly gay and two he's like super insightful about absolutely everything Hollywood wants to show that they're not homophobic but they overcompensate by making gay people infallible Wallis is the gay roommate and Scott Pilgrim with perfect relationship and dating advice you got powder from powder angel and rent skirt right Hollywood wants to appear staunchly Pro gay but they're still not comfortable with showing gay couples actually you know being intimate even on Modern Family which has one of the most balanced and realistic gay couples on television still waited an entire season before airing an episode where they're gay married couple kissed and even then it was just a peck you're acting like Hollywood has just moved on to homosexuality like it doesn't still have a huge problem with race when was the last time you watched a movie where a black man ended up with a white woman guess who's coming to dinner actually remade that movie and recast Sidney Poitier's character with Ashton Kutcher no see the reverse all the time Zach Braff can date a black girl on scrubs the only black friend on friends can date both Ross and Joey but Will Smith can't end up with a white woman he does even men in black Agent J and more woman they're romantically tied but you never even see them kiss and then in men in black - you know what they broke up because that's when he falls for rosario Dawson because Hollywood is still totally cool with a black man ending up with a Latina woman like Ava Mendes and Will Smith and hitch or Denzel Washington and Eva Mendes again in training day huh or Will Smith and Wow rosario Dawson again in seven pounds unless you're making a point about race white women cannot be with black men in movies you know what else why women can't do job get shot in the head all the time I mean there's brain splatter blood and everything it's the best I mean that exact thing happens four times in The Departed alone yeah it happens all the time but never with women sure you get a woman with like a bullet hole in a forehead but brans bladder nope not in America good right I don't want to see a guy's brain splatter out of his head nobody does there's brain splatter blood and everything it's the best the point is there's an inequality I mean Hollywood likes to pretend that there are just as many great roles out there for women as there are for men but as long as we're okay with watching a man's brains poop out of the back of his head and not a woman's then we're still implicitly saying that women are more precious or need to be handled with like kids gloves there's this YouTube video called a hundred movies a hundred head shots and there are only two female victims in it oh my God why did you dig that clip up is not having your brains poop out the back your head a stereotype moved on to a more general Hollywood slash livestock's motif I can get us back on track and when I do you're all going to want to give me a hand is that a smug call ahead jump to a reference you haven't made yet sometimes I forget you aren't all figments of my nation but if you want to talk about strange and bizarrely specific stereotypes in Hollywood you've got to talk about handedness you just got him because he said we had to almost all modern protagonists are right-handed but the antagonists were failing that sneaky goofy side characters are left-handed oh do you know that are you so crazy did you keep track of which hand movie characters write their names with nope that would have been easier I've been studying hair parts hair parts protagonist will part from the left to the right as if they've used their right hand to drag their hair if they had any from the left side to the right a goofballs on the other hand go this side so we can just take his word for this right there's no need to name a bunch cool and powerful Don Draper parts his hair like a right-handed man sniffling Weasley Pete Campbell like a left-handed man Hugh Jackman and prisoners right-handed creepy paul dano left-handed even Superman parts as hair like a right-handed guy but when he puts on his glasses and becomes worthless Clark Kent the parts which is too and suddenly he's left-handed help Tom Cruise was born left-handed in real life whenever he's playing the protagonist he does everything in his right hand shooting a gun in Mission Impossible flipping bottles in cocktail wielding a sword in the Last Samurai he plays pool with his left hand in the color of money only because Paul Newman is the real hero of that movie Tom Cruise is the weasel who cons Newman out of money you would make a great detective if your cases involve finding answers that literally nobody cared about that case in motherf---ing point what hand you write with lefty and you Soren right obviously one named after being correct wait what I'll see what that if anything that disproves wait Soren is the protagonist I'm the goofball in my own life just don't we all thought you know what if you do what if you do lots of what if you do sex stuff with your right hand like I write with my left hand but I mean all sex stuff is right all the way that's gotta count for something hey YouTube thanks for watching make sure you watch our other videos and subscribe if you want to find out if you not find out you want to tell us what the name episode should be about right in the comments don't do that we're not going to do that we win the next episodes already you don't know what you're doing has enough xiangui you were no power professionals we know which end you are just you're here to watch thanks for watching
Channel: Cracked
Views: 3,344,449
Rating: 4.8590269 out of 5
Keywords: After Hours, Cracked, Cracked.com, stereotypes, sexism, racism, homophobia, sketch, humor, funny, iron man 3, Firefly, Morgan Freeman, The Legend of Bagger Vance, The Green Mile, Gays in Hollywood, Harvey Firestein, The Simpsons, Scott Pilgrim, Glee, Modern Family, Will Smith, Rosario Dawson, The Departed, right vs left handed people, Mad Men, Superman
Id: ftm5r_bFIU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 21 2014
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