Why Disney's 'Aladdin' Is Secretly Horrifying - After Hours

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it's Stockholm Syndrome what Stockholm Syndrome are you asking what thing is Soren describing as having the qualities of Stockholm Syndrome or asking for the definition of Stockholm Syndrome neither impossible genie in Aladdin has Stockholm Syndrome impossible the genie has been trapped for according to him ten thousand years ten thousand years and in all that time all he ever wants is his freedom except at the end of Aladdin he gets it and what does he do uh make a bunch of stupid puns probably dumb voices and dated references egregious product place he returns to Aladdin service he travels the world for like a hot second and then he goes right back to Agrabah and follows Aladdin around and in Aladdin three king of theƶ flirt Ladon and jasmine get married and he serves as Al's best man names wedding coordinator and his decorator and his valet parking attendant and so on additional items I'm sure but it just sounds like Genie and Aladdin have like a genuine friendship like the kind I've read about in my books you're not missing much friends really I highly doubt the jeans being compensated for any of that work so that means that he's been craving freedom for like centuries but he doesn't know how to embrace it all he knows is to serve unconditionally which he will do until the day that Aladdin dies we're solid town no pardon me Wayne you know I was confused at first but now her point makes a lot of sense Soren you're wrong but Genie is an immortal all-powerful being you will never get me to feel sorry for him I mean sure he might fumble with his newfound freedom but don't worry because he's got infinity to figure out how to adjust it's more anybody who isn't the genie that I'm worried about man that includes us should I be worried Daniel are you worried what yes always about everything's terrible stop him you know so much about so many Disney characters and yet nowhere in the Aladdin thrillogy do they talk about where the genie came from he's just this all-powerful being that lives outside of time well I'm sorry that's just common knowledge I thought he lived in like old timey sand there's funny shoes no television open vests no shirt times based on their clothing and technological advancements I would put the events of Aladdin in the 1300s god damn you but meanwhile in the movie they say that the genie has been trapped in a lamp for 10,000 years was that ten thousand years before the 14th century probably not because he references Groucho Marx and Rodney Dangerfield no substitutions exchanges every time I'm losing to a rugs so Aladdin must actually take place in a distant future where everyone's forgotten how technology works there was all of human history right up to and including Rodney Dangerfield being a relevant pop culture touchstone then some sheep went down over the course of 10,000 years that reverted everyone back to square one where we ride on horseback markets boast fresh fish despite clearly being in a desert Aladdin is set in a post-apocalyptic future like Blade Runner ooh or revolution you okay that's one super dumb idea Aladdin could take place in the 1300s but the genie exists outside of time that's why he knows about all of our modern pop culture and technology I mean everybody's riding elephants and camels and the genie knows what cars are now that's somebody that's seen and lived through the future okay but that's just interesting is nothing dark about what you're saying then obviously you haven't seen the Aladdin cartoon show I named drop the second director VHS sequel to the Aladdin franchise seconds into this conversation how could you possibly think that I am unfamiliar a Disney cartoon set after the Aladdin movies took place that's a normal adventure show you've got Aladdin Iago jasmine Babu and the now free genie just having a different random issue every week kind of like your standard sitcom I know so so that's proof that Agrabah the city where all of these events are set eventually gets destroyed and the genie knows does nothing about because Agrabah is fictional is it was it do you in the movie the genie makes all sorts of pop-culture references that bar real which means that the genie exists in our world you know what doesn't exist in our world Agrabah or any historical evidence that it ever existed which means that sometime between Aladdin and the present Agrabah was completely wiped off the map and instead of doing something about it the genie just does an impression of Jack Nicholson all right Sparky here's the deal by that logic you should have stopped 9/11 and the Holocaust and the Taco Bell nacho rap you can't put everything on genie all I'm saying is that the genie claims to be Aladdin's buddy but he's really just biding his time until Aladdin dies he's an immortal constantly living every version of reality just [ __ ] around like some bored blue dr. Manhattan damn it and already exists oh is that a thing Katie is wrong yes I love that on board conversation adjourned history is not an etch-a-sketch we're whole society can just completely disappear without record especially if the kingdoms are as big and ornate as Agrabah and as recent as the 1300s so you're saying it never got wiped off the map so you're saying Agrabah still exists today you're saying you're a crazy person Soren you said that the genie was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and forced himself into eternal servitude but what if the opposite is true he didn't have Stockholm Syndrome and somebody else forced him in a servant event Soren didn't just say they suffered from bonds home virtue drone I mean what if he made everyone else his prisoners Wilbert you said it yourself the genie has experienced our present culture but there's no record of Agrabah in our history books I submit that the genie once freed used his food Amin own cosmic powers to in change the whole freaking world into forgetting that agra ever existed so he could keep it to himself for all time he preserved his palate Ladin and his gal and their monkey and protected them safe from the events of history impossible for anyone from our world to find them set for whoever wrote the screenplay for Aladdin clearly presumably Agrabah still exist in some bubble somewhere outside of space and time Aladdin and Boo and Jasmine and bird face they're just going on adventures all for the genies entertainment for eternity mint condition stood in the box baby where it's payback maybe lay ah you trap me in a lamp humans did you rub my lamp did you wake me up or guess what I'm gonna trap all you forever King Kong ain't got [ __ ] on me it's like the dark city of children's cartoons these guys everything but maybe we think about movies more than the people who made the movies yeah like maybe we're projecting Yeah right like that the guys who wrote Aladdin maybe wouldn't have if they knew a bunch of [ __ ] we're gonna sit around tearing all their choices apart either way you make some [ __ ] gonna comment a little stop making things forever now because of comments hey YouTube thanks for watching make sure you watch our other videos and subscribe if you want to find out if you not find out you want to tell us what the next episode should be about write in the comments don't do that we're not gonna actually there that we win the next episode sorta you don't know what you're doing having a shot week you were no power the professionals we know when you are just you're here to watch thanks for watching
Channel: Cracked
Views: 2,869,717
Rating: 4.793735 out of 5
Keywords: Aladdin (Award-Winning Work), The Walt Disney Company (Production Company), Aladdin (Short Story), Aladdin, Genie, Robin Williams, Disney's Aladdin (Book), Jafar, Iago, Disney, After Hours, Cracked, Cracked.com, Jack Nicholson (Celebrity), agrabah, The Genie, sketch, comedy, funny, spoof, satire, parody, Sketch Comedy (TV Genre), Walt Disney Animation Studios (Production Company), Groucho Marx (Author), Rodney Dangerfield (Film Actor), Blade Runner
Id: ZX_SMzhbDqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 21 2014
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