5782 Hebrew Calendar Year is Coming! Hebrew Calendar Year REVEALED! Teaching - Eric Burton

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hey welcome back to the groundbreaker international youtube channel it's good to be back with you here once again on this video i want to share with you about the upcoming hebrew calendar year 5782 this will be the first video full video on the hebrew calendar year 5782 for this channel and today i believe that the lord has given me some insight to bring to you the mysteries the deep mysteries that are getting ready to occur here in this prophetic time period on god's calendar now we are still in the decade of the pay that is the decade of the mouth to speak things out to speak things that are not as though they are we are getting ready to come out and at the filming of this video at this time period uh here in just a few months we are coming out of the year of the allah 5781 into the year of the bait so we're about to go into the pay bait year let's look at the bait and the bait is the number two it's the second letter in the hebrew alphabet we're coming into the 82nd year 5782 and so it's going to be the year of the mouth and last year was the olive it was god teaching our mouths now we're coming into a place of the bait the bait is a picture of a tent and it means has a few different connotations and meanings but one and one of the greatest is a dwelling place or a house because a tent is a covering it's a place of habitation it's a place to come in and dwell think of it as your home when you go home you're comfortable when you go home hopefully you're comfortable you feel safe it's a place that you can feel relaxed and it is your sanctuary all right the tent is a place of sanctuary let's look at the bait though a little bit deeper here bait is another starting point bait has the connotation of like a new starting point because it's the first letter in torah it's the first letter in the bible in the book of genesis and what the bible says in the beginning it starts with the letter bait which is the word barashi or in the beginning and so being that it's the first letter and the aleph is not the first letter of the bible it's the bait it's the second letter it's as though the bait is like a new beginning it's another starting point so the first thing that the lord showed me was is that this upcoming year is going to be the starting point for a lot of people and it's going to be the starting point a new starting point for the church i want you to get that in your spirit right now because of what i'm about to tell you you're not going to want to miss this the bait or the picture of the tent is made up of three vavs now the vav is the number six in hebrew gamatri it's the sixth letter and it makes up the number 18. if you add up all three of those sixes it's the number 18. now i know a lot of you go oh it's 666 right no no that number that you're referring to is 666. this is not adding up to 666 6 plus 6 plus 6 adds up to the number 18. so just throwing out out there i know a lot of people freak out when they see three sixes together but that is not the connotation of what we're seeing in the letter bait here the three bobs that add up to 18 also spell the word kai which is the letter for life or to revive something to bring to life here's what the lord is showing me if i were to theme this year here it is right right now this is what god has shown me i know there's a lot more to it but i believe what we're getting ready to see is the year of habitation i believe that we're getting ready to see god bringing new life into the body of christ because the church let's face it has been dying a slow death for a long time and all through the pandemic and all through the past year in 2020 and beyond uh we've seen a transformation within the body of christ all of a sudden a little bit of persecution a little bit of pressure starts bringing out the truth of who the true church is and who the false church is i've been preaching on this for a while but i believe that through that pressure we're beginning to see the church the true church beginning to get a backbone i believe that we're finally seeing some pastors rising up and saying enough is enough we're not going to lay down and be a doormat for satan and his kingdom we're not going to be a doormat for the political system we are going to rise up and we are going to be who god has called us to be that is the true church of jesus christ god during this time period 5782 is bringing new life in a new beginning into the church i believe that and i believe that it's going to be a time period a year of habitation a year of dwelling just as a tent is a place of dwelling and the three bombs when it within that representing life god is reviving bringing new life into the place of habitation because there's life in the habitation of god's presence god is wanting to manifest himself in his house once again look houses of worship need to become places of glory once again i'm going to pull no punches in this video today we have allowed the spirit of lethargy to bind up the church for so long that we we have totally obliterated the uh manifest presence of god allowing the holy spirit to work in our churches and not just within the meetings that happens within the entire church the people of the church themselves and what happens is it's choked the life out of us it's choked the life out of the body of christ but i believe that we're seeing new life coming in and that just doing church is not going to pacify people any longer we want to see something real we want to see the manifest presence of god back in the church house back in the habitation of god's presence all right let's move on here um the bait also means in it has a connotation of inward or coming into something god wants back in his church god wants to dwell once again within the tabernacle within the tent of meeting we are the living breathing tabernacle of god but yet we've pushed the presence of god out for so long within our lives and corporately that our spirits have died out many of us within the church and many people have backslidden and so i believe that god wants back in his dwelling place this is the year of god coming back in breathing life back into the church and bringing new fresh life now jesus quoted isaiah 56 7 you're going to enjoy this when he said my house shall be called a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves this was obviously whenever he kicked over the money changers table within the within the synagogue and jesus quoted isaiah 56 7 and he said my house shall be a house of prayer isaiah uses the word baith here for house twice in this passage of scripture now baith is the word bait spelled out the word bait spelled out is made up of three letters the bait it begins with bait it's also the yule and the tav so you have bait you tav and it comes from the root word bana meaning to build up or to construct or establish and so we have bait here which is the word bait which is the hebrew calendar year we're coming into five seven eight two the two is the bait and it means as the root meaning of constructing something or establishing something building something up something that's not there building it or rebuilding it all right that's very important to what i'm about to tell you the bait the yold and the top is how you spell this you have the bait which is a tent or dwelling place you have the letter you'd hear which is the hand of god and it also means transition and so you have the bait or dwelling place then you have the hand of god transitioning something or moving something and then you have the tab the ha the top has an interesting several interesting connotations and meanings but the tav is the last letter in the hebrew alphabet and it shows us the final dwelling place the tav is all about new life new beginnings the fullness of god doing something within the earth because it's the number 400 times 100 or so 4 is the number of earth 400 and i'll get into that in a moment is god perfecting something within the earth this when we talk about the new heavens in the new earth the new jerusalem we're talking about the tav god completing something bringing something that was old back to life in a way that's even better again he god always makes things better he doesn't just bring things back to life for the sake of bringing it back to life but he makes things greater than they were before and so the top is that fullness of god completing something a new creation now the bait going back to the bait for just a moment not only does it mean a tent of dwelling or dwelling place but it also means creation the first letter in the word to create is the letter bait and it's the word bara which means to create so you have creation within the habitation within the habitation we have creation we need to understand that so let's put these three letters together this gives us a breakdown picture of what we are about to see we have the bait dwelling place we have the hand of god transitioning and then we have the tav new creation god is transitioning us to new habitations and new creations he's taking our lives he's taking what's been battered and beat down and he's transitioning us into a new place a new fresh beginning and into new territories and new creations i believe not only for us as individuals but for the church corporately as a whole as well that god is transitioning us out of a season of of old into a season of new i know that sounds cliche but i'm just deconstructing the letters for you to show you how all of this plays out in the word of god so i believe that god is focusing at this point in time on re-establishing his house the church as a place known for the habitation of his presence i believe that god is wanting to build houses of habitation dwelling places churches that are powerful and that they dwell within the manifest presence of god and they have a full expression of the five-fold ministry a correct expression of the five-fold ministry i believe that god is willing to bring us back to the new testament in an even greater more powerful way and to bring us into a realm of new creation of the church and that might frighten some people i'm not trying to frighten you or try to sound way out there what i'm saying is is that god is wanting to revive the church that's been dead and dying and drying out and he's willing to revive it into a new creation into something even greater than we were before but it's only going to come through and by the presence of god and him doing things within our lives we have to be presence dwellers we have to be the habitation dwellers we have to let god inhabit us as individuals 24 7 it has to be a 24 7 relationship with god in the presence of god moses said to the lord he said god i want to see your face i know we spend time together but i want the fullness i want to see it all and god allowed him to see what he could see which was the back side this is a as full as you can get moses until until your time has come because you cannot stand in my presence your body cannot stand in my presence with seeing the fullness of my face but that should be the cry of our hearts god we want to see the fullness of you and not just be a cliche but to actually spend time dwelling in the presence of god letting him soak in us and dwell his spirit among us that is what god is wanting to establish within us and it's going to translate into the church as a whole and i believe that god is willing to establish houses of habitation but he's going to have to bring us into a place of new creation many times we have to be crushed before that he the potter can re-establish and recreate something even greater than we were before and so right now i believe through all of the shutdowns all of the lockdowns all of the political things that have happened even all of the all of the prophets and so-called prophets that tried to prophesy one thing and it did not happen the way that they thought it was supposed to i believe that god was teaching our mounds in the year of the pay olive and i believe that now god in this pay bait year that is coming god is now reconstructing he let us he let the church understand that we cannot do anything within and of ourselves it's not about superstar prophets it's not about superstar preachers it's about the presence of god and being fully dependent upon him in every walk of life are we starting to get the picture here church all right let's talk a little bit more here the baits spelled out bait uh bait yo tov is the number 412. like i said four is the number of earth multiplied by a hundred you have 400 is uh god doing something within the earth perfecting it and then you have the number of 12 which is divine governmental order so here's what the lord is speaking to me god is bringing creation into divine governmental order god is taking the earth god is perfecting things even more so on the earth god is lining things up of course he's getting ready to move i believe very powerfully but he's moving things into divine governmental order the church has to line up into divine governmental order when you see the number 12 think of fivefold ministry it's the fivefold ministry coming into alignment with the will of god into true alignment with what the bible teaches us it's not uh all of this this uh crazy stuff that people teach it's true uh fivefold ministry the expressions of fivefold ministry within the church lining up so we have god doing something perfected within the church within the body of christ and divine governmental order and bringing things into alignment god is bringing things into alignment this year 5782 god's bringing things into alignment in his house in his dwelling place isn't that awesome news today the earth is lining up the house of god is lining up the governments are lining up god is establishing a new creation in his house praise god i am excited for this upcoming year because i'm seeing that that all of the things that have happened god has allowed us to be crushed allows to be pressed but not crushed god has allowed the pressing but we're not destroyed we are coming out of this as new creations and god is going to establish something new something fresh within his church for the end time move of god i truly believe that now let's talk about the paid decade and how this combines with the bait so we've been talking about the pay which is the letter of uh the mouth and it's the number 80. so we have the 80 pay and the bait two we have the pay which means to speak things that are not as though they are god has been teaching our mouths he's been teaching us how to be obedient he's been teaching us what to say when to say it what not to say when to be quiet and now as the church is beginning to learn that we have to have dependence upon god we have to have accuracy in our prophetic words we have to have accuracy in being obedient with what god tells us to do now we're coming into a time of habitation into a time where god is establishing his house god showed me in ezra chapter six verses seven through eight something that i found very significant now this is the time uh king darius the first is speaking here ezra is talking about king darius's decree here of rebuilding the house of god and it says in verse seven through eight let the work of this house this is king darius speaking let the work of this house of god alone in other words leave it alone let them rebuild the house of god let the jews rebuild the house of god this is under the persian empire let the governor of the jews and the elders of the jews build this house somebody say build this baith this bait this house let the jews build this house of god on its site moreover i issue a decree a decree as to what you shall do for the elders of these jews for the building of this house of god let the cost be paid at the king's expense from taxes on the region beyond the river this is to be given immediately to these men so that they are not hindered i have a question for you how do you make a decree this is what the lord spoke to me how do you make a decree with your mouth you decree you declare something with your mouth now this is very interesting here some of the parallels of the prophetic time period that we're in in uh ezra chapter uh israel chapter six here and the time period that we're in in 2021 22 and 5 7 8 2. why is that because ezra speaks of a time when king darius of the the persian empire declares what king darius rather king cyrus decreed in his first year as king because cyrus decreed that the house of god be rebuilt first it was the first one that started the process of rebuilding the house of god now watch this president trump here in the united states was called even the hebrews the jews in israel called him a type of king cyrus he was osiris he was a friend to the jews he was a friend to the christian people whether you liked him or not prophetically you have to look at him as that was he perfect no but neither was cyrus he was an imperfect vessel that god used to help to perfect things and so we see here that president trump was one that during that era that god began the process of reconstructing the house of god into the image in which god wanted us to be rebuilt in because all of these things of the past all of the seeker sensitive church all of the hyper grace movement all these things had to be deconstructed had to be torn down and the true house of god needs to be rebuilt and so during that time period i believe was the beginning of the renewal of the rebuilding of the house of god in this era so we are now in the time period of god rebuilding and reestablishing his house so looking at the parallels here that president trump during that time period may have been the one to begin it but now it's our time to begin to pick that mantle up and to continue on in rebuilding and reestablishing i felt the holy spirit on that i hope you did re-establishing the house of god in the image that god wants it to be reestablished how look at the pattern that god gave us in the new testament look at the pattern of the new testament we need to go back to the patterns of the new testament and let god show us how to rebuild the house of habitation god is willing to rebuild his house we're in that time period where cyrus during that time period of the cyrus that he allowed the house of god to be rebuilt things during that trump era during that time period things were established and decreed even in israel as the embassy of america in israel was re-established in jerusalem just things like that the house of god became once again at the forefront of this nation in america and now we're seeing the time period of even uh harsh and corrupt leaders even through that push all of that aside right now and look at what god is doing god is energizing the church right now to become active to become active not just in doing things but doing things in the presence of god i look at at revival meetings breaking out in the middle of nowhere in the middle of of parks in stadiums and in places that are not just inside the four walls of the church building i'm seeing hope for the church but i wish and i pray that if you're listening to the sound of my voice right now you'll understand this is not going to be for everyone that calls themselves the church this reestablishment realignment some of you i guarantee you some of you have already turned the video off you're not even watching this right now you might have started this video but many people have already turned it off because they don't want to hear this they don't want to hear that god is getting ready to revive and do something new and it has nothing to do with the methods of church growth has nothing to do with all of the programs and all the things you know that we thought that we had to do in the past have a good church god doesn't care about good church any longer he is concerned with the heart of the church and us being the church being the hands and feet of jesus and you cannot do that with the program folks you can't do it with a method with the church growth model it only comes by dwelling within the house of god within the presence of god letting the manifest presence of god touch you and change your life today god wants us to decree today with our mouths that the house of god will be rebuilt that it become a house a baith of prayer and not a den of thieves god wants to re-establish to bana to construct to establish prayer and presence back within the house of god right now if you don't get anything else out of this video that right there is vitally important god is willing to reestablish the importance of sold out prayer and this is not lord thank you for this food god bless everybody amen prayer i'm talking about warfare intercessory prayer within the church that he's wanting to reestablish and he's wanting to establish re-establish the importance and focus on his presence dwelling within the church within us if we can get that today i believe that we are about to see the miracles signs and wonders we're about to see those things the first two letters that i just come to mind right now in that word bana to establish the first two letters is the bait and the noon the bait the house in the noon which is signs miracles and wonders it's the number 50. in order for the house to see those signs miracles and wonders we must have god breathe on us and for us to dwell in the presence of god today the pay bait year is coming the pay to speak things that are not as though they are the bait the house the dwelling place let me tell you one more thing within the pay some of you have heard me talk about this before within the letter pay the mouth there is a hidden letter on the inside of that pay it is the letter bait it is the tent the dwelling place because on the inside of our mouths we have the power to create we have the power to speak things that are not as though they are and we have the power to speak into the atmosphere we have the power to decree a new habitation and a new creation because i'm believing and if you'll believe with me i believe that we are going to see the church reestablished if we decree with our mouths and speak that this is a new beginning this is a new time period for the people of god before christ returns we are going to see a great move of god and it's only going to be through the power and the presence of jesus christ moving within us and within the church body as a whole but we have to declare it with our mouths this is what we need to be declaring in this pay bait year that god his presence will be re-established and his house will become a house obeyed of prayer once again can you believe that for me and with me today as we move through and i believe that there are going to be more videos to come as always i enjoy bringing these prophetic time period videos to you i know this one was a little bit longer today but this is the the first major video that i wanted to release on the pay bait year that is coming up there'll be more to come so stay tuned as always god bless you god bless your family we'll see you real soon please be sure to like this video subscribe to this channel and ring that notification bell so you can receive updates for when new content arrives also be sure to visit our website at gbreaker.org from there you can learn more about groundbreaker international and if the lord leads you to do so you can sow a financial seed of blessing now i would like to invite you to check out one of these other videos from groundbreaker international's youtube channel until next time god bless
Channel: Eric Burton
Views: 151,989
Rating: 4.8774333 out of 5
Keywords: 5781, 5782, 5782 Hebrew calendar, 5782 Hebrew calendar year, Hebrew Calendar, Hebrew calendar year, Hebrew meaning, Hebrew year, Jewish Calendar, Messianic Judaism, biblical hebrew calendar, decade of the peh, hebrew calander, hebrew calendar 2021, hebrew calendar 5781, hebrew calendar months, hebrew calender, hebrew calender 2021, hebrew colander, hebrew lunar calendar, hebrew religious calendar, peh bet, year of the bet
Id: -JGBohBK7eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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