Preliminary of the 5782 Word for the year | Troy Brewer | OpenDoor Church

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may the spirit of the living god move in this place in an incredible way may change fall off of you may you see things you've never seen may you experience the goodness of the lord may this year be an incredible year of fruitfulness and abundance let it be in jesus name too [Applause] three oh [Applause] love you jesus [Music] [Applause] love you lord [Applause] oh man i love you jesus come back quickly lord church will you join me in welcoming the entire planet earth to the new hebrew year 5782 here at open door church boom yep blessed and peace on you in the mighty name of king jesus i call you blessed friends there is a very specific word from god for specific people at specific times and god almighty has a word for you right now that is different than what he had for you at another time second corinthians chapter 6 verse 2 says for he says i have heard thee in a time accepted and in the day of salvation have i secured you behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation there's literally a time that changes from wait for the moment of salvation to now is the time of salvation and if you're not in alignment with that you miss it as isaiah the prophet declared when he said behold i do a new thing shall you not know it or in other words are you intentional about being able to know what i'm doing when it's new because it's not going to look like what you thought it was going to look like and i need you to just line up and say okay lord show me okay lord tell me so much so that when god almighty created and again it was his idea to do the feasts of the lord and the feasts the feasts are not just jewish feasts the the our our jewish brothers and sisters are the stewards of these feasts but they're actually the lord's feasts they're actually his where he says at certain times of the year i want you to come back and i want you to stop what you're doing and i'm going to visit you with a whole new layer of revelation concerning a certain subject meet me at passover meet me at the feast of unleavened bread meet me at first fruits meet me on pentecost meet me at the feast of trumpets meet me on yom kippur meet me at the feast of tabernacles those seven different feasts that god almighty says there are certain times of year no matter what i'm talking to you about i want you to stop what you're doing and we're going to i got something new that i want to show you concerning this thing that you've always looked into well that's a part of the walk luke chapter 4 verse 19 jesus said i'm here now to preach the acceptable year of the lord where the word of god and the will of god is poured out not just from the good phase but now into the acceptable phase before we can get into the perfect face in psalms chapter 75 verse 2 in the amplified version it says that when the proper time has come i will judge uprightly says the lord it's like there are certain things that need to happen and then all of a sudden there's going to be a shift and you're going to feel this thing and you're going to go okay god almighty is about to do something different now something that we've been looking for something that we that we've been waiting for the promise of the messiah had been happening for 4 000 years before jesus showed up the first time before he was truly revealed john the baptist says was not the light but he came to bear witness of the light and he represented all the law he represented all the prophets and he said look i'm i'm not the one but i'm going to point you to the one and you don't want to miss him and jesus after years of ministry went across the kidron valley and onto the mount of olives and he cried out and he said jerusalem jerusalem man now i've wanted to protect you i've wanted to gather you underneath my wings i had something different for you than what was being poured out on the rest of the world but you killed the prophets that i sent and you wouldn't listen and you wouldn't heed the warning and you wouldn't seek and you didn't know it but i'm here now and now you've missed your day of visitation you're out of sync with my prophetic timing and it's going to cost you everything not one stone is going to be left in this temple your your life will be devastated because you're caught up in the timing of something that isn't me sadly over the past 2000 years we've left the prophetic to special people that have special parking places at the church or those sainted ones that you paint beautiful pictures of or though those marvel comics superheroes of faith that are in the bible but certainly not for us i mean we can't be held responsible for anything prophetic or for the timing of things i mean come on man we got our lives to live come on you better not believe that so there's an anointing that no matter what tribe you're of and by the way if you don't know it or not you are of one of the 12 tribes and like i i don't think i am i mean i've been eating bacon my entire life i have nothing to do with any of that when you enter into the gates of heaven the bible says that each gate is for a tribe and you're going to enter in one of those gates you're going to find out what tribe you are yeah do you know that you're going to enter in you don't get into the gates of heaven without being one of the tribes now no matter what tribe you and i are of we need to live a an issacarian lifestyle a a like what are you talking about in isakari i'm talking about one of the tribes had this incredible anointing in first chronicles chapter 12 verse 32 it says of the children of visicar who were men that had understanding of the times to know what israel ought to do the heads of them were 200 and all their brethren were under their command well there was only 200 of those guys and 200 guys that were the the bosses but here's brother david he's like okay i got all these tribes i've got all this holy counsel in my life before i make a single move i need to hear from the tribe of is of issachar because they understand the power of prophetic timing they have wisdom and understanding as to what to do and when to do it according to spiritual timing according to kingdom timing not according to the timing of this world you can have the most awesome vehicle in the whole world you can have the most awesome engine the most awesome transmission if that engine if the timing is off it doesn't work right you can see this today you can see the sexualization of our children how the world wants to change the times hey man let's let's just sex these little boys and these little girls up and let's make them act like you know i don't know they're full-blown adults see the bible says that when the antichrist comes he will seek to change the times you can already see the antichrist spirit that's taking place today people that are 50 and 60 years years old out acting like they're 20 now out of sync out of timing cursed to their family a curse to the people who love them making such selfish carnal choices and it's all about the issue of timing this last week we had a huge call to prayer and we had 24 hours of prayer every hour on the hour we had a different leader here that was leading and and and there was a whole bunch of people who just said look i've already got plans i've already got this i've already got that but i got to i've got to get with this there's been a call for us to do this and we're coming up now on rosh hashanah and we're entering into a whole new kingdom season and we need to be positioned in our hearts and within our spirits to be the kind of people that says i don't want to miss the timing of the lord because god does indeed speak differently at different times you know like why would god speak different i thought i thought the word of god is the same all the time yes the word of god is the same all the time but what is revealed is not everything in the kingdom is meant to be relational everything in the kingdom is meant to be progressive everything in the kingdom won't here's what's real as you mature he will change his voice towards you i know he won't yeah he would he's a whole lot better daddy than you are and hopefully you you've done that if you still walk up to your 30 year old the way that you did when he was three and say your daddy loves you i love that you're you just look like an idiot you got to change your voice and you got to go man your dad loves you i love you if you're an effective communicator you will change your voice depending upon what you're trying to communicate and how you're trying to communicate it hebrews chapter 1 says god who at various times and in various ways spoken times past to the fathers by the prophets and it goes on to talk about men now you know we got we can go just go straight to the source jesus but god at various times speaks in different ways so what is the voice of the lord in this new season behold god does a new thing and shall you not know it the bible says that god speaketh once yet twice yet man perceives it but man perceives it not god's speaking all the time but just because god is speaking doesn't mean that you know it and just because you know it doesn't mean that you understand it just because you understand it doesn't mean that you know what to do with it and just because you know what to do with it doesn't mean you know what the outcome is going to be and just because you know what the outcome is going to be doesn't mean that it's going to be carried all the way out you have a huge responsibility in all five of those quadrants those sections i should say you have a responsibility you you have a responsibility we have a responsibility i have a responsibility to walk with god in all of those things like lord if you're speaking i want to know it and if i know that you're speaking i want to understand it and if i understand it i want to know what to do with that and if i know what i'm going to do with it i need to know what your outcome is going to be and if i walk that out and the outcome only bears 30 foot 30-fold fruit but not 100 fruit you can count on me again sir i'm going to keep going i'm going to keep going i'm going to keep going in this day of everybody being ultra offended at everybody and everything that anything that is holy anything that is right anything that lines up with the word of god this entire generation all over the world has decided that we will be offended at that and we can't get past the hurts of life anymore because of our anxiety our anxiety our anxiety i'm sick and tired of hearing about everybody's anxiety i really truly am the the media has programmed you to be anxious over everything where men's hearts are felon them for fear for the things that they see coming up on the earth so i don't mean to be non-sympathetic or empathetic towards the trials of life that all of us are facing this last week i've been neck deep i'm trying to get people out of afghanistan we're trying to save little boys and girls that are prostitutes in another country we're feeding people here we're trying to rescue local people who are addicted and we're meeting them in the wrong cycles of their addiction i've got a wife i've got kids i've got a church i've got all kinds i'm very aware of the day that we live in i'm also aware that the world's answer to you is let us dope you up and let us control you and that's not god's answer it's through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving that we make our petitions made known unto the lord be anxious of nothing the word of god says but you have to own the responsibility of that you have to own the impact of things you have to be emotionally intelligent in these days and go it just doesn't benefit me to be emotional about that oh well pastor roy i can't be held responsible i know i know the media has programmed you to tell you that you're not responsible for anything just turn it all over to them and they'll take it from here it's a dangerous day that you and i are living in it's an extreme day and i believe with all my heart man that god has an extreme word to give to all of us if we have an ear to hear if we have an eye to see i i'm going to be talking to you today about the the prophetic word that i've been seeking the lord concerning the new year to come because i do that at the beginning of every hebrew year and at the beginning of every gregorian year like lord what are you saying and i want to tell you that this the word that i'm giving is my part you have a part i have a part you know chuck pierce has a part right patricia king has a part cindy jacobs has a part we could go through the list of prophetic people and go hey we all need each other's parts my word is not a definitive word as far as this is it it's just what the lord has shown me and i also have to say this that um i am not going to be able to deliver it at all in the remaining 21 minutes that i have here i will continue this on wednesday night because a big part of it has to do with what god almighty spoke 20 years ago through the 9 11 event and he's revisiting us this year with that word that same word and we we we actually built all kinds of things and said we'll never forget we'll never forget and most of us didn't even know what it was that we were supposed to remember and we need to be determined that we will not forget so let me throw out just some themes and let me give you that in seeking the lord and and again i've been looking into this for a long time knowing that i was going to have the responsibility to do this and knowing that a lot of people will be asking us hey what is what is the lord speaking to you and i'm so honored for that i really and truly am but i also this is a serious thing i got up super early yesterday morning and uh literally spent the entire day seeking the lord and and spent the entire day studying and going over all of my notes and just praying and meditating talking to god you know like a grumpy old man all right lord i hear you're talking to her i've been i was all right lord that's one of the ways i meditate is i just kind of i didn't say it was pretty but it's real 5782 also converges with the year 2022 and we're going to be talking about a huge way that all of that converges this year but here's just some of the main themes that god has given me for this year to come and again i'll be unpacking this on the wednesday nights following the hidden thing made manifest is huge this year the secret thing exposed the real agenda revealed is huge for this year i'm going to show you how you can actually see it in the numbers and in the letters and in the scriptures that go along with this but know this the real thing is going to move to the front this year the real thing in the positive and in the negative okay the puppet that is there now it's going to be replaced by the real thing that thing and you're going to see what i'm talking about and i'm going to show it to you in the prophetic and some of it we'll be able to get to today 57 82 2022 some more themes that the lord has given me is the secret son everybody remember that phrase the secret son because i'm going to be unpacking that a whole lot the light of christ revealed we move from visitation to habitation this year i'm going to show you how here in just a minute how how the word of god says that some other themes that god has given me for this year to come is next level revisited 911 next level revisited the echoes and the epicenters of 9 11. and i'm going to be unpacking this message on wednesday night the echoes the repeats and the epicenters the multiple events of 9 11. some other things too that the lord has shown me is the church under attack this year in an incredible way and for those of you like man we just we were really hoping it's going to get easier you didn't sign up for easier you signed up for better that's what you signed up for [Applause] i had a dream the night before last actually a waking dream i woke up with it on friday morning and the dream was i saw like a hill and it was it was covered with taliban like like ants pajama warren american gun toten taliban and they were terrorizing and doing horrible things and then there was a group of us that were christians and they pointed at us and said we were the enemy and we were the taliban and all the cameras turned to us and they started saying we were the enemy be prepared to be compared to the taliban this year because i saw it i saw it in i saw it in the spirit you will be called the bad guy when it should be apparent to everybody who the bad guy actually is but i also want to tell you that while the church is under a chat is under attack the church is also going to be under the power of god this year in an incredible way because the house belongs to jesus as we get off into the air year 222 2022 and in the year 82 on the hebrew calendar i promise you the second chapter of acts is big this year big acts 2 22 is the only verse in the entire bible that has all three words signs miracles and wonders in it 31 171 verses and there's one verse in a king james bible that has all three words in the same verse signs miracles and wonders and it's acts 2 2 2. some other things too that god has given me is psalms 22 22 and isaiah 22 22 is huge this year you're going to see why when i show you that which is also about the importance of the word declared within the congregation and the keys to the kingdoms presented so let's see how much of this we can get off into on september the 6th to september the 8th we have the new hebrew holiday the feast of the lord called the feast of trumpets and it's called also known as rosh hashanah and like wait a minute you said there's two days there are two days in this holiday like why is that because in order for rosh hashanah or for the p or or for the feast of trumpets to actually happen you actually have to have a watcher a watchman go out at night when the sun when the sun goes down go out and look and look and look for the tiny tiny tiny sliver of the moon that represents the new moon and once they see that they blow a trumpet and then there's a hundred trumpets that blow and everybody knows that rosh hashanah has now begun but nobody knows you know for every single year the moon comes up at a different time and also too the moon might come up and it might be cloudy before someone who's watching can spot it and blow the trumpet so it's a two-day day and if you ask anybody about this trumpet blast a new era has begun if you ask any of our hebrew brothers and sisters throughout the centuries tell me something about rosh hashanah this is what they would say well no man knows the day or the hour when it comes to the feast of trumpets nobody can tell you the day or the hour you have to be looking for it in order to get in on it i think we're talking about the rapture of the church now by the way so when we begin to look at that go wait a minute does that feast represent the rapture of the church yes will jesus fulfill it yes okay so are you saying that jesus fulfilled the other feasts what what feast has jesus fulfilled and what once has he not fulfilled well he's actually the first time he came he fulfilled four of the feasts and the second time he's come in he's fulfilling the last three passover he was literally crucified on the day of passover he fulfilled passover the blood of the lamb on the doorpost of our heart so that the angel of death couldn't take us out and he did that on passover okay the next one the feast of unleavened bread you can find that in leviticus 23. all right it points to the messiah's sinless life and you need to know this that the body of king jesus was in the grave during these days of that feast he literally fulfilled the feast of unleavened bread on the day okay well then what's the next one the feast of first fruits do you know that jesus was literally resurrected on the day of first fruits on the actual day of the holiday and what does the word of god say in in first corinthians chapter 15 verse 20 it says that jesus christ is the first fruits from the dead and then you have pentecost where the holy spirit was given literally on the day on the actual day not just you know a month or two ahead of it or a month jesus actually fulfilled what these feasts mean on the actual days we say wait a minute troy are you telling me that you think that the rapture of the church is going to happen on the feast of trumpets i say yeah i do i'll say wait a minute wait a minute what is the scripture you would use against me if i said that no man knows the day or the hour that means the feast of trumpets that's what it means you don't know the day or the hour number one nobody can know the day nobody can nobody can know the hour because knucklehead there's two days on the earth at any one given time and there's 24 hours at any one given time argue with all my haters all right okay so so no man knows the day or the hour of the feast of trumpets and jesus says when it comes to the rapture of the church no man knows the day or the hour okay well i don't i'm still not sure about that but when you think of the feast of trumpets think of first celeste first thessalonians chapter 4 where it says for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry and a command with the voice of an archangel and with the sound of the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and and also remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so we will always be with the lord bone saint pastor troy you're saying that this week is the feast of trumpets yep you're telling me that jesus can come back you think jesus can come back anytime he wants to and you'd better be ready because i don't care if you own real estate in heaven or not i think if you're not looking for it you miss it that's what i think but we'll get off into that some other day you better be watching be ye watchful you have to if jesus is not your hope that's okay then you can hope in something else day of atonement yon kippur will be fulfilled at the great white throne judgment judgment day the feast of tabernacles when is that going to be fulfilled it will be fulfilled on the day of the feast of tabernacles what is that revelation chapter 21 verse 2 then i john saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down from heaven from god prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and i heard a loud voice from heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and god himself will be with them and he will be their god and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes there shall be no more death no more sorrow no more crying there should be no more pain for the former things that passed away feast of tabernacles [Applause] so we're entering into rosh hashanah like okay wait a minute i've as you know bacon ain't gentile you know i've never been a part of any of this kind of stuff this is your heritage this has been given to you and i and i thank god for my jewish friends who have been stewards of this for centuries but if i'm invited into this i'm not turning down this invitation and if i can be a little bit bold we're commanded to do this do you know that when jesus comes back do you know this that when jesus does come back and he rules the world for a thousand years he commands the nations to keep the feasts every nation like what are you talking about no no he does he's like no no you're going to keep this this is my prophetic clock yeah right on you should look into it you should look into it you should and i don't care what race you are i don't care what language you speak what part of the world you're from man this is your heritage you've been invited to participate in this i don't want to miss it so we're moving into the hebrew year 57-82 now i'm going to have to get ready to close on this but but i want you to i want you to know this that when you look at the hebrew alphabet there's 22 letters of the hebrew alphabet by the way the number 22 means the light of revelation that's why there's 22 letters in the hebrew alphabet right the word of god amen that's why there's 22 chapters in the book of revelation in the book of what revelation in the gospel of john the word light is in there 22 times i could go on and on and on it's the light of revelation right so but whenever you look at a hebrew number you're not just looking at a hebrew number you're looking at hebrew letters because they don't use numerals so every hebrew letter has three different values it has a phonic sound right it has a phonic sound just like all of our letters do you know d is for dog right are y'all with me that's a phonic sound and i'm i'm sorry but i mean the looks i just got from everybody like what okay but in the hebrew language it also has a numeric value because they don't do the number one the number two the number three they don't do that what they do is olaf or their a is a one bet or their b is a two and so on and it goes one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then it goes then it goes 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 and then it goes 200 300 and 400 and the in the the 22nd letter represents 400. and that's how that works so what that means is every single hebrew word is also a number it's there every hu no not every number is a word but every word is absolutely a number because the letters are in our interchangeable with numerals but it's also a prophetic picture like what are you talking about talking about like like the pay all right so the number so we're in we're into the year 82. the number that represents 82 is two different letters if you're looking at the number in hebrew 82 you're looking at two letters the first one is a pay that represents 80. it has the has the the equivalent of 80 and then the second one is a bet which is the number two are y'all tracking with me on that like if you're like man that's just too weird no man you know all about roman numerals right on right you know all about roman numerals where letters are actually numbers okay it's the same exact way in hebrew and by the way if you're like hey man where do we come up with our numeral system it's one angle you know an angle you guys know what an angle is one angle two angles three angles four angles five angles six is like that seven with a hashtag has seven angles on it okay so how many angles are this zero that's what we get that was worth coming to church for right there right you're welcome but man our hebrew brothers and sisters like we ain't messing with that jazz man we already got these letters why don't we just use it and we'll just do that and so they do okay 82 is a pay and a bet now here's the deal we're still in the decade of the pay we're in the decade of the pay and the prophetic symbol of a pay is a mouth this is what that picture looks like let me show you this yep so just a weirdo picture of okay it represents a mouth the prophetic picture of it is actually a mouth in fact the word pay in hebrew is mouth okay so it's like what is it has to do with what you proclaim has to do with what you say so pay is a symbol of the mouth and breath isn't it amazing that as soon as we entered as soon as we did first time first time ever we entered into the decade of the pay the entire world said cover your mouth 2020 5780 the decade of the pay cover your mouth why because your mouth is dangerous right now amen your mouth is dangerous the entire world it's made sense of the entire world of we don't want to see anybody's mouths anymore like wow everybody just say wow so in the decade of the pay 80 you got to speak out your voice must be heard um you know the if you go to an exhaustive concordance a strong exhaust in concordance the 2020th word remember we entered into this in 2020 or in the year 5780 we're still in that decade that the 2020th word in the strong's exhausted concordance is a word that's only found one place in all the bible it's only found in one scripture and let me show you what scripture it is it's esther 4 14. for if you remain completely silent at this time relief and deliverance will arise from the jews from some other place but you and your father's house well y'all will perish yet who knows whether you have come to this kingdom for such a time as this like in this time you better keep your mouth open the critics are going to try and silence you they're going to censor you they're not going to allow you to speak up they're going to tell you you better be careful you better be careful we've got a mob coming after you man i want to tell you this if you don't speak during this time deliverance will come from some uh from from some other place but you were born for such a time as this [Applause] so pay means mouth and prophecy is meant to be declared not just perceived we have to get our mouths in alignment with god almighty and then you have the second one and the second letter so the first one is a pay and it represents a mouth and we're we're going to be in that the entire decade the decade of the pay the dec the decade of the mouth the decade of declaring the decade of praise and prayer the decade of breath right but then the second one is a bet and let me tell you what the prophetic picture of a bet is the prophetic picture of a bet or the number two is a tent or a habitation a holy habitation man i can tell you that it's not about the a this year it's about the be it's about the one that they didn't see coming the sleeper right and we're not talking about you know esau but then we're talking about jacob we're not talking about cain we're talking about able we're not talking about the first man adam we're talking about the second man adam now i want to just i'm going to show you this and this is i'm gonna i'm i'm i'm so sorry but i'm it's time for me to close you guys need to come back on wednesday cause i'm just getting into this but i want to go back and i want to show you that picture of the pay of the mouth right so you see the pay of the mouth right okay do you see do you see the all right if you look at the black and white version of that you see the do you see the pay okay if you look into the negative the center of it it's got a bet that's hidden in it right on you see it looks like an arm right but it's a bet it's a b there's a hidden b in it a hidden bet that's in it okay like what are you saying i'm saying this if you have an eye to see in the hebrew calendar it actually doesn't just say 82 it also says 22. bet bet okay what on the gregorian calendar what year are we moving into guys 22. okay so let me show you let me show you what psalms 22 22 says i will declare your name to my brothers in the assembly i will praise you i will declare your name to the brethren and in the assembly the bet the tent the habitation i will praise you okay it's a convergence of both of those things and it happens at a 2222 scripture all right let me let me close by saying this last last week i had a crazy cool dream i woke up and it was guys you need to know something about prophetic dreams they many times they will not feel like god dreams at all and if you have to have a god feeling with a god dream you're going to miss most of the things that god almighty is showing you whether it's a dream or just a common event within your life you go boom man that was god speaking to me right but it was a waking dream and this was the dream i have four biological children and my oldest daughter is 34 and i had this dream and she said dad and i said what and she said it's time for you to meet my secret son i said what she was yeah yeah i have a secret son and it's time for you to meet him i said how could it be possible that you have a secret son how could that even be possible she said well he's always been here you just haven't seen him and i went what how you have a secret son that i don't know about it she said yes i do and i was like okay well let's see him she goes yeah yeah you're going to love him you're going to love him he's awesome i'm like all right let's go see your secret son and then i woke up and i was like my god i need some coffee i king jesus so me being the weirdo that i am i called my daughter i said megan she's a nurse and she was at work and i said megan you i got a question i just need a simple yes or no okay and i want to apologize ahead of time before i ask you this because this is really going to be off the wall but i'm just going to listen i just got to ask you something she said what i said you just give me a yes or no right she goes yes sir tell me all right seriously she goes come on dad what do you got do you have a secret son that i don't know about and without even a pause she said dad that is the stupidest question you've ever asked me in your entire life [Applause] she's like what do you think i have the gestation period of a mouse how could i possibly have a secret so i'm like okay okay okay listen i know i just had a weird dream and you told me you had a secret son and she said well okay dad i've dreamed very weird things about you as well and i don't call you up asking you questions true story that's exactly what she said to me and i said okay so i just so she said what do you think that means i said i don't know but i i do want you if you would to help me search it out because you were in it so she starts searching it out and she sends me this text and it's a link to a guy's 5782 word for the year this guy this guy lives in australia and he says this it says the hidden sun is revealed in 5782 and i'm like what are you talking about he said look inside the pay is a secret bet or a b and the first letter or the aleph represents the father but the second son or the second letter or the bet represents the son and it is the hidden sun the thing that you didn't have any idea that jesus could show up and do or jesus could show up and be we're like i've never seen you manifest like that before god i had no idea jesus said you could i had no idea that you were even involved in this i had no idea that you guys i want to just tell you there's a part of jesus in you that the world has never seen that needs to see jesus this year [Applause] and jesus has been hidden in some things that you didn't have a clue that he was in that he's going to show you this year one of the prophetic values that god almighty has given me to declare today is that 5782 is the year of the secret son guys let's give jesus a great big praise hallelujah
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 29,969
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: vjUE_gzlfCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 14sec (2534 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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