The appointed times of the Messiah's Return found in ancient Jewish festivals

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i want to welcome you to another pod for israel and we have with us dr aerosworth and we're going to be talking about some special appointments in the torah these appointed times why don't you dive in with us on what some of the the holidays that are coming up right now well the um i think before even talking about the specific holidays just to say that the um the word itself to describe what we call the holiday uh the holidays or the festivals in the hebrew is mu'adim which comes from the root of that you have the word target or purpose and so really the question that becomes what's the purpose of those appointed days in leviticus chapter 23 god is giving us a number of appointed days and they seem to go in circle and they just keep going again and again and again every year and so the question seems to be um seem to beg to be asked is why is god doing it this way right and the reason is that god has a purpose in showing us that in the complete circle of those appointed days is his plan of salvation for humanity right and it encompasses ultimately the first coming of the messiah and also the second coming of the messiah right and some people they kind of know at least these spring festivals these spring appointed days right and that they have been perfectly fulfilled exactly on the time which is really interesting so you want to dive into what's been fulfilled already sure so the first appointment today is the passover and the passover you know we know not is not just the um exodus from egypt right but it's also points to the ultimate exodus the exodus from sin through the sacrifice of the messiah himself right as we know yeshua jesus was crucified on passover eve right and then three days later there is the feast of waving of the first sheaf this is the first fruit of the first fruit from among uh the uh the wheat and barley right and uh basically what what was done in the days of the mosaic covenant the farmers or the israelites would go to their fields and they would mark on the parcel where they would mark the very first buds and it would be on the first sunday the first day of the week following the passover right they would pick all the very first buds and they would wave it before god this was a complete sacrifice that was given to god yeah and the waving of the first sheaf which is the first fruit of the first fruit is the resurrection of the messiah himself that occurred on the first day of the week after the passover wow and then of course you have the uh feast of unleavened bread which talks to us about those of us that know the messiah our lives should reflect the lack of leaven the lack of sin in our life to be more like the messiah himself of course it's a journey it's a process god is teasing that out from within us you know uh over our walk with him you know the final spring holiday we have the feast of weeks pentecost um that takes place 50 days therefore penta 50 50 days after the passover right and traditionally the uh mosaic law was given in sinai at weeks at the feast of weeks pentecost okay and of course we know we read in acts chapter 2 that the holy spirit came in uh the feast of weeks and the church this temporary body of believers the body of the messiah made up from gentile and jewish believers alike has been created and so these are this summarizes spring festivals so that's a good summary and what might be confusing for some people is we we have two different calendars the jewish calendar rests on the moon a lunar calendar and then we have the roman calendar which the gregorian calendar we know today that's what the whole world it's built on a solar calendar and so these two uh the funny thing is a few years ago they actually overlapped perfectly to the times like passover was that uh was on that day and then you three days later was the resurrection sunday and you know you kind of have all these things co uh aligned together once in a while but that's where it might get a little confusing of wait why is resurrection sunday over here and then it's not over there and according to the jewish holidays so that'll clear up some of the confusion with that so wow every single date was fulfilled exactly exactly on the moment yes you think i i even think of when yeshua was coming into jerusalem remember famously he wept over jerusalem with that lament of if you would only known the time of your coming of your visitation wow and i think as well they were looking for the wrong thing maybe they were looking for these fall festivals to be filled first instead of the spring but i mean in your view what's your what's your view on what's happening with these fall festivals so um the the next i mean first of all there's this dry long summer right and after that when we come to the fall holidays we have the first the feast of trumpet and so trumpets would be blown throughout the land of israel calling the people calling the nation together around the reading the communal reading of the word of god and so that was the original purpose and later on we see in the book in the days of ezra and nehemiah nehemiah chapter 8 we have this amazing picture i think prophetic picture yeah of all the people gathering together you know in the watergate in front of the watergate where by the way we read in john uh chapter eight that yeshua himself came right through that very very place and they are basically begging demanding requiring requesting from ezra give us the word of god yeah and the description is super dramatic because all of a sudden you know ezra has this you know this pulpit and you have the translators and you have those that kind of repeat what he he reads so those that are far away and they read from the word for six hours straight the word it repeats uh over in that chapter is and they understood so it wasn't just a uh you know it wasn't just a ceremonial thing but people really understood and applied and we see at the end of the of the you know those six hours around noon they all started weeping right because they understood they internalized they understood where they are in front of a holy and righteous god wow and so that was a very powerful event um you know this could relate we're not dogmatic about it but this could relate to um to the time of the um our rapture right when the believers are taken up to be uh with the lord and again i would like to emphasize um that's what the circle the the holy day circle the holiday cycle seem to suggest there are other views and this is not something to um you know to split over in any way way shape or form but that's what the holiday cycle would suggest right particularly because that's the only holiday that there's a trumpet yeah now even before we go on please an interesting thing with that if you go to israel today during the feast of trumpets will they say happy feast of trumpets you know that's right if you talk about yom torah no israeli won't really have any clue what you're saying that's very true what what's replaced that right now that's very true and and so actually in a sense we can we can say that the the feast of trumpet has been concealed and when we say concealed it's because that's the first day of the seven months now the first day of the month is always a bit tricky in the lunar calendar right because it's the new moon and when exactly does this the new moon starts and that's the question it's hard to say and people don't always agree on that right so uh in that respect the day is a little bit concealed but what happened in um what happened in the babylonian exile following the babylonian exile it was adopted as the head of the year as the beginning of the year right so jewish people from that time until today the greeting would be happy new year yeah in you know in the first of the seven months but like you said that came from babylon not from the torah so if you look for the jewish new year where do we find it in the torah it's the the new year begins in the spring right the same month that you have the passover the pastor was on the 14th day yeah but the first day of the first month is the new year right nobody nobody celebrates it there are actually very interesting uh ancient jewish traditions among babylonian jews that on the passover before the apostle where they take tree branches green tree branches yeah and they greet each other say may your year be green may you have a green year which is interesting i mean i think it's left over from the first exile exactly but today like you say the average jew the average israeli right you tell him happy young to uh happy happy day no idea whatsoever this is so interesting you know like as we we're gonna dive into this in a series of of a new theory that's coming out but uh in a way this obscurity kind of leads to the whole anticipation whether it's the rapture the physical return of christ uh there's this obscurity around the time and it's also obscure because of like you said where it lands on the lunar calendar for passover you had the new moon and there was days for people to kind of know okay this is the exact date for passover because back in the day they didn't have the astronomy and the calendars that they they do today so it would be from the chief priests and the rabbis but we'll get into that later but what happens next after yomtara so after the day of trumpet you have 10 days that uh are called and again this is in jewish tradition it's called the days of all and different different uh jewish communities do it a little bit different but the european jews the ashkenazi jews um you know they begin on those 10 days a ceremony a daily ceremony that they call forgiveness or or confession so people confess their sins they search their heart the sephardic jews from spain and north africa they actually started a month ahead a month before the headstart they do but the point is that you have this period that is um you know heart searching and and kind of a tormenting in some way and it ends or it culminates with uh the day of atonement the holy day holiest day of the year in the um biblical calendar this is the only day in the year that under the mosaic covenant the high priest would enter the holy of holies now it's very interesting to think about it and we read about in in the bible and then in jewish tradition that you know no one can go into the holy of holies right you had to make sacrifices for yourself and for your family and for the people and very importantly the day of atonement many jewish people today think that the day of atonement you know you fast you read the prayer and god cleans your slate right you know and and you know all your sins are forgiven well what's the greeting traditionally that you give in this season till the day of atonement that's right well 10 days of all that's right well now um how do you say it in english may your name be written in the book of life yeah it said may you have a good name but it's actually referring to the book of life which is like whoa that's that's big so you're talking about judgment day right this time of of god opening this book of life for judgment which is if we're talking about the return of yeshua in this season of of what happens in his second coming that's extremely fitting absolutely it's beautiful i agree and i think one other layer maybe to the day of atonement is that in under the mosaic covenant we see it very clearly in the bible yeah it was not a day for personal repentance it was not a day for personal remission of sin right it was the day of a national repentance and a national remission of sin to allow israel as it were to continue its role as as god's priestly nation among the nations you know the the national nature of this day uh seemed to indicate as i understand and again there are different views here right but as i understand the cycle of appointed days seem to support the notion that on the day of atonement there will be the uh national repentance of israel that the days of all signify the tribulation and then the the day of atonement itself is when the messiah himself is revealed you know like a lightning from east to west and specifically the nation of israel is dealt with nationally as right referred in zechariah chapter 12 and verse 10 which says we shall look upon him whom we have pierced and we will mourn for him right as one mourns the only begotten son very unique expression in that verse in the hebrew and so just very very exciting times it's also interesting that this is one of the only of these appointed times that you're supposed to shelter in place you do not go up to the temple for the day of atonement even though it's the most holy day in the calendar it's not for us to come and present sacrifices to all passover all these things we bring sacrifices this is something only the high priest can do yes and isn't that interesting of like seeing our high priest he's the only one who can bring atonement amen and and you know it all it's also interesting looking even at the the fasting okay that was uh it said it doesn't say fast says to afflict yourselves but lift your souls yeah it's kind of like it's not about the legality of it but if you didn't take it seriously what does it say to your belief in that atonement ah it's just another day oh it's not for me but it's like the lord is separating again not about the legality but about the heart where's where's your heart in this like are you really believing in the atoning work of the high priest or is it just another day for you is it just another common thing yeah and i would say about the high priest and also um you know also in the new covenant you know in the in the mosaic covenant as we said the high priest would make sacrifice for himself for his family and for the nation right and then you know it's very interesting to read jewish tradition they would say i mean there was no real way of knowing whether you know god forbid if it didn't if it did it wrong it could die in a holy of holies and no one would be able to get him out because no one can go in there right so they would tie a rope producer religion says they tell a rope around the waist or the ankle right of the high priest and then he would go in so that if he dies you know if it was it could be pull him out absolutely so i mean think about him that's a lot of fear every year it's scary stuff and then um uh and so when we read yeah when we read in the new testament that the veil is torn right that yeshua as our high priest is seated in the holy of holies and we can enter there with confidence it bears a tremendous tremendous meaning because in the in the tabernacle in the temple there were no chairs work was never done for the priests and we read now that yeshua as our high priest is seated it is completed wow and so anyway that's about the day of atonement and then the final feast or the final point today is the feast of tabernacles right and the feast of tabernacles has several or maybe multiple layers uh initially it kind of supposed to remind us that we are you know nomads as it were right in this world dwelling in this tent in this temporary right exactly right and um the tent by the way is a very interesting expression in the hebrew bible because our bodies like the world i mean the universe is like a tent and so anyway it reminds us of our temporary nests in this world it reminds us of the blessings god has given us you know that we do have a home yeah you know on the rest of the year that um and and so that's one layer another layer is it's a very um it's it's a celebration of where you share you know people are coming to your sukkah you know to your tabernacle you meet together with friends and family and neighbors and just feasting on on god's goodness of course it was also the the fall festival uh particularly of sukkot was kind of when the harvest was gathered gathered in yeah uh in the fall so just a time of rejoicing and um in the prophetic it signifies the millennial kingdom wherein the messiah himself reigns over the earth right and then you know uh all the nations we read in zechariah 14 all nations come and uh and worship him in jerusalem right you could even say like this is the wedding festival of the lamb you know because what happens after jud you know yeshua returns you know there's judgment on the nations he saves israel he brings back the exiles and then there's after the judgment is the festival the wedding festival and it's also beautiful you know yom kippur and israel kind of has these holidays this isn't the only one also in our memorial day we go from the somber day of memorial to this joyous independence day celebration so yom kippur also kind of has that same thing we literally go from this the most somber day of fasting and everyone's like really you know um fasting and praying and then all of a sudden boom at evening when the sun goes down it's like you bust out the cakes you bust out everything it's it switches to celebration right it's yeah it's always it's a limit it's a mental switch it's sometimes difficult to do it yeah it's like a boom you know you're in it and and it's beautiful though because once judgment's there it's a party but i also just think of like these these festivals these holidays god wants to teach us he wants to he wants us to teach our children you know we talk we talk about the father's heart and how he wants to draw the father back to the children and children back to the father what a great teaching opportunity you know having guests over you know we also see beyond a teaching opportunity for your children because you bring them into this it's like you know i've joked around with friends it's it's like because our people in the states and and in the west they know about like christmas trees and stuff and you decorate it but the sukkah you're like you're throwing the same stuff i mean you get the twinkle lights and you get all the garland and you everything but you're like living and eating inside of a christmas tree that's that's what i explain it to to my friends who don't know about all this stuff it's like to me it's even better you know than that because you're hanging out and camping and the kids love it oh yeah it's like magical it's an amazing time and you get to recount the story of god's salvation and that's what these are about remember what god did but also look to the redemption to come look with anticipation and so but also we we read about god's heart to bring in the stranger bring in the outcast the orphan the widow take them along with you because these when we talk about sukkot when we talk about passover when all these different big holidays well of course besides yom kippur everyone stays home but all these other holidays you're to come up and it's a big crazy barbecue basically i mean it's kind of a crude way to say it but just imagine all the beef be getting roasted here but but that's you would take it back with you to your place into your tent and you would share it you would share your joy you share the joy of the lord and these big crazy biblical barbecues that's a crude way to put it but maybe relatable and that god wants us to celebrate his salvation amen enjoy and to share it so sharing the gospel in this time is so important and be praying for our ministry right now oh man amen yeah that's that's high times i think when people are you know saying why we even do this reminds us what happened and so it is as you say also an opportunity where a lot of people come together a lot of families yeah so uh we would actually specifically ask for prayer for our family members amen uh that are not yet they don't i mean family members friends neighbors that you know know heard heard that were believers for years and years and years yeah and we had different opportunities to talk to them about the lord but would you pray with us that this will be a time where amen god breaks through to their heart and and uh that you know they come to know him as well it's a time where the holy spirit moves in great power to bring salvation i i know so many amen israelis that came to faith on sukkot during in the middle of the feast of tabernacles it was like a revelation from god and boom so guys let's uh pray together lord would you uh would you draw our hearts near to you first lord that we would just enjoy you that we would celebrate your salvation what you've done and what's yet to come would we tell that to our children in a powerful way that they could understand your great salvation and also follow in your ways and lord would you help for us to bring in the outcast and the orphan those who are those who may have never heard your name lord that this would be a season at a time for our listeners around the world to also bring in and celebrate your salvation with others who haven't heard but also we just pray for the children of israel around the world lord that you would open eyes that you would open ears that you would give supernatural revelation as you've done in the past lord we just pray that this year that you bring a great harvest of people that would see their messiah that they would see the king who's returning soon and and that they would uh that our eyes would be open to yeshua we pray this in your name amen amen
Channel: ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry
Views: 275,637
Rating: 4.9201965 out of 5
Keywords: messianic, yeshua, one for israel, messiah, jewish, israel, sermon, podcast, revelation, prophecy, end times, biblical feasts, Feast of Trumpets, Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot
Id: U6BN0m2us34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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