New Biblical Year 5782 Chalkboard Teaching by Christine Vales

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welcome to the chalkboard teaching for the new biblical year that we are entering into it is the year 5782 and this new year is known as rosh hashanah and that literally means head of the year rash means head shana means year and the new biblical year starts on the first day of the biblical month of tishri and this year in the year 2021 that new year will begin on monday night september 6 2021 and that is when the civil calendar year flips over from 57.81 into 57.82 and this number is actually based on the creation of the world so this is like the physical birth of the earth or the age of the earth and so we can gain prophetic insight and encouragement as we look at the numbers because in the hebrew alphabet every letter is connected with a number and not only a number but a picture and often an action so we can gain great prophetic insight and encouragement so my name is christine valas and i am blessed to uncover the lord's prophetic calendar in real time with you all so thank you so much for tuning in and i pray that you are blessed and encouraged by this teaching so before we jump right into the new year it's always good to look back and put things into context and ask the holy spirit to bring things to our remembrance so i want to briefly highlight the decade that we are in this decade of the 80s and also the year 5781 and if you want to watch the full chalkboard teachings on the decade 5780 and on last year 5781 you can easily go to my youtube page or my website or even on facebook and you can watch those full teachings so right now we are moving along through the decade of the 80s and as we began the decade we learned that the number 80 is connected to the hebrew letter pay as depicted here on the chalkboard the letter looks like this and it is a picture of a mouth an opening a beginning an entrance it means to speak to decree and the letter has two forms almost like our mouth when you think about it opened and closed right so i sensed that the lord was calling this whole decade of the 80s a decade of declaration and you know in my review i was also reminded that this decade of the 80s follows of course the decade of the 70s and in the hebrew alphabet 70 is connected with the hebrew letter i in which is a picture of our eye or vision so this order of 70s and then 80s reveals the wisdom that we are to look before we speak you know we have two eyes and one mouth i think for a reason right and so we are first to evaluate things and see things from god's perspective and then speak or not right so now as we look here at the chalkboard front and center we see one of the key scriptures of this decade and it's proverbs 4 23 and it says watch over your heart with all diligence for out of it springs the issues of life so the lord has been highlighting the importance of guarding our heart and you know images that we see and words that we hear are like seeds seeking to take root in the soil of our hearts and they will produce fruit whether good or bad and eventually that fruit will come out of our mouths just as another key scripture matthew 12 34 says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and we know that our words have power right proverbs 18 21 another key scripture death and life are in the power of our tongues so that's why the lord says above all else guard your heart because whatever takes root in our hearts will ultimately affect every area of our lives so we want to guard our heart by guarding our ears and guarding our eyes we want to plant the incorruptible seed of god's word into the good soil of our hearts and as we do our lips will bear the fruit of his words that will not only edify us but will edify all those around us so this decade of the 80s is all about our mouths so we really shouldn't have been too surprised when the enemy attacked our mouths and our very breath with coven 19 and all of its ramifications just as we kicked off this decade of pay this decade of the mouth in 2020 and you know from physical sickness to stifling our breath even our sense of taste to imposing mask mandates around the world the enemy attempted to stop us from gathering as families as friends as communities and even calling houses of worship non-essential it's totally been a scheme of the enemy to try and silence the word of god his word of hope and truth in such an hour when the world has needed it the most and while at the same time many mouths moved and continued to move speaking fear lies doubt prophesying death gloom and doom and causing anxiety and division and even as we move through last year 5781 which is connected to 2021 the number 80 was combined with the first letter of the hebrew alphabet which is aleph which is the ox the father god himself it is a picture of leading a picture of a teacher and the lord was calling us to be led by his word and to lead others to his word even jesus so the lord has encouraged us and is continuing to encourage us as we move through this decade of the 80s with him and he wants us to know that he is not a god of confusion or chaos but he is a god of peace and he also wants us to know that his word cannot be bound right so we are to keep on speaking we are to keep on gathering we're to keep on standing in his truth and for his truth and in his love and as isaiah 54 17 declares weapons may be formed against us but they don't have to prosper for every tongue that rises up against us in judgment we shall condemn as his mouthpieces of truth and love so we are in a battle but we fight from a position of victory because jesus already defeated the enemy and so we were not against people but against the true enemy behind it all the devil himself and we fight not with physical weapons but with weapons of spiritual warfare and we stand firm in our spiritual authority dressed in our spiritual armor as we continue to declare his truth and love for he has fully equipped us to do so that is awesome so now as we move forward into this new year 5782 we combine the 80 the letter pay with the number 2 which is connected to the hebrew letter bet or vet and it looks like this right here and it is a picture of a house a tent it is the body or a household or family it is what is inside or within so we have seen that when we combine the two letters we can gain prophetic insight which we will look at right now but also in addition to that this year 5782 also has something special about it and so according to rabbinical studies this year is a sabbath or shmita year so you may not even know there is such a thing but just as the lord set up a seven day cycle with six days where we work and the seventh day we rest he also established another cycle of sevens in years and we find this in leviticus 25 verses three through seven where the lord says work the land for six years and then let it rest in the seventh so as i was meditating on these prophetic clues you can call them with the mouth and the house and our body and the year of rest i felt like the lord gave me this word of exhortation and encouragement as we enter into this new year 5782 and it is to declare his rest over your house so that is awesome and i'm encouraged because he's not just talking about our physical house but he's talking about our families right our physical bodies even our houses of worship and we know again our words have power so this is a powerful declaration and it is true for us believers this is who we are in the spirit and when we believe it and speak it forth it will manifest in the natural so before we continue with the rest of the teaching i want to let you know that i do have this chalkboard available in a prophetic flash card i've been doing these for the past two years so these are great um for little reminders to keep in your bible and on the back you have all of the there you go all the scripture references all of the dates and hebrew letters so this is a great resource it's available now on my website and i've also created if you can see this an anointing oil that is connected to the year it's 100 organic and both of these resources are available now on my website they are meant to encourage you as you walk with the lord through this year 5782 with yeshua jesus so the lord has highlighted some scriptures in the old testament here on the left and the new testament here on the right and even since drawing this chalkboard the lord has even given me more scriptures and that's just the nature of who god is he is a good shepherd he loves to guide us by his word and in his love so i encourage you to not only meditate on these scriptures but to declare them because as we declare them and believe them in our heart and faith they change the atmosphere so let's get into the scriptures and i first want to start with over here in the new testament hebrews three and four these are key chapters they have so much um in there about the house and rest so i encourage you guys to to read through and meditate on those two chapters three and four but i want to start with hebrews 3 verse 4 and it says for every house is built by someone but the builder of all things is god so this is a great starting point because it's recognizing that we did not create ourselves right the bible declares that he created all of us and he knew us and he called us even before we were in our mother's womb so our abba is our creator and he is the master designer and builder behind us all he built us and guess what we can know the builder personally isn't that awesome and he knows the plans that he has for us because he created us and his plans for us are for a hope and a future and he delights in revealing himself and his plans for us and to us and now i want to look to psalm 132 over here in the old testament verses 13 and 14 and this states that the lord has chosen zion he has desired it for his dwelling place and he says this is my resting place forever and this is the heart of god for us this is the whole point of jesus dying for us because when sin got between us and god his love for us was so strong was so jealous that there was no way he was going to let sin separate us from him so that's when he sent jesus to become sin for us and so that he could restore the relationship with us back to the father and he did it all so we can dwell with him again and rest just like adam and eve did back in eden so he has clearly chosen us and he gives us the free will now to choose him and now we want to point to joshua 24 15. it's a familiar scripture and it says choose this day whom you will serve but as for me and my house we will serve the lord so you've probably heard this being said that god is a gentleman but it's true he will not just invade our lives or barge into our homes our hearts he has given us the free will to choose of our own accord because that's when it's real and so when we freely choose him into our hearts serving him is not out of duty or obligation but out of an overflow of our love relationship with him and the fact is is that we choose him and we love him really because he first loved us it says this in first john 4 19. so the reality is the homes of our hearts will never be at rest until we invite jesus into our lives and it's then when we will experience true shalom in our hearts and in our homes so if you've never invited yeshua jesus into your hearts the prince of peace i encourage you to do so because you will be a whole new creation a whole new house from the inside out so i encourage you to choose him because he has already chosen you so when we choose him we are like the man in luke 6 48 and 49 that says he's like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock and when the flood rose and the stream beat strongly against that house it could not shake it because it was founded on the rock so our physical homes provide shelter and protection in the storms of life and so this parable teaches that when we build our lives on the cornerstone of jesus our house and our life will not be shaken because it's founded on him and it's established and it's resting securely it's no longer shifting and sinking in the sand of self but it stands strong resting in the surety of god's word and his great love for us and it's just as proverbs 18 10 declares the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are safe and now proverbs 14 1 continues we see it over here and it says the wise woman builds her house but the foolish pulls it down with her own hands so we build our house and our lives in the natural and in the spirit by what we do with our hands and often by what we say so let's be like the wise woman and speak life health blessings and thanksgiving over our homes right over our hearts over our bodies over our families our ministries and our houses of worship proverbs continues in 24 verses 3 through 4 it says through wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches so if we break down this verse we see that through wisdom it's built right and the word says the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom so when we choose him that lays the foundation is solid and by understanding it is established when we understand now who god is and who we are in him that we are righteous our true identity our hearts and lives then become more and more established in his love and the verse continues to say by knowledge the rooms are filled with precious and pleasant things and that reminds me of ii peter 1 verse 2 that says grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of god and jesus so that starts flowing into every area of our lives and i believe that these precious things that fill the rooms are the precious promises of god in christ that are yes and amen in him and that we possess room by room in our hearts to the glory of god that is awesome now moving on let's look at first corinthians chapter 3 verse 9 declares that you are god's cultivated field you are his garden you are his vineyard you are his building so we are god's special possession and he delights in us and as we abide in him we will bear much fruit and that is the fruit of the spirit that he has planted in each of us as believers and as 1st corinthians 3 continues verse 16 says this do you not know that you are the temple of god and that the spirit of god lives in you this is so awesome and such a thing that we often forget and take for granted but if we look back in the old testament we see that the holy spirit would come and go upon believers to fulfill a task or to do a work or to give a word of wisdom but now we are under a new and better covenant so when we receive jesus into our hearts we are forever sealed with the very spirit of god he lives in us 365 days a year 24 7. that is our reality yet many believers will say well i'm only human but that's not true we are one-third holy ghost we are more than human that's what we have to say we have the same resurrection power that raised jesus from the dead living in us now so we not only have his power but galatians 5 tells us we have all of the fruit of the spirit living in us to the full we have his love we have his joy his peace his patience his kindness his goodness his faithfulness his gentleness his self control so we don't try to get these things from the outside but rather they are from the inside out we are a full house full of the spirit and power of god and when this truth becomes a reality in our minds and in our hearts we will start living like it because as a man thinks so is he this is who we really are in the spirit and this brings confidence and rest truly we are his resting place now speaking of the holy spirit let's point our attention to the flame here on the chalkboard and this is reminding us of the importance of the baptism of the holy spirit especially here in the decade of declaration so the lord is reminding us not to forsake or neglect praying in tongues the heavenly language that he has ordained for us as believers and this is such a powerful gift with so many benefits it not only prays the perfect will of god as we pray from our spirit to his spirit without any hindrances and when we don't know what to pray it gives our intellect a rest and is such a time saver but in connection with 57 82 the lord reminded me of this verse from isaiah isaiah 28 11 and 12 it says for with stammering lips and another tongue he will speak to this people to whom he said this is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest and this is the refreshing so praying in the spirit brings us rest and refreshing not only to our physical bodies but to our homes our families our minds this is the r r that the great physician has ordered he says this is the rest it is a place of rest that will cause the weary or faint to rest it's a verb it's an action it's relaxing it's leaning it's reposing and he says this is the refreshing it's a restoration of the very breath of god he imparts vitality to us energy strength he renews our supply so if this is true which it is why are we not doing more of this we are all seeking refreshment especially in our bodies and especially in our breath with all the coveted symptoms and all this stuff going on well perhaps because we've never received the baptism of the holy spirit so if you've never done so i encourage you to do so you can just ask jesus and he will not withhold any good thing from you and he will bless you with a baptism of the holy spirit so especially here in this decade of declaration the lord says open your mouth and he will fill it and you will begin to pray in the spirit as the spirit gives you utterance you will not only receive the power to do works and greater works but you will also receive the refreshment of his spirit from the inside out and so for those of us who have already received this baptism let's be encouraged to pray in the spirit more because first corinthians 14 2 and 4 says this for he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to god for no one understands him however in the spirit he speaks mysteries he who speaks in tongues edifies himself so when we pray in the spirit we edify ourselves so what does that word edify mean it means we build ourselves up it means to construct even repair even rebuild a house to make sturdy or strong praying in the spirit builds us up and makes repairs to our own body soul and minds repairs that we probably don't even know we even need wow what a gift of restoration and rest so the lord told me this he said we may have an enemy that is attempting to wear us down in our body and our minds and our families and in our very homes but he has given us a remedy that builds us up it's better than any vaccine it has no bad side effects and it's backed up by the very word of god it's praying in the spirit so what are we waiting for let's open our mouths and he will fill it so speaking of his rest lastly i want to look at leviticus 25 3 and 7 and look again at the significance of this year 5782 being a sabbath or shmita year leviticus 25 3 through 7 says six years you shall sow in your field and six years you shall prune your vineyard and gather its fruit but in the seventh year there shall be a sabbath of solemn rest for the land for it is a sabbath to the lord so you shall neither sow your field nor prune your vineyard and what grows of its own accord of your harvest you shall not reap nor gather the grapes of your untended vine for it is a year of rest for the land now leviticus 25 20 and 22 goes on to say and if you say well what should we eat in the seventh year since we cannot sow or gather in our produce and then the lord says well then i will command my blessing on you in the sixth year and it will bring forth produce enough for three years so that is awesome that is god saying i always give you enough and extra and you know as believers we are no longer under the law of the old testament we know that jesus fulfilled them all for us and this sabbath year of rest is just another type and shadow of the true sabbath rest that we find in messiah jesus so we don't have to keep the sabbath day or even the sabbath year out of duty or obligation but we get to keep it because there is a blessing when we enter into his rest and you know it's interesting that this sabbath year 5782 begins on labor day here in the usa and i thought that was so funny that a year of rest begins on labor day but it reminded me of hebrews 4 11 going back to chapter hebrews 4. and hebrews 4 11 declares let us labor therefore to enter that rest lest anyone fall after the same example of unbelief so that is referring to the children of israel standing at the edge of the promised land and instead of believing the good report of the lord and moving forward into the promised land their hearts were hardened and they settled in unbelief and as the word says they limited the holy one of israel so the truth is that we can only enter into god's rest when we trust him because trusting him or anyone for that matter comes from when we know we are loved so when we have a fresh revelation of god's love for us trusting him will come automatically as it says in galatians 5 6 faith works by love and it's been said that the highest form of faith is rest and i believe that is true because we are trusting him enough to rest be it for a moment an hour a day or even a year so it seems like an oxymoron to labor into his rest but we don't enter into his rest by just laying around and doing nothing there is an effort on our behalf to enter into his rest but it's not the effort that makes one sweat but it's rather just the opposite it's not the doing this or not doing that it's the effort in believing it's in knowing the truth of what god has said and shown us in christ and then being fully persuaded in our hearts and believing these truths for what god has done for us and who we are in him and when we do that that is the effort that is the labor that brings rest and practically we do that by shutting off our minds and releasing everything into his hands casting our worries and cares upon him because he cares for us so the lord is calling us to labor to enter into his rest and just as jesus invites us here in matthew 11 28-30 he says come to me all you who labor and are heavy-ladened and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light so this is a sabbath year and the lord surely has a specific area of rest for each one of us individually so let's be encouraged to come to him just as his word says and take his yoke upon us and we will learn from him and he will show us what fields of our lives need rest what work what areas where we spend our time areas where we spend our money what normal routines of involvement need his rest need his life so he wants to replenish his life back into the very soil of our hearts he wants to give us fresh vision new ideas new direction he wants to give us time to create to explore to just tinker around time to consider time to reflect and time to rest and we can only really receive these gifts when we trust him enough to rest and so for me i am looking forward to this sabbatical year of rest i'm looking forward to resting from my normal routine and entering into a time of fresh creativity and rest and so part of his rest for me with my normal ministry work is that i will be serving up my teachings from last year from year six in this upcoming sabbath year and i trust the lord will bring fresh revelation as you watch and listen afresh and i am looking forward to opening up his word and simply receiving it so i'm trusting him enough to rest from my normal routine and i encourage you guys to do the same we will surely be blessed when we rest in him so i'm encouraged i pray you are too so lord we thank you you have given us your rest so let us receive it now afresh in our hearts and declare your rest over our house and let us not be deceived that rest is a waste of time rest is a gift that you have given us to enjoy and to receive and to use as a weapon against the enemy so thank you lord you always want us to start from a place of rest because of your great love for us so lord give us a fresh revelation here in 5782 of your great love for us so we can trust you and labor into your rest and lord we cast all of our cares upon you we take up your light and easy yoke and we also take your remedy of refreshing by praying in the spirit and as we rest we trust and know that you are working in us and for us rebuilding us restoring us refreshing us revitalizing us by your spirit from the inside out nothing lost but everything to gain if god is for us who can be against us so in closing psalm 103 verses 1 through 5 is just so fitting so i'm going to declare this now and you declare it as well bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord oh my soul and forget none of his benefits who forgives all your iniquities he heals all your diseases he redeems your life from destruction he crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies he's satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles what an awesome psalm what an awesome declaration so happy new year let's go forth resting and abiding in the prince of peace yeshua hamashiach jesus messiah and we'll see his rest manifest in every room of our hearts and homes as we do blessings guys and thanks for watching you
Channel: Christine Vales
Views: 44,972
Rating: 4.9269104 out of 5
Keywords: Prophecy, Hebrew Calendar, Yeshua, 5782, Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashanah 2021, Hebrew Letter Pey, Hebrew Letter Bet, Sabbath Year 2022, Sabbath Year 5782, Shemitah Year 5782, Shemitah Year 2022, Labor into HIs rest, Hebrews 4:11, Praying in Tongues, Declare His Rest Over Your House, Guard Your Heart, Prophetic Word 2022, Prophetic Word Sept 2021, Isaiah 28:11-12, His Appointed Times, Days of Awe, Yom Kippur, High Holidays, Fall Feasts, Christine Vales, Words have power
Id: FaR3q7Ba4Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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