Pulling 14.5 Dumped Cars Out of Nashville River... Recovering 6.5 - Day 2

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- Welcome back for another episode of Adventures With Purpose where that's not the only car we pulled out of the river today we got like four five, six, seven, eight, nine I don't even know how many, but here's what I know. Today's one episode, you will not gonna wanna miss. (upbeat music) - Everybody, thank you. What an amazing day yesterday. I heard that Jeff and the Treasure Vixens. You guys found a safe and some money and some coins and everything. So congratulations on that. - Thank you. - And congratulations on everybody else because I lost track of how many cards we actually ended up finding yesterday and pulling out of the river. But what I do know is that we currently have a total count of 11 and a half cars in two days of pulling cars. We have one more day to day to get ready for the big event that's happening tomorrow. I would love to break 20 cars today with that we're going to be really quick this morning because we need to get over. We need to scan as far as what cars we have left and kind of come up with a quick game plan. And we came up with a good system about 1.30, two o'clock yesterday. And I think from the morning time until 1.30 I think we had two cars. - Yeah then we started, like made it happen. - And then from 2 o'clock to 4.30, I think we got like six cars or seven or eight eight cars in that short amount of time. So thank you everybody for learning with us as we continue to figure out what new equipment we have and the best way to use it. So we're going to make sure that everybody gets in on that today, to make sure that they continue to learn so that way, when they go back to their homes towns they're gonna have these skills to put to put to work to help clean up the environment. And for them to also continue to work on the cold cases because that's another reason why we're still here you know, we're here in town still looking for Bill Simmons. And we have team waters, that if you've noticed they've been missing last couple of days because they'd been out working with Bryson they've been out working with Mike's gonna break free, where is Mike? So Mike over here. So Mike is breaking free to continue to work with team waters today in Bryson on that one. I don't have anything else to say, let's just get over to the other side of the river and go get in. From that side of the river to this side of the river, because this is where all of the events are going to be taking place today. Fingers crossed, we can get 10 of them out. Initially, if you remember, we were hoping to get eight of the 20 out because we thought that they that they were going to be too far gone. And if you watched yesterday's episode you're gonna wanna go check out like episode one two and three as to the reason why we're actually here in Nashville. So if you're on YouTube links up there if you're, or down below in the description on Facebook. So with that right now, I think that I we received that report that were up to 11 and a half cars total for two days of pulling. And I think that we can actually get another eight to 10 today, Dan. - [Dan] Uh uh. - So right now we're going to jump in the little pontoon boat here. We're going to go re-scan it, see how many cars we can find on sonar. We're gonna start with the magnet to latch onto them. And then we have a game plan, like we figured it out yesterday. We're going to start running those lines and see how many we can get rigged before the tow truck gets here, wish us luck. And you are Adam...with what? - Adam Brown Adventures on YouTube - So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and your last name is Brown? - It is Brown (laughing) - And what color does he like most? - Well, yeah, I would say brown. - Unintentionally. (upbeat music) - So we have no, no idea how many cars are still left in here, so we pulled I think we pulled eight yesterday, but I'm not sure. - [Dan] Eight. - And it was unclear on whether we had 14, 17 or if we actually had 20. Alright so for those of you who'd never seen side imaging or down imaging before, what we're looking at is this black right here is water column and so you'll see that depth is 10 feet. And that this over here will correlate with that depth right there. So from the boat to the bottom is currently 12 feet. You'll see it, you'll see that change now on that's, so that's down imaging that's pointing straight down at whatever's below us. Now this other one is what we call side imaging. So same thing, we have a water column here so anything from the boat to the bottom is the water column. So same thing, 15 feet, 15 feet, you know? So it's 18 36 54. And then from there we're casting 75 feet to the right and 75 feet to the left tends to give us one of the best image qualities when we're searching for cars. So there's two cars, so those are gonna be our farthest ones. (water flowing) So in line with that three right there. Dan see another car? Oh yeah. - Oh wow. - Actually two more cars so one, two, three, four cars. - The image is pretty impressive, that's pretty, that's pretty good. So there's five cars, six cars. So there's six there's seven there's eight. There's nine, that one's upside down. No no there's another one there, right here oh two more. So one, two right after that, yeah right after that tree right there, So that's going to be whew, 10, 11 and then you can see the boat ramp underwater here. That's the boat ramp. - Oh, nice. All right. So we've got nothing else up here, Mr. Adam Brown. So let's go use the magnet. Yeah drop it there. (Water splashing) You got it right. - Yeah I think I got something - (laughing) all right that's good. That was beautiful, I love it. Now let the line out and we're going to take it to the shore. All right, so right now we dealing, we do know that we are on a car nice and solid. - Okay. - Don't don't pull it off and then we're going to go identify I think there's a second car next to it. So we'll give the divers an idea of, put a line on this one but before we take the line off of it, we need to have them also identify where the other one is in relation, so that way were rigging both of them. - Is it a hard reach? - (mumbles) Yeah you can yeah try using the ROV follow the line down. Mr. Doug Bishop from Elite Towing, please give us a Vanna White moment as we kinda introduce the Fifish V6 S today and you're supposed to go like this across it, there you go. Dan uh Doug's gonna be heading down the line right now with it, using the little fancy claw and showing us a little bit of the car that's down there and give us an idea, is it upside down? is it facing us? You've never flown this thing before underwater, this is your very first time? - First time for everything. So show how easy it is. - We will. (robotic noise) (water splashing) (whirring) - Okay, that goes that way, that goes that way. (Doug laughing) - See, this is invaluable for a diver to actually get a visual before he goes down. It's huge. It's so valuable to a diver. - It seems like it's pretty easy to pilot considering you just grabbed the controller and doing pretty good. - It is, it is. It's very user-friendly (gentle music) All right, so... we just shall off the camera for a little bit to I'm trying to learn how to pilot this and think we're inside of a car right now. (gentle music) Doug is trying to get us unstuck. I think we're all wrapped up inside the cab of the car. - Yeah, Dan has got us in a car, landed us on a car. I'm trying to get us out of there. But mission has been accomplished. The divers are going to be able to get directly to the car because the ROV has found the car - Yap. - and the diver was-will get the ROV off the car. - I got to the car and got too excited and drove into it. (laughing) We got a little stuck - Hey, by the way your live stream is going live in like 15 minutes, so 1145. But the people here right now, check out the live stream if you want to see like all the behind the scenes of the entire day's event and everything that's going on here is an uncut unedited version. So if you go over there and things are shaky and unedited do not complain. It's behind the scenes, - yes its raw and uncut goodness - like you're hanging out here with us. - Yes enjoy it! (upbeat music) So myself and Adam Brown, we're actually gonna be heading down right now. We're gonna go get a three cars rigged up down there. - All right we're good to go. Let's go get this thing done! (upbeat music) (water bubbling) All right, lets carry this from here, (air hissing) all right that's my first car. (air hissing) lets identify how its in here, its buried in the silt pretty good right there, can't get to anything there. All right lets come across the front here, front ones I just cannot get around those. Okay, (air hissing) turn around to the other side of the back. All right, maybe I don't think we're going to get around there either, nope! (upbeat music) Oh, that's not good. There's no wheel I can get it on, come on! Yeah, I'm not gonna get around that either. So what to do with this one? I don't even know. Oh lets try and get near a different one then. Oh see what I have here. (air hissing) (upbeat music) Pick up truck maybe? (air hissing) I might be able to get around this one, If I get that one then we can move that one. (air hissing) so far I can't get to the wheels on that one either. All right, so let's move to the other side. So there's the steering wheel. All right, there's my back wheel. (air hissing) I cannot to anything on that one (bubbles bubbling) all right we're gonna take the chain across lets go look for something else for a minute. (upbeat music) (air hissing) (humming) (air hissing) All right, what do we have here? (playful music) (air hissing) That one, I can't get to that one. (playful music) All right there we go, I should be able to go round that one. Finally! Come on, go in go around... All right! Arg! Come on chain! I just cannot get that. Cannot get that, all right! Let me figure this out. (playful music) (air hissing) (playful music) All right found a nice one upside down here. (playful music) (air hissing) (Playful music) All right! (playful music) pull that one tight! (air hissing) (playful music) Let me take this end. (playful music) whew! Its a lot of work today! All right! Get that one outta here. (air hissing) (water bubbling) (upbeat music) Lets go! (up beat music) (people talking in the distance) (noise drowns out speaker) Looking good too! - It smells very delicious! - Yeah. - What do we have is it Cadillac or a Buick? - Neither, its not a Cadillac its not a Buick, It's going to be some type of Oldsmobile. - Yeah? - Cause I know, I know, I know those hubcaps. I don't know what, maybe a Bravia? Maybe? I don't know. If anybody knows what kind of Oldsmobile this is, leave a comment below. (background noise drowns out speakers) (upbeat music) (mechanical winding) - What is it guys? - Its a Chrysler. - It is a Chrysler. Its a Chrysler insignia here on that steering wheel. (bright gentle music) (background noise drowns out speakers) (bright gentle music) What do you guys think this is? I think its a Chevy. (bright gentle music) - As you guys see, we just brought up a car and a half. These are gonna have to like rip those apart, so he might be coming in with some kind of like claw machine type of activity. Yeah, It's gonna be wild. Like this, how it gets lifted up cause right now we gotta get those like ripped apart. So this is going to be a little bit of carnage, so I'm glad you guys are here to see it. - Yeah! (bright gentle music) - Thank you Fifish V6S was incredible today You guys are, Dan behind the camera like you were able to like head down, find not, how many cars did you find? Like one two with it? - Yeah we found three cars with it. - And then with that you actually got it stuck in a vehicle as well cause we are in a river current. So, that's a good testament for this thing that you can actually use it in a river like we showed you today. We showed you the footage, if you're looking for something to use under water, you don't have to pay a diver you can actually get under the water yourself now, use that 4K camera, use those lights use that (mumbles) manipulated claw, like you can actually go to your local like Lake, go down, you can pick up like cell phones and everything with it as well. Anyway, pull in the link in the description down below we want to thank them for being today's episode sponsor. (water splashing) (dramatic music) Right now we're sending Brett out we got one right here and possibly two right there. - Beautiful. - He's gonna go down and see what what's pull able see if we can yank another today. - Actually yeah just one more today if we can. - Yeah one more would be terrific. - We good. - Excellent. Last car, Brett from Depths of History is responsible, so if you've not yet subscribed to Bret with Depth of History, link is right here in the description down below. - Thank you so much! - You're welcome, sir. - Ready? We're ready. - I'm ready - Are the viewers ready at home? - I'm ready sure! (laughing) (men yelling) (dramatic music) - Hey Brett you hooked that one good I'm proud of you! Brett are you any good at identifying cars? - If you call that a car...no. (laughing) (dramatic music) Well guys, thank you so much for being here. It's been absolutely amazing. We've got so many cars out of the river, cleaned up the water system. we couldn't have done it without all of our sponsors, all of our help, all of our supporters, our links are below makes sure you check them out. And on that note later, later, bye-bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 98,991
Rating: 4.9551778 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Simmons, Bill Simmons Missing, william simmons, william simmons missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases 2021, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, river diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in river, recovered car, recovered car in river, recovered missing person in river, adventures with purpose body, mrleisek, skyfront
Id: LmY0uzzYYQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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