We Removed Punching Trees in Minecraft

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what's up guys in today's video we completely changed how minecraft survival works allow me to explain this is a crafting table it's normally one of the first things you make in your minecraft survival world but crafting tables require wood and as you'll see soon my friends that is now a major problem why well that's because there's no more punching trees for wood I repeat no more punching trees and not only that but wooden pick axes can't get you cobblestone anymore you mind some stone and you just get pebbles so then how you're supposed to get stone tools oh and also you can't make iron gear with the crafting table anymore well once you get your crafting table if you get crap tip sorry but but hey don't worry you can still survive using a unique data pack we have completely rewritten the early stages of Minecraft Survival from day one all the way up until you make your first iron pickaxe everything has changed what would get ready to forage for junk in the sand now seriously time for furnace well better get to collecting them pebbles what more than a single nugget for your precious iron ore time to make a blast furnace hey wait don't you need iron to make blast furnaces well either way we'll be going over every single change we've made to Minecraft Survival in today's video so that you too can be prepared for this brand-new challenge and at 20,000 likes we will release this project for down of course I'd like to thank developer I'm cool yeah for bringing my idea to life but with that my friends we begin with wood right and the reason we need wood is that we can eventually make a crafting table however as I already discussed when you punch wood and gain you don't actually get anything from the wood nothing at all so with that in mind there's two different ways to get a crafting chain you can either be fortunate enough to have spawn near a village where you can find a crafting table inside door you'll have to make one yourself using wood you chopped with your crewed axe wait what's a crude axe so what you're looking at right here and it requires a few different things to make it a flint a stick and some string easy enough right find some gravel afraid not my friends because you can't collect gravel with your hands either which means no flint to let grab we're gonna have to go back a step further and make a crude shovel with that in hand you can now collect your gravel and your Flint well to make the crude shelter you're gonna need a few items as well stick string and a nautilus shell now sticks you can either find from killing dead bushes in the desert or occasionally from breaking leaves which is another block that you actually can get items from in this mode now collecting string is obvious enough you can either get it from a spider when it decides to drop any but you might not want to go out looking for hostile mobs when you literally don't even have an axe yet so part of this data pack has changed horses to occasionally drop an item known as horsehair which is known to be very durable and so it can be used as a replacement for stream alternatively while hunting for sticks by breaking leaves you've also got a chance at getting a new item and we'll see if we can get it here but it's known as twine there it is right there twine so either twine string or horse hair can be used alongside sticks and Nautilus shells to make your crude shovel and of course if you don't know where you can get nada shells well you now you got two options you can either venture into the deep dark oceans hoping to find either buried treasure shipwrecks or drown mobs which occasionally drop the shells or you can hit the beach baby and start collecting sand because Nautilus shells now have a 1 in 100 chance of dropping when you're collecting sand in addition there's now a new drop known as pebbles that have a 1 in 50 chance of being collected now you cannot normally brakes and this fast I've given myself an enchantment that allows me to break everything faster so that we can get our items that much faster for you guys watching at home but hey look did you notice we now have everything we need to make our crude shovel so grab your nautilus shell your twine string or horsehair and your stick put in your two by two to make a crude shovel and with that guess what my friends it's time to get some Flint by the way you'll want to hold onto your pebbles those are gonna be useful for later either way crude shovel in hand you can now collect gravel which means you now have a chance of obtaining Flint from mining and so don't mind me why like oh okay nevermind there this oh I got two in a row how about it you're gonna want as much Flint as you can because as you can see the crude shovel is extremely quick to break we've only my a few pieces of gravel and this thing is almost already broken but look we have everything we need a stick some horsehair string or twine and our Flint to make ourselves a crude axe and with crude axe in hand you can finally start chopping trees and look at that we're actually getting some wood for our trouble fantastic right kind of if we go to our 2x2 craft and try and turn this into planks we'll find that it doesn't it doesn't work that's because in this data pack that recipe has been disabled if you want to get planks you're gonna need to strip your wood first by using the axe on the tree with a right click to instead strip the wood and just like that we now have some actual usable wood we go to our stripped oak logs will note that those turn into two planks which for all our math with is out there you realize that's half as many planks as you normally get for one long but hey good news we can make our crafting table in that right wrong that's not a recipe anymore either oh no it's glory all I want is this crafting table right now but did you ever notice something quite specific about the crafting table look at the sides of it on one side you see some tongs on the other side you see a hammer and a saw what does it mean exactly well it means our journey hasn't ended yet we're gonna need to make these tongs saw and hammers in order to make ourselves a crafting table and to do that you're gonna need to take your shovel and go collect some clay which has recently been renamed to wet clay for this data pack wet clay is perfect for making these brand-new tools we're gonna need for our crafting table here's how to make them take some sticks put them in your 2x2 and add the wet clay as well using this recipe we've just made an unfired hammer using this recipe we've just made an unfired saw and our final recipe here allows us to make unfired tongs throwing these four objects in your 2x2 will not work notice these are called unfired hammer saw and tongs we'll need to fire them first how well by using a campfire bowl the toiler you need a three by three to make a campfire heat is right here gulped out Billy there's a new recipe for campfires as well and it involves a new item known as ten every time you strip and tree of its bark you've got a chance at getting a special item known as tinder it's not too common that it happens but you'll want to make sure that you try your best to get some before your axe runs out otherwise you'll have to make a new axe you can get tinder from any tree type I just want to get it from there we go from the birch because it's my favorite type of tree oh my axis broke it is a good thing I have some additional supplies on me to make another one that could have been very bad dude I have stripped so many trees and have not gotten a second tinder yet it is quite rare my friends there we go we just got the second one not a moment too soon this axe is about to break but now I have everything we need to make this campfire check it out you'll need two actual logs and then two tinder types on top to make your campfire and once your campfires made you're ready to fire your hammer by right-clicking it on the campfire alongside your saw and your tongs and these things will slowly cook until they are ready to go and be used for the crafting table so check it out it doesn't actually take that long for them to cook you'll want to stay nearby less they D spawn because you disappeared but look at that that hammer that saw and those tongs they're all looking very fresh now the moment you've all been waiting for combine the tongs the saw the hammer and one single oak plug together so may go soon to get your crafting table good to go now you'll still need to strip down wood in order to turn it into planks so keep that in mind you might need oh boy we lost the axe wow we have just enough to make a replacement with the crafting tip once you've got access to the crafting table you now have access to wooden tools which means you don't need to mess with the crude axe and shovel anymore but it does mean from now on if you want to get your hands on actual wood you'll instead need to strip the logs first and if you didn't notice here you now have very easy access to tinder no not the app calm down now our survival experts know that the first thing you do with your crafting table usually is make a wooden pickaxe so that you can instantly get some cobblestone and make a stone pickaxe your problems are only just beginning these pickaxes they don't fit on mine cobblestone they mined bevels you have a chance at getting two-two-five bevels for every single cobblestone that you mind and if you didn't realize you can turn those pebbles using a crafting table into one cobblestone per nine pebbles so don't worry you don't still have to hold on to the wooden px for too long in fact you only need to collect 27 pebbles in order to make the stone pickaxe like see in 10 seconds time we're technically already done but we will need these pebbles for later first thing I'd recommend you do with your pebbles is make three cobblestone to make a stone pickaxe because stone pickaxes can mine cobblestone with one swipe and you'll need that in order to make a furnace now as you might have expected you can make all the other stone tools quite easily in your crafting table now and of course you can make a furnace so that you can start making iron and hay it just so happens we've got some cold oh and some iron right here but if you paid attention my intro earlier you'd already know this is a tragedy waiting to happen because if you try and cook an iron ore inside of a regular furnace here using coal or wood or various other objects you're going to be extremely disappointed one single iron nugget now most of you already know this but if you didn't you need a nine iron nuggets to make one iron ingot now unless you want to mine 72 pieces of iron for one single chest plate or 216 pieces of iron for one full iron set somes got to change that change is lava you can use buckets of lava to cook iron ore into its full ingot form beautiful but hey wait a second don't you need three pieces of iron just to make a bucket and if you need a bucket of lava to turn iron ores into ingots doesn't that mean you technically need 27 ores to make this single bucket well my friends that's where clay comes back into play you can now use clay to make a mold that will turn into a bucket mold and you guessed it we're gonna need another camp fire in order to fire this thing so we're gonna take some leftover wood we have make another campfire place it down and place our bucket mold right on there letting this puppy cook until it is nice and fired the moment it's fired it will pop off the campfire and it will change into a lovely orange texture and it will now be ready to carry lava well kind the clay bucket is extremely fragile and as a result when it keeps this hot lava inside of it it doesn't do it well you'll start taking immediate fire damage and fire will trail around you wherever you go for as long as you have this bucket on your hand so you're ready but as soon as you can because the moment you do the fire will cease and I need to get this water ASAP but hey you've done it you've got your clay lava bucket and you can now cook your iron ore and guess what that iron ore will also become a proper iron ingot beautiful so great you've made all the iron ingots you want now it's time to make some armor right well not exactly there's no item here how about a pickaxe huh can we make a sword no oh yeah forgot to mention grab tables useless for your iron gear in order to do anything with design we're gonna need to make a new block from 1.14 known as the blast furnace now normally make a blast furnace you would need five iron ingots three smooth stone and one single furnace but that recipe has also been disabled that's my bad to make a blast furnace you'll need a furnace and a new item known as molten iron eight of them exact to get a blast furnace inside to get molten iron well you have to go back to your regular furnace and cook up some iron now this will only work if you've cooked the iron using a bucket of lava or a clay bucket of lava any other fuel won't work however we still have our bucket of lava fuel working on this furnace from before so the moment we see this iron get cooked up it will become molten which will allow you to turn it into a blast furnace object instead to get rid of the molten miss on the iron and get your regular iron ore back just throw it in some water and you'll have your iron once again now while we're letting some of this iron ingots cook up into molten form I'm gonna explain you the next thing you need in order to make iron tools I hope you saved a lot of pebbles from before because they're going to be key to making this iron gear by the way did I mention that you can actually throw pebbles in order to deal damage to mobs all that aside we're gonna need some pebbles alongside some wet clay combined together to make a stone mixture so make sure you've collected a whole bunch of these because you're gonna need a lot in order to make iron anything before we go any further I'd like to note that you also make your molten iron in a blast furnace and what's more you can use any sort of fuel to make your iron ingots molten iron in a blast furnace whereas in a regular furnace you have to use lava of some sort not only that but the blast furnace cooks iron a lot more quickly so I highly recommend you use this instead but anyways the stone mixture what does it have to do with iron gear well it's the key to making the gear since you can't use a crafting table to make the iron gear we're instead going to use it to make molds for the iron gear and so if we wanted an iron chestplate we would need to make a mold out of our stone texture to get the chest plate mold this is going to be very important to use in our blast furnace in fact the molds work across the board for everything in every way you'd imagine one ngayon pick well used a stone mixture to draw one in order to get your pickaxe mold do you want a sword well make the sword mold using the same recipe and so now that we have all the different molds for all the different armors and tools that we'll be using here it's time to bust out the campfire once again because we're going to need to fire these molds on top of the campfire as usual we will wait patiently maybe in your interest to actually get a couple different campfire so that you can fire off the multiple of these things at once your results may vary but look at that the booties are ready and the legs and etc etc so normally when you're trying to make a chest plate of some sort you'll take leather or diamonds or you know normally iron and you can make it right in your crafting table well things work a little differently with the blast furnace you'll put your chest plate cast or your leggings or your sword etc in the top and then you'll put the appropriate amount of ingots inside of here in this case you normally need eight as we saw items to make a chest plate and so now we've got eight molten iron alongside our chest plate cast the moment this thing finishes cooking up congratulations my friends you finally just got yourself an iron chest plate the effort unbelievable and so while yes you can make casts for all of the various different iron things you only need to worry about it with the one scene in here in game however if you really want to play fast and effective you really only need to worry about making the pickaxe cast and of course getting three molten iron because the moment you make yourself an iron pickaxe well you can just go mining because diamonds work the same way they normally do in Minecraft using this data pack this data pack only changes the survival gameplay up through the iron stage as you can see here we've just collected a whole bunch of diamond and guess what my friends the moment you get diamond things go back to normal you can make a chest plate by doing that you can make a sword by doing that and you can make your pickaxes by doing that but what I wanted to do with today's data pack was completely revamp how the early stages of Minecraft is done in survival mode because sometimes it gets a little boring and I thought hey why not spice things up now the reason I said we need 20,000 likes to unlock the download for this product is because a lot of it is currently smoke and mirrors some of this doesn't work fully we just wanted to present you with a video and a concept idea everything you see here works but there are bugs that we want to iron out and so we only want to spend the time to do that if you guys really want to see this as a download so smack that like button big thank you no I'm cool yeah for putting this idea into reality in-game and thank you so much for watching we'll see you later [Music]
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,224,088
Rating: 4.8780351 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft data pack, survival challenge, minecraft mod, minecraft addon, logdotzip, combat, minecraft combat, minecraft 1.14, new update, new minecraft, new minecraft update, minecraft update, minecraft 1.14 update, 1.14, logdotzip 1.14, minecraft combat update, new, minecraft snapshot, new weapons, new swords, swords, op minecraft, new minecraft weapons, minecraft 1.14 news, minecraft logdotzip, in minecraft, survival update, Punching trees, 1.15
Id: BHC5NyO3lyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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