Most CURSED Minecraft Texture Packs

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today guys we're gonna be checking out some of Minecrafts weirdest texture packs seriously from blank worlds to cursed worlds to even celebrity sponsored worlds there's some strange stuff that you're gonna need to add to your worlds right now let's start first we look at busy and vadik's cursed craft texture pack it's a Will Smith's outfight hold on oh boy yes this is the best way to start a texture pack review so looking like everything's cursed in this world we've got stone grass covered stone on top it looks like the houses are made of leaves are these supposed to be leaves you can see through these the weirdest thing I think if we change that if we change it to fancy oh it's already on fancy yeah yeah hahaha now I'm even more confused sold on a second look at this village this is awesome not only are all the blocks essentially cursed but some of them are pretty hilarious looking in their own right like look this ocean is made of lapis blocks if we were to try and go inside well we can but we're going to lapis blocks right now it's fantastic and all sand looks like bedrock so normally one of the easiest blocks to break in game now looks like bedrock and that means that bedrock technically disobeys rather obeys the laws of breaking gravity nice this is good but that means at the bottom of the world is nothing but sand right yeah it doesn't look like it to me this is now bedrock quarry textured amazing and oddly enough a lot of stuffs been retexture like for example dirt looks like stone died right one tire looks the same unfortunately but you will have a little bit different of an experience with this texture pack on first of all these are not diamonds these are I I Wow look at this this is gold gold is now lava it's liquid gold while getting around and as we were saying before all of the stone looks like dirt now so you're gonna be diving into some of the filthiest cave systems you've ever seen with this curse craft it's uh it's it's weird it's you know I'm not used to swimming in or blocks some things are downright random for example clay and brick textures have been switched so this is not brick here this is clay which means it looks like brick blocks spawn in instead of rivers and not only that you already check this out see these axes and pickaxes in my hand right here turns out they're not actually an accident pickaxe they've switched textures so oh yeah yeah watch out ah yeah this is a stone axe right here we mined with a pickaxe or rather we chopped true to the pickaxe and we mined with a regular axe it's it's kind of weird it's kind of cool I like it stay white anyways check out some of these when you put a furnace down and actually put something in it to cook like let's cook up this diamonds will call it huh look what happens to the front of it are you all ready for this check it out the front of it turns into a redstone block not only that but obsidian is not obsidian this is not obsidian that's glass and glass is not glass it's obsidian for Fuller's to all the switches that this cursed craft texturepack changes you can check out the description today's video where there's also links to every single texture pack we're checking out today but let's check out another one I Will Smith we'll see you later bye oh your bounce back up a little bit okay so you gotta go back it's time for Jeremy's Will Smith HD texture pack oh gosh just took over my screen oh and leaves and the crosshair and the hotbar look at it all the clothes no way hold on a second let's see this can't is this gonna be oh look look it's The Fresh Prince dude you can see his head oh my god this is the best everything is Will Smith in this texture pack like every block has his face on hold on a second let's get back to the surface dude the water is all Smith slightly moving as well man well you are looking ice-cold today it's not ice but is this sand this is sand okay and this is dirt and does it look it looks like maybe the kelp doesn't have any on it we may have reached an equilibrium what are we having a gravel well he's really friendly looking oh oh gosh put his face it's like shrunken down about the mobs hey are you okay you look normal enough well that's nice that's a relief at least not everything is Will Smith the vines are good we've got the wood well that would looks extremely mad he does not want me to punch out oh there we go oh my gosh so it looks like every single block has a slightly different Will Smith face on it ooh the pigs oh look at you you're kind of adorable that's kind of the best Wow I'm so oh oh gosh what can we if we do it hi well oh my gosh it looks like ah that's hot yo check this out that's the funniest thing oh my gosh what else could be Will Smith we got it I gotta check out like a cave there it is check it out and we go look like wherever you go we'll keep you company look at him he's so happy I'm gonna make you Michael Brightman much better look this cave no longer is spooky for any reason at all oh god is this or andesite coal or interesting you know it just looks like he's got like skin problems or something's got black dots all over his face come on man they make moisturizer for that stuff let's go deeper hey listen listen do you hear that there's someone walking around what could oh gosh this is I'm kind of getting spooked out please no we'll stop so the desert looks like a whole bunch of popcorn from really far away I know if she's a whole bunch of rotated to Will Smith heads but you know I'll take it this is a lot of fun we are literally living in Will Smith's crazy crazy world mind perhaps this was mine looks like hey you have any Will Smith's for trade hey alright you're worthless it's fine what else do we have around here we have a whole bunch of Will Smith's chatting to the farm so no Will Smith thank you for tending to the farm what else the interior what do you have in here you've got a Fresh Prince bed that's a nice touch can we just stop it can we just stop it appreciate that really quick that was very beautiful the fences the roofs it's all Will Smith everything well look here's another village how quaint Wow happy to be the blog oh look he even snuck in at Will Smith all the girls like it barely sell oh my god it's kind of creepy seeing the plants all over the place I'm not gonna lie like you just suddenly be walking around you've got a Will Smith head ready to greet you well you know red caused the problems yeah Billa juice yeah you might want to get out of here your town has been overtaken by a very very powerful celebrity and we all know how those oh boy seers the nether it's a whole bunch of netherrack with Will Smith Will Smith's face all over it it's been long day okay everybody check out the lava that's what's really hot about it Wow you know it looks a little scary in here I'm not gonna lie please tell me you've got a Will Smith face on tell me this Will Smith one can dream you know if you don't look too closely you can't tell that Will Smith is anywhere in this texture pack and then BAM oh man it's so creepy okay probably the weirdest thing so far for whatever reason ladders are blue they're just blue ladders sure whatever but they do form Will Smith in fact it looks like think kind of combined faces for this beautiful it looks like they combined faces and then look this pickaxe has one of Will Smith's eyes and this X has what is that is that I think it's his other eye you know all I'm very creeped out we're gonna take another take our next resource pack is ultimate beam squad before and so let's look around what was that did y'all hear that set what what was that okay well I don't know how I feel about that's an interesting start so far what else has changed it looks like all of the text and all the text looks written it looks like someone's that's hilarious hold on a second stop looking at me like that that's kind of cool we've got skeletons we got a few different things here let's see what they do okay so here's a pig spawn egg oh gosh what are you what even is it that's some kind of Mimi I suppose in fact I see a hand there I don't really know what I'm looking at this is my diamond sword though take the diamond sword yes good okay chicken spawn eggs yeah I saw this before I don't know what it meant it looks like I never will leave okay now so what are you sure some is up with this oh okay what about this do they all kind of look Oh Shep look at you oh gosh look at your face dude speaking of moisturizer this one needs it hold on a second can II don't get too close I'll get a creeper whoa whoa whoa this is the creeper what is that noise it's like there's a bus waiting for me somewhere this is what the creeper looks like huh you were you were I don't know what you are but I like it you kind look like a red ant like if the desert looks perfect for you to be honest how about the zombie pigmen hello who are you are you are you an arou toe soccer referee seriously took the headband dude okay oh the skeletons got something on but we got to go to a place where they're not burning alive hold on all right it was Kelly what do you got what's on there 3spooky 5me that's what your ribs have been replaced with I'm so sorry the color if the grass is like super weird in a lot of areas around here like I can't even is this water no it's grass it's so on we've got a few different mobs I want to see if there's any others that have any special technique about oh oh okay yeah you know a nectar pack this next one is the Nicolas Cage aka the instant regret texture pack yikes I can see why the buttons are made of Nick cages face okay well this looks fine this looks like regular minecraft hey guys you mind explaining what's happening here can we go get some Oh oh there it is yo big O's gage get away hi hi you are hideous oh god maybe I should let them get you yeah I think that makes more sense get out of the way I'm trying to let my friend Nicholas Cage inside so yeah this is uh this is a Nicholas Cage texturepack let's make it daytime so I could not feel too terrible about what's happening it seems it's almost the blocks look as planned but we do have some extra options in here that we can scroll through like for example there is a diamond there's a Nicolas Cage in this Thailand or maybe there is a diamond in this Nicolas Cage it's hard to say the shovel has Nicolas Cage's face on it so you know good for walking people over the head with or breaking blocks I suppose what what is this diamond door these are our diamond doors oh my gosh I do not know I want to take a pic to Nick's head it sounds a little painful but we could eat him as an apple instead dude seriously with the apples on the face okay okay iein looks pretty similar to diamond almost identical I guess it looks like most of the aura stay the same the Clay's got his face on there as well so you can smelt Nick Cage face in a furnace okay and naturally what else to have on your shield but Nick's cage is face yep yeah gosh yep so here's the zombie I already saw him redstone or looking good coal it's just Nic Cage on a piece of coal I mean I think you guys are getting the picture by now we've got a Golden Apple but it's a Nicholas Cage Apple sheep oh well okay then lapis lazuli been there too paintings paintings ooh I want to see these hold on a second let's let's just put one against this huh that must be Nic Cage right there that's Nic Cage again it is no Nic Cage Wow four uh-huh how about here yes yes that's perfect that one looks pretty normal there he is Wow you got me there okay something looks a little odd about the weapons I think that the weapons have something going on with them as well let us see very closely yup that's a Nick Cage face and another Nic Cage face in another and yeah I should have figured as much despite all that thought I was kind of expecting more Nicolas Cage I mean the world itself seems pretty normal just you know whenever you're fighting somebody just gonna be smashing Nick's face against their face yes okay you know I'm not mad about this look this is this is great I mean he could have chose maybe one different Nic Cage face for the different you know at least Will Smith had a few different expressions going on you know what about poor Nick we only got a couple more texture packs to show off this one seems normal enough it's known as dirt craft or something and kind of tell from shot but it seems norm oh right right okay okay so then what about the pig hey hey Pig Oh Oh God you are gross looking does that mean okay okay oh wow this is kind of adorable not gonna lie kind of adorable oh oh it's such a fun face to make honestly ooh oh my gosh looks like every blocks like got an angle in it or something I don't know if I could handle this level of a happiness how about inside a ravine what's the river okay so not every block the gravel is in have it as an example it looks like lavas missing it did I just see a squid I thought I just saw a squid somewhere I wanted where was I just saw I know I just saw a squid he's so happy to see me the most excited turns his head right as I say that whatever let's finish off with the Chubbuck we've seen this one before any of you haven't well honestly can't miss it literally because it's labeled all over stone stone everywhere every single different block type has its actual name plastered across it even though all this is stone there's way more going on we've got some spruce wood here grass it's a wolf you know it's kind of like that off-white art style hypebeast the alert with the just the word just in all caps put across yeah yo this is a stylish oh my gosh I could sell this for probably a $2,000 not even mine that's how valuable it is yeah good luck try to play survival minecraft when everything looks like this around you I've tried to do before actually I've literally tried on this channel you click the I in the corner and see how far we get using a blank resource pack but I mean it's pretty much the same across the board whether you're in the overworld or if you happen to take a trip down to the nether yes this is the nether this is not paper mache class this is not hot glue and fun yeah uh well y'all never had a hot glue and fun class so those were our weird cursed texture packs let us know in the comment section which ended up being your favorite and if we missed any really weird ones you could also let us know in the comment section about them and maybe we'll come back for another video thank you so much for watching thanks for all the support in the channel lately I love you guys they drop a like
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,116,028
Rating: 4.7003932 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, cursed, cursed images, minecraft cursed images, minecraft cursed, minecraft meme, cursed minecraft videos, minecraft funny moments, grandayy, cursed minecraft, minecraft update, no swearing, gaming, minecraft videos, cursed memes, meme, logdotzip, comedy, glitch, minecraft glitches, glitched minecraft, minecraft 1.14, will smith, will smith minecraft, will smith meme, Minecraft's CURSED Texture Packs, texture pack, minecraft texture pack, minecraft 1.14 texture pack
Id: 2mjpWivSA34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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