5 Useful Tips & Tricks for STEALTH in Helldivers 2

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I'm in an okay Place marking location hey there Aran here again and today I'm going to be taking a dive into the exacts behind five of the most nuanced stealth-based mechanics in Hell divers 2 so settle in cuz this is going to be a long one I want to mention here before I get rolling that I cover stealth extensively on this channel both gameplay and informationally so if you are looking for more info on the mechanics of Stealth gameplay after this video then you should take a look with that out of the way though let's get started first off let's talk about the patrolling status whenever a group of enemies enters the map from the edges or sometimes reinforcement call depending on where you are when they land they can enter this status in which they will begin to move along set paths vaguely towards the players on the map they will react to any Supply strategems or defensive strategems dro in their vicinity some of the time this behavior is pretty random and can be completely inactive at times they will also move to investigate when a nearby objective is activated or extraction is called if you enter Patrol's Vision range they will perk up in the case of the bugs or Flash red lights from their eyes in the case of the Bots after this happens you have roughly 3 seconds to exit their field of view notably even just laying down will usually suffice most of the time moving on to the next state we're going to be talking about the guarding status enemies are set at the beginning of the match into a guarding State around all points of interest and objectives on the map in vastly varying quantities with a few consistencies in between guarding enemies will not react to supply strategem colins but will engage defensive strategems guards will also not leave their post unless provoked by a player action in general meaning unless you mess with them or do something to get their attention they will never move and just stand there even when he begin bludgeoning their friends to death as meleeing things makes absolutely no noise and Garners no attention Okay now we can talk about the three statuses that enemies can enter when a player interacts with them this first one probably has the most Nuance so we're going to talk about it first the investigating status is a status that enemies will enter when they haven't become sure of your location yet but have a reason to look for a disturbance this can occur when a player fires a weapon in the vicinity of enemies or otherwise kills an enemy with a quiet weapon from outside the line of sight of other guards this will immediately send all guards in the vicinity to look for you but not know exactly where you are so anytime you take a shot while trying to sneak up on a base make sure to vacate the premises quickly to avoid being found out notably quiet weapons include all of the energy based weapons as well as all sidearms while some weapons like the antimaterial rifle will immediately send enemies into a fully alerted status due to the noise level they produce speaking of which the alerted status is when you've been busted this can occur when you've spent too long within the enemy's effective field of vision shot at an enemy Within vision of another enemy or thrown an offensive strategy near the enemy enemies dropped off by a reinforcement call will also automatically enter an alerted status and begin attacking whoever alerted the enemy who triggered the call detector Towers should you walk inside them will also call all nearby enemies to begin engaging you as well as call a bot drop that exists outside the global cool down to pursue you there is also one more very important way that enemies can enter the state it is when an alerted enemy passes by unalerted ones while pursuing you the status tends to spread like a fire to all other nearby enemies this can rapidly send situations out of your control as a result very quickly okay time to talk about the last status and I've mentioned this one a lot in my previous videos but never gone into detail I call this soft alert and while it is most likely a bug it's the bane of the stealth community and something we probably need to talk about at this point and live with for now so let's talk about what it is soft alert is a status enemies can sometimes enter when they have previously been in an alerted status but the target they are pursuing is lost to them and I say lost in quotes because once they lose you there is a chance the enemy will continue to move in a straight line towards the nearest player not even necessarily the one who was originally being chased in the case of the robots they will sometimes even continue to fire in a non-committal way sending out small volleys in the case of Devastators with pinpoint accuracy from any number of meters even hundreds away following up with the very second of player re-entering the detection range of a soft alerted enemy there will be no early warning it will immediately swivel an open fire entering a fully alerted status again regardless if you are standing crouched or prone as well as with no regard for their Vision cones this makes soft alerted enemies extremely dangerous as they can fall you for a very long period of time without despawning or get stuck on objectives you need to clear creating a high degree of frustration at times so when you hear a Devastator popping shots into a wall nearby you now know what that is make sure to kill any enemies who exhibit these symptoms or create enough distance to force a despawn hopefully this section of the video has explained a variety of situations you previously couldn't explain other than say stealth is broken which it is but uh just this particular part as most if not all anomalies in the system can be linked back to whatever this bug Andor mechanic is okay phew that was a lot now let's get into our next subject enemy detection range every enemy in Hell divers 2 has a vision cone of roughly 120° in front of them they are virtually blind outside of this cone so basically if you move anywhere around this cone the enemy will be completely unaware of you unless you move within their hearing distance of roughly 10 m keep in mind they will only hear you though if you are in the standing position as you make no noise while crouching or prone so how close can we get exactly within this cone before they spot us I've done the leg work to find out as well as figured out how close we can get with every existing modifier your Baseline range from the enemy you will be detected from is 40 m in the standing position 30 m when crouching and 20 M when prone now let's go ahead and add some modifiers nighttime I have tested and confirmed reduces enemy detection range as it says in the tool tips reducing the range that you can be spotted to 30 m standing 20 M crouching and 15 M while prone testing revealed that during the daytime and wearing the Scout passive armor this was much the same at 30 20 and 15 but what happens if we mix the two well if you wear the Scout passive armor and go into a mission during night time enemy detection range is reduced to just 25 M standing 17 m while crouching and only 10 m in front of them while you are prone allowing you to get absurdly close but wait there's one more modifier that can be stacked here weather modifiers these include all planetary modifiers such as thick fog torrential downpours and blizzards there is also variable weather effects like fog that can be turned on on planets that make no mention of it so I can't give you hard numbers like the rest confidently just know that any weather effect you experience that feels like it's hampering your vision will also hamper the enemy Vision except the Spore Cloud mushrooms this only hampers our vision and does not hamper the enemy Vision in any way make sure to destroy them as soon as you can however the enemy Vision cone detection range can never go below 10 m no matter how many modifiers you've stacked together so keep this in mind you can't go give them a hug at least not from the front our next topic is going to be on reinforcement calls that being a bug breach or bot trop there can only be one on the map at any given time with an internal cool down that reduces significantly the higher your difficulty level gets going as low as 2 minutes on Hell dive this means splitting off from your team and baiting reinforcements away from major objectives can be a very valuable strategy this is unfortunately not possible on Geological Survey however which does not respect This Global cooldown the localization confusion booster which I've mentioned in a recent video also increases This Global cooldown by roughly 15 to 30% allowing you more time between reinforcement calls to work efficiently make sure to take advantage of this mechanic for a smoother experience at higher difficulty levels playing around this mechanic is not without consequence however as enemy patrols will spawn independently around you when you split off leading to some at times more cluttered feeling Maps where everyone has broken off into their own solo game so staying in groups of two is likely most efficient a good follow-up mechanic to talk about now is how enemies can and will despawn when no player has been around them for a few minutes this can be useful if you make a mistake and cause a reinforcement call at a location you needed to clear for an objective but are lacking in the Firepower to push through it leaving the area in favor of clearing other objectives then returning later will often see these enemies despawn from the map or spread out allowing you to try again with less resistance than if you were to bruteforce it useful information when you find yourself outgunned in an unwinable situation with no other options another useful mechanic that we're going to cover really quickly is enemies cannot see you through any non destructible surface this is the best way I can describe this meaning do not count on soft walls and destructible objects to protect you from detection you will be disappointed and likely very frustrated with the results all righty this one is going to be long but it is yet another mechanic I've glanced over previously but never thoroughly we are going to be covering how to perform a stealth extraction in detail stealth extraction is as it sounds an extraction call in which you are able to wait out the full timer and extract out without engaging the enemy directly so as soon as you call the extraction in the first thing you want to do is use your scout armor if you have it to Ping around the nearby area as a patrol will be spawning shortly after the call goes out this Patrol along with all others within about 200 M will begin pathing straight towards the extraction Beacon as soon as you have determined which direction the enemies are pathing in from you need to position yourself accordingly usually on the opposite side of the max distance from the beacon it will still count down which is exactly 50 m while ideally any teammates sit outside of range on the opposite side of you as it is not necessary for more than one player to be within the extraction site during the countdown this reduces the odds of someone being discovered significantly and will also prove useful as a contingency if they are able to position themselves on the opposite side of you after the enemy reaches the beacon they will sometimes shoot randomly and return to their patrolling state after some time this can cause them to begin patrolling in your direction as a result and this will happen do not panic and adjust as needed remember if it's night time and you're wearing the Scout passive suits the enemy can get absurdly close to you while you are prone without detecting you if you find the walls are closing in so to speak however and you're about to be pinched between a few enemy patrols back off from the extraction and ask your teammates on the opposite side to step in and hold the timer down for you while you reposition this ensures that you are not caught and the extraction continues if you're solo however all there is to do is back off off and reset try again whenever the enemy disperses and those are the breaks sometimes better than ending up dead and getting bot dropped as this will lead to a soft locked disaster that ensures no one makes it out alive or at least not without a 4-minute death match as an added note if you find yourself with the walls closing in and there's absolutely no way out cook that grenade Soldier for super Earth I'm not saying we'll write a song about you but we might have a conversation about you at the water cooler after and now another help F tip from General Brash for aav Vin's continued effort put into training material almost as good as my own I am ordering all active hell divers to like comment and subscribe to his channel failure to do so will be met with a mandatory call from your democracy officer Brash tactics use them or die trying that's going to do it for my breakdown of these rather obscure mechanics hopefully you found this video useful and can apply this knowledge to your hell Dives thank you for watching till the end and have a wonderful day see you
Channel: Eravin
Views: 39,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers, Helldivers 2, Helldivers2
Id: bipP3GL4dbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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