10 Ways to Hide Your Minecraft Base with NO REDSTONE (ok maybe a little..)

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if you're like me and you find redstone a little bit scary then this might be of the video for you because I have 10 ways to hide your minecraft house without any redstone whatsoever okay maybe some of them have like two bits of redstone but even I can manage that so I'm pretty sure you can too okay so let's get started the first one and perfect timing it's about to be sunset actually involves a bed now this is a really strange one and if you don't know about it you may be scratching your head so all you need is a bed and of course you need it to be nighttime which is kind of the only downside to this hidden house but basically you get into the bed and then when you leave the bed you end up in your hidden base isn't that awesome now the chances of someone sleeping in your bed in Minecraft well it's not out of this world unreasonable but it's not likely to happen especially if you hide your minecraft bed it's somewhere like this in a dummy base which is just meant to distract so I've got exactly the same thing here a bed and this one doesn't actually have a base behind it this one has an infinity room so if someone does decide to sleep in your bed yeah it's kind of weird for them obviously it only works at nighttime which is the major flaw but when you have a bed and you sleep in it in Minecraft when you leave the bed you always end up at this block here now that is always west and depending on where we set our bed so you can see consistently where you end up when you sleep in the bed it's always west meaning as long as you place your bed in a specific way and that means doing this you will end up exactly here even though there's a wall here you see so we can use this to teleport through walls to create a hidden base so the obvious problem with that one was you could only go there at night but this hidden house and yeah you can't see it it's actually here it's right in front of you but you can't see it you can enter this at any time you just have to remember where you put it so I believe I put it just about here nope I didn't put it there I must have put it here okay I've lost my bet I've lost my hidden base I've hidden I've hidden my base for mice there we go I found it okay right so as you can see there is some scaffolding underneath some snow blocks now basically you can crouch straight through snow blocks if there is a scaffolding under meaning as long as you remember where it is and maybe you want to mark it very subtly with a bit of grass so I know grass here straight down into the base and you just go down the scaffolding and here you are it's not the fastest way to get into the base but it's very simple and effective of course the limitation of this particular design is that you're stuck in the snowy biome which not everyone wants to do but they're not we've got a few more hidden houses to go over now this next hidden house is very interesting again you can't see it I'm still in the same biome and it really doesn't matter what biome it is all you need is one of those a small letterbox and the key to this hidden base is a boat now all you got to do is you get in your boat now you will take a small amount of suffocation damage but that's okay you know hidden houses you have to have sacrifices and any press shift' and you fall straight through into your base which is so cool now the big issue here is that the boat is still here hmm now that is a slight issue so this is where yes the house is hidden and yes you can just enter like so but this is where a bit of redstone kind of makes sense now to get rid of this boat you have very few options but a scale actually helped me make a small device and it looks super complicated it's not that bad so this is a little redstone device with the press of a button what happens is it releases a piston it releases lava and that gets rid of the boat and then it closes itself back up so it would look something like this you put your boat in here shift down and then I've got a button in here and you can hear it open up lava goes out there we go so let's take a closer look at that redstone even just in case you want to copy it because like me I need help that's why you skel did this thank you a scow if you don't understand how this works basically it works both with boats and with minecarts all you got to do is take this between two layers of blocks so when you're between the two you press shift and because there's nowhere to go and there's space underneath you clip through the block just enough to fall straight through so let's just take a quick look at it boom there's loads of redstone give you a good tour so that you can copy this if you so wish and this is a dispenser with a lava bucket in there we go so that should give you all of the angles and information you need if you wanted to make this bit of redstone see this is why this is why I'm even making a video of hidden houses without redstone because seeing this is it's so complicated I understand how it works but I wouldn't have been able to come up with this on my own so there we are the actual hidden house is very simple it's just a well what is it it's a it's a stone boat sandwich that's what it is forget the redstone okay let's move on to the next hidden house so the next hidden house is actually back here where we had the Infinity room 1 and the hidden house is actually right in front of us here we need another key and it is a hoe of any kind wooden or diamond it's up to you and all you got to do is remember which block it is you right-click it and it will reveal the entrance and then you can right-click exit through the minecart and out you pop that will then eventually dsport and cover it back up like so doesn't take too long normally and then you're free to use your base as you please jump around for a little while realize there's nothing to do in this base because you finished it and then you leave but this time there actually is an exit that I've prepared and it's right here it's another mine cut just like the bed situation if you get into a minecart and you shift out it will put you in a specific spot meaning you can use that to glitch through the diagonals of a wall so use your hoe you right-click your way in you shift out and then you do the same thing again really really easy and one of the fastest methods for a hidden house now the only bad thing is sometimes this thing can be a little bit annoying and doesn't go away none of these hidden houses are absolutely perfect but you will know which one suits you the most now not every single hidden house needs a really insane glitch or gimmick like the bed thing or the minecart thing or even the boat thing some of them can just be really well-hidden and one of those places you can do that quite easily is by hiding it underwater particularly in places like this in a river where you've got lots of vegetation because the likelihood that people are going to be looking around here is pretty slim but if you just hide a one-block entrance behind some sea grass and you put it round a corner so that the light doesn't go through during the nighttime you can make yourself a little tunnel into your secret base really simple doesn't take any redstone so not every single hidden base needs to be super complicated even things like this work really well then I've got a couple more just like this one for example I've got here just a normal minecraft village and I've got two hidden bases in here as well the first one okay this is the one that uses a little bit of redstone but hear me out it's really simple stuff so we've got the composter here and I actually got this idea from b-dubs he's like hidden base in his hermit craft base and basically you hop inside the composter you hit the button you do need to retract a piston and then you'd fall straight in and then you're in your dirt themed house because everyone loves a dirt house the only thing is it's more like a dirt cage because I haven't been making a way out of these but let's just take a look at the red stone because it's it's really really simple so I've hidden this underneath a slightly decorated minecraft generated house but if we take a look all it is is one piston one redstone torch and one redstone dust even I managed to put this together so when you hit the button it activates that retract sit and just retracts it quick enough that you fall through now the caveat of this one is that this redstone is very simple but it is very quick to retract that so you do have to have a block here here and here for this to work because if you don't it can just push you out some yeah like that because it has somewhere to go but if there's a block in every single direction and that's why there were leaves here then you don't have anywhere to go so you fall straight through so if you're having problems with this one that's probably why now is actually another hidden house right next door in this very non suspicious crate now I've shown you this crate design many times before I really loved it it works well especially as you can put water on top of trapdoors now now all you got to do is you right-click it and then you've got some scaffolding straight under into your base and you can even close it behind you and so that no one knows where you are so again another hidden base no redstone very very simple to do straight in straight out this one okay it definitely uses a little bit of redstone but do you know how hard it is to hide bases without just a tiny bit of redstone and speaking of redstone okay right so I did actually have nine designs but with the 1.15 update there was a new one okay it involves a little bit of redstone but you're really gonna love it so let's hop over to a 1.15 world so I can show you how this works okay so here we are in 1.15 as you can see we've got some of the new blocks the honey the honeycomb and it's actually using this block here that's going to make things interesting so if I turn the bounding boxes on you can see hitboxes of stuff what you can do on this one is actually throw it so that it overlaps you can see that there so this got me thinking that you could use this for an item detection system where you throw one in and it's hidden by a painting it opens up and you fall down into the secret base so how does this work now obviously you could normally do this by just hiding a painting and having a dropper behind it but we think the thing with paintings is you either remove them by punching them off of a wall or you just try and walk through them now you can't do that with this one because there's honey blocks there what we're doing is we're throwing an item it's going right in here just in to touch this hopper and yeah okay this is one that actually involves redstone as I told you earlier so let's go behind and see what's going on we're using a hopper detection system and this is basically what's going on it does it's not actually that complicated I've probably done this the least efficient way possible because I don't know redstone it's kind of helped me again but yeah I understand what's going on here so the item passes through gives off a signal that's the main thing it then locks this in a timer for this amount of time using these redstone repeaters and then once it's finished the signal then goes through so let's just watch it happen fire it through it delays and then it goes and retracts again so we've got a very simple system all hidden for the use of honey blocks now to be honest with you you could actually not have a painting there at all because it's not obvious unless you're looking that there's anything there at all so if you're able to make this just part of your decoration in your house you could easily just have a hidden house way that way as well let's head back to my other world the next one that I want to show you is also in this area look there the beds are just over there and this is a naturally occurring lava pool and I think I've shown this one before in a previous video but lava doesn't actually hurt you as much as you think you actually have enough time to pass through it and to prove this I'm going to go into survival mode like so and what I'm going to do is basically just jump straight I'm gonna press Crouch and boom I took two hearts of health okay I took a little bit more but I have got some slime blocks here and oh that's where I put that thing yeah you can put whatever you I'm not I'm not gonna judge you while you put in your hidden bases so you shouldn't judge what I put in my hidden bases did you know what I mean don't judge people can steal mustaches if they want to the only issue with this is there's no real good way to get out other than an Electra but if you have an Electra you simply look up and you fly out and then if you are taking a little bit of fire damage just make sure you're near some water plop yourself in and you're good to go the other alternative to this is of course a fire resistance potion and then you don't take any damage at all so all I've done here is I've got lava and this is a naturally generated pool so it looks completely organic and underneath is a set of oak fence gates all open of course otherwise you're going to hit it and then a layer of water and then another layer of oak fence gates also open and then you can pass through it like it's nothing you immediately get extinguished and you make your way down or you could use a potion or you could even fall from a great height and you take even less damage because you've got the momentum but of course all of those hidden houses are honestly nothing compared to the original hidden house which is simply take your shovel and mine two blocks of dirt and walk in to your original base this is this is this is the OG one this is the OG hidden base and you know what there's absolutely nothing wrong with it at all so that is number 10 and I've got to say it's just one of the easiest ones to do and it's probably what I would do if I was just trying to hide my base thank you very much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it I know you might have seen some of these before and indeed I think I've shown one or two of these in the past but for the most part I've tried to keep this original and I really spent ages trying to explore how you could hide a Minecraft base without any redstone thank you very much watching and good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 8,517,949
Rating: 4.919456 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hidden base, hidden house, how to hide your base, minecrafft hidden den, minecraft base, secret minecraft base, grian hidden houses
Id: 6CuOjBn6VnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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