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remember back to your first days in Minecraft it might have been two weeks ago it might have been two years ago it might have been all the way back when there was barely a Minecraft at all but have a think back when days were simpler that you were maybe just Steve and all you had to do was collect wood for your very first house in Minecraft which was probably looking a little something like this a box but then around came nighttime and instead of worrying about the monsters you looked up at the moon and did you ever wonder to yourself can I get up there I have to try so you go and get yourself as much dirt as you can be bothered to get and away you go to try and venture to the moon in Minecraft so up you go block by block block by block until you go as far as you can possibly go and then all of a sudden you hit the top and you find out that you can't get to the moon and you're disappointed but what if you jumped hello my name is green and today I'm going to be showing you the new map that I've been working on where you can travel to the moon I don't know how many of you actually wanted to see if you could visit the moon when you first started minecraft but I know I did and usually I have similar feelings to some of the other players so I'm actually going to go to the moon myself but there's a few things that I have to do first one of them being making a space helmet so I'm going to set myself to game-mode one just so I can make it for you but of course if you're doing this you're going to need to go into survival mode and earn it basically so we're going to need a couple of things a glass block a piston and an obsidian block so this is our base and then we have the piston above it I've actually put that one too high so we go there and add the glass block underneath hit it with redstone and hope for your hit did you hear that we've just created our Astro helmet so it actually says shift while holding to equip so hold on hold it down there we go and as you can see I'm actually wearing it now so now we need to go to the moon so we don't actually have a spaceship and when I was playing in survival mode uh all those years ago actually I thought the only way to do it was quite logically a one by one nerd pole so that's exactly what I'm gonna do but speed it up so you don't have to watch three minutes of gruesome dirt related pain we must be nearing the top now because the world is starting to get pretty far away so we must be up there we go we're right at the top so this is normally where you find out that you can't get to the moon but in this map all you have to do is jump you have to make sure you're looking at the moon and jump and then the gravity does the rest and here we are on the moon so we've actually made this this is all custom made and there is the moon lander with the English flag because I've course I'm English but you can change it to whatever country you're from and as you can see there's like these footprints of where you've been walking on the moon which is pretty cool and then as you jump the gravity is not as much here so we go traveling further so there's a few things that we can do on the moon and one of which is actual the moonstone itself which is a retexture block and then we have here some very specific things I hold and let me give myself a diamond pickaxe and set myself to game zero back into survival now if I took my helmet off I would start suffocating so I definitely don't want to do that if I mined the meteorites which look like iron ore it gives me moon ingots and I can do a bunch of stuff with moon ingots but there's also like these little patches of grass here and of course they are spaced a toes we just added a bunch of random stuff for you to play with in the moon so the space so toes are rainbow-colored and there yeah they're not too nutritious if I'm honest so yeah oh oh there's also a earth in the distance here it's kind of like a bit dark but if you get just the right angle you can see all the different colors but that's by the by because the way you get back to earth is by jumping off the edge of the moon but yeah let's go and grab some more moon or quickly and then I can show you what you can do with it really really cool so here's like 9 ingots so I actually need to make another moon work station just really really quickly so I need another piston Oh let's try again need another piston with an obsidian block but this time I'm going to put two mooning guts in there and activate it and it made our Moon sword so that's pretty cool so two of them make a moon sword now if we do this again but this time I'm going to try one two three four five four let's try five boom a moon helmet now obviously the more you put in the better stuff you're going to get all the way up to a chest plate so moon helmet gives you protection night vision and it's pretty cool so the Astro helmet is gonna have to remain on so I can't even wear the moon helmet otherwise I'm going to suffocate but as I was doing that I have come across the quote naturally spawning Village Inn in reality we made this village for the map but this is supposed to simulate what the equivalent of a villager on the moon is which is aliens but they are hostile unlike villages on happy homeworld so we'll kill some village - I'm gonna use my moon sword whoa that's pretty cool died pretty tough okay so they're really tough I was like I was thinking they weren't gonna die okay so they drop alien flesh along with some rotten fish they drop alien fresh flesh which can be used to craft an alien orb and an alien eye now you do that exactly the same way as you do the other stuff now those are two sort of secret items and I'll let you either check out team Lulu's video who by the way did this with me as you probably guessed or you can try it out for yourself so that's pretty cool and there's space Tytos galore here being farmed behind the aliens and there is not a lot to see here to be honest but it's just a nice little explorable piece of naturally spawning and there's a little secret in that chest that I'll er I'll let you see for yourself so yeah that's kind of everything that I have to show you I did record the building of the moon lander over there and that's yeah that's kind of it so I'll show you the construction of the moon lander because this video is called building on the moon so I've got I've got to build on the moon oh and inside the moon lander is a bunch of resources left there by the previous owner which is me a bunch of resources for you to make your own moon base but for now I want to go back to earth excellent so we actually made it back to earth surprisingly we made it we made the fall so that's pretty cool and then as you can see everything is back to normal so yep that's it for me everyone let's get into the time-lapse okay so we're back in the moon but obviously before the map was actually made so I'm going to try and keep it simple and I'm gonna make it slow enough so that if you wanted to ever make this moon lander somewhere else you can but there's no real need as it is in the map itself and there's no need to actually build this is the one and only time I'm actually gonna just give you a build so be thankful for it I've never made a moon lander before and so I was just going by logic probably best to start with the four legs and make the base with some orange as I sort of looked at some reference pictures and saw that there was the orange in the moon lander I realized I haven't actually taken a very good look at the moon lander before but there we go I've added some orange and some half slabs just to try and make it look a little bit more complicated than it really is adding some quartz for the white color and just adding a bubble on the top now in the real moon lander it was a lot more complicated but I wanted to keep it very very simple just adding those quartz box everywhere and then adding some glass around so that it could actually be enterable and you can go inside yourself very very easy than detailing it with some staircases adding a little roof on the top this is a very very simple build it could be copied so so easily but it was effective nonetheless and one of my favorite things is the little satellite dish on the side using stained glass and then the of course the flag which had to be added to represent my country and then you can go ahead and add whatever flag you want from whatever country you live in so this was me building on the moon so I finally did what was in the title of the video I well I've tried really hard on this video to try and entertain and to give you something to play with so I really hope you've enjoyed this slight deviation from my normal videos and if you have any suggestions that would go nicely with this please shoot away as normal instead of my lovely outro picture I have got Steve looking at the moon just to remind you of back in those days thank you very much for watching everyone this has been a lot of work please please please go and subscribe to team woo woo and I've put a link in the description please please please go and subscribe to them and show them all the support you can this map would not be possible without the main man their epic melon making all the commandblock magic that made this happen honestly honestly honestly if you enjoy this map and you're you enjoyed this video please go and give them some love as well so that's it for me everyone thank you very much for watching goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,939,992
Rating: 4.8799014 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, with, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, moon, moon lander, rock, stone, alien, fantasy, space, spaceship, tips, tricks, minecraft house, house, builder, youtuber, no swearing, no cussing, no cursing, school, flag, space station, moon station, meteor, galactic, space build, ufo, aliens, moon sword
Id: v3JqYGds98Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2015
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