23 Ways to Ruin Your AFK Friend's Day in Minecraft

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- [Instructor] 23 ways to prank your AFK friends in Minecraft. When someone goes AFK and Minecraft, they're practically asking to get messed with. So whether you're looking to pull a light-hearted prank or get some revenge on your buddies, that's exactly what we're covering today. And hey, normally I try to think up some big creative subscribed challenge, but honestly only a small percentage of viewers who watch this video, are actually subscribed. So if you learn anything while watching, or even just enjoy the video, consider subscribing. It's free and it helps at a time. Number one, most of the time when people go AFK and Minecraft, it's trying to get something from a farm. Which is great and all, but imagine their surprise when they go to check the farm return chest, and there's no items in there. Because unbeknownst to them you actually placed the hopper system underneath and stole all of their hard earned work. This is sure to confuse them. They're not going to have any idea what's going on and they might even think the farm's broken. And from there, I'll leave it up to you. Whether you give the items back or you just keep all the heart and returns for yourself. Because if you think about it, you did a lot more work trying to steal those items. And they did just AFK in there. Number two. Well, there are plenty of different ways to move around your AFK buddy. One of the best ones might just be sending them to an entirely different dementia. If you've got the time and the obsidian to set this up and you can actually build a full nether portal around them ship them over to the other dimension and then break the portal on the other end. From there, you're guaranteeing that as soon as they log back in, if they're not prepared with obsidian, they've got no way to get back to the over-world. And since I don't know many people that walk around with stacks of up sitting in their inventory you're pretty much guaranteed they're gonna be stuck at a distant location with no hope around trip. Number three, say your friend's AFK in at something below ground, like a spawner, for example. And then as soon as they're done, they're looking to exit through their bubble elevator. But unbenounce to them, you placed multiple different arrows of harming right at the top of the bubble stream, guaranteeing that when they try to swim out those entities are gonna be right there waiting for them and we just kill them right at the top of the stream. And luckily enough for you if you choose to wait at the top of that stream you're gonna have a whole bunch of new items delivered right up to the top. And since there's no one there to claim them, I guess they're yours now. Number four. Let's say your friend is a big fan of the ocean but foolishly on them, they built their base right in the heart of a desert biome. Obviously that's a pretty dry place to be. So thanks to you, you cleaned it up for them and turned the entire house into an aquarium. And folks, I'm talking the whole nine yards, water source blocks everywhere, sea grass, kelp fish, you name it. And speaking to that, we don't exactly want them to drown down here. So why don't you give them some form of air pocket with a sign of a door. That way this jovial redecoration isn't exactly turning into a hit job. Number five. Now by design, AFK players don't get to do much, which is unfortunate because there's a lot in this game that's great to see. So if you want to take your friends sight seeing then there's no better way to do it than by building a one-way elevator right up to build limit. Whether you use pistons, a flying machine or more likely a bubble elevator with soul sand, it's completely possible to ship them right up to the top of the world. And if you want to, you can leave them there stranded. And hey, if they're a risk taker, this definitely gives them a chance to show off their water buckets skills. Number six, anyone who's ever tried to escape a cave system that's underneath an ocean, knows the pain of this one, because really, if you want to trigger some frustration amongst your friends then all you got to do is just trap them in this short staircase and flow water from the top. Especially if you're playing around in versions before the aquatic update and then they're going to have to slowly meander up every single block to get up to the top. It's quite the punishment, but hey it's not like they're going to drown or anything. So it's pretty safe to pull off and it might just wash away the chances of them ever going AFK again. Number seven. Who doesn't love a good maze? I mean, honestly, these things are everywhere so someone's got to like them. While building these out of leaves and stone is a bit more common, they don't exactly raise the stakes. So if you really want to guarantee that your friends on edge when they come back in, then all you've got to do is build a labile wall maze around them. If you're not prepared, these things are definitely a pain to navigate. Is it cruel to do, well I won't lie to you. It absolutely is. But is it also fun? Well, most definitely. And honestly, this might be the most curse maze ever made ever since the Greeks were around. Number eight. If your friend is an introvert, then it's your responsibility to introduce them to new people. And while you could do that by inviting a bunch of new friends and players to the server, I think a much simpler option is just by trapping a whole bunch of villages next to them. These moms know how to party and anyone who's ever played Minecraft with sounds on know that they love to talk. So this is sure to get your friend busted out of their shell. So either they'll have to push their way through the crowd or decide to kill the party a little too soon. And while both of those work, one of them might just pick the iron golden bouncers a little angry when they get outside. Number nine. If your friend's been hyping up their new set of fully enchanted netherite armor, it can get pretty annoying especially if you're still lagging behind and trying to get the other materials. So to even the playing field a bit how about we build a helmet breaker trap. As it turns out, if you put anvils like so and have them drop into a bubble stream elevator, then after enough time falling, the game actually treats it like they're falling from an immense height. And luckily for us, that means they're going to do a whole bunch of damage to your friend's helmet. Meaning next time, they should have careless and maybe keep their mouth shut. Number 10, being burned alive is a pretty common fear and rightfully so. But what if we tried to replicate this in Minecraft. If your friend decides to step away from the computer for an hour, then that gives you just enough time to bury them into a hole, cover them up with blocks and then build whatever you want on top of it. Now, personally, my favorite is the place in entire build limit height, pillar of sand on top of them. Because there you got one or two options, either it's going to suffocate them if they don't have the tool or it's going to wear down plenty of their shovel. Both choices I think can be pretty hilarious. Number 11. Now, in most cases, I think the curse of binding the chairman is a pretty lame prank. It's not exactly that much of a troll, but where you can really put this to use is by putting the curse of binding enchantment on a carved pumpkin. Yeah, for some reason, mojo ang was devious enough to let this work. Meaning that if you use a dispenser to put this on your friend's head, they're never gonna be able to get it off or rather they're not gonna be able to get it off in any kind of nice fashion. Either they choose to live out life where they're practically blinded or they're gonna have to end themselves pretty quick. Number 12. Through the use of scaffolding blocks, bamboo can be a pretty helpful thing to have on hand. So if your friend doesn't live next to a jungle and they haven't learned this yet, then, how about paying them a little lesson. This is one of the quintessential lose-lose situations. Because on one hand they decided to leave it all up, that bamboo is not easy to navigate, but on the flip side, if they decide to take it down with a max efficiency ax, then there's going to be so many items falling from the sky that it might just lag out their entire client making both options in turn pretty slow to deal with. Number 13. Anyone who's ever played on a server without one player sleep added in, knows just how painful AFK players can be because sure enough, they're not sleeping. And after a while, that means you can't sleep causing Phantom problems for everyone on the server. But what's so cool about it is that if they have a roof over their heads, they're not even dealing with the repercussions. So to show your AFK friend just what they're putting you through why not take it a little bit of the roof off and watch as they finally meet the mobs they introduced it you to. And from there, I'll leave it up to you. Whether you decide to let the Phantoms kill them or just teach them a lesson. Number 14. Trapper an AFK friend and bunch of blocks is a good start. But if they got the proper tools, they're gonna go through it pretty fast. Meaning that overall it's a short-lived prank. So if you wanna step up this simple one to the next level, all you got to do is just make sure that the blocks you trap them in are waterlogged. Just like that. Every single stair and slab that they decided to take out is just gonna splash more and more water into their face, which means if they don't have buckets or at least taco affinity, that's going to slow down the process of getting rid of them, so much more. It's definitely a great way to annoy them when they decide to come back. Number 15. When someone decides to go AFK in a commonplace like their base, they feel pretty safe. That is until you came around and decided to rearrange multiple different choice things around the base, whether that's moving the chest from the left wall to the right changing out their block palette or my personal favorite of flipping the entire thing upside down. Whatever you choose to do, this is definitely a great way to confuse your friends when they come back. And if you wanna take on an early lesson in gas lighting, you can just play it off, like nothing ever changed. And look after all that they wanna accuse you for doing it, just say that you were changing functional way the house. Number 16. Now, when you wanna send a message to an AFK player, there's a couple of different ways to do it. Now, most obvious is probably doing it through something like discord. But if you wanna get a bit more creative, you could ditch the sign and instead use a named mob to actually kill them with death message, just like that. When they logged back in, they're sure to see a response screen labeled perfectly with whatever you name the monster. Oh that's just one example, there's plenty of different ways to get your friends surprised when they log back in. Dying is one thing, but add an insult to injury, yeah that's gonna hurt a lot more. Number 17. Now, in a sandbox game like Minecraft, it's very tough to follow the rules, which almost guarantees that if you put a chase with a sign that says, do not open, your friend's gonna open it. So how about using that to your advantage and instead habits the T and T gets set off and then hold the sand around it breaks and they fall down into a pit. Personally, this reminds me of one of the cruelest traps that ever existed in hunger games. And better yet, they can say you didn't warn them. I mean, it's written out in plain English, do not open this chest. They opened it, they deserve what's coming for them. Number 18. Inventory management is a pretty common thing for Minecraft, which is why it's gonna surprise your friend when they realize that they're not picking up any items even though they have what seems to be empty slots. Because little do they know while they were AFK, you decided to fill up their inventory with these named light gray stain glass paints. All these things are not only a mouthful, they also do a great job of giving the illusion of an empty slot, but actually there's something there. And honestly, I think this is the only time we can thank Bojane for making the textures for this looks so close to the actual blank slots. Number 19. Unless they decide to use a macro way down a key in their keyboard, AFK players, aren't the most active. So to fix that, one of my favorite things to do is put my AFK friends inside of an AFK loop-de-loop machine like this. Through the Elvis slime blocks, pistons ice blocks, you're able to completely get them cycling around this perpetual motion machine, giving them enough motion to make sure they don't get kicked for being AFK and you quite the spectacle to watch they're trapped. And honestly, that's the best part about it. It's just how endless this whole thing is. Number 20. Now using seal turn to snow covered maps is already a famous way to trap your friends. An Infinity room, a matrix room, whatever you wanna call it's been done before. And while I still fully love this design, there's still more we can do with this. Like for example, what if we trap in a different color? All of a sudden that white infinity room of nothingness turns into a blue screen of death. Anyone who pours on windows is already pre-programmed to get a shock of horror when they see the shade of blue on their screen. So it's a pretty good way to give them a jumping to startle when they'd come back onto the server. Number 21. 1.15 got a lot of different people excited for the buzzing bee mob. And while I got to fully admit that they are adorable, they can be used as a tool of evil. Case in point, if you went through the effort of trapping a bunch of bees underneath your friend's floorboards while they're AFK, then when they logged back in, not only they're gonna be treated to a horrible sound on the ear drums, but also when they break a hole to go check out, they might just hit one of the bees, and then all of a sudden the entire swarm is gonna be directed right at them. Make it above the terror to listen to and to be on the receiving end (mumbles). Number 22. Maybe it's just me, but whenever I plan an S and P, one of my friends always turns into a cold-hearted businessman. So if some of you out there are the same or you're looking to fulfill that entrepreneurial lifestyle, this is the one for you. You see this AFK friend, well, that's our supplier. All they got to do is kill them, collect their stuff and then put it into a shop at spot. Just like that you got a whole bunch of stuff to sell. And fortunately for you, a customer that just happened to lose all their items which means that when they try to buy their items back, you can sell them at the most absurd prices. So either they buy back or they might just start at square zero. Number 23. The different mob heads that you get from charged creepers make for great trophies and Minecraft. But they're not exactly doing much there. So if you decide to take the creeper off your shelf and instead put it on your head, then let's get ready to scare your friend when they get back online. Doing a setup like this, all you gotta do is chug an invisibility potion, put yourself right in their line of sights and get ready to scare them. When they log back in, they might just be so startled that they don't know what to do. Which means that if you're super cruel, you can use them trying to get away to go right into another trap of your design, it might just kill them. Giving them the true jump scare that might just stop their heart. And with that folks, prank that sub button down below and have a good one, all right.
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Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, 23 ways to ruin an afk friend's day in minecraft, minecraft, skip the tutorial minecraft, minecraft skip the tutorial, prank afk friends minecraft, minecraft afk pranks, minecraft afk trolls, minecraft pranks, minecraft trolls, minecraft pranks on friends, 25 ways to ruin your friendships in minecraft, minecraft how to ruin friendships, prank your friends minecraft, minecraft afk prank, afk minecraft pranks, ruin your friendship in minecraft
Id: Eov-6Oi9uvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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