Building every Minecraft Chair, Table, Bed and Decoration I can think of..

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hello my name is green and welcome back to another furniture slash inspiration minecraft design video let's get straight into it shall we I have come up with as many chair tables desks wall arts and room design stuff as possible hopefully to give you something to put in your minecraft house so let's get started shall we so the first lot that I'm going to show you are a bunch of chairs and there are a lot more chairs than there's possible but hopefully you'll get the idea now obviously the most common one is this one you can get them pretty you see them pretty much everywhere but you can put a door on the back to make it a high-back and then we've got pretty much every kind of chair going usually with two signs on the side this one has a spruce truck door followed by a pressure plate this one is the og chair just sitting on a scaffolding and then we've even got an extinguished campfire that's also got a trapdoor and a spruce sign next to it and then we've got various variations of this kind of thing all the way along using a different base block so for this one we've got a cauldron for this one we've got the barrel and this one actually just works on its own just as a barrel then again high-back and then we've got a load of scaffolding ones some of which have a pressure plate on the top the only downside of this one is if you stand on it it does that so it's not great for parkouring on but we've got a few variations of this all of them basically use signs trapdoors and then a base block hopefully this gives you some kind of inspiration including this one which is a bit weird it uses a dragon egg or even an anvil you can get kind of creative depending on the shape that you want your chair to be and this I mean this one's quite an expensive one that's a lot of iron to use on a chair and then you can take it even simpler using a fence again using more trapdoors this one's quite nice this would work quite well at a bar this one might work well in like a barber's this one actually uses a hopper as its base bak there and then you've got simpler ones and even weird ones using the brewing stand so hopefully there's at least one chair in there that you like the look of there are a lot of them but you can even make slightly bigger chairs now these tend to be two blocks wide instead of the sort of the small-scale one block wide and there's various ways that you can do this this one uses trapdoors obviously this one uses a couple of blocks and some more stairs if you pay staircases like this you end up with a really nice 1 block Center and then it looks like nice little arms either side and then you've got different variations of this chair so we've got a slightly bigger one with more stairs on the top and then this one has a small indent in it as a little bit of a detail this one is actually three blocks wide so instead of having the small arms either side you have slightly wider and you know it depends on the situation in the context for each design this one is a lower seat maybe you want a more sofa like thing again even more minimalist here and then you can start getting even fancier with your designs depending on how detailed you want it to be so those are pretty simple they're they're fairly square fairly solid but then we get into use of the upside down staircases and then there's even a gap there and you can start taking it even further with the trapdoors even some walls all that kind of thing you can make a crazy chair if you want and then combining these in different ways you can get pretty creative and even make your way to a game of Thrones style chair now I don't know where this came from but this is the kind of chair I would like to have in my meeting room maybe it could be a little bit bigger so basically you can you could make your chair as simple or elaborate as possible but what I will say is sometimes less is more something to bear in mind when you're building in Minecraft so next up we've got a few different kinds of chairs these are slightly different to the ones we've seen they're slightly in context so we've got a desk here which you could actually use and have a book on this is obviously a default chair and then we've actually used a bed here with a footrest and a bunch of signs around it I know it is technically a bed but it doesn't take much of the imagination to see that as a chair as well moving on we've got another desk design this time one of the other chairs this is a scaffolding chair the use of the cartography table in here is what makes this desk particularly nice which means you are limited to the dark oak slab but it does look really really awesome moving on there's another extinguish campfire this one works a lot better if you want more of the rustic II feel to it moving on we've got more like park benches again these are just different variations of like the bigger versions of these over here so once you kind of get the hang of these it should be easy to develop them into slightly bigger versions this is like a proper concrete park bench you might see this in a city somewhere it's got a bunch of staircases in various ways I think that one looks actually quite nice it's all about context this wouldn't look particularly good in a forest for example and then finally this is another modern park bench style thing but it's a little bit more expensive because it uses two anvils and iron trapdoors but it does have something a bit more unique about it so I have got lots of other things to show you other than just chairs moving on we've got more of like a a sofa setting here with a fire in the middle now depending it on if you use a normal fire or a campfire you might set fire to a house I've already had a few mess ups myself but the main thing here is the use of the mushroom stem block and the use of beds here the combination actually works really well as like a low modern sofa and it's the same over here with the other mushroom block again just using a slab around here it's all very low and we've got a pumpkin here I'm not sure the pumpkins about but the the chair is the main thing here or you could if you wanted to sort of vary your house a bit have your chairs sunk into the ground like this and then have like a modern fire now this would set fire to the carpet I've got fire tick off so you might want to use something else there but something like this looks really really cozy and that's kind of it for like the more bigger sofas like contextual units but moving on we've got a bunch of cat related things everyone knows I love my cats I've got two cats of my own and having one of these in your base in your minecraft base actually makes it feel really homely I know it's weird and I know like the Minecraft cat doesn't do much I mean it scares off phantoms and stuff but just having it chilling in your house really really cool so we've got like a normal cat bed here and it's not as difficult to get them in this space as you might think we got like a little cat bed sitting on scaffolding this one's really cool and my favorite one is this this is a bunch of snow inside a spruce trapdoor crate and they just look so cozy in here looks like they're all snuggled up you can do that if you want a cat in the box but I wouldn't recommend it you can even do things like this you could put this like on a wall somewhere and just have your cat sitting in it it gives it the extra bit of detail that your house might need and the same with this one this one's just a staircase up to a little indent in the wall somewhere that you can't might play all of these really make a house feel more homely so moving on we've got a bunch of tables here now it's actually kind of simple how tables work I know that's a bit counterintuitive but like basically it's two legs and a top on the top just like every table ever but maybe there's some in here that you hadn't considered for example like the anvil I mean this is a very strange one it's very expensive and you just put string and then a carpet on top and this one is actually a little bit different to this one here this one obviously just has a fence it's just instead of anvils it's a fence with string and underneath but the reason this one is special is because under normal circumstances these fences would line up but by mixing the nether brick with another kind of fence they don't connect like they would if I did this with all the same it would end up looking like that which isn't as clean in my opinion as this one here where there's absolutely no connection on the legs so this is quite a minut little table that might do you well and it's unless you're really looking you're not going to notice the difference so moving on we've basically got the same table here but with trap doors on the top trap doors are an amazing block that one of the best things added to the game in the different variations now this one's quite interesting this is literally just a bunch of stripped oak like you could have this as an island in your kitchen but what's cool about this one is that there is some item frames with some food in and then if you put specifically a birch pressure plate on the top it won't work with any other pressure plate you can make it look like your food is sitting on a plate now I put this on the table one just because it fit here the best but this kind of thing gives your house the detail that will just make your friends go oh wow that's awesome how did you do that and then you can say you watched a green video and they've got another simple table over here this one just uses end rods and then carpet again very simple the benefit of this one is that it gives off light as well but it's pretty vibrant I must admit we've got a more simple table with a couple of upside-down staircases linked together with some slabs and then you can see these are just different variations of the same concept different legs and then a top on top as well scaffolding table and then this one's a little bit more interesting just because it uses two layers of trapdoors instead of one which makes it seem like a lot thicker of a table and I don't know it just looks more solid in a way so those are the tables there's loads or ways of doing that but hopefully that gives you some inspiration there but we're gonna move on to how to decorate your walls or some inspiration for decorating your walls now you've probably seen at least some of these on my other videos but I try to put some of the best designs some of the most useful designs together in a video so that you can decorate the inside of your house so one of the simplest things you can do is simply a shelf like so any trap door would work and then putting a pot on top with a plant in excellent a brilliant way to decorate your rooms is with lamps anything that gives off light will just give your room much brighter appearance obviously it's giving off light again I've got expensive with the anvil you could replace that with any block there but it just work quite well the end rods and the C lantern one of my favourite things is like a really simple freestanding bamboo shelf unit like this you might you might expect to see this in somewhere like IKEA in real life and then again a pot on the top absolutely brilliant another table designed this time using lecterns you could simply replace that and you could have a let turntable but this works particularly well up against a wall as a side table and never underestimate the value of just adding a single painting to a wall it can brighten up or give color to anything now this one's interesting because the actual detailing is inside the wall itself so you will need like an exterior wall here just to cover that up but if you've got a secondary wall on the inside maybe consider putting in some bookshelves and then covering that up like so so it looks like you've got an actual bit of furniture there that's housing some obviously we've got to do some trickery with the depth to make this work smaller units using trapdoors and doors work really well now this one's great because it's actually functional as well if you wanted a wardrobe like this it's got barrels in so you can actually use this to store stuff just because it looks good doesn't mean that it also can't be functional and there's multiple ways of decorating this and perhaps you could use something like that to get obviously maybe in spruce but it works really well another one of my personal favorites is this kind of step look and again integrating that block into the wall I don't know just it looks really cool and then you can decorate this with a pot or even a pickled pickles I mean they look weird on their own but like in in context I think it works quite well so this is a slightly bulkier bit of furniture here where is actually two blocks thick but we've got the use of the trap doors as shelves we've got buttons to decorate the the sides of it and even a backside of a loom which actually works really well because it looks like the books are missing from the bookshelf and that's a really nice little detail that you could add to any piece of furniture in your house now this one is my all-time favorite I must have shown this a hundred times before but if you're new to the channel or you've just come across this video this is my favorite dragon egg one of the hardest things to get in the game but if you plunk a quartz pillar on the top you've got a two block lamp right there and it looks absolutely amazing it's one of my favorite things I don't know why it is just amazing next we've got a clock here now this actually uses the new block of the Bell underneath here and it looks like a swinging pendulum and it's got an actual clock at the top so again it's functional I know that they're not always useful because you can always see the Sun pretty much but this sort of thing is really cool you could even have a secret entrance behind here somehow I never really thought that far ahead but you could you could figure something out maybe with a minecart behind it but again awesome if you wanted like a Batman style cave under there moving on we've got another piece of furniture again I've shown this one before but the whole thing here is with the spruce stairs and then with the slab out here as well and with the combination of the item frame the anvil inside the item frame and then the sign on top it looks like a handle and it looks really awesome as well again I can't tell you how important the the trapdoors are in of these things for the extra level of detail now this is one of the highlights of today's video because this is a Minecraft Atlas now this is definitely more effort than it's worth but if you want to really impress your friends I mean you don't have to do an actual model of the earth like we did look there's euk god save the queen and all that but look you could have just normal maps of where you are now like so I mean it doesn't have to be like it could it could be like that if you wanted a globe that looks like this video then I mean you do you but I think that an Atlas does look really really cool but obviously to make these these take it takes an enormous amount of time so moving on we got another simple one here this one is just using trapdoors so it's a bit thinner it is a little bit more compact and this sort of thing works well because most people have really small houses so smaller scale stuff like this works really well and later on in the video I'll show you a couple of like combinations some examples of this inside a room just in case you're not sure where you would use some of these next up we've got the bed so we've got all different kinds of beds just like the chairs we've got small beds and big beds so we got the role that you could just put on the floor we've got the roll on top of some spruce stairs and then we've got slightly bigger beds here with a few red wool blocks now this is like an old-school minecraft bed but we can do better than that now because we've got trapdoors you could have a headboard like this and the same as a normal bed you could just put a sign at the end to have a little headboard makes it seem a bit more real-life ish and then you've got bed's encompassed in trapdoors and then you've got a baby's cot now obviously there's no bed in here at all but you've got a couple of white carpets this works quite well and then we've got all different kinds of beds now this one the only difference is that the carpet is actually on top of slime blocks so you can bounce on it I know that some people want to bounce on their beds and then we've got some more simpler designs here as well you can see that the same principles that went with those chairs applies to all of these now this is one of the better ones here where we've got some terracotta to make it seem like there's a duvet over the top that's got a pattern of it of some kind because you know some people don't have just plain red sheets they might have something crazy and wacky like this with lots of swirls and pillows could be in the form of stacked snow like this making it seem again more three-dimensional bit more realistic you could go more complicated with some pistons here instead of a normal base block but the carpets the snow all of these things you can see the consistency and the logic of thinking here and then you can even extend the pistons if you want like a crazy crazy like memory foam style mattress type thing using prismarine slabs it's it's up to you how crazy you wants to go with your bed but overall you can see the consistency in this so let's move on to some of the more interesting beds now now this one is a just slightly bigger version of one of these but it is actually functional if you right-click here you can see the bed underneath and you can actually sleep in that if you need to although I do think you get trapped under there but that could be a really cool way into a secret base different video different video this is obviously a four-poster bed now you can see the inspiration from some of the larger chairs coming in here basically this is a big chair you got the head border here and then it's linked up with a bunch of trapdoors I think this one's probably one of my favorite bed designs here and you could include the bed underneath just like we did there I think it's out there is I knew it was in there I knew it was somewhere but look also there's the mix of the concrete powder the concrete and the wool to make it seem a bit more textured and the different layers of snow so this design right here is a little bit more complicated this is the sort of thing that will take your house to above and beyond the norm so moving on we got we're going back to a simpler time again the bed is under there if you want something more functional and you can see I've just used some bed posts here these are just the legs of the bed and moving on we got another one this is more like a modern ish kind of bed where it's got the anchor here and then it slowly gets smaller as you go out so it goes from slab to trapdoor and it's actually all covered in snow so it looks actually looks really soft and comfortable this bed and then we've got a more interesting bunk bed here so we've got actually a couple of beds and this design is a little bit more complex so I might look at it a bit closer in detail so we've got a couple of things at the back here and it's basically all made out of trapdoors the frame is made out of trapdoors apart from this bit because you can't put step you can't put ladders on trapdoors so that's got to remain there here but it's a little bit more detailed with like the staircases they are upside down and down here as well so it gives a little bit more space that tiny bit more space so yeah that's a really cool bunk bed you got there and of course this one is actually functional and I think it's the same story over here but the difference is the bed is only up here and then you've got a desk underneath so some people that have smaller bedrooms they typically have a bed like this to utilize the space a bit more and instead of a ladder there is a scaffolding here but the the color difference does make the stand out a little bit so there are some really cool bed designs here but we've got to keep moving on because this video is starting to get pretty long but there is there's like maybe a hundred designs in this video so that's awesome right let's move on to some of the plants don't forget plants when you're decorating your house like it makes such a big difference even in real life having plants in your in your house it just makes it feel more welcoming so this is a obviously a composter but if you use some vegetation in here if you get it to this stage here it actually looks like there's a plant sitting in there and using that both for the tree version and for just the leaf version is pretty cool now this is the basis of all the plants that you were going to see ahead of you we've got different base block here with the cauldron filled with water and then another tree on top we got pods all as our base block then with some signs and then we got a dead bush underneath this is an awesome one because the clay pot underneath actually ends up looking much smaller like a real tree they tend to be a smaller stem they don't have like just they don't just come out the ground like that they typically have something here so this looks really cool and the two versions of that are in a pot or just in the ground of course it has to be on sand folks it is a dead bush but that looks really cool cuz it really looks like the twigs are spreading out and holding the tree up another variation of the cauldron design this is bamboo with a bunch of leaves on top that's awesome as well especially if you've got like a long garden that you want to decorate these look like stems and then we've got just potted plants I just I did this a lot in hermie on my build off-base here you could use trapdoors and then a bunch of flowers on top and then don't forget to just do some gardens as well I used this technique on when I was building my dream house just loads of the two tall high bushes along with some slabs in the front looks really really cool and then finally you've got things like you've got a car remember what they're called but they're like that have their arch is made out of vegetation but they have a word I just it's escaping me right now these are really cool this is a tree obviously but you use a fence instead of a full block to make it seem a bit more realistic so plants they're a bit on the smaller side like this they look a lot more natural if you sparsely decorates it with a bit of leaves like so and the key here is not to spam it to make it too blocky because that again it doesn't look right they people just have enough leaves to make it look like it surrounded it will do the trick and then don't forget that you can actually use leaves in amongst your plants here as well if you wanted to create some kind of hedgerow okay so that takes care of the vegetation do not forget it it's very very important when you're building in Minecraft and that leaves us with some of the weird ones that didn't really fit any category so they're in the weird category but they're still cool nonetheless again one of my favorite things is the dragon egg but did you know that you could hide a nether portal behind it just so the particles float around it and then it looks more like a trophy and it looks more magical that you can hear it there but the noises of the portal are quite annoying but again this is something that this is like the details that people don't think about in their builds but maybe you could add it if you want to display your dragon egg moving on we have just basically the use of the fletching table as like an archery room maybe you've got a mansion and you don't know what to do with one of your rooms why not make an archery room we actually are going to get a target lock very very soon so this could end up being a real thing I'm telling you this could be really awesome so bear this in mind for when the target block comes out we have a larger version of a window obviously normal obviously some people just have like a couple of blocks like this but if you've got a larger house consider using a fence and then a fence gate and then you've got that nice grid pattern in there as well and of course you can make so many cool little robots in Minecraft using this if you want a butler called Jim this is your dude this is your dude right here he's just made out of an observer all of them look like they've got faces if you want him to be more surprised oh that came out a bit more high-pitched than I thought oh man now that we've been over most of the designs I've actually got a few examples of just rooms to show you how these might be used in sort of real terms so we've got a first room this is a more modern room now there's obviously some things in here the only work in a room if I had for example showed this room divider just over there it wouldn't have looked very good but in the context of a room the divider looks awesome and even this extractor fan again this is the sort of thing that you can use in a modern house but look we've got that chair from all the way over there this works brilliantly in this scenario and then we've got one of our chair designs and one of our table designs all of that together looks really really wonderful and another thing to point out is the flooring here we've got birch planks obviously but we've mixed it up we've got a different block for the kitchen mixing and matching your floors and having different layers with the carpet than the floor than that it's helps separate the room so it's something to keep in mind so moving on we've got a more wooden based house and again take notice of the floor we've got different things going on here and this one actually includes a staircase staircases obviously you have to put them in your house somewhere if you've got a taller building so maybe consider wrapping it around one of the bits of furniture that showed you over there this is the one with the Loom in there with the back of it and then here's some of the things like integrated into the wall we've got a nice bookcase and then one of the lamps as well that helps give light so one thing to mention with this room is actually the wall we've got a nice base block and then a complementary one on top this one is concrete powder concrete powder looks really cool as a wall design but obviously if you wanted to change something it will all fall down so be careful with that one we've got one of our chair designs and you can see that yeah so you might want to remove these if people are gonna be jumping around here I know when I'm playing Minecraft I'm literally always just doing this so something to bear in mind perhaps is remove those and then we got another of our chair design this is the the to trapdoor thick one but this time it's got something different in the middle to give it a bit of variation so again lots of the designs opened there's a plant over there as well mixing matching put it all together this is what you can come up with so here is literally a room made up of everything we've seen there there's nothing really unique except for the perhaps the lighting in the ceiling but again that's something to bear in mind your floor your walls your ceiling are as much a part of the room as the stuff you put in it we got that bed design here with the terra cotta we've got the freestanding scaffolding shelf unit we got shelves up here we've got the the step thing and this is different background in each of them but all of these together it just it just works really really well so if you've got a small bedroom like this something like that would work really really well so you can mix and match any of these together and they should fit quite nicely and then finally we've got more of a living room we've got one of our chair designs another one of the tables and then we've got some plants and stuff here as well but it's all about how you integrate that all of the things so remember floor ceiling and walls are just as important as the table the chairs and everything else so hopefully this has given you a bunch of inspiration for building in Minecraft sorry it took so long I was not dawdling I was trying to go as fast as possible because it doesn't take a genius to work out that this is a barrel with two trapdoors but hopefully there's something in this video okay maybe that chair might be hard to copy but hopefully there's something here for you and hopefully you've got something out of it I've got to say if you're at this point of the video thank you so so much for watching it really really means a lot and a big big thank you to pearlescent moon and Benjamin who helped me put some of the designs for this video together and if you enjoy this kind of video in particular with inspiration designs and that kind of thing I would love to make some more so please let me know in the comments below there are plenty of design almost infinite signs that can be made here there are some repeats from old videos but I think I've presented them a little bit better in this one so again thank you very much for watching and good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,164,492
Rating: 4.9466805 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, Minecraft chairs, Minecraft decoration, how to build, Minecraft bed, Minecraft table, Minecraft furniture, build hacks, Minecraft build hacks
Id: 4afXgIa3ek8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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