5 More Crazy Kitchen Gadgets #90

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gotta add here zip slicer pro this is a pretty new gadget i never seen anything like that so let's see how it works wow interesting so very similar to what i put to the test before but it will hold one potato each so i guess that way it doesn't smoosh them up so i have decent sized potatoes potatoes tomatoes whatever same thing not really but i make mistakes sometimes they go so put some tomatoes in you can also slice up grapes like that boom check this out it slice all the way yes so bend with yourself a ball so let's see how fast i can slice up a bag of this tomatoes beautiful sliced up all the way yep that's awesome so this is very satisfying uh very easy to load it up a lot of times whenever you load them up in the different gadgets it's kind of hard to load them up big size small size boom i'll tell you what that's a lot easier than doing it by hand with the knife especially when you're using this perfect size tomatoes like that medium size i would say and look at that we did a whole pack really really fast check this out nice and one more because i had so much fun let me go get another box of tomatoes uh let's see if i can get it even faster so beautiful and i guess you can stick it in a dishwasher wash it no problem so it doesn't make a lot more dishes but also saves you a lot of times so that's good okay let's try to do some more even faster okay let's go there goes nothing obviously you can wash them off inside of the package but what happened there you go look at that they just slice so easily i love that blade this blade is very very sharp you can go this way or the other way no problem this is so satisfying i love it you know put in one tomato at the time how cool is that boom they just slice like butter seems like they didn't even get chopped okay let's do a thumbnail real quick because that thumbnail is gonna make all the views love it this is so awesome few more tomatoes over here man i could slice up a whole barrel of tomatoes it's very satisfying usually it's so annoying if you do it by hand look at that so yeah if you ask me they keep making a lot more kitchen gadgets and some of them are a lot better than the old ones or just as good i guess that will be your preference which one do you like better i like that one a lot also obviously you can slice up anything into here as soon as you uh can fit it and now like grapes and stuff got it here 100 year old cheese slicer maybe even butter slicer whatever so there's right here a little uh spinner so you can adjust it and replace this blade easily or whatever the stain so you can clean it off or put a new one what not and then you can adjust it again make it tight you see how it goes over the top boom also it has a stone on silver handle that's it everything else i'm pretty sure it's stainless steel so maybe this thing is like 50 years old but nevertheless still awesome so what's so special about this one it has a fork at the end over here i never seen a slicer like that before okay we have a block of cheese will it fit on a whole block like that yes it does amazing so we just push it down you see how this thing is uh touching the cheese and we're slicing it so if we need a really long slice of cheese no problem and boom really nice so it's not adjustable so you're going to have this kind of slices but i'll tell you what this is perfect i don't think i need any thinner so let's slice up this way that's probably the way i be using it with anyways boom look at that also i think you can adjust it by slightly turning the angle like that so let's try it out so you could make it much much thinner so let me compare it to you guys this is a thicker slice this is a thinner slice so it depends of the angle you can make thinner or thicker slices again let's slice up a bit and then we'll put to the test this fork look at that so fast this is just satisfying there should be more slices and kitchen gadgets i mean slicers like that amazing at the end over here i'm gonna tilt him more so trying not to push again this hard whoops that happens got too confident or something okay let's do this okay leveled out so the end over there it's crumbling up but that's okay depends of the cheese different way it's gonna crumble if you don't want it to crumble at the end over there just go a little bit slower at the end over here make sure you cut it beautiful and look i'm gonna slice up the whole block of cheese in no time okay oh god nice get yourself a nice skinny knife and a sharp one like this one beautiful okay so we got a cheese so you come up and go out look one piece at the time no problem so now you can also leave it here for people to grab a piece of cheese no problem that fork is just amazing you want to grab a couple of them no problem get few of them will build it a lot harder to take it off so maybe one at the time is easier or too that is effortless love it obviously i'm not going to eat so much cheese but make sense ed you got yourself a cutter and a server at the same time got right here another pizza slicer very very unique you gotta hear a wheel but what is that this is a class knife at least that's what they say let's see how it works wow check this out i don't even know if i need this i guess yeah there's a crust a little bit we can break it off at the end over here yep it definitely works a couple more times you see how this pizzagan cut all the way so that way you can really grab it and separate it and cut it off very nice you see how again it didn't cut all the way you can use this to cut it open all the way i guess i don't know this is cool one more time beautiful so that's kind of a cool way to separate the pizza let's say you cut it but a lot of times that pizza doesn't cut all the way so you can break the crust at the end of the over there so very unique pizza cutter for sure let's try this again with this you have here even bigger crust so i probably won't cut all the way even if i try so now you can grab a knife and separate it isn't cool you see how this thing is all one piece still so you can grab it and cut it all the way well looks like a damn purse it's hard enough there you go yeah it definitely works check this out this one idm first hard enough and you know with crust it's the hardest part to break off anyway super weird pizza cutter over here with the extra knife to break off the cost let me know in comments below what do you think get right here another core spiralizer so let's see what this one is all about i thought it was actually going to be fully electric when i was buying it but this button is just to take this thing out that's it so let's paralyze or converse so i probably need the smallest i guess this one is okay looks like we're only gonna be able to go halfway in so we'll have to jump this way with my awesome knife this way and in half in case you need to hollow out the cucumber for any reason this one is almost kind of too big i wish it was a bit smaller but this one is step down so much smaller let's tie this one on this cucumber maybe it's going to be fine so yeah you just go in like that and spiralize it so like a screwdriver i wish it was electric would have been a lot easier you want to push a little bit but not too hard there you go hopefully we go all the way too nope i guess we can take this out wow check this out and then take this out and boom you have spiralized cucumber over here but then we can finish this side off as well i know i don't feel like putting on the handle so yeah use your imagination what you can use this for pretty cool you see it's hollow let's try to use a little bigger attachment because nothing such a weird gadget again i wish it was electric so that would have been a lot faster and easier too but at the same time then you have to plug it in and all that for such a simple gadget that's probably okay the way it is almost all the way to oh well check this out spiralized cucumber so weird yeah boom you can use that for what not decoration okay let's see if we can quote the apple with this thing this is applecall also let's find out oh yeah no problem so it's like in a way a quarter to go into seeds and everything you hear it crunching no problem a little bit slow but so this is a spiralizer and a quar i think it's more like a coil more so than a spiralizer boom i missed it a little bit so oh well anyways let me know in comments below what do you think about this pretty unique gadget i got some more hundred year old cheek gadgets let's see what this one's is all about so looks like with this one you can even either use a spoon or actually it's kind of a a spoon by itself so the way you're going to use it just hold it on the left hand and grab this with the right hand oh man you guys don't see it what's happening but so i have to switch my hands so put obviously you're not going to have a electric keypad from 100 years ago so i'll be just cheating a little bit but that's how you're going to use it maybe over filled but nevertheless look how much tea can hold and making our tea black instantly and you could probably use it big amount of tea you could use it for many many cups so let's use the same one for another cup whoops happens just one cup probably be best because it's not as dark anymore but how cool is that you got it here sterling silver tea infuser very very unique the problem about sterling silver it's highly conductive so i can feel the heat already reaching the spoon down here next gadget it's actually a spoon whoa no way it has a really strong last pin inside here that's awesome okay who is it made by it's also sterling silver spoon so very very old one as a brand for those people who are interested so just grab it scoop it up make it flat so it's not in a way okay and then you close it okay hopefully it's not gonna lose too much tea looks like it does losing tea i guess back in the day the leaves were bigger with this tea you want to pour the hot water in a glass i guess and then stick this one in you see how all the oxygen went inside there and i guess you just infuse it there you go let me know in comments below what do you think about this gadget as you can see this one is not really becoming that dark quickly with that over uh it was darker a lot faster but i guess they both kind of work i guess it's a lot less tea leaves inside of this spoon so that's pretty cool and then you can just dump it out what not i mean it holds quite a bit of tea leaves look at that that's a lot next couple are very simple uh also sterling silver says on it somewhere there's burns on them very old but it goes over your cup mug whatever so you'll have to have another spoon to put your teeth down here and down here this holes are a bit bigger and this leaves a not thick leaf maybe next time i try to get a thick leaf tea and then you just pull over it but you gotta go slowly those teapots from back in the day they would pour over very very slowly you see you don't want to overfill it but at the same time you do want to moisture to look good the whole thing same thing here this one is a little bit smaller so it's kind of easier to make all the tea leaves soaked in and you see how it's pouring it quite slowly like a coffee pot and i'll tell you what because this is much much smaller it's actually much darker tea turn out to be but again because it's still on silver these things get so hot even though it has handles they conduct so well it gets too hot to even pick them up from a boiling water so maybe that's why they stopped making them in sterling silver even though they look cool it's a precious metal but not very convenient because it's too hot next one is pretty cool but when i was buying it i didn't pay attention one piece broke off this thing should flex and fold and it goes inside of a teapot nozzle let me demonstrate like this one for example and it is going to hold but because you have two pieces it's kind of sticks in there and hold so whenever you pour it over i'm afraid it's going to fall out because nothing holding it you put tea inside here going up my dad actually used to have one of this that is not broken but it wasn't still in silver either but i had no idea they were invented so so long ago it should say somewhere the brand i actually don't see the stolen silver marks maybe i got scummed on ebay who knows you gotta be careful with your break what you buy so and one more another spoon over here beautiful just generic one so you open it up and scoop it up as much as you want so let's do this much and then close it let me show it to you guys one more time for this angle boom what close is way better i had another one spoon like that but the latch it was here and here so it wasn't holding the tea that well it was losing quite a bit of tea fill it up hot boom then let's put it in okay does it loose in tea leaves not too bad i guess it's easier to just go in and out like that gonna yep so that when we exchange the water inside of this tea leaves but as you can see for this one you'll have to wait a lot longer for the t to boom because there is not as much of the water flow and you could probably see the darkness of this tea and this tea looks so much different because pour over is way faster to brew the tea so again this is probably my favorite t-strainer right here or t-infuser out of all of them anyways let me know in comments below what do you think thank you for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 325,202
Rating: 4.8305917 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Gadgets, gadgets, kitchen gadgets put to the test
Id: RABzqjK04ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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