5 More Crazy Kitchen Gadgets Tested #91

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good idea another popcorn machine this one is pretty weird let's see what it's all about oops a couple measuring cups for the popcorn so looks like this is hot pan popcorn there's a butter measuring scoop i guess it's about right this much that's cool might as well put the whole thing if i squeeze it that will be about that much i guess you'd scoop it up from a bigger piece okay looks like we gotta wait till the butter melts first and i guess i'll cover it up so that will keep the heat inside there actually melting really fast check this out that's good wow it's boiling in there heavily i'm gonna wipe off all this stuff so we can see what's happening oh publish it turn it off look it up i'm pretty sure we do one of this while it's doing in the bottom yeah you want to be ready to do it as soon as it melts don't wait too much okay and see what happens this is the popcorn i'm using also make sure you take off that heat cover you're fogging up the thing really really quickly i'm trying to clean it off so we can actually see there you go there is one pop i bet there's gonna be a lot more and look we don't have to worry about spilling anything that's cool wow look at the butter splatter and everyone whoa i love the sound of a popcorn popping very satisfying what i understand we gotta wait till it's all popped up oh we see a little bit of a pub on popcorn getting stuck on a rim so hopefully that will pop as well but most popcorn machine has some on popcorn from what i understand we got way too small wow that's awesome now it's going obviously we just have to wait till the popcorn stop popping then we can flip it over i think it's done i don't hear any more popping popcorn so i don't want to burn it i'll just turn it off and now we don't even have to add butter or anything so what we'll have to do is grab it and flip it over carefully i burned a little bit i wonder if it because it got stuck over here happens also i burned the butter remember in the beginning so obviously you can add on sugar whatever the flavor you want to add onto it very fluffy and soft definitely don't need any more butter because it's soaked in in butter it's kind of nice that i don't have to don't bother because how do you spread it everyone if you like butter popcorn that mushroom might be the best oh yeah i forgot you want to cover this up so that way the butter doesn't come through or whatever now because it's butter we need to clean it right take this off once it cools off and so it takes apart really well so you can really clean it off nicely i know if it comes off all the way so you can put it on a washing machine but this hat takes apart really good once you're done you can put this back on pretty cool i like it gotta adhere another pretty unique gadget this is uh like one of those uh bag clips but at the same time you don't have to unclip it every time if you have like a flower or things like that look how easy it is to unspin it pour it out or sugar whatever you want like greeds let's start out open it i guess this has had to be unspent and as you can see it looks like it's not for very big bags either so i have here a flower bag you want to open it carefully don't rip it up so that way you have something to clip over it so looks like we have to put it in into the bag and then slide it probably with plastic would be a little bit better but let's it with this bag too and then clip it on this side [Applause] okay clipped it good and look you have a nice pour and at the same time whenever you want to close it let's see if it closes easily oh i put it upside down happens okay it's going to go this way okay plugs in really well once you figured out how it works it is super easy of course this side here will be kind of tight but that's good because you want it tight okay and you have here a really nice pour and whenever you set it up correctly it should be easy to lock it up let's try to dump all the flour oh no i think i have a hole over here just a paper bag that's not our actual gadget fault i'm just gonna grab this bag and rip it off so that way we don't have a hole put this thing in here just like that and then clip it like this you see how well it works and right here it will be kind of hard but once you click it in like that it'll be good okay now close that boom so really easily works well okay now upside down test a whole flower bag not coming out so nice whenever we need a little bit of flour you just pull it out you see how well it works and whenever you're done just close it off that way you're not gonna make a big mess there you go and now it's not coming out very nice with the plastic bag i bet it's going to be even easier because paper is a lot thicker very cool gadget very unique i like it a lot thumbs up for me i got it here another pretty new slicer set check this out first of all let's shut this off and this so what i really want to put to the test is this one let's remove all the plastic real quick this blade is very very sharp you got to be very careful not to cut yourself so what's so special about this one is this grip looks like we can actually hold something small whenever we finish it we can actually put it in here and hold it or in here and hold it so that way you do not cut yourself so you can adjust the blade very very easily it's a clear trigger over here you can use the second hand whatever is more comfortable um i guess we'll do it on the skinniest one so on one and you see how it's uh indicates one two three okay and one right here and like obviously in the beginning there you could probably slice it up no problem like that but whenever it gets smaller you gotta get uh some protection even then you gotta be very very careful holding it like that so that's why you can grab this whole thing and hold it like that check this out and that way you always protect it how cool is that you see how i'm holding the whole cucumber so it doesn't really matter and it's very very skinny so i can go really really fast and not worried about cutting myself one seven out of space oh these things are kind of porky you can really easily readjust it grab it by the end over here these spikes actually hold the cucumber really well show you a different angle how it's chopping it whenever you get really close and need to chop up something smaller you can hold it like this you see with two fingers and i would go carefully over here so it doesn't slip out not too fast for like precision and look how close we had to almost chopping it the whole thing look at that almost everything so yeah obviously i wouldn't probably chop in this anyway but yeah the slices are really good let's try something else anyways let's put it in okay let's tie this wow blade is so sharp kind of sliding off for me a little bit not too bad actually wow look at that almost done that's nice all the spikes holds it really well and i can really squeeze it together towards finishes all the way wow amazing usually at the end it's impossible but yeah look at the slices so skin you can make it thicker juicy juicy onion gonna make me cry this is an amazing slice i love it and what the heck let's start with the apple over here so grab it like that uh there goes nothing and why not tie it with the apple in case you want to use this magic for the dessert let's start it out towards flat okay sits well okay this is very very nice holder i like it very much so far wow look at that apples over here [Music] beautiful so skinny again you see i can hold it with this gadget i can really grab onto it and finish it all the way down to the end but yeah pretty much done check this out very very skinny slices obviously you can go bigger with that and once you're done just clip it in extra guard over here and it's unlocked beautiful gathered here new slicer looks pretty simple but it's supposed to be very unique especially this attachment check this out it has like this three pillars what it is for not peeling so much about slicing and let's try it out i have your cucumber and there's a rubber stamp so it does not slide as much okay there goes nothing they were working with cheese a lot more hopefully that will work on cheese a lot better okay never mind it actually works with this stuff with the cucumber pretty good too and looks like you're slicing in and out okay i'm learning pretty interesting slicing it very skinny but i think it worked the best with cheese let's tie it up i got it here big block of cheese i know am i doing it the right way i think so i know what kind of cheese they had but it's not really sliced that well it's kind of cool skinny pieces what they do in those videos they speed up the video so it looks a lot better than it actually works they were doing it really fast but as you can see with this cheese it's not really working that well i mean it's slicing it but a little slow and kind of ugly i kind of like it that you can replace it a little while i just want to show you what this for that works a little right here you know what it is especially with potatoes or just a salad that looks cool and obviously that is going to work so why bought this i never seen anything like this so i really wanted to see it works actually don't have any other cheese but this kind so look at that three pieces of a slice and it's supposed to go up and down and now we're working it really fast for me it just doesn't work that well with that kind of cheese american cheese it has to be something like potatoes cucumbers something that is really really stoned you see with apples it will work really well look at that so whatever the food or vegetable is stoned like potato it will grab it very very fast and will be slicing it really really fast very very skinny so i think it's very very useful gadget depends what you use it for okay let's start with the onion i put fork to it oops okay [Music] which is not big enough or something yeah probably okay let's start with the onion just be careful don't cut yourself it is not super sharp but never know ah anyways just a very unique gadget over here let me know in comments below what do you think gotta here another pretty unique kitchen knife this is a sandwich knife and there is a butter knife in there too so let's open it up see what it's all about okay so mainly what it is is cutting bread as you can see or cutting a sandwich i have no doubt with that pretty sharp serrated knife and at the same time it's really thick i like it but what it is stick for is not for cotton but spreading butter if you have a frozen butter you can soften it up by uh slicing it like that and spreading it with this big blade that's cool so let's make some toast and try to spread butter on it i think especially will be helpful for this big butter like that check this out some people like big bulk of butter and look how well it is swiping it up so then grab my bird wow this is a tough butter and look without softening it like that good luck spreading it this is kind of cheap butter over here for example i'm gonna get those square butters too those are a little bit softer but without doing that that'd be a lot harder to spread it let's see if it's gonna be a little bit better with this kind of butter it's pretty cool it's just satisfying to grab butter like that and this butter is a lot softer that's for sure i know what happened to that other butter oh yeah this is a much better butter in my opinion for the toast anyway maybe that one was for cooking look at that this is just so satisfying to go up butter you see how it's soft tender up very cool and then you can spread it a lot easier and whatever there's too much look at that that i didn't even think about it you can scape it up again and spread it somewhere else that is cool okay let's do it one more time and do it close up look how satisfying that is um that looks so good okay then just put it on a hot bird and whenever there's too much again look at that you can scrape it up and spread it again butter look at that if you go nice quick motion you will get a lot of butter right here i like it this little holes gonna help helping out very good and it has this big big knife too you could spread it well okay one more toast and we're done oops let's see how much butter i can hold it up on this big blade oops that's too much oh still works this bird come bubbling apart too much too yeah i guess you could spread it first like that with this blade then pick up whatever too much and spread it again anyways pretty unique butter knife over here let me know in comments below what do you think
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 399,581
Rating: 4.8345275 out of 5
Id: WHRT9cx6ojc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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