5 Weirdest Things on Amazon - Part 25

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got it here turn fire extinguisher so let's see what they're all about this is quite nice packaging check this out isn't it unique they look beautiful so at the same time the fire extinguisher and decoration it feels like plastic it's not gloss but i love it it looks like potion but it's some kind of liquid i guess to put out the flames so yeah let's time out hopefully they'll actually work but description is very simple you got a toy right on to the fire fighter 8 class a and b whatever that means there is instruction just started the fire and it tells you what kind of fire it's supposed to put out so like uh logs and trash cans or whatnot okay let's start out okay we have a five point we'll use this as an example so i guess i need to throw it hard on it wow that's crazy i think i missed for the most part but even with the miss check this out it put everything out it does not want to burn as much again fires like that with wood i put bunch of like a plywood type of stuff smoking so there might be possible fire again so these things are actually pretty good breakaway oh wow it's like a little plastic so you do want to grow quite nice and hard because it's windy look there is still flames so let's do it a little bit harder this time the green portion oh yeah you really want to actually toss it really good and look at all that soap plastic a little bit but it will make a mess and yeah there's a little bit fire going but it took away quite a nice fire pretty good so yeah very interesting break away fire extinguisher kind of like a soapy water but i'm sure it's some kind of chemicals and just to finish it off let's do one more it's actually very easy to break off and that's it soaked it up very nice stop the smoke too i don't think it's gonna go on fire now make sure it doesn't start very interesting fire extinguisher side here that's for sure so this is how people used to change oil or pull oil out of the can before plastic or plastic was invented and destroy our oceans and environment so you know now it comes in plastics but back in the day before plastic people used this kind of gadgets and look how cool it is so this is a kind of oil vintage one highly collectible so people would have put it in here and there's a sharp edge over here we'll pop it in like that and it will start pouring so i'm gonna grab my plastic jug so that way we can put into something without dumping oil everywhere so you put it like that and grab it you see it and it's already inside there and all we have to do is just squeeze it and look at that our oil is start pulling you see it so it's at the same time a funnel i guess i can let go and it holds it in that's awesome so i guess you could just uh maybe it was a bigger hole enough you could just arrest and it will hold look there's a lot more oil and i guess i could take it out and just pull it out by hand i wish it would make a hole on the top as well so that way the pool would be even faster there you go pretty neat gadget don't you guys think a funnel with their ken popper well this one is a little bit different as you can see there's a cutter so you could cut it wow look at that will it spill over let's find out so it looks like a gas can now oh yeah pouring good and there's a rubber stopper so we're not spilling anything check this out you see i'm holding it upside down and it's pouring way better than the other gadget maybe there is a aerator inside there so it has a really nice flow as you can see it doesn't do this gulping and it's not pouring out anywhere over here so it seals it man stuff was way cooler back in the day than now now we just put everything in a plastic and make more terrace this stuff is a lot more biodegradable right here like those thin cans oh well it is what it is so yeah this one is actually way better gadget even though the other one looks way cooler look at that you push it all the way down oh it's kind of broken and then put yep i think that's what it is it has plenty of space for aeration anyways this is what people used before plastic whenever oil came in the cans like that pretty cool i got idea bioblock alternative fire would look all over the asses firewood on it so let's unbox it and set it on fire see how well it's going to burn and how long of course so what it's made of wow look at that feels like pine shavings yeah you know what that is a pine shavings will it break off in half maybe but it is pretty pretty stone so i don't think it will break off in half it is really solid oh yeah it's a clear briquettes and it looks like it's made out of a punch events and heavily heavily purse because it's pretty hefty so let's uh set on fire like i don't know four of them they are short yes over here so i'm thinking just build them a little house like that then i'll use a couple of fire starters really weak these things are the best it's like candles but then they all get light up all the way so and then i'll just put it in the middle over here maybe and that's all i'm gonna do hopefully it will set on fire you know what to make it a little bit better i think i'm gonna lay it down like this and like that so that way it will catch on okay i think i'm gonna set this to up and the other one lay down so pretty cool right and we have a little heart over here plenty of ventilation here here so easy to build the fire over here and of course you can just keep building it so it's only four of them and it came in what 12 pieces so guys 20 minutes later look at that it's burning pretty well the whole blocks are on fire so just imagine you can load up a lot more than what we have and it's going to burn pretty good i know smoking a little bit too but that's nice so we'll come back in a little bit again to see how it's going okay it's burning pretty good just almost like a real logs i like it i'm still smoking quite a bit so starting off slow but let's load them up see how good of the fire can we get now that is going pretty hot let's build a little bonfire pyramid obviously could make way better than that one i just let it start it out first and make sure you put enough like kindling in there and it's going to burn pretty good you see how it's like splitting open okay this stuff kind of started out slowly but now they're burning really good look at that we have a pretty nice fire very very dry pieces again it's pretty bright so you could not see the flame as much on the camera but they go very beautiful don't you guys think so yeah we'll come back in a little bit because it's just the ends of it burning so we'll see how it does well there you go guys bunch of pine shavings burning really good uh it got really really dark and it's emitting quite a bit of heat look at that white part it's like cold now and it kind of opens up so burning from the inside pretty good so you could really enjoy the bonfire out here okay it is very hot wow look at us on the bottom over there and they still pretty solid burning from the inside there so yeah that's pretty cool but look you can break it up and it burns pretty good too so because it's pretty easy to break it up i think for the bonfire it's also a little bit pretty cool you see you break it up and there's more flame look at that flame really nice green go away from me but it looks good as you can see i broke it all apart and that's a nice flame gives off quite a nice heat it's 50 degrees out here it feels good to stand next to it not too close though because it's hot what's up guys for today's video i'm gonna unbox uh 12 days admin calendars there's 24 days it's a countdown before christmas you just get one little three every day but these ones are not candy it's something completely different so let's see what this one's all about do you guys want to start with hot sauce let's do it by the way if this video does really well we're going to do few more okay there's a day one this is 12th day of hot sauce day one the pocket too oh it's like a mystery box this is cool except not just candy wow check this out we got here uh garlic sauce that's cool okay number two people who love hot sauce will probably like this this is hot sauce just so hot regular one okay number three pop it over here you can take it out or whatever kind of ruining it you don't want to ruin the box this is it here wasabi hot sauce okay number four let's see what we got here this is fun i see why people doing it so you want to take it off really nice because you have to stare at it uh chai pa toe hot sauce whatever five this is so fun extra hot hot sauce ooh this is dangerous okay what are we six now maybe you just pop it like that i don't know i'm really bad at it but i'll tell you what this is definitely like a mystery mango mild hot sauce very good okay seven [Applause] this is actually turned out to be a fun video like a mystery box habanera red hot sauce it looks like it has a fire and stuff so i guess that implements that is very very hot okay eight you see i got better at it i own this box over here oh what is this casca de la hot sauce okay nine i'm trying to go as fast as possible but i guess you gotta enjoy it when you do it once a day that's pretty exciting jalapeno hot sauce tin oops it's a lot harder whenever there's no pieces next to each other sorry about mispronunciation but they go 11 and then christmas i'm just kidding but yeah carolina reaper hot sauce oh my gosh they have everything here this thing is hot i have had that before yeah it's painful but it's it's fun for sure and what is this hot sauce it's kind of hard to take them out but they go habanero green this is glass bottles wow that is so cool now i have hot sauce for the whole year it's awesome okay coffee is kind of cool but it's a little bit of a cheat because you can see everything so i guess you'll just have to take it out and grab one there you go that's kind of cool i bought it because i wanted to taste this christmas coffees in the queue okay there's the alcohol one can you believe it except they kind of ruined it why did they put this ugly sticker right on top of it okay nevermind it's not a big deal it comes off at least easy that's good a lot of times they don't anyways does it have actual dates or did we open the whole thing no it doesn't even have a date it's 12 date wine so you can open it anytime in any one that you want to open okay that is actually very easy nice oh my god you got those one glass on spin this is cool uh i can pronounce it 2019 [Music] we'll just go one by one there you go so looks like the same burn 2019 but different flavors and stuff that's cool i guess it's a little sneak peek for those people who don't want to know probably shouldn't watch it because it's like a spoiler a lot i guess i should have said that in that video but it's obvious but there's so many different kinds there's another one but yeah it's about the glass how many california it says how many ounces per glass some of them are hard to open or it depends where the bottle is they go but this thing is a lot of fun um so you never know what you're going to get there's a savion blonde is that what this says how you say so yeah that's cool a mystery box in a way of different stuff peanut noir and that box is really easy to open comparatively speaking a lot so it's not even a lot of wine days what is that peanut noah again i guess was it again or not earlier i don't know do they repeat a lot yeah they do repeat a little bit that's cool i can pronounce that but yeah they go 12 mini bottles this is my first time opening advent calendar and that's actually a lot of fun i would do that again i just don't know if i would have any patience to wait one day per box so that's cool and the last one jim and honey i think so i think there is a sneak peek tells you what kind of gem you might get but let's open it see what's inside okay wow oh my gosh this is better than i thought yes i thought there's gonna be bigger jaws i am so excited this is those uh hotel size jars of honey and uh what is it jams lots of honey looks to be oh no i must stop it pulls out like that the whole thing so do not open this thing we have learned a mistake over here so let's close it back up and let's be excited like i never seen it so there's one boom and look at that you get one gem at the time i don't think i'm gonna take it out but yeah how cool is that let's just go uh each one at the time and you have here different gems so how cool is that and they go there's another gem and honey i love that stuff this is a simple size like hotels would have them the nice hotels anyways and these things are amazing i love the honey out of them the gems try to open carefully without messing it up i just wanted to show it to you when you open it with this one it's kind of cool because you can close it so that way it still looks pretty nice there's another gem how cool is that come on open for me so try not to mess up the box too much beautiful and the coolest part is some days i mixed up on this side this is a 24 days that's awesome that's beautiful there you go super awesome so anyways i think the mystery kind is definitely the best way to go about it uh but it's really exciting every day getting something new i guess it's fun with candy but candy is candy with jam yeah i love that or like wine or whatever else i got there was a like a hot sauce surprise hot sauce every time so weird but i love it so if this video does well i might do a part two party by four before christmas and maybe i'll do this every year anyways thank you for watching and i'll see you next time got something pretty unique in a fun mail it says that your attention live to you open immediately and store in a cool place so let's open it up see what's inside here so i opened it up it's a three but i can see zepo wooden zipper lighter i never seen anything like that i think zippo sent it to me wow what kind of tea is this so i think i'm well going planted colorado blue sprouts that's cool wow look at that it's going to be pretty beautiful so i'm going to water it down and plant it pretty soon that is awesome so but what's even cooler there's right here wooden lighter zipper lighter i think this is more like a case wow okay this is still a metal lighter but wood finish around it that is beautiful check this out so you know how zippo light ups work you open it up they feel it boom what does it say woodchuck that is so cool it says woodchuck buy one plant one i guess it's a pretty cool campaign for people to plant more taste this is awesome they go there's a little let's open it up and i think i'm gonna go ahead and plant it oh wow look at that there's oats and everything i think i should water it a little bit there's a little note over here it tells you all about zipa has partnered with woodchuck usa they buy one plant one program to reforest the planet i have a little bit of forest so not exactly type of forest that i have but i'll go ahead and plant this one as well okay let's plant a little tea right here again not the best day for my area but oh well let's plant it anyway i have few of these kinds they go maybe i'll go maybe i'll die never know not all of them actually ended up going whenever we planned a little taste like that but we'll see i come around here all the time they go pretty cool campaign by zippo but in my opinion it shouldn't be just evergreens like that it should be different type of taste because as you can see my forest is a little bit other taste not evergreens so every forest should be very mindful what you're planting not just bunch of evergreens everywhere just because they go in one area they shouldn't be planted everywhere all the time but it's okay and you see what i'm talking about my forest is red oak white oak um poplar whole bunch of different type of tastes not much of my forest is ever again maybe very very little bit so they could have sent me a little bit of cooler tea than ever again you see my forest is way better than just several games
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 432,687
Rating: 4.8866544 out of 5
Keywords: 5 Weirdest Things on Amazon, gadgets, unboxing
Id: nG19ZCxwG3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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