16 New Gadgets That Are Worth Buying #38

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what's up everybody welcome back to my laboratory safety is number one priority i know i haven't said that in a while well i haven't been doing science experiment or crazy experiments and a lot of people have been commenting why you keep saying safety for kitchen gadgets well i guess i'll let those comments affected me but a lot of you i still see asking me to bring back the into well i'll get you a little challenge get this video to i don't know 50 000 likes and i'm gonna bring it back for good so let's see if enough people actually care about that intel anyways let's get to this video i got a bunch of more weird products that actually worth buying also give this video a like if you really care about this new format of the videos anyways let's get to it got it here the coolest victorinox knife let's see what i'm talking about so what's so special about it looks like a regular victorinox knife with the simple blades uh toenails whatever very very simple but so you got one gram of gold it's a credit suzy one gram fine gold nine nine nine four nines so one gram of gold bar like that miniature sells for about eighty dollars on ebay it goes up and down and yeah usually you probably could buy this knife for fourteen dollars but because there's a little gold bar installed into it look there's even a serial number of the gold bar uh you gotta hear 220 knife and i bet once they sold out in few years they probably will be even more expensive so leo collectors item those people who like precious metals say gold silver probably will really appreciate it i love that and i'm surprised it's not sold out yet so yeah i got one for me i'm pretty sure after this video it will be sold out on some of the online websites but yeah got it on amazon put your really unique knife love it got it here travel link a card charger let's see what it's all about i love credit card size gadgets so this is one of them so it looks like a little wire organizer let's open it up so you got a here a wire this kind and then you gotta hear the apple kind kind of how to get it out maybe i can use this one to pull this out there you go so the apple charger so and then this will plug in into here like a computer charger and then you plug in this for the android you see it pretty unique and also you can plug in into here boom for the apple very interesting i think this one probably a little bit better because uh it's way less bulky wow look at this packaging there you go boom so you got right here credit card size gadget but a little bit thick but still probably worth it because it looks pretty awesome if you unspin it all the way check this out that's a really really long wire and it sits in a really good so you kind of don't even have to unspin it all the way you push this up right here and it will pop this one out boom so then you take this out you see how it holds one of those android chargers boom plug it in into here and also nowadays they sell the power banks with this kind of plugs everywhere so plug it in into here and plug it in into your phone obviously you could probably buy different ones for the iphone and then whenever you're done just put everything back in and then plug this in this is such a cool good organizer i like it usually it's such a mess especially when you have a bunch of them probably wouldn't put it in my wallet because it's too thick but into my computer bag that'd be a lot better so spin it all the way around boom very unique gadget right here for sure get in here rechargeable battery plug this thing is pretty unique let's see if it actually works so take this out boom okay pretty short wire but what do we do get yourself power bank or the plug and then you get yourself rechargeable batteries and you just plug it in on one end and the other end here and that way you're going to recharge the batteries with this little gadget how cool is that don't you guys think this is amazing there is another pretty gadget let me show you what this one is all about looks like a bracelet but whenever we pull it out this is actually iphone charger so kind of hard to put it on i guess not too bad look at that does it look good kind of some people might like that then you pull this out put it into your power bank and put it into the iphone let's see if it actually going to work okay there goes nothing you know what i might have to take off the case because it's not fit in that wall formed without the case so skinny okay there you go charging works that's cool take it off boom put it onto your bar slit nobody will even notice this is actually a wire pretty crazy this one is pretty weird toilet light especially at nighttime so that way you don't have to turn on the lights maybe for the kids i don't know let's open it up see what it's all about does it come with butters nope so we need three double a batteries so you got right here led light with the thick wire seems to be waterproof there's a button there's a change light looks like you can set it let's hold it again okay there's a glowing stuff yep the this is the motion sensor so i set it on a change color so we're gonna put it over the toilet just like that and then we're gonna leave it until it turns off and then we're gonna open the lid see what happens okay this is how we set it up on a side like that i guess so that way we can see whenever we walk in it will activate it hopefully that motion will work oh wow that toilet is really really bright the whole room kind of gets bright check this out complete darkness that's actually awesome and let's see if we close the lid like that even better that's insane i guess it's a flex from the water okay we're gonna leave it and come back see what it looks like okay let's see if it's automatically lights up okay it does check this out as soon as a light goes on it it turns on as soon as it's in a dark it slides up that's kind of pretty cool turns off i thought it would be motion activated nope it's a light activated no light lights up light turns off this is so cool i thought it was actually have to activate by motion nope it's only when it's dark so turn on the light off turn it off this thing turns on that's awesome got it here pretty weird light bulb let's see what it's all about had this for a while actually wow that's unique so just like a light bulb fits pretty good wow that's so cool you don't even need chandelier for that so it's probably best to hang it somewhere without the chandelier that's cool okay let's turn off the lights see what it looks like okay in a dark home it actually looks like a regular light bulb check this out so yeah it looks really cool whenever you look at it camera obviously adjusting like crazy but it looks like emitting this yellow light that's crazy so i guess it's cool because it's not so painful look at it with the open eye compared to those ones you see how bright it is so it's kind of almost like inside of a chandelier if you don't have a chandelier and you don't want to stare at light bulb and hurt your eyes get those light bulbs pretty cool because they're still pretty bright getting here maximum alarm source alarm panic button keychain alarm pretty much and led light so like flashlight so let's open it up see what it's all about so looks like it comes with the bodice all we have to do is just pull it out okay first of all there is a light boom it's a perfect simple emergency light in case you need to just go from the car to the front door and put in the keys so that's nice and how does this actual alarm work so to turn on alarm press it two times and to turn it off press it five times this thing is loud so that thing is insane loud and what's this oh wow that's cool there's another way to do it i close it so you guys cannot hear it but you see it's flushing um but yeah it is insanely loud and then one more time press it two times idea it is really really loud i'm suppressing it by a lot and five times to turn it off i like this in case there is an animal attack or something you just pull on it so you don't have to even press it two times and then push it back when it's done that's pretty unique and if you see a big bear you could probably press it through it and keep running or something that's cool also you can set it up as a security if somebody like a tape over something this will pull it up and the security will are in maybe on the door or something that's really unique and cool gotta adhere tinder zip so what's all about so you hint this thing on a zipper and the way you put it too is just simply put a knife or screwdriver and carefully pop it out oops so there you go and you got it here a little opioid that goes into here and then lock it in that's it that's how you set it up but whenever you actually get in the pinch and you need to start a fire with the lighter you get one of this and cut it use your everyday care knife i'll just use scissors for now it will be a little bit easier and what you'll do is unravel it and grab this red piece in the middle of it boom this side here what will easily set on fire break it up a little bit boom so that way you can either start it with the striker or with a lighter and that way if weather is wet you can still set on fire some gloves and leaves and things like that let's set on fire see what it's going to look like and it's burning burn in early well as you can see it's going to burn for a while easily so that way you can start a fire i know it feels like there's something saturated waxed a little bit windy somewhat no problem so yeah we'll work even semi-windy situation so yeah that's cool there you go got it here vintage novelty lighter it's a little sheep has couple scuffs on it but there you go that's pretty beautiful don't you guys think and the way to stack it is right here there you go it has a little bit of uh uh propane butane in there oops this is quite comfortable to hold it love it you need to light up some candles no problem check this out probably not one of those gloss candles and that here is adjustable flame and also you're not pushing it down you're kind of pushing it to the side and adjust it heavily adjustable that is so cool but yeah all metal looks like painted couple of chips on it and to refill it you unspin this part off beautiful there's a refillable butane lighter here bottle blasters that's weird so this is looks like mini showers mini hand washing things and it's bottle cups so just put it on like that okay and then we got blasted wow that's blasting it's so far you know you know when i was a kid i didn't have water guns i had to play with the bottles and make bunch of holes in it and they would just spray each other like it's a water gun but that's cool maybe it's inspired by that so that way you can wash off your hands it still is blasting this is good gadget you could probably see it way better but when it's full it's the best boom get some air in it then flip it up and it shoots really good just make sure you get some air in it so definitely pretty cool like a bottle shower or like hand washing thing over here let me know in comments below what do you think would you take it camping how about this weird product gamer talents so pretty much like a finger gloves over here you see this little things that goes onto your finger what it's for especially made for the cell phones as you can see i can scroll down on a screen and if you play in some intense game your finger is going to get a little bit of a blister even with the regular joystick so they have invented this touch screen finger gloves that is pretty weird don't you guys think next i got right here next level sleeping mask let's see what's so special about that comes with the bag a charging cord and there's a bluetooth speakers in here so you can listen to music without worrying about keeping the headphones in so let's put it on okay the speakers are going to be over here and you know what if i lay on them i wouldn't even feel it because they put a soft really really soft padding over here that's nice and the whole thing is soft a lot of people like a sleeping mask and you know what it covers up all of the sun am i sitting outside it's pure darkness i cannot see anything so let's start to turn it on and maybe bluetooth it or something i guess i could feel it the bump plus minus there's a plan oh wow this sounds so good and then minus and it actually works okay and it beeps whenever it's completely off so you can make it super quiet super loud really nice so i could sleep on it no problem love it so listen to music while you sleep without worrying this is in your way the headphones thumbs up for me this is actually unique product but amazing got right here adore propane heater so let's see what this thing is all about looks like it comes with a stand and a lamp okay we got it here a mini propane tank one of those camping ones okay screw it on okay there goes nothing we're gonna do it on medium okay and it's burning now that it's burning i can let it go when i'm carrying it no problem okay check this out you see how red that is that's what's gonna really makes you warm i can see the heat is like flowing yeah giving off a little bit of heat kind of nice feels like most of the heat going up though it doesn't reflect into me but i'll tell you what being out here really the freezing weather i couldn't feel it in my legs over here so if i'm filming i could set this up or close by so that way it's like at least keeping me warm a little bit they go very very unique that's for sure what happens if it knocks over oh that's dangerous it doesn't self shut off yeah so this is why it's a door and yeah it's not the best one because i seen a lot of them they automatically shut off so this is i guess like the cheapest option out there it's nice though keeps you warm i would take it ice fishing with me that's for sure got it here another oh too cool you refill it with water right here it does not take much water at all so there's a little plug over here you see it so i guess while you're walking around in a hot day you can pour it with the water bottle put the butter in and then you just turn it on right here it's this plasticky fan not very powerful and then you just pay right here but i doubt it's gonna last very long until you have to refill it but i guess it's not bad you're not gonna be working like spraying yourself non-stop i guess once in a while and we out this is just a very weird gadget there you go never mind you gotta hold it this way oh it's kind of like a workout for the finger how about this nonsense i think this is super weird so flip flops and it says follow me a brain beer i assume it probably only good for maybe spring break i i guess that's the only people would buy that stuff i thought it was just funny king county tool swiss army camp axe 33 dollars i paid for calling it a camp axe but it feels like a hatchet maybe a little bit bigger but i do like it the wooden handle there's a logo stamped into it so kind of like a hand forge or something okay let's try a couple of smaller twigs wow nice that's the perfect firewood stuff over here wow two hits one hit so i would use camp access on twigs like that nice stay down and this is nice twigs over here so obviously you need to start the fire with this stuff too so that way you could just go real quick so that's perfect size for the fire but one more time one hit look at that crazy i just chopped through this thing but camilla fell down didn't feel nothing but this idea black locusts are really good for bonfire look at that one-handed it's it's stupid some of the hardest wood in the area it's dry ready to burn that's what we want to chop it up to get it going on fire for in the camping situation definitely burn with yourself a sharpening stone there you go nice thick log chop two of them pretty good yeah very powerful little hatchet they call it kampax
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 465,314
Rating: 4.94735 out of 5
Keywords: 16 New Gadgets That Are Worth Buying #38, gadget, tools, tech gadgets, unboxing
Id: X9oN5uhZPPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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