5 Camping Gadgets That Are at Another Level #27

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got it here blow up tents it was about 200 dollars let's see what this thing is all about i got my pump but looks like it comes with much much better forms over here that's good i love how high quality it is the bottom of it is stuck unfold it let's find a home and start blowing it up wow look how fast that is and i think it's a warm matter us too the bottom part is a lot longer to blow it up so you can use one of this like a blob mattress and as you can see it's filling up it's still soft but yeah this is like a blob material this is awesome it's gonna be so comfortable easily for kids a couple of people love this around the house will be the easiest to use okay you can choose how film you want it the coolest part about this whenever you unplug it it doesn't lose air unless you push something in to release the air so this is pretty amazing there you go there's your tent i'm gonna lay down in it pretty lightweight and look i can move it around obviously there's stains that you can lock it into the ground so it doesn't fly away when nobody inside of it floats probably too because it's like inflatable amazing what do you guys think a little bit short this is the only complaint okay open up like that sit down nice height so i can sit in here let's lay down oh wow even for tall people i'm six seven i can feed sideways no problem never mind i take my words back this thing is very very comfortable i love it this is so nice i can't even jump into it let's see the ability test so nice and comfortable usually you have to bring with yourself padding or like blow up materials that is very very skinny but lightweight the only complaint about this thing it is very very bulky but again it has to be because you got this giant air maters and a blow up tent this is the coolest the easiest thing to put up and break down all you have to do is reverse the pump and suck all the air out that's it but you see it goes down but not all the [Applause] way so that part is done but even harder the motors are but yeah if you get battery operated it's actually less bulky than the pump the pump is not heavy but this thing is uh way less bulkier than that now let's do the blow up matas it sounds like it's got all the air out kind of stopped so now we just fold it up that's it i could probably suck the air a little bit better but there you go love it i got it here choco buckets it says ready to light no way check this out yep that's what i was hoping it is sometimes you never know what you're actually going to get and yeah they are just perfect size for this smaller grills like that i had this girl for a while and let's put it to the test this grill and this charcoal so i opened one up check this out this is a charcoal bucket one of a kind i never seen anything like that and what's even more cooler it will fit perfectly into that grill wow and again i don't think it's charcoal i don't know what it's made from it feels like it's a dirt some kind of dirt that's for sure this is what's so cool about this grill you can open the wind or close it in case you want to start the grill going and it's a lot easier especially whenever you're going to fill it up with a bunch of um charcoal it might suffocate it that way you have oxygen coming from the bottom wow no way no way this whole thing is like a match i didn't need fire starters check this out oh my gosh wow you see how well it's burning it's gonna come around this side so it's like a fuse inside of it in the middle of it or something wow no way i never seen the charcoal like that so we didn't need a fire starter so let me take those things out the way this works now inside of it it is very very hot so i don't know what's inside of it maybe oh it's already very hot on over here too so on the inside of it there was some kind of solution like maybe like a match or something like that then it lights up to here you know on the inside and right here is burning you see how it's smoking so just gonna leave it here it's highly ventilated make sure this thing is open and it's going to be hot in just a little bit it's been probably i don't know five to eight minutes and it's still a sparking up on the inside there so yeah it is definitely easy to use it is very very hot already but it's not done yet it looks like this side is done and hot if you look inside there oh look at that whoa so yeah it's heavily stuffed with bunch of stuff um so it's like constantly sparking up look at that i know hard works but yeah it's so that way the whole bracket is gonna get hot at the same time so yeah that stuff is just perfect for it you know what i'm gonna put a pot of water a little bit and see if we're gonna boil water but yeah still making noises look at that sparking up like crazy i have no idea what it's made from so unique look at that so i put a little bit of water in this pot wow it's already starting to heat up this is a perfect charcoal grill wow that's actually a good idea to put uh some kind of pot over it because or whatever pan it's getting really hot fast okay wow no way it's actually boiling you see it's boiling it's simmering it's just so cold outside it stopped it either way check this out this thing is so hot now and i don't know maybe it was 30 minutes and it feels so good it's freezing out here so yeah this brackets are pretty unique perfect for this mini charcoal grills just fit one bracket inside there really really easily and of course if you have bigger grille just maybe set up three or four of them two of them depends how many you want for today's video i got the idea of folding bushcrafting knife i never seen one of those so if i haven't seen it i'm sure a lot of other people have not seen a knife like that what is a bushkafka knife it's a knife that is very big and doable just like this one you see but most of them what i've seen they never fold in this is the first time i've seen a folding bush guide you after knife in real life i just realized they made those and that's such a good idea this made by jotec and there's another logo over here it is just a beautiful knife check this out but the handle is even better i wonder what it's made of it's so much fun to kind of touch and rub and hold it's just a beautiful knife look at that oil over here so whenever you need to cut the stick feathering cutting the rope and you put a lot of power into it it's such a good grip especially with big hands so yeah they go the rail over here is nice to close it and open it just a simple traditional lock over here just push it to the side and it will close what do you guys think this is my first bush crafting folding knife there is edges over here so i guess you can open it all the way out like that if you practice did they close it and open it all the way up there is no given to it at all it is solid even though it's folding it is so solid just like you want it to be for the bush crafting knife i messed up ah i'm getting tired you know when you fingers get tired you cannot open it the same way but yeah they go almost one hand opener beautiful yeah i can obviously open it with two hands too so yeah let me know in comments below what do you think have you seen before bushcraft and folding knife i'm sure a lot of people will say yes but hopefully for those people who haven't that video was somewhat informative okay let's put it back in and i will review real quickly this case looks like it has to go in this way which is might be a problem if you have some kind of stain on this side so maybe not going to be a problem because there is a little bit of space for the stain maybe okay and it closes like that there's another button for some reason and there is a belt buckle so you don't have to put it over you can do it quickly or you can put it over this one and looks like you can put another knife into here that's kind of unique so it's actually two knife holder maybe is it a knife holder maybe some one of those flat knives like a toy knife or something geotech i've been putting to the test quite a few of them they're very nice what's up guys gada here another fire pit and it's highly ventilated fire pit you can see the burned of it on this box there you go so let's unbox it and see what it's all about so this one quite small so yeah this is how it goes i think this is more like for like a mini city backyard small backyard bonfire over here because it probably wouldn't work so well maybe it's going this way yeah it fits way way better i know i probably won't keep over it sits very very well i wouldn't worry about that especially when it's going to be loaded up yeah it's very sturdy but yeah very very highly ventilated over here and holes over here and the way it works there is a holes over here and from the inside and it's going to come off here so this is feels like a copy of a solar stuff i don't know who made first but i love solar stoves i thought might as well put to the test one of this flame genie is that what it says so anyways let's tie it out see how it actually works as you can see you won't be able to put those longer pieces unless you stand them up you'll have to cut them pretty small okay the coolest part about that it's going to be pretty small class once you start getting it going also the advertising that you put some uh pellets into here so you could buy pellets but it probably will work with the firewood just as well so let's try it out and those pellets pretty much telling me this is made for the city where you don't have that much firewood anyway you will be using pellets man 3 minutes and it's burning so fast and again because a highly highly ventilated you really could load it up with smaller twigs like those pellets it's pretty much similar stuff over here but let's see if we can get the similar outcome i'm using like twigs like that block them off into smaller smaller pieces see if it's going to burn just like on a picture oh yeah it's very very hot now again look smokeless quickly like 10 minutes look at that over the top it has this uh like a gust of flames type of stuff that you have in your kitchen you see those holes because the oxygen coming from here and lighting it up over there it is really really hot so it actually pretty big flame even for like areas out here too look at that that way i'm not burning too much wood either and i have pretty nice decent bonfire over here i had to back up a little bit yeah so i will have to break up those twigs maybe with the hatchet no problem or you could buy pellets and use pellets as you can see it has a little bit of wind over here drafting that way but for the most part it's pretty still out here but i just love the way it burns and look how fast it's charring all the wood so yeah you could probably add onto it pretty often not worry about it too much and it's going to just charm up so good as long as you're not black in the holes it's going to burn really really beautiful you see i'm talking about i tried to load up from the middle oh yeah that's the best view right now look at this you see how it's burning from the horse it's gonna melt the camera okay this is the fun videos to make that's for sure check this out just hang out here put to the test bonfire enjoy the flame loving it again looks like a gas on five pieces enjoy my tomato juice oh yeah best videos ever so yeah that little bit of wood going to last me quite a bit of time and look just a bit of wood over here that's awesome big tall flames no smoke see a little bit of a black smoke but that just from the pine it has the sap so if you have a better wood probably won't even have that black smoke coming off look at that even during the day that flame looks so good but yeah my favorite part about this five-piece salsa do you see there's some flames coming from over here oh wow that is crazy it's because of the wind so maybe uh put it some kind of heat protection if you have it on the porch this is what i'm talking about look how beautiful that is burning right out of those holes look how fast it made us a lot more space gathered here rocket stuff this one is similar to what i have put to the test i think it's the same brand but they have made it a lot light weighter the other one that i have put to the test it was a really heavy duty this one is all about having it easy to carry because it just made from really thin looks like stainless steel or something like that that kind of stuff really good for fire starting so very simple assembly there is a slide that goes inside here then there is a stand because we will need to make it very very steady if we're gonna have a bottle of water or not and the same school and it's a hand tightening school beautiful and it's a lightweight it's not heavy at all and this side here you just put together and it goes on top over here probably four corners for the teapot and that's it so let's slide it up and i'm just gonna stick it into the middle over there okay and today i'll be using just uh sticks like that regular sticks just to see if it will work with the just abundancy of regular sticks they are a little bit moist but with my five starter kindling it should be pretty easy so that i'll just push everything up once in a while you see this is the idea you can put longer sticks into it but first i would start with very small ones so that way we can get a nice fire going and then a little bit thicker and thicker okay burning pretty good let's put a pot of water over it nice pretty steady maybe find a little bit a steadier spot there you go okay see what happens and of course you could fit some more sticks twigs whatever once they burn up just push it up oops don't grab this part it's gonna be hot okay it's burning pretty good but with this smaller twigs again you will have to push it up quite often those burn out twigs especially so you will have to feed more and more happened stuff okay let's see if you can boil water with it this thing is burning really well if you have a nice twigs we're gonna get that water boiling in no time i don't know probably five to ten minutes easy one depends how much water you have i didn't i'll overfill this part this time and again you wanna keep pushing them forward you see how they burn off quickly okay let's see how it's going oh yeah we have a nice boiling water again not a lot of water half a pot over here boom once you got that hot course and nice twigs going no problem beautiful stuff right here easy to build up and take it apart let me know in comments below what do you think so i left it alone for a while and let it try to burn out look it start to burn out from here this one i'm saying you kind of have to constantly sit here and watch it and push it up all the way because it will burn out and you'll need more twigs
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 278,398
Rating: 4.8819351 out of 5
Keywords: Camping Gadgets, gadgets, camping
Id: K8q6ewA-fUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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