13 Awesome Gadgets Actually Worth Buying #36

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get right here miniature grappling hook or retrieving tool so let's see what it's all about it's uh size of a keychain so what we're going to do and spin it and then dump all of these things out or pull them out and then we're gonna put them like this it comes with the extras in case you lose them and then we're gonna close them back up so and on this side you're going to put your rope and that way you can kind of spin it it's a little bit hefty and throw it energy if i don't know maybe hope or anything that you need to go up onto and rotate it towards you very very interesting gadget over here mini grappling hook over here boom whenever you're done and you don't need it anymore you put it back into here i know if i would ever use it even if i had it on me 24 7 the chances are probably never use it but i still love it i love many everyday gadgets this one is very cool got it here portable folding keyboard look how tiny that is wow on a picture it looks so much bigger check this out just never know till you know okay open it this way boom boom wow no way you got a mouse pot as well on it so you can set it up i guess uh does it plug it in nope it's bluetooth so you open it and this you'll have to charge it that is charger on off it's kind of like said magnetically so i don't think it would fall open by itself you see i'm not holding it by this edge and it's not coming off look the shortcuts like for sound brightness and things like that that is really really cool i'll probably definitely use it too but i'm not writing emails that much got it here this smallest space heater amazon basics check this out let's see if it's any good so let's turn it on okay sounds like a fan blown into here and blowing out from here wow instantly i'm feeling warmth oh wow if i lift it up it will automatically shut off that's cool so i guess this side here is a safety it has to be on okay i'm all grab the thermometer and see how well it's heating it up wow that's actually built-in fin inside of it i don't know space heaters has a built-in fan okay it's pretty consistent at 200 202 and yeah i think it's just gonna stay at 200 it's miniature but yeah i never seen one that blows with the fan i only saw the ones that just 38 this one definitely blows a little bit of air so kind of circulating the air and coming from here also let's see how hard is the side of it 72 75 80 so not too bad insulated that's nice and if i lift it up or drop it it should shut off right away get it here power spark by outdoor h okay another one i think i put to the test power club before this one is a little bit different as you can see so you got it here power cord handle it's pretty stiff as you can see and quite reflective beautiful power cord so you can hold it like that open boxes whatever else you need to use it for uh you got it here a little compass i don't ask those compasses whenever i turn it you see how it doesn't really turn consistently i mean this one not as bad but you see it's still stuck on it you have to lay it very very nicely but this one not the worst you got right here whistle and where's the spark oh the spark is on this side that's beautiful you see the striker right here so whenever you're gonna take it out all you're going to do is just hold it like that and i guess stack it with this edge and you can do a bunch of strikes and start the fire i'm not going to do this right now and also look how easy that is you put it over lock it in you see just like that there you go wow sits in there so well and so you got that here really easily accessible knife and power cord how about this invention electric skipping open this is crazy i've seen everything now basically like so and there's a lot of burns um wow no way so check this out you can preset weight timer jumps colors that is insane so you'll have to add on batteries so you press on set and whenever you're going to jump you see this will rotate and it will count the spins every time you rotate it and why will it rotate because every time you jump you see how it will help to rotate whenever you uh spin the rope so i guess every time it spins too you're gonna count that's pretty awesome that is very very unique that's probably pretty accurate so yeah and as you can see it have to go all the way around to count the number and plugging in the rope could not be easy just go in and out like that and done beautiful and you see what i mean every time you spin it it's gonna count good right here pop and stop for the washing machines i know if you notice if you ever used washing machine if you don't leave it open to aerate it's going to go and mild you on that rubber end or circle so that way you want to leave it open but sometimes it's in the way whenever you want to walk it or close the door so let's see what this thing is all about looks like they give you some synthetization wipes and magnets oh cool they give you like this metal stickies in case your washing machine is not metal and this is what i'm talking about it goes mildew here i figured it out way too late so this is why you wanna plug it in like this and okay this is why they wanna put this metal piece over here because this end is not metal easy to open it easy to close it if you forgot about it no big deal just kind of lock it in boom whenever you open it take this out lock it start washing machine whenever you took everything out leave it a little bit open and that way it's not in your way that's quite a cool invention i like it because i like to keep it open but at the same time i don't like this thin swan opening my way out here so that's kind of nice got it here galaxy lollipops that's pretty unique don't you guys think i bought this years ago i forgot about it so i still have it i don't know if they still make them so cool check this out so on this side it's kind of like ugly but i wonder if this sugar as well i think so but that's beautiful don't you guys think there's another one that one looks like moss maybe but yeah super weird the very miss shape on the other side so there you go galaxy lollipops pretty weird got it here crkt weirdest snipe ever made this one is vintage so found it on ebay and it's brand new sometimes you can find advantage brand new knives and they're pretty collectible you pull it up like that and just fold it all the way around and lock it and as you can see it's a clkt on it and it's a pretty long knife so perfect for camping not too big so multiple uses for pocket knife then you press it like that and lock it back in i wonder if it's possible to be a one-handed folder um yeah it could be so easily check this out definitely takes a little bit of practice and it's super actually easy wow i love that love the design boom nothing super quickly like it's flickering it's definitely not assisted knife or anything you actually have to know how to unfold it and lock it and this is actually quite nice wow so for those people who collect or want a knife like that you might get like you find it on ebay or something because they don't make them anymore pretty sure beautiful get it here base camp cook set by stanley reason why it's base camp because you will not be hiking with that this is heavy so it's perfect for campers or somewhere that you can bring with you and not hike with or carry a lot so first of all you gotta hear a strainer pot folding pen this is a thick folding pen i guess i'll keep the heat then looks like you got utensil oh my god look at this latch it utensils that is funny i never seen anything like that that's cool you see like with those backpack latches that's so funny and then you want to unlatch it just pull it back up doesn't latch very good i guess it's okay okay oh looks like you got it here four plastic balls looks like dog balls all right and looks like you got here tiny plates plastic plates and what else we have here can it even come out wow that's a big pot i like that a little thick bottom over here so boom you check out there's a stair and i built in okay what is this oh this is a cutting board a spokes uh grabber so that way you don't burn yourself like this one only one so it's good for the pen and whatever this is let's put it all back in boom and as you can see it's really easy to take it apart and put it back together and this is some kind of plugs it in i guess or opens it up whatever super unique i like it base cam cook set gathers your folding electric teapot so collapsible on top of it so that way you can i guess bring it camping as long if you have i don't know baby rv or some kind of source of electricity so i don't know if you can just bring it camping without any kind of electricity but there you go probably perfect for the campus looks like it's a lot bigger very easy to close it back up wait a minute boom okay let's plug it in and boil some water that's quite unique this goes out and unspins like that and this actually goes in here so that way it doesn't collapse on you whenever you fill it up with water and the cord is very very short okay let's turn it on and light is on yep now we wait see what happens and also i got a big mug and we're gonna try to make tv that okay i can hear it boiling whoa don't overfill it it's definitely boiling oh yeah heavy heavy whoa why did it pop made me jump okay yeah that was kind of interesting how it popped i don't know what was that noise about okay let's make some tea it smells funky that's for sure it's probably just brand new but there you go let's put in beautiful pool check this out that smell probably will go away after boiling it couple of times so probably fine from drinking the tea just kind of like wanted to show you what it looks like and it does really gets to boil water beautiful and let's see how much water we have probably a couple of big mugs easily but it smells like burnt rubber hopefully the smell will go away after a while but i'm kind of disappointed about that zip it up this will turn and fold and put it away with the wire into one of these holders cut it here another electric chainsaw uh this one a miniature as well i actually just plugged it in and charged it up all the way to the top oh wow this one comes with couple of blades and couple of these things so quickly assembly and then we'll do the test wow cute so this is going to be a chainsaw protector over here which the other one didn't have that i have put to the test and a lot of people complained like there is a safety all the newbies is going to hurt themselves that's what people said in the comments so i had to bring out a chainsaw with all of the safeties i like the little tools they give us too boom okay this is so cute it's hilarious must have right make sure it goes into this gear starting and as you can see we'll need to adjust this right here and it looks like it's gonna go from here okay we're just gonna hold it and adjust it now make it tighter okay not super tight i guess that's good enough now let's cover this back up okay and then slide this up so what's so special about this uh this wrench is much much better much easier to adjust this side here and the safety most important right here so that way you don't put your hand by mistake in here and also safety right here okay and there is no any kind of safety in here at all just one button that's it very very fast and powerful again be very careful this is a chainsaw i guess we'll start with the smaller branches [Applause] [Music] make sure you don't put the blend upside down let me go very versatile quick so you ask for it so you gotta hear all the safety protecting my fingers packaging my finger over here maybe make it tighter a little bit this is smaller swoops over here [Applause] let's go to something bigger much bigger bearings no problem look at that safety kind of lifts away this is incredibly fast almost funny [Applause] look at that cut off couple of twigs in here just remember it is a tool and a chain so be very careful using it look how powerful that is i'm gonna push it pretty fast so this thing is just fun don't you guys think and now they upgraded all the safety look at those chips cutting two so fast let me know in comments below what do you think about this miniature chainsaw so weird got that here led glow stick this seems to be very powerful check this out all glittery and beautiful okay does it comes with the butters yes just take this out and you're ready to go i love it when the gadgets comes with the butters there's a button on the bottom okay green one uh white one as you can see it's all coming from here to here even in a kind of bright daylight over here you can see it really good so many colors that's so cool instead of buying those uh glow sticks that you're gonna be turning away i would rather bring this to the concert next time oh well there is a second you press they automatically change the color and it's almost like a flashlight i know cameo kind of don't give it justice but look at that that's a lentil light yellow and it does not flicker in real life also the band is kind of too small on my wrist i should take that off that light is kind of cool at night time you can direct the traffic not just glow stick coming adjusting like crazy but it's really bright so yeah then you have this green light that's beautiful it's perfect for camping if you're looking for carbs at the beach you're not disturbing wildlife i heard that uh animals i guess cannot see this kind of red or green color but this is really bright as you can see i love it and you gotta adhere all these unique different colors some of them brightest than the other ones but it's just amazing so yeah definitely thumbs up for me such a simple gadget but way better than those plasticky glow sticks again you can use it like a flashlight too talking about different color flashlights got green one and add one so press it and you got it here green and red zoomable flashlights why do you need green red zoom above flashlights so whenever i wake up in the morning camping you don't want to turn on these super bright flashlights and it's like wakes you up all the way you can turn on one of this go to the bathroom come back also in the reviews people take him on a beach caravan that way they don't disturb like sea turtles and wildlife i guess animals cannot see this different color light maybe i don't know and i've seen a lot of reviews for hunting the same way so that way you don't disturb wildlife so let's go in a dark and see what they're all about i'll tell you what very powerful zoomable flashlight into a little square like that that is gonna zoom in very very far that is so nice and the same thing a red flashlight in case you don't want white flashlight for some reason boom look at that square over here definitely zooms in so much you can really point a little far that's crazy yeah it's kind of weird to have a red flashlight i don't know if i like the red one compared to green one but probably stick with the white one just wanted to show it to you what's available out there
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 311,330
Rating: 4.8525915 out of 5
Keywords: gadgets, crazy russisn hacker, taras kul, 13 Awesome Gadgets Actually Worth Buying #36
Id: 7_fJFpiiU6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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