Tasting US Cold Weather MRE menu 5

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okay guys we're gonna do a few more mres this is united states summary cold weather as you can see it's white to camouflage with the snow i guess so the inspection day of this summer is 2022 we're gonna open it inside and see what year it is actually there's a as you can see layer view over here so it's easy to open bag so this is menu number five chicken and rice let's see what we got inside this semis nowadays uh in the cold weather in marie there's a spoon so first of all first i got looks like notation energy bar grand raspberry flavor that's cool what is this mountain house this is a camping food this is face dried chicken and rice and it's been vacuum sealed as you can see so all we have to do is boil the hot water this is cheddar cheese pretzels ooh delicious uh what else we have here filled the french toast shelf stable wow french toast in a bag over here and you gotta hear chocolate uh hazelnut coca beverage powder so as usual we're going to make it and this side here accessory pack check this out we have a miniature hot sauce in there towelette paper towels this is tabasco beautiful gum what is this freeze-dried coffee creamer sugar and obviously we'll need much matches whiteheads to uh get the water going in case we need to boil water okay let's open this uh sandwich in a bag i never had a french toast like that oh wow okay that sandwich actually look like i don't know like pierre joke actually i think i had that before it's been a while since i've done an mre and there is a energy bar wow check this out what do you think okay let's boil water and make some face diet food should have opened this first because now my hands are slippery there you go this is what it looks like while it's face dried so you'll have to boil water and so you got that here the powder you boil water and just fill it up hot water to that line where's the line right here so kind of buy it maybe put a finger in there and approximately same amount okay that's about to the line and then you can close it and let it boo so now same thing over here you just fill it up and then you seal it but i kind of messed up the packaging so i'll put in a plate so you guys can see what it looks like before and after wow that's a lot of food maybe in the bag is a better idea but i'll cover it up with the lid it's just like garment noodles you know in those face-dried packages just like that you can just cover this up like a lid boom all right wait a minute still that was done make sure it's all the way shaken up and mixed up inside there okay and then we got right here hot chocolate boom half a glass okay while our food is cooking we can snack on pretzels um they're delicious there's cheese inside of them or something yeah cheddar cheese pretzel that's good this is the stuffed cheese inside of this pretzel quick taste taste oh wow that's nice ah really desserts lust i'll tell you what the spurts are so good quite a few of them on there too should use up this paper towel get my hands clean before i eat that's what it is for not after so you have clean hands okay it's been a few minutes it looks like it's been very well cooked already and ready to eat it's very hot in that plate mmm delicious very well seasoned first along i really like that rice with that sauce on it mmm the plate is hot let's try to find a piece of meat let go there's a chicken definitely taste face dried fish but i'll tell you what for camping food this is very delicious i can survive on that pretty easy wow can believe this food can stay good in a bag like that for more than six years depends which one some of them 30 something years 50 years still shelf life for this freeze-dried food so this is really delicious survival food right here french toast i think i had that before actually it was delicious i know why else can you buy a french toast like that except the cemes and camping food stays in the bag for a long time very good this is to me looks like a granola bar energy bar all right yes flavor on point good and by the way this pretty healthy stuff out here a little bit of cereal in there and just like one of those energy buffs delicious high calorie what you need from camping hiking all day long that's what this mris are made for don't eat two three emma's in one day they're high high calories they meant to eat one bag of this every like six to 12 hours depends how long is your camping mission or whatever so you eat one of this or like glue the meal and save your granola sandwich for later but this is so delicious oh my god i can't stop looking thumbs up for me this was very delicious cold weather face dried emory
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 102,653
Rating: 4.9259534 out of 5
Keywords: Tasting US Cold Weather MRE menu 5, MRE, meal ready to eat, crazyrussianhacker, taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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