5 More Weird Kitchen Gadgets #95

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get it here the most unique egg cooker with one of those scent clocks on top of it so you got yourself egg stand and you just stand up all your eggs this is a medium large eggs whatever some of them feel better than the other ones but yeah i think i'll feed any kind of eggs the hole is pretty good so we got here half a dozen of eggs and what we'll do is flip the scent clock and i would assume you would pay boil the water maybe not so violently it's gas and it sits over here looking good i would add on maybe a little bit more water and see what happens to submerge them so yeah look how cool that is i never seen a egg timer cooker like that the only thing is you still have to check on it it's already cooking an onion as you can see that is so cool um yeah so we'll time it how long it's actually going to send is onion for so guys i think this sim clock is only three minutes long uh there's no way eggs is going to cook in 10 minutes so i just flipped it we're gonna time it so let's see how many minutes exactly we start the timer as soon as we flipped it i think it's about 10 minutes okay the sand is a little bit over the halfway and look we almost had two minutes so you cannot just leave it alone because um you know it's going to just run out at any point and you might have to flip it instantly so maybe two flips that's five minutes i'll say we need three flips for seven minutes look we can't mean up to three minutes and we're gonna reset it and then set the timer again to see if it's consistent so unique never seen anything like that and guess what there was only one for sale on ebay maybe couple but the other one was from canada so yeah about to enough we're coming up to three minutes i guess it's about three minutes look at that yep and i started few seconds later so about enough yep it is a three minute timer so we had six minutes now yep there one we go flip it one more time and we'll have eggs cooking at the nine minutes so that way if it's six minutes it's a soft boiled eggs seven minutes nine minutes a little bit harder and really really hard it's like 12 minutes okay another 10 minutes it just sound out i missed it a little bit so let's take it out and put in the cold water oh this is hot so just grab it by the glass maybe even the glass might be hot if you cook it longer but yeah there you go let's put on the cold water and peel it i think one of the coolest things you can actually serve it like that that is so cool so it's a clear egg carrier put it in front of the table for people to grab one whatever uh anyways let's peel one see what happens okay and we're gonna just cut into it see what this looks like okay there goes nothing let's see how we cook the egg oh yeah for sure medium this is good so yeah three times three phillips of this thing it will give you nine minutes and it will make you this uh medium eggs if you want to do soft boil a little bit softer just do it uh to one flip like six minutes but just for the consistency let's crack another one open see how this one did and just cut it in half right away and spoon it out uh this one a little bit more softer pretty unique so this is the white way i like medium remember that take whenever you peel one side and peel this out and blow them out out of the shelf i haven't done this in a while let's try it out this is not a real life hack it's more like a take okay let's go wow make sure it's land somewhere in your hand but yeah there you go let's try this again this is kind of fun so break the top break the bottom take off layer end over here as well one of my older steaks and it's flies out of the egg i mean flies out of the shelf beautiful and one more time very good egg so anyways one of a kind egg boiler i ever seen for this gadget i got right here chicken toy drum leg to be exact uh for your grill actually so you got the chicken i didn't marinate it or nothing because i want to put it to the test see how it works and check this out this is very cool so you just hand each leg like that i have a bunch of smaller legs some of them bigger let's hint some on this side that is so cool and all of them fit that one for some reason came every face like that okay boom so it depends how many chickens you have you hung up a bunch okay a little bit over but by the time we open it and close it it's gonna get colder a bit so put it in look how it's all holds together close it and look at dropped quite a bit so but this will be good we'll drive 450 degrees for 10 minutes that's what alexa told me to do okay that's been 10 minutes we're still at 450 oh yeah we can cook it a lot longer because it's not really grilling on that hot pan so we can definitely do a lot longer that's awesome okay i feel like it's almost 20 minutes now oh yeah it's crisping up a little bit that's good still splattering everywhere that tray does catch most of this stuff but yeah a little bit longer so i don't even have to worry about it that's awesome especially that one over there tasting this is such a cool way to cook chicken that's for sure okay that is beautiful i think it's done almost 25 minutes in i just love the way it looks also you don't have to put it in the middle you could probably put it to the side somewhere too really close like that yeah it will so yeah you can just tuck it in on the side and cook it while you're cooking other things pretty awesome let's see how to take one out just as easy sometimes a little bit harder it is still hot but yeah you kind of have to break it off a little bit so slide it out awesome obviously it's going to be hot but look at that beautiful got it here pretty vintage mixer this is super unique there's markings on it but it's all washed out the way it works you hold it like that and push it up and down let's mix some flour over here with milk and an egg just for fun not really following the recipe i just want to see how it's going to mix should probably do that right here okay and of course you can mix it up like this or you can go like that probably would be better in one of those stall containers so let me go get a taller container because it mixing pretty good so this side now is like a pancake dough while having a little bit of a terrible mix in it so maybe a little bit more liquid how cool is that so probably for the crepe dough and stuff like that and of course you can whisk it like that but here very very unique super weird hand mixer over here let me know in comments below what do you think would you use it or would you stay with uh just a regular biscuit and just whisk everything up get in here another popcorn machine this one looks like a movie theater but a mini one okay take it off very carefully this goes up there's a measuring spoon but it tells you do not overfill it just two layers that's it okay self-explanatory okay i think this is good and then we just pour it in here oh nice it has a little funnel in there so we don't have to worry about filling because i don't have a big enough bulb i'll just put one upside down and there's a square bowl just perfect so it will catch everything will not make any mess and no no own button over here wow it's pretty quiet i like it okay one on pop popcorn so far i think one have popped inside there but oh no we're getting quite a few of them unpopped so far that's not good but with the hot air popcorn machines that's pretty normal some of them maybe a couple of them really have a minimum but there you go there's a pup coming still a lot of unpopped wow i don't think i overfilled it either so that means i have to put even less popcorn so that way that does not happen wow that's a lot of unpop popcorn but if i put less popcorn that means i have to refill it twice which is fine at least it's not making any mess wow it popped inside of the bowl that's the only reason it made a mess sometimes that just happens but now it's going i love the way it's sounds so cool but yeah it's supposed to all slide down somehow it got stuck over here kind of cannot see if it's all popped or not i think so so we're gonna turn it off and this is how much popcorn you got so i guess you can help it out so a lot of unpop popcorn over there way too much you see how it says two layers not a mountain so that's what i thought i did so let's do just one layer but again it doesn't pop enough up for clone you see just two layers even less this time again i love how there's a little funnel so it gets all the popcorn easily mess free oh no three and pops four five on pops another two okay now we're getting some popcorn i feel like second round with a little bit of less popcorn i would want to say as good but look how much popcorn coming out still it's a little bit disappointing [Applause] yeah so much oh well this is why we're testing it [Music] still beautiful popcorn machine just be expecting to get quite a few on pop popcorn still coming on pop popcorn you see it pops inside there let's see how it spins it and push it out not enough air to keep that other popcorn out from there so i have to take it out and put it out because it's all out now oh well you see how much popcorn heaven flew away so very cool beautiful machine just you pay the price push all the popcorn down so you can still eat it without wearing all the popcorn inside there unpopped [Music] so that's a lot of unpop popcorn don't you guys think and let's see exactly how much popcorn we got here wow pretty much half because we did two of them so half only popped that's crazy oh well we'll put to the test more machines hopefully we'll find even better ones but this one's still pretty unique and cool some people might like them here another hot air popcorn maker let's see if this one any better than what i have put to the test before it's kind of cool what i'm hoping it's not gonna make any mess whenever we make a popcorn and i love hot air popcorn makers because it's pretty healthy you don't need a lot of oil or anything like that and look at that it's self-explanatory just set it up and there's a buttercup right here to melt butter and i think also this is like a measuring spoon so you fill it up exact amount that's good whoops probably best to actually open it up and fill it up and dump it so that way you don't make a mess okay we're gonna stick butter into here it's gonna heat up and hopefully we'll melt it i know i kind of have a feeling it's going to make a mess and not going to go inside of the bowl to use a bag that's why they give you a little bag over here let's start hopefully it doesn't fly away no it's actually not even gonna work with the bag because bag is not even big enough so let's start with the bowl so it starts spinning it party and going i put a little bit of butter in there hopefully it will melt it with one cycle also it's not even a lot of butter again look at that will it go all in a bowl we'll have to wait and find pan down okay i see couple of pieces have popped wasn't powerful enough oh no happens every time with all of them a few popcorns are not going to be pop but there goes oh my gosh there's a lot of popcorn that is unpopped oh my gosh that is not good uh but i would say majority of popcorn no money flying everywhere majority of popcorn what's happening but wow i'm a little bit disappointed because look at all the popcorn unpopped okay now that machine is preheated maybe we'll do this one more time also we have to put less of butter so we don't have a little chunk of butter but yeah my problem with this popcorn machine it has quite a bit of unpopped popcorn so that's a bit disappointed maybe all we had to do is just preheat it a little bit also try to put a little bit less popcorn this time so hopefully it will make less mess also we have learned it's easier to open it pour some in i kind of softened the butter so hopefully it will melt a lot better now that it's preheated also okay one more time turn it on see what happens okay you know what that's a good idea to put less kernels and just run it more often as you can see it works a lot better and maybe around it for a minute yep that's a good idea to put less popcorn still i don't know how do we do this so that way it doesn't make too much mess so now that our butter is kind of busy i'll put just one layer of a popcorn and earn it again so this can a little bit not as cool because you have to constantly feel it because it's only a little bit of popcorn but guess what only like five pieces that haven't been a pop and some of it made a mess over here it would be kind of uncomfortable to hold my bag over here begging for my popcorn yeah if you have a bag like that it makes less mess you might have to buy i don't know why it stopped now it's stopped because it's overheated that's weird so i can't even run the cycles so anyways i will be putting to the test more popcorn machines uh this one is definitely not the best in my opinion because now it's overheated so i think you have to cool off before it starts again so that's my popcorn right here let me know in comments below okay now it runs again that was weird that was so weird make a lot of popcorn yeah very nice popcorn but it makes a little bit of a mess with that design of a popcorn machine hot air popcorn machine
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 336,001
Rating: 4.8515496 out of 5
Keywords: kitchen gadgets, gadgets, tools
Id: jFTKSvfweYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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