15 Awesome Gadgets Actually Worth Buying #34

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you got it here low temperature stolen engine this one looks really beautiful oh no styrofoam so next time you're going to make yourself hot tea put this sterling engine low temperature on top of the mug and let's see what happens that looks so beautiful that one is really really big i have put to the test and show you guys a lot of different kinds very very low temperature sterling engines this one is definitely the most thickest one and seems to be the most best quality so while it's heating up it has to heat up then we're gonna spin it right here and then it's gonna spin by itself from the heat okay there you go doesn't take much time at all while we were talking look at that that going fast so yeah so that way you can just hang out and wait enjoy your little stolen engine while your t being bowed and you know what i mean by the boat you see there's a teabag inside of it seems to be not spinning super fast but i love it first one i have a bud kind of fell apart on me this one is definitely better quality has two wheels instead of one wheel which is pretty unique i don't think i ever seen that before you see one of them goes in and out right here and the other one i think some kind of weight in here so beautiful two-wheel sterling engine low temperature for your mug okay it seems to be now it's heating up but actually going much much faster look at this wheels it's just so satisfying is it necessary gadget absolutely not but it is so enjoyable and worth every time so yeah there you go they also advertise different burns let me know in comments below if you want to see the other ones too i love it that there is no installation or assembly required just take it out of the box and enjoy it and obviously enjoy the tea let's take it off set it on the ground here let's see how long it's gonna spin before it stops it's pretty hot it is very very hot yeah i usually put ice into my teeth so this whole thing is quite heat up over here if i touch it wow but at the same time you can see it's slowing down such a smooth sterling engine i love it look it's still going i wonder how long it's so cool it's still hot not as hot anymore so it's cool enough so you can make a sip of your tea and keep it warm by closing it and it's just going to at the same time it entertain you got it here next level water bottle hydration spray bottle this thing is amazing check this out so there's a little pump over here you pump it up you see how the air going go you see how the air is going in it's building up the pressure and so that way you can turn over here and there's a different settings of different space also it comes with one of these attachments hydration tube so this hydration tube looks like this will come off and this will come on on here just uh spins like that that's it there's adjustments we'll figure it out what it's for and there's a little magnet on this side and also you can adjust it right here so again pump it up all the way yeah that's hard and you see how there's lots of spray with bunch of pump you're gonna have lots of lots of spray mist and a hard day this is actually going to feel really really good and look how long it's spraying so you don't have to constantly press it to get some spray what you could do just pump it up and so it's gonna keep spraying okay pump it up some more and adjust this side here and look at that you have one of this instead of sprays actual uh layer water line coming out so if you need to like spray of the dirt off your hands or for like food whatever pump it up some more the emptier it is the more pumping i guess you'll have to do so that way it's more power the more you're gonna pump it up there is a little bit bigger bottle they make this is the smaller size so more finish of this whole bottle and as you can see lots of lots of power look at that check this out you just press it right here and look it just space to the half of the pool over there this thing is so cool and look we're almost out of water with few pumps boom this side here on off then we purse it and then this will go over here and lock it in so that way you don't adjust here anymore so then you pump it up and then all you have to do is just press it right here and it's either sprayed like that or you can adjust this side here and have a line spilling maybe too much they go wow this is even farther wow with that tube it should soft even farther that's crazy look at that and of course close it off pump it up some more let's see how far we can shoot with this one oh yeah that's way farther check this out so cool so that way you can set it up and just get it to your legs without burning the whole bottle okay and then you can adjust it and just have a spray bottle to mist off something look what happens whenever i try to open it if i don't release all the air so it's pressurized pretty awesome and whenever you want to put the other tent back on just unspin it like that put this back in love it got it here very unique thermos let's see what's so special about it first of all it seems to be for the soup but it could be for coffee or anything you wish too so as you can see there isn't whites for the soup or greens or anything that is a low profile that you could be eating like a bowl you have a little spoon with it so you don't have to burn spoon video and this spoon is pretty cool it unfolds like three times and boom you can eat your spoon out of here or you can put it in here i guess and hit it this way but that's quite unique so just wanted to show it to you guys how good idea of that in case you want to bring not just sandwich to lunch but soup and such things that would be perfect for you because you don't have to worry about bringing spoon with you look it just goes on top of it and look there's a double lead over here a few months ago i put to the test really cool kayak well guess what this time i got a kayak or paddle board anchor for it i didn't even know they existed till just now researching some products so let's see what's so special about this anchor comes with the baggie and guess what this is a potted peggy so that way you don't beat your kayak or your car up or anything like that okay is it actually gonna be worth it okay very simple to put it together comes with the pretty low knob and the buoy okay just make sure you hook it up to your kayak so that way it doesn't sink i guess i don't think the buoy will be stone enough to keep this anchor floating i wonder if this will just sink in so make sure you hook it into your kayak so that way you don't lose it i love the carabiner don't have to worry about nuts make it simple put it and again what's so special about this uh anchor it just unfolds like that and then you just dump it like this and put it back in almost looks like a garpoon a really wide garpoon obviously probably will not work with the boat that what much more see for much much smaller boat and look at actually i just noticed it locks in in here you just put it in and lock it in so whenever it's on the bottom of the ocean or lake that way it does not close under there so beautiful seems to be inspired uh inca for your kayak or paddle board i love it so that way you can just hang out and fish while you're stationary without constantly have to move in your kayak gathered here survival cable so pretty much a survival charger so not very long just couple of feet but what's so special about it first i will show it to you that is just a regular usb cord with one of this chargers you could probably get the iphone one different kinds we'll make it survival that you can cut this end over here and then tangle all that braid and you have quite a few feet of help over here for bushcraft and camping situation anything you need the power cord for so this is amazing so i gotta adhere this strap you know ratchet straps are very important very usable very nice but for those semi-trucks or when you're holding something very big you want to make it really really tight and let me show you how to do it with this very unique gadget so let's say it got really tight and you cannot make it any tighter but you really want to make it even tighter this is why you got one of these gadgets pushing it this way and then flipping it over pushing it this way you see make it even tighter looks like i'm about to bend it because it's getting so tight so better take it off and open it and release it some so one more time you're doing this by hand and then at some point it's too tight and you cannot do it anymore you give up and you lock it in but this is why you get one of this gadget you see how this way it's gonna be easy so you put it this way and you can pull it up this way go down and you can just make it really really tight with this little gadget it's insane i'm about to break this trash can so the power with this thing is unlimited it makes it really really tight look i can't even push it out by the way i love this self retracting ratchet straps probably nothing for super epic like for smaller loads but still really cool and once you're done pluck it in love this still using it sometimes don't lock it in all the way but makes sense right you see how it's extracting again it flipped over and just twist it couple of times so that way next time you grab it it's not go self it talked see a pretty cool gadget make sure your ratchet stop gets really really tight on got right here 11 and one multi-tool so let's open it up see what's all about crescent is actually pretty good brand and this is a very unique tool you got it here nail hammer then you got a here plastic hammer like a soft hammer i guess then a nail pull over here so you put a head over nail and just pull it up what's hiding into here oh wow check this out this is actual box cutter wow and it's really really sharp box cutter that is so unique so you got a knife or box cutter okay this comes off like that and wow look at all your beads three allen wrenches and three you got it here flat head and one of those okay and on top of it you have another one so then you can put this one in oh wow check this out it's been one way i'll flip this it'll spin the other way so you don't have to keep twisting it like that it just go in and out it'll twist so that way right here you can get to the really really tight spaces and as you can see it still will work so why you don't have to constantly spin one way over here you can just do it very easy the only problem with that i might lose this and this one but at the same time i can use this one for any kind of drill or screwdriver that can fit into here so that's kind of like you get almost two tools so pretty much everything you need to build the furniture you know whenever you get the furniture from a store that you have to build yourself it's pretty awesome more weird flashlights never enough flashlights they look like a mini wooden mines check this out and they all magnetize together so let's open them all the way up okay how do we turn it on and off oh yeah look at that little led looks like one of those christmas stereo led super weak ones so we'll go in the dark and put them to the test but yeah nevertheless look we can put them together boom you have three flashlights okay they actually have plenty of power check this out and you're never gonna lose them look how they illuminate so the idea of it you cannot kind of hook them up to something whenever you're walking on something inside of the car and maybe one more over here pretty powerful so i don't know if it's plenty of light maybe i should set it up somewhere on this side so yeah pretty unique little sticky flashlights but yeah those led lights not too bad for this mini flashlight i love vintage multi tools there's pretty unique stuff look at this uh little holder for this multi-tools it just goes inside here oops kind of coming off here and plugs it in so whenever you detach it the whole thing comes out so unique the case in itself is very unique and then you have right here a little like a punch what is this another punch dale bit uh knife there's actual knife that is gonna go inside also it's a regular folding knife which is nice and then you can plug in this knife into here either this way or that way you see there is a bar boom it just locks it in without any luck it's kind of like automatic so you have right here a small knife and then you can put a punch or a drill bit they're all kind of the same kind of like it and then there's a big screwdriver wine opener boom and the mini saw and us one of those lopsick so yeah i love this little survival almost multi-tools put it away slide it back in put it into this clip and it's not going to come out so interesting get a here hydrophobic puzzle game so all we have to do is just add water to it i guess the game is to put the drop in each um hole over here maybe let's try it out probably will be a lot of fun you see there's a little hole oh nice there's a little syringe too i was wondering if i need my own and let's put some droplets in wow look at that you have layered droplets running around and they do get stuck so the i guess a challenge is to put each droplet inside of this uh leah droplet stand you see it i love it this is just very satisfying the way these droplets are moving around and stuff oh wow look they get split too so yeah it's like some kind of hydrophobic surface this is why those droplets are not stained together and yeah you can just fidget around with it and i'm not really 100 percent the point of the game i think you're supposed to have enough water to put them into each little hole and then you're in a yes got it here heat safe with the combination lock super easy to figure it out the way it works you see this lock cheats is gonna go into your car and then in here and into here and then this side here what will go inside and lock them in gonna have to adjust it and that will hold it right here so whenever we'll go in the car it will lock it in and then this is gonna go inside here and lock it in you set your combination code and then you can put inside their keys or whatever else you want to so if you're going for a run you can just lock in your keys and nobody will even know that there is keys because you have one of these covers inside of it too whenever you come up to your car you want to retrieve your keys remove that set up your combination code pull out your keys to start the car or whatever it is for okay this is how we set it up remove that pull these two things out plug it in then you push these things in oh no looks like i have to remove one of these things and then it will last it's too deep so this is why they give you like four miss to adjust it i think we're gonna be good with one of this and one of this and then we will match up yeah perfect then you plug this in plug this in lock it in now it's locked in and it's not going to come out so it's good now put your keys inside here whatever valuables in and then lock it in set your combination and so that when nobody uh see it this side down uh you just plug it in like that boom nobody will be able to steal it very cool and whenever you're done with this so you come up you take your key or whatnot remove that you want to take this whole thing out pull this up take this out done and then whenever you just want to put it somewhere just push these two things you kind of have to match it up so that way we don't lose them and it's all stays together beautiful got it here heating card for the car so let's see if it's going to work pretty good and will it boil water check this out it looks like a teapot for the cup holder wow unique and why is it for the car because you gotta adhere this kind of plug okay we're gonna plug this in so this is i guess the temperature and we can hold it and it's gonna go up okay 90 is the highest pretty sure this is celsius 85 and then it fits cup holder now we sit here and wait see what's going to happen okay it's 85 celsius or degrees i don't really know let's turn it up to maybe 90 93. oh yeah i can almost hear it's boiling how about 94. and then i'm going to try to make tea but it's definitely almost boiling that's nice let's see if we can make tea with that oh wow check this out it's done okay let's see if we can boil the oh yeah it's steaming and it's pretty warm inside of the room it's steaming a lot so we could probably definitely make tin here oh my noodles whatever but it's not a lot of water that's for sure and i filled it up to a fill line but again that's pretty big mug too okay this one is kind of like a purple tea but as you can see it's boom really good i like it very nice they go cup holder car teapot that's cool never knew that even existed cut it here again for your car so there's a whole bunch of them i got the cheapest one see if it's going to work as you can see it's gonna go like that then you're just gonna put it over your jacket like that or uniform whatever you would like to hang so that way your coat your uniform hanging nicely without any curling up for this example just one of these coats so pretty unique
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 493,398
Rating: 4.8660679 out of 5
Keywords: gadgets, unboxing, tech gadgets, tech, tools, crazy russian hacker, taras kul
Id: Cb-37uSVCik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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