16 Horror Stories Animated (Compilation Of June 2020)

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it was wintertime and Christmas was approaching I was 25 years old and I was going to meet up with some of my friends who lived on the other side of the city it was a four-hour drive from my place so I decided to take my own car instead of a local cab it was my first time going alone on such a long drive and I felt nervous but excited at midday I packed my bags threw them in the trunk and went off to meet my friends it was a cold day but the roads were clear I didn't see much traffic as it was the holidays and people would rather spend time with their families and friends indoors and stay off the roads now I'm not the type of person to go straight to my friend's house I like to take my time I'm a social media freak and I enjoy posting pictures pretty much all the time so I found the journey an excellent excuse to post some extra pictures the road I was taking had beautiful scenery and the place where my friends lived was even more magical I stopped a lot during my ride to take pictures I was having a great time by myself well that was until the weather suddenly changed it was around 6 p.m. and I was still driving I still had a long way ahead of me and that's when it started to snow not just a dusting of snow it was thick and heavy after 15 minutes or so the roads were already covered with a few feet of snow I felt anxious since it was getting dark and I wasn't even halfway through the drive my car slowed down and I had to force it to run on the empty roads the heavy snow didn't stop I decided that I would stop at the closest gas station I could find but unfortunately I couldn't find one for a while an hour later I finally saw some light shining from the distance it was a gas station I pressed the accelerator rushed to the station parked my car and went inside quickly just as I entered a strong snowstorm started the gas station had a little shop tucked away with some chairs to sit on the guy at the counter was an ordinary fellow he didn't really talk much he only asked me where I was going in such harsh weather after that and I bought some chips and drinks and sat down in the furthest chair from him it was night now i sat hunched on my food and scrolled through an Instagram then suddenly the shops door opened I looked up and a very weird-looking man entered he had long greasy hair was wearing a long coat and had a very grim expression I saw him buy some cigarettes and he sat down a few chairs away from me he didn't look at me at all at first I ignored him but then he started smoking since the shop was small and the smoke filled the air quickly the shopkeeper told him to stop but he didn't listen he couldn't ask him to leave because of the storm so he didn't say anything else I on the other hand hated cigarettes the weird guy was looking down breathing very heavily as he smoked it was as if he was breathing in my ears so when he took out his fifth cigarette I lost my temper and angrily told him to stop he looked at me for a couple of minutes his big eyes were red with anger but then he smiled and stopped smoking his smile was unnerving i sat down again and distracted myself on my phone shortly afterwards my friend called me asking why I hadn't reached their place yet and I told him the whole story and he said the storm would soon be over and I shouldn't worry when I hung up I noticed the weird guy staring at my phone with deep interest I was afraid that he was thinking of stealing it but to my relief after some time he got up to leave at the door he stopped looked back and screamed loudly before running away scaring the crap out of me and the shopkeeper he didn't return after that at 10:30 p.m. the storm ended and I immediately left after thanking the shopkeeper I went into my car started it and drove off for some time I drove in silence but then I heard a noise it sounded like heavy breathing my heart rate shot up and my hands got all sweaty as the breathing sounded so familiar so close I looked through my rearview mirror and screamed the weird guy from the shop was sitting in my back seat smiling at me I pressed the brakes very hard got out of the car and started running I felt him running after me - yelling at the top of his lungs the road was empty and I felt hopeless as I knew he was faster than me I only looked back once to see him running like an unnatural being and holding a knife in his hand I increased my pace still wondering how on earth he got inside my car I might have forgotten to lock the door when I first left to go to the gas station but now it was too late for regret my life was at risk because some psychopath was after me then I saw some headlights at a distance I started waving my hands like a maniac screaming for them to stop they did and it turned out to be my friend he had come to pick me up as he was worried since I was pretty late and thought something went wrong I looked back and I saw that guy was gone I got inside my friend's car and told him everything he called the cops and they arrived shortly after we all went to my car first and notice some marks made by a knife in the backseat the cops couldn't find the guy anywhere after some investigation they let us leave I drove my car and my friend drove his car back to his place the cops never found the guy and to this day I still wonder what would have happened if my friend didn't turn up that night I was 12 years old when this happened my grandmother just got home from the hospital because she had a stroke she couldn't go up to the second floor of our house in which her room was located so my uncle my little brother and I decided that we were going to sleep in her room for a while before this day happened my aunt bought a new air conditioner so the old one would be removed and of course there was a hole in the wall for the air conditioner I covered the hole with some kind of small box before working on the wall so the air wouldn't come in anyway back to the situation my uncle and I were playing a mobile game at 3:00 a.m. when this happened we played for about an hour or so until my little brother had fallen asleep while I was paying attention I suddenly heard a small scratching sound coming from the hole on the wall where I covered it with a box it sound was like someone trying to remove it with something however I just ignored it at first because I thought it might be a cat trying to remove the cover after five minutes my uncle heard the sound and he whispered in my ear saying did you hear that sound I said yeah I heard it too but maybe it's just a cat forget about it after that we had forgotten about the sound and we just played again until that moment all of a sudden my uncle quickly put down his cell phone and started to search with the flashlight what's wrong I asked him but he pointed his finger on its mouth and pointed it to the window it was quiet outside that's weird I heard someone's footsteps he talked to me sitting back next to me I tried to say that it's nothing but this time I heard those footsteps someone was outside walking around with a creaking sound so we eventually decided to look for it opening the box cover but before we could get closer my little brother began to scream we were shocked by that but then we just laughed thinking our reaction was silly I talked to my little brother and asked him what happened he said that he had a nightmare we laughed again much bigger this time bump we abruptly froze when we heard loud footsteps from a roof away from us my heart dropped what was it my uncle said with an anxious voice we then stayed away from the wall and started panicking I started to think that it might be a thief who was trying to enter our house what if he would try to kill us how are we gonna stop him now what should I do however despite all my worries nothing happened after that there were no footsteps anymore but my uncle and I had to stay up until the next morning shivering together a few days later my grandpa covered the wall with cement and that day we were watching the local news and we heard that one of our neighbors who lived right next to us had been murdered they also reported that the suspect has not been found so the cops were struggling to arrest him we just couldn't believe the news we just watched the news with our mouth open that moment became the worst nightmare of my whole life what if I dared to try to remove that small box to see outside on that day for their story my name will be Charlie years ago my first year of college I lived in a dorm but if only I knew what was going to happen I earned a scholarship to college for baseball and all the players lived in the one dorm being that I was a freshman Dave rooming was a senior so he could show me what right looks like it was a pretty tough guy who no one will mess with so I felt like I was in good hands it was the winner and by that time of the school year I was pretty set in my ways and comfortable I was invited to a house party that one of the sororities were thoroughly taught one was a few friends but we got there it was like any other party people were outside and some were inside having fun while inside there was music playing along with people playing video games in one room and it looked like a Bourdain going on and other that was upstairs after a while I went upstairs to see why anyone will be playing a board game at a party when I got to the room I noticed that it was the most quiet room in the house which was odd to me when I walked in the room there were four girls and a guy sitting at a table I asked what was going on and he said they were using the Ouija board I thought it sounded interesting so I joined but I never really believed in that type of stuff but we were messing with the board they said that there was a girl in the room but I think that one of the other people that were playing moved it so I left that's when unexplainable stuff will happen to me in my dorm I'd hear laughing in our hallways there are times of the night not from the window and I started to have bad dreams I told my roommate but he told me it was stress from my upcoming midterms that went on for about two weeks then one night everything changed for both of us I remember it being a bear is a night when this happened I was sleep in the middle of the night and all I heard was Charlie Charlie wake up I remember making noises and being half sleep but I acknowledged him then he says something that woke me up immediately Charlie what the quarter I looked in the corner of the room and I swear there was a silhouette of a girl I was so afraid that I jumped off the top bunk and I told my roommate to get up and run but he was so petrified he was under his covers quivering and she spoke I told him I'm out and he both ran out of our room he was yelling as she's talking after that we were both so shaken that we never went back to that room we called the police but when he came and never found any girl I don't know if it was because of the house party Ouija board game or coincidence but that was a moment that I'll never forget to this day I still hear our voices throughout hi Mariah when I was seven or eight years old a man moved to my neighborhood he was around his 60s and introduced himself to me his name was Tom he was the only one who spoke English fluently in our neighborhood but he always tried to speak our native language he seemed really nice at first one day after school my friends and I saw a new cafe in our neighborhood we were curious and wanted to know how many desserts they had so he stopped by and looked inside then we heard someone say hello kids he then said come on in you can have all the desserts you want for free without thinking we went inside and stayed there for two hours after that we soon stayed there almost every day after school everyone started to like Tom one day we went to his cafe like we usually did but for some reason I felt kind of uncomfortable because at some point I noticed that there were only kids inside his shop Tom came to me and said hey I saw you yesterday with a cat do you like cats I said yes and he proceeded to talk to me more he told me that he has eight cats in his house and showed me pictures of his cats all of a sudden one of his pictures from inside his wallet fell to the floor I picked it up and I could see a girl's face with blonde curly hair and green eyes I thought that she was his granddaughter but what he told me next was a huge shock he said oh this is my wife she lives in London right now I was confused because the girl in the picture was just a kid maybe 14 or 15 years old I thought that he was lying or something then I got up oh I forgot my mom is waiting for me so I quickly left the shop and went back home then I just hugged my mom the next day when I got to school there were policemen everywhere I didn't understand what was going on then when police officer walked over to me and he said kid you have to come with us they also called my parents so we went to the police station together it turned out that Tom's warrant was served they found lots of data on his computer about the young girls who were raped by him he even lied about his name his real name was harden the worst and most horrible thing was when they entered his room the entire wall was covered with my pictures when they said this to my parents I was terrified so I fainted the police arrested him and he was put in jail for several years now I'm 18 years old but I am still afraid according to my neighbors he's returning to our neighborhood I don't want to go out and I don't even know what to do if anyone has any advice please help me and let me know what I should do when I was 17 years old I went to my friend's birthday party lots of teenagers were drinking illegally however I was never into that kind of stuff so I just sat with other friends and we just talked then one guy I had never met before joined the party and started talking to another group of people soon he turned to me and introduced himself as John he was quite tall and had remarkably blue eyes he seemed like a pretty nice guy at first but he gradually started to act weird he kept following me and seemed to have a strong obsession with me one of my friends Callum saw my discomfort so he said quit it man don't be a creep John looked back at Callum and the look in his eyes made my skin crawl why she's mine what he said was kind of creepy so I called my dad to come and get me Callum stayed with me while I was waiting for my dad at the front of the house he's watching us Callum told me and my body went stiff here hold my hand if he thinks were together he might give up so I held his hand and then a loud shout of anger came from behind us we both looked and John was headed straight towards us I was getting really worried he looked like he was going to hit Callum but just then my dad arrived so I grabbed Kalam's hand and we ran to the car as soon as we both jumped in I explained everything to him when we dropped him off at his house and returned home I was leaning over my bed and about to go to sleep and then I heard the front gate open when I looked out the window to my horror John was sneaking into our yard dad got mad when I told him this so he grabbed his baseball bat and went straight outside but when he came back after a while he was frowning he said you left your jacket when I got my jacket a small piece of paper out of my pocket dad picked it up and opened it you're mine Michelle a few weeks past that experience had made me and Calum really close so we started dating one day while we were watching a movie at the theater I really had to go to the toilet I rushed to the bathroom to avoid missing too much of the film on my way back at the door of the theater John was there he looked furious and was actually crying then he rushed towards me and said how could you do this to me I was baffled I haven't done anything to you he just stood there stared at me so I rushed back into the theatre and told Calum what was going on we left the theatre immediately I was pretty nervous about what happened but I also thought everything would be all right soon however I was totally wrong a few days later I was in my backyard working on my art project when I heard sobbing I turned around and John was there holding a small container of medication in his left hand my legs began to tremble as he moved closer to me why are you here they asked him I missed you Michelle I've been following you nearly every day are you with Calum just to make me jealous because it's working but no you are wrong as John began smiling my mouth went dry I don't even know you so please leave but when I said this he began crying again as he pulled out a knife and pointed it at me I screamed and began running towards my back fence but before I reached it he caught my shirt and pulled me to the ground he held the knife to my cheek and then yelled I love you Michelle nobody else can have you you're mine I was horrified and tears were rolling down my face get off her all of a sudden my dad who was gardening outside quickly ran towards us he beat him up with a bat and then tied him up with a rope he got out of his shed and I heard John mutter I thought you were alone once my dad made sure I was all right he called the police and Calum John began laughing like a maniac and yelled out and anger when he was arrested I kissed her she's mine mine later we got a phone call from the police and it turned out that he was high on drugs and his room was full of pictures of me as well as a diary describing plans to kidnap and murder me after that John was sentenced to jail for seven years I'm 22 now and Calum and I are still together we've just moved to the city together recently I have deleted all social media but I'm still in fear we are two years away from the date John will be released and I know that one day in the future John will likely come looking for me again when I was 14 years old we travelled to Jeddah for a few days on our way back it was just past midnight and they were almost no cars around on both sides of the highway my mom dad and I were chatting and laughing at each other however we just ran out of topics soon and I decided to lie down in the back seat at that moment I heard a loud bang and passed out for a few seconds when I got my senses back I tried to sit up but the car felt like a roller coaster so I struggled a little when I finally sat up I grabbed the shoulders of both the driver and passenger seats and then looking out through my window I realized that the car was on midair floating when the car dropped the front bumper dismantled and slid past the right windows of the car what makes the matter worse our car did not stop for us it just started to run at a very high speed and my dad and I freaked out due to the situation my mom was insisting him to stop the car as soon as possible I could see that he was trying but the car wouldn't stop fortunately we stopped at the fast lane of the highway and there was a gas station on the other side of the road we rushed out of the car and realized that our front left tire burst and I could see that there was still no cars anywhere the road was totally empty my dad was bleeding from his nose injury due to his first hit on the steering wheel when the tire burst when my mom went back to check to see if he was all right I suddenly started to have an eerie feeling at that very moment I could feel that part of the illumination from the gas station seemed to get dimmer lifting my head I scrutinized in the woods behind the gas station and then two dark gigantic figures were standing there and staring at us I thought I was hallucinating but those figures were literally standing there although I couldn't see their faces I could surely see the silhouettes and those piercing eyes also their sizes were absolutely abnormal I stood there in fear I couldn't even think of calling out my mom saying look over there then those two figures slowly walked away to the woods and disappeared after those things walked away into the dark the brightness of the gas station seemed to be back to normal again then the cars on the road started to pass on both sides of the highway it was like a moment of nightmare we finally called the police and not long after three police cars arrived at first the cops didn't seem to believe us when we reported our situation but anyway we were taken to the hospital and given treatment the next day a detective came to speak with us saying that this part of the highway was known as a haunted Road and a lot of bizarre accidents have occurred literally the local government tried to investigate what was the reason but it has never been solved until now since that day my family never went on that Highway and a few years later that highway was shut down due to the rising number of fatalities this happened to me a couple of years ago my family and I moved to a new house it was quite old and it had been sitting empty for at least fifteen years before my family decided to buy it at first I was just happy that we had a new house but after that I had some weird experiences my room was right across the bathroom and at night I would hear strange noises coming from it actually if you listened more carefully it sounded like it was coming from the walls but when I finally got enough courage to walk towards it the noises always stopped not much later I got used to the sound and eventually stopped being scared of it but that wasn't a problem compared to other things my stuff started to go missing like my clothes underwear and even one of my pillows sometimes I yelled at my little sister since she often came into my room I thought that she probably stole my stuff but whenever I got mad at her she said why would I take your underwear I'm not a thief eventually I couldn't find my stuff even worse our food also went missing little by little my family and I felt uneasy one night I was laying in my bed about to go to sleep and as I rolled over I saw a figure in front of my door that sent chills down my spine so I rubbed my eyes and it was totally gone I thought it was just my imagination but after that I started receiving little notes on my bedside table when I woke up pretty I see you and other weird things were written on it however I figure that my sister was trying to scare me so I just ignored it and that day became the most terrible memory of my entire life one day my dad and I were fixing up the bathroom because the entire house was pretty old we were repairing the inside of the bathroom first as we were tearing the tiles of the wall dad took the huge mirror off and at that instant I screamed there was a little room behind the mirror and there I found my stuff and even my underwear along with empty food wrappers we couldn't believe what we just saw and mom immediately called the police they arrived pretty fast and when they inspected that tiny room they found out that there was a man who had been living in it for at least a couple of months but he was not there so the police promised that they would search for him outside after that we demolished the room and since I turned 18 years old I moved to my college nearby and got my own apartment sometimes I go back to my hometown to visit my parents but never spend the night I know that the man was still never caught and I'm always paranoid wondering if he's still hiding someone in [Applause] [Music] this happened six years ago when I was 16 years old one day my parents were going to a concert in California so one of my best friends and I had a sleepover at my house after my parents had left we played some videogames ate some snacks and a few hours later we finally went to bed when we got bored watching some more movies on Netflix I was about to sleep and at that moment I heard some loud noise it seemed that our houses window was broken by someone being freaked out I woke my friend up and of course he got mad dude get into the bathroom now I said to him and he replied why but there was no time to explain I got up pulled him by force and we went into the bathroom I was paying attention to outside if I could hear any footsteps then someone was running towards us as soon as I locked the door the intruders stood in front of the door it said to open up with a deep and low voice but we didn't say anything he stood there for a second and then he abruptly started kicking down the door open it open or I'll kill you all we were so scared at that moment he finally broke down the door and while they succeeded to come in I quickly grabbed some medical scissors at the same time I screamed and stabbed him in the leg he dropped the ax it was in his hand and then I finally saw his face he was in his mid-50s and he had long shaggy hair with 70 style glasses his eyes were all bloodshot and furthermore I could see that he was drooling like a mad person I will never forget the way he looked the rest of my life just then he violently grabbed my scissors and stabbed me in the arm when he attacked suddenly I felt a deep pain and I was so terrified thinking that we were gonna die in here I closed my eyes and then my friend started punching his face as he had learned martial arts for self-protection and who had enough strength to beat an adult up he attacked his face several times and took away the scissors from him I started to help him attack that man with one hand I punched him in the throat and when my friend pushed him throwing him to the ground we finally managed to get out of the bathroom before the man tried to escape we pushed the couch from the living room with all our might and trapped him in there he slammed the door and yelled with a mad angry voice but it was impossible to escape I grabbed my phone and called 9-1-1 about ten minutes later three police arrived and they went into the bathroom when they entered inside they witnessed a full pool of blood took him outside and arrested him our nightmare was finally finished at that moment one of the police officers stayed with us and my parents had to come back home early the next day when they had got a call from the police after that it turned out he was a serious kidnapper who had a mental issue and he was sentenced to jail for over 10 years since then I've never had that kind of experience ever however I always wondered what would have happened if my friend wasn't there with me I will always appreciate him for saving my life I was 26 years old when this incident happened one day I was taking a walk with my dog Molly after walking two more blocks we saw three men smoking on the porch and talking to each other two of them didn't pay attention to me but one was staring in my direction he was a bit bigger compared to the other two guys he looked like he was in his 20s and was also bald I quickly looked the other direction but then he yelled at me from behind hey gorgeous nice puppy you got come over here and let me pet her then I heard laughter coming from the other two men so I ignored them and rushed over to my house at first I didn't tell my parents anything thinking that it wasn't that serious but I was wrong the day after I walk my dog as usual but because I was feeling a little bit scared I took pepper spray with me I walked past the same house hoping not to see that weird man but he was there again he was sitting on a rocking chair on the porch and when he saw me he shot up from his seat in fear I picked up Molly and bolted down the sidewalk trying to get away from him but to my horror he was chasing after me he pushed me to the ground making me fall onto the hard concrete floor and dropping Molly I started screaming for help for anybody to hear me but he covered my mouth clawing at his hands I realized that I had the pepper spray in my pocket so I grabbed it and sprayed it in his eyes and after a while he eventually screamed out in pain and rolled off my body I quickly got up and picked up Molly when I got home of course I frantically explained the situation to my parents my dad who was a retired Marine wanted to go to that house but mom just told us to go to the police station I told an officer what happened and showed him my injury but they didn't really help me a couple of months later I started working at a 7-eleven one day I was walking home after my night shift and when I turned the corner I noticed a truck driving slowly and way too close to the sidewalk I didn't pay any attention at first but when I was standing in front of my front door I looked behind me and saw the same car two men were in the truck and I could see that they were watching me I told my parents again and because of this my dad was on the lookout in front of the house for a few weeks nothing really happened until that night that night traumatized me and the guilt still chokes me to this day it was about 2:00 in the morning when Molly started barking at something out the window being too tired I just struggle and drifted back to sleep until I woke up to the sound of Molly yelping in pain I opened my eyes and saw my dog's lifeless body on the floor covered in blood and a dark figure over her it was him do you think you could get away from me no you were wrong he climbed over me and started punching my face with my blurred vision I kept on kicking and hitting the man but he didn't even flinch and next I heard him struggling to get his belt off pure terror swept over my body I let out a scream before he could cover my mouth all of a sudden the door swung open my dad held his gun in his hand and my mom was behind him as soon as dad saw the man he shot him twice the man screamed in agony and I pushed him off of my body dad grabbed him and started beating him showing no mercy and mom called the police I then ran to Molly but she'd already passed away about five minutes later the police arrived and they arrested him it turns out that it was not only that man but also his other two friends who conspired this their plan was to break into our house kidnap me and rape me fortunately they were coughed and sentenced to 16 years in prison for multiple charges until now I still live with my parents because of the fear of being alone and I feel sorry for Molly I really miss her I miss her so much it was a normal boring day in winter 2015 I was at home and had nothing else to do that day since the snow was so heavy so I told my mom that I was going for a walk with my dog I decided to take him for a five-minute walk to the field near our house and when we got there the place was totally empty I couldn't see anyone walking around but I didn't mind though so we started walking again for more than five minutes then all of a sudden I heard something it was kind of like someone was moaning I looked around to see where this sound was coming from and at that moment I saw it there was a man wearing a dark black trench coat with his hood up and winter boots being frightened I quickly ducked behind a tree hoping that he didn't see me I'd laid down flat and ordered my dog to hide he lay in the snow digging his mouth into it the man stood there for a while and then he slowly walked off a few minutes later when I couldn't hear his feet anymore I quietly got up and said to my dog come he followed me and by this time I heard the creepy moan again behind me I was terrified I hesitated at first but slowly turned around to see what was going on well I hope no one ever has to go through something like this because what I saw at that moment became the worst nightmare I've ever had in my whole life he was there he stood there staring at me but this time he wasn't alone it was also a woman next to him and now they both had large knives in their hands especially I could see that the woman was covered in blood and her bright smile was spreading across her face like she was insane I started running away calling my dog to follow me I was almost halfway to the field but then I accidentally fell to the ground and landed on a broken beer bottle which penetrated the side of my leg it was painful but there was no time so I used all my strength to pull out the broken piece I managed to pull it out but after that it was hard to get up and run I struggled to crawl on the field spreading blood in the snow I knew that it was definitely visible to them and they soon found me the woman got close to me leave me alone I shouted to them hoping that someone would hear my voice for help but no one was around all of a sudden my dog got in front of me and started growling at the woman and when she kneeled down to stab me he instantly jumped up and bit her neck she yelled and swung around the knife on him when my dog collapsed injured on the ground an uncontrollable anger surged up within me I got up grabbed her knife and stabbed her side I started to choke her but then a sharp pain penetrated on my back and when I fell to the ground I could see the man was standing behind me I thought I was going to die and in those few seconds when I was about to close my eyes his arm was blown off it was my neighbor living next to our house he was holding a shotgun in his hand it's all been later that he'd went hunting and when he visited the field he heard my voice his hunting dogs rushed up to the man and bit into his shoulder after that my neighbor got to me and tried to help me to stand up but I told him to help my dog first instead of me then I finally blacked out when I woke up again I was in the hospital my family was standing next to me with my neighbor he told me that after I blacked out the police arrived with an ambulance and that my dog was taken to the veterinary clinic and survived by a miracle a few minutes later a policeman came to report the information that the man who attacked me had been arrested but the woman had died from shock and it turned out that they were serious criminals and when they were sent to the mental institution he had escaped with the woman after that my neighbor lost the right to own a weapon because he shot at a person but he didn't care though he just told me that he did the right thing to save someone's life and he also said that he's just glad I'm alive well I'll never forget about this incident ever and I will always thank my neighbor and my dog for saving my life it was Friday the 13th I was walking home from my friend's house it wasn't a long walk maybe five minutes as I got to my door I realized I didn't bring my keys when I left my house I took my cell phone out from my pocket to check the time and it was 7:30 p.m. my parents usually don't get back home from work until 8:45 p.m. so I decided to walk to my grandparents house which is only about a 10 minute walk as I was walking down the street I saw a shadow behind me I turned around but no one was there my heart started racing and I started to speed up then I saw the shadow again following I turned around again nobody was there I was kind of scared at that time but thankfully I was getting closer to my grandparents house I texted my grandma and told her to wait outside the door for me and she replied with an OK when I turned the corner I could see the house and my grandma standing there I started to feel calm again like nothing was gonna happen to me but I was wrong as I was about to cross the road to get to my grandma I was suddenly pulled into an alleyway one hand covered over my mouth and another hand was around my body with such an abrupt attack I couldn't get my scream out I looked down and I could see a very dark black hand with long pointy black nails lots of cuts and scratches were all over his hands its face was getting closer to mine and it smelled like dead bodies when I looked next to me I could see a little part of its face it was pale white with a tinted grey I could tell that it was not from here it was something that we should not know tears were flowing down my face after being dragged through the alleyway I was dropped onto the ground when I moaned in pain that creature stood over me breathing into my face now I could clearly see its face it had big black eyes a big open smile with pointy white teeth and a long red pointy nose I closed my eyes hoping it was just a dream however I felt their hand and nails were starting to dig into my neck slowly and painfully I struggled to breathe but it was impossible my vision was slowly blurring and at that moment someone put their hands on my shoulders another put their head on my right shoulder and started to whisper in my ear with a strange voice so this is how you end up when you forget your key on Friday the 13th then the creature started laughing and then everything went pitch black and silent when I opened my eyes again I heard a bunch of people shouting he's back he's back I was lying in a hospital room and all my family was standing next to me I looked to the left of me and there was a woman doing something next to a monitor I asked her excuse me why am I here what happened and she responded you were found in an alleyway near your grandma's house with scratches and cuts on your neck as soon as your grandma saw you being pulled into the alley she immediately ran after you she found you laying there as pale as paper with your phone in your hand and blood running from your neck onto the ground so she called 911 and now you're here looking her straight in the eye I was immobilized with terror I couldn't believe what she was saying because I couldn't remember what happened to me and then when I looked to the right of me on the bedside table there it was I could see my house key sometimes you never truly know what is out there until you've seen your nightmares come to life I was about 21 years old the day I realized its true meaning at the time I worked in a warehouse for a minimum wage there was this dark corner in the very back of the warehouse which every employee knew about it was an unnaturally cold place with stale air I felt like it was alive watching closely over your shoulder despite having an old factory light hanging directly over the shelves it was never a bright place my job was to stand and scan all of the items on the shelf along with big lists which were printed lists with items on them the models would wear these items and then I would put them back where they belonged it was a Wednesday and my team leader handed me a pick list of items for the models to wear it was my job to get them to the studio for fitting as soon as possible a hat check some shoes check and then the third item the sweater when I arrived at the dark corner there was a woman standing near one of the shelves I could hear her breath shaking as she was hunched over it scanning each item as quickly as she could occasionally I would hear her say the f-word as she scanned the many items trying to find the one she was looking for I looked at my pick list and searched for the shelf number at every step my body would come closer and closer to the very corner of the warehouse I could feel something staring at me it felt like they were a foot behind me I looked at the shelf and took another few steps towards it the deep beating in my chest grew and the urge to look behind me became the only thought in my head I finally looked there behind the woman was a manly figure with long arms coming out of his back the arms draped with black smoke the beating inside of my chest grew louder and louder until I could even hear it she didn't even notice she didn't even see it but I could see her arms shaking the figure wrapped his arms around her and pushed her body into him as though his chest could feel hunger I didn't know what to do it's not like she could see it how am I supposed to tell her to run if she can't even see him frozen I stood there watching this thing wrap himself around my coworker then he saw me he saw me looking right at him and noticed I could see him too I looked down quickly at my pick list hoping he would believe I didn't see him if I just finished this thing I can go the number for the Shelf was JH 243 which was the last shelf at the end I was about 5 feet away from JH 243 when I lifted my gaze up from the ground long slender fingers slowly crept over the corner of the shelf the corner grew shadows darker than anything I could have ever imagined following the fingers was an inhuman head ever so slowly creeping itself around the shelf I had to do this I had to get the item as fast as I could so I could leave acting as though I didn't see him my gaze locked on the shelf and I grabbed the sweater I needed one scan it didn't work I scanned again and it didn't work a black shadow encompassed me I could see the top of his head but his eyes didn't come second he didn't have a face it was just a pit as fast as I could I grabbed the item the woman was looking for and hurried her away after that terrible incident a few weeks later I hosted a birthday party at my house my guests kept seeing they heard whispering and ended up fighting each other during a cookout I brushed it off as people playing jokes until I was alone and doing the dishes another day and I heard this constant whispering like someone was right in my ear I was so scared and thought my boyfriend was playing a joke to scare me but he was at work and my sister was also at work I hung up the phone and then went into the kitchen and all the drawers were open later that day I was cooking in the kitchen and my sister made a joke about the house being haunted while she was talking a cross fell off the wall all of a sudden I placed it back on the wall and she made a joke again about it being a demon then the cross came off again and I told her not to worry about it because maybe the nail wasn't right and laughed it off I placed the cross on a bookshelf nearby with its back on the surface she was quiet after that until she made another joke till I in the mood the cross on the bookshelf which was across from her flew off horizontally weeks went on I began seeing the shadow in the morning when I woke up I ignored it because no way was that real it was just my imagination I didn't know where else to go so I went to the church for help and telling them everything I was experiencing but they said they couldn't help me I tried sitting in the church and all I heard was hissing literally snakes hissing like it didn't want me to listen not only that but I went from a positive happy person to a grim hateful resentful girl merely wishing something happened to people was dangerous my dad has been convinced to this day that I was possessed by a demon because of how much my personality changed after that I stopped accepting any guests I started throwing up everything I eat and couldn't keep anything down until I was hospitalized for starvation I just remember the day I felt so weak [Music] I was scared I felt like I wasn't going to be here for much longer then all of a sudden there was a light that told me it was okay I never knew what it was after that everything was gone I was there for three weeks with mental evaluations and they said nothing was actually wrong with my mental health I don't know what is out there but that experience scared me and this is what made me realize that something is out there
Channel: Wansee Entertainment
Views: 1,688,131
Rating: 4.8770142 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 15sec (3315 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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