The Halo Stars EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal when i say the word halo what do you think of angels hell no we're nerds not bible-humping pedos you would think of the master chief or maybe a big ass circular super weapon that a bunch of space bible humping pedos think is a sacred [ __ ] ring yeah it's been a while since i played halo so my knowledge of the law is a bit sketchy you probably wouldn't think of the horrifying outer rim of the galaxy full of dark matter and unknown xenos but in 40k that is exactly what it is if it's sounding similar to the ghoul stars that's because the ghoul stars are a section of the halo stars but they only make up like one quarter of it that means they're around three more quarters of horrifying [ __ ] fortunately we haven't been exposed to much of it because whenever people try to explore them they usually die horribly but not always you know those halo devices that turn people into flesh-eating cannibals they're from the halo star's baby a quick note you guys and gal are legends the channel is growing in an obscene rate and we're poised to take over the arch enemy within a few weeks so let's dig in and go even harder if you laugh smile learn something new or you just came to play halo infinite when it drops then slap that juicy button i've got a fun video planned for when we overtake the old mate that is sure to ruffle some feathers today we'll talk about the halo stars and what resides in them we'll go over the four sections of this dark galactic rim before talking about the times that people have tried to penetrate it's void let's get into it halo stars exist in real life as well with the main difference being that our halo stars don't contain lovecraftian monsters capable of destroying civilizations or maybe we do who knows in 40k they form a ring around the milky way which is designed to keep things in more than it's designed to keep things out flying through the halo stars isn't a huge deal it's when you try and explore planets and [ __ ] that stuff goes sideways that's why the tyranids can fly through most of the halo star regions in our galaxy without too much drama each section of the halo stars offers its own fun little uh surprises we've already covered the ghoul stars in another video as this section of the halo stars is the most well known and explored and holy [ __ ] it is spooky galactic plagues and cosmic hentai looking monsters have known to emerge from here requiring extreme levels of effort and a lot of heresy on the imperiums part to contain the necrons here are also all flayed ones the one tyranid high fleet that flew through here went insane and there is an entire chapter of pretty emo-looking marines who exist purely to watch over the ghoul stars for the signs of another apocalypse so naturally the black templars decided to crusade it these [ __ ] guys i swear they actually did a really good job like sure physics didn't seem to apply and sure planets were able to randomly regenerate from getting a sturman artist but boy oh boy did they crusade it the ghoul stars despite their danger actually quite explorable and easy to navigate you know compared to the rest of the halo stars it'd be like being in an obstacle course where you can see the finish line but the course is full of barbed wire landmines and rapists on the contrary to the ghoul stars the veiled region which are another quarter of the halo stars is actually not too bad like sure the astronomicon doesn't reach there but at the moment it doesn't reach half the [ __ ] galaxy so you can barely complain about that there are necrons chilling there but they're not the flayed spooky types also not a huge deal there are also numerous human and xeno settlements that live in this region of space and rogue traders will often dip into it for a bit and then get the [ __ ] out the veiled region was where the soul drinkers ran off to when the imperium threw the book at them and they survived kind of coincidentally a mechanicus explorator fleet also explored the vale region at the same time as the soul drink is and other than having to fight necrons didn't encounter anything too mind-blowing or terrifying another quarter of the halo stars is the eastern fringe which is the only sensible and non-spooky name we've seen so far probably because it's a pretty sensible and non-spooky region of space the eastern fringe gets reasonably good astronomic on coverage and is home to the ultramarines the tau and you guessed it some necrons it's like all the physical laws and common sense was drained from the other three quarters of the halo stars and all dumped into the eastern fringe and finally the final quarter of the main topic of today's video the halo star quarter of the halo stars yeah it's a little confusing the halos does encompass the entire galaxy but there is one quarter which is just called the halo stars i'm gonna just say the word hello in a weird voice when i'm referring to the halo stars of the halo stars to make it easier to follow make sense no well sounds like a you problem not a me problem the halo stars are creepy as [ __ ] and very unexplored they have like a natural cape out vibe which steers pretty much everyone clear of it as such unlike the ghoul stars section this one is super unexplored and mostly devoid of life up until very recently in the lore what we do know is that there was once or maybe still is a super advanced civilization that lived there the creators of the halo device on very very very rare occasions brave or stupid explorers will encounter an abandoned xeno world in the halo stars here they might find strange beautiful devices often looking like jewelry that seem completely untouched by the derogation of time and neglect that its surroundings have endured these are halo devices and holy [ __ ] they are not a good idea to touch if you pick up a halo device and put it on or put it in your pocket or if you're a weirdo just stab it into your flesh it will begin to bond with you this can take days or if you're one of those weirdos a few hours once the device has bonded with you that's it you are dunzo's only way to remove it after that bonding period is to be violently killed which becomes super difficult because you turn into a [ __ ] raid boss at first it's good you become youthful energetic really smart and you can [ __ ] like a rabbit on viagra basically a superhuman without having to get the snip or developing severe autism after a few years some side effects will become apparent dopamine will be suppressed and sleeping will become difficult mood swings get bad and your mental state begins to deteriorate whilst your physical abilities continue to grow after a few more years you enter into a secondary phase where the cons really start to outweigh the pros you can no longer sleep you're monstrously powerful and durable the halo device is absorbed into your flesh almost completely and your insanity becomes apparent around this time is when halo device users also develop a taste for human flesh you are basically dracula at this point your mind begins to turn alien and it receives visions of alien [ __ ] whilst your own old memories fade you can still kind of hide what's going on here but uh yeah not looking too hot and finally the third and final phase the territory phase i don't know how the [ __ ] you say that which occurs a few decades later by this phase you're a complete monster and you look horrifying you can't remember your own name but you can speak in lost zeno languages so you know that's pretty neat you're nearly unkillable and you're built like a demon with claws and an exoskeleton another cooked [ __ ] you can even come back from the dead some even say that any who wield a halo device into the territory phase are completely invulnerable the inquisition would beg to differ and have killed numerous tattoo phase halo device wielders it's really amazing how quickly the term invulnerable loses its weight when you throw a [ __ ] at the sun all in all a pretty shitty trade-off but i'm a massive fan of how a halo device has no connection to chaos zeno corruption is really cool to see in warhammer law and it helps shake up the game beyond give me your soul and i'll give you three [ __ ] you know but yeah it is confusing as to why people seek out these devices you only get to enjoy the cool youthful part for like 5 years before everything goes to [ __ ] and whilst you do become immortal it's not really you anymore by the 30-year mark the only people who get halo devices are super rich well-connected people who know of their existence and can fund the expeditions to go get them but surely these people aren't that dumb it might have something to do with the fact that like 1 in 10 halo devices don't come with all the negative [ __ ] side effects but those odds aren't good enough for me there is more in the hello stars than the halo devices in the calyx sector of the hello stars lies the coronos expanse which is a new untouched cluster of systems strangely enough the kronos experience is actually quite livable with the number of new imperial worlds popping up there this is helped by the fact that there is a shitload of natural resources and wealth to be found it's really hard to get to though like it's completely surrounded by warp storms and may as well be a pocket dimension with how cut off it is from everything it does seem though that the colonization of the kronos expanse is the imperium's first proper attempt at conquering the halo stars probably won't go well for them but i'm keen to see them try also i love spooky unknown xenos and if they're gonna pop up it's gonna be there that is not to say that the imperium hasn't tried to conquer the halo stars before lord solar mecarius aka space alexander the great gave it a red hot go when old mate macarius launched a crusade so legendary that it would make a primark moist he conquered thousands of new worlds for the imperium in only a few short years the crusade didn't end because they were beaten or cast out to be dealt with the crusade ended because there was nothing left to conquer they had reached the edge of the segmentus pacificus and any further voyaging would put them in the halo stars and not the nice ones but you better believe our boy macarius didn't give a [ __ ] he went hard and fast and he penetrated those [ __ ] stars he was ready to keep on penetrating but his fleet was not they were like bruh it's so dark we can't even see the astronomicon plus it's spooky and macaris was like stop being a [ __ ] onwards but even the threat of being known as a [ __ ] wasn't great enough and the commanders begged makaris to stop and they even thought about assassinating him if needed macaris eventually agreed and he took the fleet back to imperial space but he was pretty salty about it the existence of the halo stars provides so much potential narrative and new threats for the setting the rung done could be hiding and rebuilding their strength there the old ones might be watching and subtly ulting the course of the galaxy from there cthulhu lookalikes might be hatching their own plans the possibilities are endless i also want to note quickly that i love how most of the exodite worlds are in the halo stars well like in the eastern fringe halo stars you know which aren't that shitty they're like [ __ ] this galaxy [ __ ] the imperium [ __ ] chaos i want to ride dinosaurs and smash magic mushrooms in peace i reckon there's a bit of exodus in all of us if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of battle mace hentai hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more hello content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 785,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, Superanchors, mad, angry, why, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primarch, Halo, Ghoul
Id: dvgtWDRvF0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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