Warhammer 40k just got MASSIVELY Retconned but Nobody Noticed

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good day guys and G I hope you're holding on to something cuz this video is going to rock you to the core GW in recent times have done an absolutely massive Recon to the setting of Warhammer 40K changing the very foundations of the law itself and the kicker is that no one even noticed I didn't even noticed till recently cuz it's basically just sprinkled into a bunch of random books that no one has actually read basically the origins of the Elder necrons and Chaos have all been dramatically changed with the nature of the war in heaven being heavily different now it basically puts chaos as the big bad guys of the setting at day one and makes slanesh a thing since day one despite being created by the Elder in ranish times basically the reccon has made [ __ ] more confusing kind of ruin the necrons a bit and just makes me ey roll a bit the chaos keeps getting propped up as the main antagonist of the setting when they're about as Bland and flat as it's the first 3 minutes of the video so I can't finish that sentence but I love heart react to the comment that finishes it and makes me laugh the most before we get started we have come to the end of the latest major kill merch drop the drop will be live for a few more days over the week weekend then we'll be gone for good so this is your last chance the lord of the night t-shirt and Singler is sold out with the nothing to lose design having only a handful left the flesh's weak design also doesn't have many left but will last slightly longer than the nothing to lose it's quite law friendly that the sacrificed design sold the worst and has the most still remaining even in merch form they who lament still Cooper the worst not even mad about it the irony is great as for the hoodie there's about 30 or so of those left and like everything in this drop this design is not getting restocked if none of these tickle your pickle we still have a few Legacy designs remaining such as the reject you design and the ashamed design two of my favorites that still have a few dozen left from the previous drop all orders over $100 we'll get a free [ __ ] Santa hat at least until we run out of hats so if you don't get one that's why but I don't think that should be an issue if you order quickly full transparency it's unlikely this will reach you by Christmas maybe if you order Express but no guarantee unless you're an Aussie then you'll be sweet link is below today we'll go over this very dramatic and very unknown reccon in detail trying to figure out what is actually going on and why I think this reccon was stupid and only really serve to jerk chaos off to make them seem more like a big bad scary antagonist now let's get into it the war in heaven was originally the first big thing that happened in 40K I've spoken about it in great detail on this channel the necron met the old ones the old ones told them to [ __ ] off when the necron tier asked to become immortal so in their spite the necron sold their souls and flesh to the Katan to be remade as the necrons thus kicking off a massive Galaxy spanning war that saw the T split into shards the necrons put to sleep the old ones destroyed and the Elder rising to the top of the food chain but now that's not really what happened but it kind of is but it isn't it's [ __ ] annoying the newish retcon and I say newish cuz it's actually been around for a few years but no one has really picked up on it like it's news to me is that a billion years or so before the war in heaven the old ones were battling chaos as their arch nemesis and even teamed up with the necron tier to combat them in the reccon the Elder were not made as the old one's successors or as Weapons against necrons but as As Weapons against chaos they were designed to be chaos resistant which is why even the dark Elder the most depraved drug field rapists ever don't even worship sles first up like what the nekron Empire is like billions of years old the Elder are over a billion years old not a whole lot to show for it a billion years of Galactic dominance should see every single planet in the galaxy under your control also how the [ __ ] did the old ones the Elder at their Peak and the necron tier struggle against chaos when the Imperium has been doing a pretty solid job of it for the last 10,000 years who was even feeding chaos at the time they didn't seem to have massive races of Senti and beans worshiping and empowering them also how the [ __ ] does sles exist and wage war against the old ones and their allies a billion years ago but then get birthed in the 31st Millennium and eat the Elder Gods then like when they've already fought against her I'll try to answer these questions in more during this video to combat chaos the old ones and necron tier built massive planet-sized prisons that they basically used to trap and permanently contain the hordes of Hell the idea being that as demons are shards of their respective chaos God Gods if you throw an army of demons in prison you are imprisoning a shot of that chaos God and permanently weaking it if they were to then destroy those hordes those demons would then go back into the warp and reform thus chaos doesn't actually make a net loss I would have thought that the old ones would have figured out a way to perac kill demons since there is a bunch of [ __ ] that can do it in the current setting most notably a lot of psychic energy you know the thing that makes the old ones literal Gods the thing that the Elder use but that's just one of the many plot holes that have now Arisen from this stupid ass Recon after a metric [ __ ] ton of years of war it's seems as if enough demons were in prison for C to back off fast forward a billion years or so to the war in heaven where it now seems as if the necron tier instead of meeting the old ones and getting upset that the old ones wouldn't give them extended lifespans just grew too ambitious or something potentially wanting to claim the old ones territory for themselves I mean the original motives of the silent King wanting to unite his people against a common enemy as a way to end their infighting is probably still legit but now there's this other layer to things thus the two sides fought and then the law goes back to how it was in Canon with the necron tier getting smashed and then accepting the katan's bargain to become the necrons thus kicking off the war in heaven as we know it however cowos felt left out so instead of the Katan gaining the upper hand and then turning on themselves and then getting betrayed by the necrons whilst the enslaver plague came to Turbo [ __ ] the old ones in the Elder chaos and a shitload of demons randomly also got involved which once again confuses the hell out of me how the [ __ ] did the Elder rise to become the dominant force in the Galaxy after technically losing the war in heaven then getting pushed back to their last strongholds then getting attacked by The enslavers Who were super powerful against psychers and now we're throwing in chaos I'm just so confused like step one hectic War we are losing bad step two question mark step three total control of the Galaxy the war in heaven was already confusing enough and now it's just like my brain to play a bit of fairness the new law does state that chaos got involved in the war in heaven not just randomly but because the Rampage at the Katan destroyed a bunch of the demon cages giving chaos enough power to reenter the setting which is a cool Lord tidbit as it still allows some blame for C's existence to be put upon in the war in heaven but it's a shining Gem of lore in an ocean of [ __ ] now I'm all for updated LA and retcons when you need to do it after all the original war in heaven law was like 15 years old but it was also pretty bloody good and I was okay with being mly confused by it because they really made it feel like an ancient tale of myth and Legend the story is getting twisted over the Millennia but still sounding great the nekron's arrogance in the current setting also makes sense as they technically won the war in heaven and then even overthrew their own Gods chaos was just this upstart faction of warp creatures brought about them by the Lesser races tinkering in things they didn't understand stand chaos was an inconvenience to the necrons not a genuine threat because the war in heaven made chaos look like a [ __ ] but now You' think the necrons would be like holy [ __ ] our old enemy from billions of years ago is back this is bad chaos was so much better when it was caused by the misuse of the war by psychic races the war in heaven was a fantastic origin story for chaos countless sextillion of deaths in a galaxy spanning War turning the Sea of souls from an afterlife and place of reincarnation to this hateful Realm of Darkness part of C being compelling is the fact that it is actually beatable but due to the hatred and mistrust of all the factions against each other chaos thrives but now they are this day one Cosmic force that is 100% unbeatable it doesn't make them a better villain it just makes them more wanky from what I can tell this whole reccon came about because GW wanted to create these demon cages as a plot point something to create Stakes but then they just took it too far by saying that it was a billion years old and that c is super epic and Powerful as for why sles was around billions of years ago despite getting born only like 10 ,000 years ago on the setting is because GW are annoying and are over complicating things for no reason but the in-law reason is that because the warp is timeless everything that will ever happen has already happened hence slesh getting born 10,000 years ago means she is also allowed to exist at the dawn of time as well yes this also creates a metric fuckload of plot holes and other law issues as well as kind of making everything pre-ordained which is something I hate in fictional universes it also clashes a lot with the law as Warhammer has made it clear that the future is never set that acts of incredible will can shatter the predicted future and shake things up Gillman's Resurrection for example but this directly contradicts with a Timeless warp I'm probably just salty cuz [ __ ] like this makes my job a lot harder for those that are confused as to how I know that cenes was around during the dawn of the setting it's because some of those big ass demon cages built a billion years ago contain sesi demons so there you go all of this basically says that the warp has been an absolute [ __ ] hole full of demons and Chaos from day one it doesn't mean chaos controls the whole warp after all the Elder Gods used to control a big chunk of it which allowed the Elder to re incarnate whilst the old ones were able to access enough of the warp to build the webway however the webway was built originally because the warp is a dangerous [ __ ] hole I think I'm just exacerbated because this Recon straight up contrast with other established law I thought this kind of plot holy stuff for the sake of creating Stakes was behind us I'm not really sure what GW will do with this next if they have realized that this reccon was dumb which is potentially the case since it doesn't really get brought up anymore with the books that referenced it coming out in 2016 and 2018 or maybe they will double down on it and start reconing more and more stuff but I really hope they don't I'm kind of sad I stumbled on the truth so I'm bringing you guys down with me in saying that if you genuinely did enjoy this reccon let me know in the comments below maybe I'm just jaded and salty because my war in heaven videos are now outdated and technically misinformation if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel and pick up the major kill merch I won't be talking about this drop again it's now or never hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more redcon content join the Discord for more mes and I'll see you on the next one peace bow to [Music] me
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 260,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 9NlczoC2g6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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