The Rangdan Xenocides EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal rang not really a word you can say without sounding like you're trying to take the piss out of a chinese man china ain't the only people mad about the rang danglasino sides though after all the topic of today's video is about the xeno race that nearly beat the imperium and sodomized the dark angels so hard that the ultramarines became the biggest legion in the galaxy there's also a pretty legit theory that the death of the second and 11th legions and their primarks is because of theirangdang if you haven't heard of the rang dang then don't feel bad neither has games workshop apparently as there exists very little information and absolutely no official art of this very notable xeno race and war i mean to win the war the emperor had to open at the labyrinth of night not that you would really know what the hell that was either unless you're a virgin or you make it to the end of this video now that i'm back for my little holiday in sydney i'm ready to get back on the horse and go hard with the content so expect some solid original content by this guy also the custodies cosplay is finally coming along with me having secured some random talented filipino guys to handle the cosplay stuff that i can't do just because my version of the custody's cosplay is more homoerotic doesn't make it any less awesome neither does the fact that i'll be waxing my legs and getting a spray tan for the cosplay either i am a very secure person before we get started i actually had a really cool black friday sponsored thing for you but they never sent me a tracking link and i wasn't making any videos during the black friday period so it's been an absolute disaster just thought i would share that with you so uh yeah instead of promoting cool stuff at a discount i'll take this time now to instead get on my dirty knees and perform fellati i mean pridefully beg i mean address you as an equal when i request that if at any point in this video you laugh or crack a smile then consider chucking me your subscription naughty things are happening if we get to 150k by the end of the year today i will go over what we know about the imperium's deadliest conflict prior to the horus heresy darangdang zeno sides we will cover the rang dang who fought in the war and what the opening of the labyrinth of night actually means let's get into it let's face it during the great crusade the imperium pretty much gutter stomped everyone in their path sure there were tough battles and spooky xenos but for the most part the primox and their legions of astartes did some pretty non-consensual stuff to the galaxy in the name of humanity that was until the xenocides occurred a series of three wars with the xenos were smarter deadlier and more advanced than the imperium and genuinely look to be in a position where they could have caused permanent damage to the big east conquest basically as the imperium was smashing its way through everything their expeditionary fleets annoyed the rangdang a highly advanced organic race of things that i don't really have an actual description or pictures of because gw has deliberately left it out hence every time i want to reference darangdang from now on i'll just use any random cool picture of an alien these xenos weren't in the mood to make friends hence proceeded to obliterate these initial imperial forces one thing that has been described about the random however is that their spaceships look like big old jellyfish so uh yeah there you go the emperor was like pardon me [ __ ] none of that and deployed the dark angels space wolves a bunch of titans a ton of knights and hundreds of thousands of guardsmen now one thing that pisses me off about gw is a sense of scale like brew the rang dung destroyed a ton of imperial worlds and potentially killed over 100 000 space marines but you telling me that the battle of stalingrad had over double the amount of casualties get the [ __ ] out of here with that [ __ ] what'd i do to make the wars more bearable for 40k is to take gw's numbers and add a zero i seriously recommend this technique to everyone so yeah let's just pretend that the hundreds of titans thousands of knights and millions if not more guardsmen were deployed the details of the zeno sides are very blurry but it seems like the imperium was losing hard from the get-go hence the death guard and the war hounds who were the world eaters before angron put [ __ ] nails in their brains and turned them all into unlockable dicks joined the war alongside the emperor now the langdong also seemed to be in some kind of alliance with the slaw another mysterious race of xeno that we at least get a couple artworks of this is bad news as the slaw are a bunch of dicks however it does paint the picture of the rang dung in a better way you ready i believe that were the 40k equivalent of cthulhu and other lovecraftian horrors if that's how it was then it makes sense that the imperium would have a really [ __ ] one on this no amount of gene seed is going to keep you safe from the god of tentacle hentai as i said there were three separate wars required to send the rangdang to the gulag the line is a bit blurry when one war ends and the next one begins but basically the first war was when the imperium fought darangdang on one of their heavily fortified planets the planet was so well protected that the imperium thought it was their homeworld in reality it was just like a scouting world the imperium were able to wipe out the planet though the next two wars kind of blurred together but basically the random tore through the imperium and were eventually held back by the growing imperial defense the death guards suffered a lot here and begun recruiting marines who were not even born on barbarus purely so they could keep their numbers at an acceptable level this massive war was also the one that raped the dark angels and space wolves but mostly the dark angels who lost about 50 000 marines there was also an imperial nighthouse that lost 50 nights in one of the climactic battles and they were really dramatic about it they even needed the emperor to pat them on the back to calm them down a bit but like boo [ __ ] who you lost 50 knights 50 ugandans probably died of aids last night and you don't see much of a ruckus about it the rundong xeno sides got so bad that the alpha legion revealed themselves to the imperium for the first time by coming to offer their aid to the lion this high casualty rate you know if you can call 50 000 marines and 50 nights high casualty when dealing with galactic conflict were not in vain however as the emperor had returned to mars to open the noctis labyrinth or the labyrinth of night if you want to use english like a normal person now what was in the labyrinth none other than the void dragon one of the most powerful beings in the universe nice now games workshop have made it pretty unclear what the emperor did with the void dragon to kill cthulhu but i know exactly how it went the big e master of mankind entered the dragon's lair beneath mars he shouts void dragon return causing the legendary catan to be absorbed into the emperor's golden master ball he then quickly travels to the lion who is desperately trying to hold cthulhu off the emperor shouts void dragon go and the greatest pokey battle of our generation commenced with the void dragon overcoming cthulhu and finally helping to exterminate the rangdong ending the rangdung xenocides that might have sounded silly but until gw posts something more detailed other than lang dang strong emperor stonga that is official canon if you disagree you can suck my [ __ ] the randon xenocides had a profound effect on the imperium the dark angels were easily the strongest legion prior to fighting the rang dung but now they just lost a fat chunk of marines allowing the ultramarines and sons of horus to rise to the top because they weren't involved with the conquest at all the death garden space wolves who had also been smashed meaning these two extremely powerful legions were also knocked down the tear ladder but most importantly of all the second and 11th legions could have genuinely died here it's confirmed that they fought in the rangdang xeno sides but the question is on what side the salah were known for their ability to mind control and there's a good chance that the rangdung weren't this super overpowered xeno race merely their xeno race that had two primarks and two legions of their command it's heavily hinted that lehman was involved in the deaths of the missing primarks and that the missing primarks were tragically culled they clearly didn't die glorious noble deaths for the imperium otherwise their records wouldn't be sealed and malcolm wouldn't have forced choked horus when he tried to say their names lehman was also a huge participant in the rangdung xeno sides so there's no plot hole there i could even go as far as to say that the slaw were able to flip two primarks to their cores hence there was never anything called a rung dung they were merely the name of a powerful fabricated zeno race created by the emperor as a cover-up rokul dawn goes on record for saying that if the second and eleventh primarks were still alive then horus already would have won this is really exciting because if the writers ever choose to tackle the random zeno sides like they're tackling the emperor's previously mysterious unification wars and origins they would have so much material primark fights cthulhu slaw legion on legion more primark interactions and what the emperor actually did with the void dragon to end the war i personally think it would be incredible turning a small footnote in warhammer 40k law into a conflict that is more interesting and impactful than all others by the horus heresy itself interestingly enough there's a lot of potential for a different war master due to the xeno sides because horus never got involved with the rungdong and the lions suffered heavily from it horus and his legion were able to overtake and outshine the dark angels who were considered the runner-up choice of warmaster i hope you can kind of see how big of an event this was and how much bigger it could end up being and that does this for today guys the lore of the rangdung xeno sides i do hope gw eventually come around to fleshing this out a because this video would then get a [ __ ] load of views and b because if the void dragon and cthulhu do end up having a pokemon battle then i'll be getting my dick sucked every second for the next 42 years if you enjoyed the video and want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be with only one dollar per month giving you access to a boatload of warhammer hentai hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more xenocidal content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 336,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Xeno, Gamesworkshop, Rangdan, Slaugth, Great Crusade, Astartes, Space Marines, Primarchs, Lost Legions, Legions, Emperor, Horus, Horus heresy, 11, Missing Primarchs, Leman Russ, Cthulu, Lovecraft, Space, Scifi, Sigmar, Fantasy, Warp, Chaos, Eldar, Necrons, Tyranids, Blood Angels, Lore, Story, Explained, Majorkill, Australia, Australian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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