The Watchers In The Dark EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal warmer 40K is all about subverting expectations the shark dudes who look like genuine nightmare fuel are some of the most steadfast and loyal Defenders of humanity the big scary pyromaniac dude is actually the nicest guy in the entire setting and these little Jawa looking aliens are arguably some of the most powerful bands in all of 40K I'm not joking the Watchers in the dark are very mysterious seemingly they're the Dark Angels Little Helpers but in reality they're these god-like omnipresent Guardians of the universe able to better reality to their will and delete any who oppose them with just a thought they also put like two foot tall and really cute but don't pat them I'm not sure what happens if you do but I don't want to find out before we get started there are things in life you really should be doing that you probably don't even realize skincare is one of them and cheers to today's sponsor geology we can finally sort you out your oily patchy pimply skin your 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10 percent so I would not miss out on this one guys and gal she's the geology for sponsoring this video today I'll be sussing out the lore of the watches in the dark attempting to uncover their motives and goal as well as highlighting some cool stuff they've done let's get into it the Galaxy of 40K is very very big and full of crazy stuff aliens that can open up Space Marines like tuna cans human civilizations light years more advanced than the Imperium and these Jawa looking Godlike xenos they don't really seem like that at a glance though I bet you've seen a few of their models where they're basically just hold Dark Angel weapons and armor like a bunch of child burn victims wrapped in their green robes and looking very mysterious you'd assume that they were some kind of servant but no their role was originally to subtly guide caliban against chaos occasionally appearing to special nights and treating the Dark Angels with disdain knowing it would be the Dark Angels who destroyed caliban however when [ __ ] hit the fan and the heresy broke out they decided to become more active directly advising Lionel Johnson himself while they themselves avoided direct conflict but I'm getting ahead of myself where did these xenos come from and what are they well it's clear that they are native to caliburn or at least have been here for a very long time and consider it their home this does make sense as caliben got come blasted by the warp creating the great Beasts of the forest as well as the mega demon hidden under the Earth so it's more than likely this warped [ __ ] blast could have also created the watches in the dark remember the warp doesn't only just spit out chaos or Empower it it can also provide the weapons against chaos such as Saint Celestine or the emperor's power either way the Watchers became sworn enemies of chaos seeing its true nature and being powerful enough to wield the warpers at all their psychic power is Miles Beyond human capability zahariel a powerful Dark Angel psycho who encountered them on numerous occasions was shocked by their tremendous power and knew that they could delete his ass if he acted like a [ __ ] which you know he did end up acting like a [ __ ] but that's a story for another day despite their power they don't like getting directly involved in stuff there is no record of them fighting against the chaotic beasts of caliban only appearing to zahariel after he killed his first Beast by himself and even then they were debating whether or not to kill him see while they can see the future and it's implied they exist outside the normal bounds of time and space their foresight isn't Flawless as the infinite future paths are always changing for example zahariel had the potential to become a champion of light against chaos but he bitched it and became a chaotic little slurry the Watchers would have seen both pass for him upon meeting hence their debate on killing him however they decided to believe in a future that never manifested the watches are also like kind of unkillable attempting to physically attack a watcher won't do much and they can also nullify psychic power anyone who attempts to psychically attack them would find their brain turned to Sashimi as their organs were liquefied as a result of this the modern day Dark Angels are told not to mess with the Watchers and just let them do their thing whether that be wandering around their ship carrying special weapons and armor or just following them around there's a pretty dope scene in the lore where the changeling a mega powerful demon of tit snitch was running around the rock causing Havoc The Rock being the dark Angel's Flagship he would touch Dark Angel surfs who would die horribly and was just being an all-round dick however when he encountered a Watcher in the dark he shat himself he could not comprehend what the Watcher was was only that if he didn't run the hell away from it then it was going to [ __ ] him up for context on how insane this is the changeling has pulled pranks on all the other chaos gods and laughed in their faces however a watcher made this demon feel the closest thing to fear a demon possibly could this encounter actually made the changeling give up on its mission in another more direct intervention the Watchers did try to prevent the fall of caliban by siding against Luther's Rebellion but it was too little too late as caliban was destroyed and the line was put into a coma by Luther's psychic [ __ ] blast the Watchers carried the comatose line to safety and then turned him within a secret inaccessible section of the dark Angel's Flagship The Rock although the lion has healed from his wounds the Watchers keep him asleep biting their time before they find a handsome prince to kiss him and wake him up more than likely the Watchers have been waiting for the Fallen to be deposited out of the warp storm allowing them to regroup with each other and Luther and then the lion would rise uniting the Dark Angels back into legion's strength and shaking up the entire setting at least that's my Theory a few people might be a bit confused as to why the Fallen would join the lion since they literally rebelled against him while it's important to note that the Fallen don't consider themselves traitors or chaos Marines more so they were manipulated by Luther after a misunderstanding Luther himself is regretful for betraying the lion and he seeks forgiveness and to make amends so it's not too much of a stretch to think he'll be willing to guide his studies back under the Lion's banner and then they could have a bit of a uh Heart to Heart discussion the Watcher's existence does create a bit of a question though a paradox if you will they are very clearly xenos dangerous psychic aliens with unclear motives are end goal that is prime target for the imperium's racist genocidal policy why do the Dark Angels or even The Wider Imperium not only tolerate them but Revere them after all the watches follow around the greatest of the Dark Angels and those Dark Angels use them as a symbol of greatness well to be honest straight up the Imperium tolerates them because the Imperium doesn't know they exist the Dark Angels are easily the most secretive of the loyalist chapters and have literally murdered inquisitors who have gotten close to uncovering a few of their Dark Secrets they rarely let anyone aboard their ship and those they do let on are confined to certain areas areas that the watches don't hang around at even if someone were to see a watcher they look like little Jawas it would be easy for the Dark Angels to say that they were just a servitor with a hood a child Dark Angel initiate or just Gaslight them into thinking they saw nothing it's the same Vibe with space wars wolfen or the blood Angel's black rage and red first some [ __ ] just doesn't need to get spread as for the Dark Angels they have hung around the watches for over 10 000 years these peculiar creatures remind them of home as they both came from caliban on top of that the watches have proven to be an agent of order dedicated to the suppression and destruction of chaos it's a classic pro-verse constituation and even if the Dark Angels wanted to get rid of the watches it's likely they wouldn't be able to all of this still hasn't answered the fundamental question though what are the watches in the dark warp entities naturally evolving aliens the physical manifestation of the Dark Angels Collective guilt perhaps they are none of these things or perhaps they are all of these things at the end of the day it's hard to say the watches are one of those things that JW like to keep mysterious which I actually don't mind what we do know for a fact is that they are an extremely old race likely dating back to the beginning of the universe they are also incredibly psychic and know a shitload about the warp yet are also completely resistant to chaos they work together with each other other however they don't always agree on everything as evident by their debates on whether or not to turn the zaharial inside out they can see the future and foresaw the destruction of caliban even being kind of chill about it however their foresight isn't perfect they feel a deep bond with caliban and the Dark Angels rarely ever leaving the rock which also doubles as the last remaining part of caliban and they only seem to work with the Dark Angels not any other loyalist chapter they are agents against chaos but will not directly engage in battle or conflict yet they cannot be killed perhaps their pacifism is what gives them their invulnerability things clearly haven't gone the way the Watchers wanted to though on kaliban they very rarely interacted with anyone even the Knights of the order rarely saw them or spoke to them yet these days they are carrying around dark angel helmets and just hanging out having beers with the boys it seems like they've either gone a [ __ ] maybe we should do a bit more and get a bit more Hands-On or they are so jaded from the loss of their home planet that they really don't give a [ __ ] anymore with the imminent Return of the lion after all I'm pretty sure I agreed to [ __ ] and ball torture myself if he isn't the next Primark to come back the true nature and purpose of the watches will likely be revealed until then let's just keep appreciating how some of the cutest and most inconspicuous dudes in the entire galaxy could delete you from existence with a single sneeze if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then buy a major mini pick up some Christmas merch or join the patreon hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more subtle but deadly content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] fall to me foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 279,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: kUNJeeeTLc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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