Top 10 Most Grimdark Moments In Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal we all know that warhammer is grim dark games workshop basically say it every three seconds like it's some kind of tourette's induced tick for them in recent times however some people might disagree they think the current setting is too cheery almost like a marvel movie and whilst i think there's nothing wrong with a bit of noble bright or even comedy here and there 40k is still very much producing the nightmare fuel from s m loving nuns who pump themselves full of adrenaline to an oversized uterus that demons call their way out of there is no shortage of law that makes your skins crawl or gets you excited if you're a degenerate like i am before we get started i'm throwing a 20 discount on all magikill singlets until sunday in which they will then all be taken down from the store permanently the singlets are great for sunny vibes or working out or just having a laugh the major kill text on them is made out of hundreds of micro texts saying g'day f heads can't say the f word yet because we aren't three minutes into the video dammit so if you're thinking of picking one up then you have until sunday to do so if you want to grab both the black and white then you'll save good money on shipping all prices are in australian so it's cheap as unless you live in canada apparently today we'll be looking at 10 of the most grim dark moments or themes in the lore of warhammer 40k this won't necessarily be ordered from most to least grimdark due to how messed up all these are but there will be some kind of ordering to it as a wise person once said one man's demonicular bar is another man's good time obviously there is way more than 10 standout groom dark things in 40k so if this video does well then i'll make another 10. let's get into it at number 10 we have the rejuvenation treatments and the corruption of the elite class of the imperium in warhammer 40k you can receive various chemical treatments which restore your youth and can extend your life for a couple hundred years for mega-rich officials or important people this is done by an expensive yet clean process no one is hurt from you getting your erections back however for the people who have money and influence but just not a crazy amount they pretty much just kidnap young people and forcibly extract their youth painfully via their stem cells and bone marrow they literally steal their youth sure shaving a few years off some kids isn't that bad compared to let's say being eaten alive by tyranids however it's the implications of it the imperium the good guys are totally chill about these horrific human rights violations as long as the planet is paying its taxes they will overlook almost anything other than chaos stuff or xeno stuff as long as you pay your taxes kinda like real life corruption is inescapable at number 9 we have servitors servators are lobotomized slaves kind of like androids now one end of the spectrum that isn't that dark they can be lab grown and cloned or the lobotomized people can be murderers or rapists so it's a fitting punishment no point wasting good flesh on the electric chair you know but this quickly gets dark when you realize that a lot of servators don't fall into this category maybe they're just people in the wrong place at the wrong time maybe the planet wanted more servitors but didn't have enough rapists so they started lobotomizing simple thieves or innocent people some space marine chapters turn their failed initiates into servitors that's right not only do you fail to achieve your dream of becoming a space marine but then you are horribly disabled from the procedure before finally being turned into a mechanical slave this goes even darker as some servitors if their creator has been a massive dick still maintain their thoughts and consciousness however their bodies kept as a slave kinda like the black dudes from get out the use of servitors is practical and widespread despite most people considering it a fate worse than death once again the imperium the good guys are the ones that do this number 8 gives us how overkill and painful weapons are in 40k there are a lot of guns and melee weapons that people swing around like horse [ __ ] that deliver the pain but did you know that every weapon spells agony even the last gun a weapon you would think that would be pretty painless and clean is horrific a las gun wound kills the nerves and cauterizes the bleeding however with such horrific burns it would allow infection to set in and kill the soldier after a couple days of agony during this time it would take three to four people to look after the wounded soldier and carry him around this was on purpose why make a weapon that kills someone instantly when you can make one that kills them after three days of them draining time and resources from the rest of their squad there are other weapons like the chain swords and planet killing biochemical bombs but i highlighted the last gun to show that even the most standard weapon in the imperial army was made with malice to inflict pain and suffering normal 7 we have the nuns with guns on drugs basically when sisters of battle or other members of the ecclesia do something really wrong such as use common sense or question the fact that the imperium is super religious despite the god improved mankind being a devout atheist they are pumped full of stimulants that increase the pain they can feel however prevents them from easily dying then they are crudely plugged into a walker which interfaces with their spine and makes them feel more pain then they're sent into battle like some kind of expensive zealot dreadnought they also have zero front protection as their faith is supposed to protect them hence a very expensive unit can be instantly stopped by anyone with a gun and semi-competent accuracy because of this for me this is more grim derp than grim dark the emperor thought [ __ ] like this was [ __ ] so obviously he's not going to give the self-harming faith machines any help i guess i included it because i have this weird thing where i don't like watching or seeing attractive women get disfigured or violently killed is it just me like if i see a dude die in a movie or an ugly or okay looking girl die in a movie then i'm like sure whatever but as soon as a hottie gets her face torn off or gets her skull bludgeoned in it really messes with me so maybe the fact that the artwork and model for the female pentaton engine featuring a very nicely shaped scantly dressed woman resonates with that part of my brain i don't know let me know in the comments below if your brain is as messed as mine is slapping down at number six gives us the simple yet agonizing process of refueling imperial warp drives a piece of technology capable of tearing a hole into hell then driving a ship through that hell to the other side is not going to be a friendly piece of technology hence whenever a warp drive needs to be refueled the people doing it are pumped up full of drugs so they can't feel pain and then they're put into thicker lead suits they then walk to the warp drive the suit crumbling around them as their skin melts and their bones crack by the time they finish refuelling they're little more than a puddle of a radiated flesh the rough part of this is that this task is often carried out by loyal guardsmen good soldiers not slaves or servitors hence the captain orders a moment of silence during this process as it's more or less a funeral for the guardsman as he dies in front of his battle brothers why warp drives were built like this and why all ships don't have special machines or servitors that can just do this instead of a guardsman is a mystery to me beyond the fact that it wouldn't be grim dark enough coming in hot at number five we have what happens when a ship is eaten whole by a tyranid bioship i saw an excerpt the other day in the 40k lore subreddit about this and man it gave me nightmares fighting tyranids already sucks but at least getting torn in half by a tyranid warrior is a quick death if you are unlucky enough to find your ship eaten whole by a tyranid bioship then you're in for a way worse of a time basically once inside the bioship you are still safe in your ship for a couple seconds then the tyrians cut a hole in your ship and then fill the hole with acid the acid is full of tyranid worms that help catch and kill prey in the excerpt the captain is immediately killed as the acid falls on him one crew member kills himself with a gun another gets his leg melted off by acid and then the worms devour them another one runs and swan dives into the acid and the final guy tries to survive which just ends up with him having the most horrible death of them all as the acid burns away his legs as the worms crawl inside his mouth and eat him from the inside out funny to think this is probably how microbes and bacteria in our food feel there they are enjoying some mango chutney then bam it goes dark and then a horde of stomach acid and other organisms come in and wreck their [ __ ] truly a dark world we live in number four is about the dark eldar honestly the stuff that the dark eldar do could easily cover numbers 10 to 1 of this list however something that not many people realize is that the dark eldar were what the elder were doing just before slinesh was born and they basically have a lot of intact ancient elder tech the kind attack that can solve most of the galaxy's problems this technology allowed the elder to be the dominant force in the galaxy for 50 million years it can cure all illnesses terraform planets move around suns they have stuff which makes dyson spheres seem primitive if they gave this out to different factions of the galaxy it could genuinely win the war for the good guys quite easily but they choose not to because it's funnier that way or if they choose to do it they will do everything they can to make it more like a monkey's paw for example when various crawford elder united to try and stop two major tyranid high fleets from meeting up and exchanging dna the dark eldar sent them a psychic bomb which was instrumental in winning the battle the catch was that the bomb needed to be manually detonated hence some elder farciers had to die and their spirit stones destroyed in reality the dark eldar would have had about a dozen or other devices or weapons which have been way more efficient and not required the loss of life to use however it was a way better gagged using this one down to number three we have another dark elder mentioned on this list no surprise there we have the homunculize experiments most notably their creation of a slineshi elder hybrid what do you get when you combine unlimited access to resources and technology with zero ethics the hermyonkilai dark elder scientists who are masters of genetic engineering and naughty voodoo one such homunculi was more insane than the rest he wanted to experiment on demon nets of slaanesh however as demons aren't made of flesh and bone but instead out of warp energy any attempts to modify them had no lasting effect and generally just ended in them being banished hence the humonculi bound a demonette with an elder slave killing the slave he then experimented on the demon elder who was flesh and bone until he created the cackling abomination imagine a stretched out elder with the teeth and face of pennywise from it they give off an aura of insanity which infects people's minds flooding it with laughter and dark whispers with the intention of driving them insane if a cackling abomination catches you it won't kill you it will imprison you and cackle it as it peels off your flesh violates you and exposes you to the deepest agonies possible before you finally die after constantly begging for death by the way the homunculi who invented the khaking abominations did so as a meme number two gibbs the demon caliber you know what this is so instead of telling you what it is i'll describe it from the perspective of the unluckiest person in the galaxy imagine you're a chick on a planet just chilling raising your kids and trying to ignore how grim dark everything is suddenly a ship drops into the system and large scary men in chaotic metal armor drop down to the planet kill your family your kids your pets and they take you prisoner you're dragged into their ship along with various other women from your town they drag you through hell and you end up being on a dark planet in a cage they then pump you full of steroids and other chemicals your body agonizingly grows enlarged your skin rips as it can't stretch fast enough there are no painkillers if anything they deliberately make it more painful your lips are torn off by your ever growing jaw you are left in agony naked chained up in a wet pit in a dark room they enter the room and shove strange organs inside you that make you sick at this point you're only kept alive through found magic and chemicals finally they insert adult males into your already destroyed uterus where they gestate for some time before they finally tear their way out of you if you die then lucky you if you live then you're stitched together at ingo's another human big uft fortunately an ultramarine and a bunch of rejected iron warriors without skin were able to destroy this project and mercy kill all the demonicular bar so there's that have fun sleeping whenever i read about or think about the democula bar i just pretend that the girls take it and turn into these abominations were ugly [ __ ] in the first place to try and cope with the inevitable horrific mental images that follow finally number one everyone is doomed every faction in 40k bar maybe necrons and tyranids are doomed to oblivion for the imperium the emperor's golden throne is failing once they switch it off the imperium will be shattered and countless will die now i did cover what i think would happen if the emperor died and there is potential for this to end up good but knowing 40k in its grim darkness it likely won't the elder a dying breed with the crawfords falling one by one and the dark elder trying to stave off slenish's claim on their soul but are slowly failing as well the tower just won galactic sneeze away from being blown apart and if chaos wins they lose as without life to sustain them they wither away it seems that the tyranids that we have already seen and that have already caused so much damage to the galaxy were little more than scouts ahead of a gigantic army that will consume everything or maybe all the necrons will wake up before then and just vaporize us with their fleet of death stars the biggest grim dark part of warhammer is fighting against the dying light this is also the most noble part of warhammer knowing that you will lose maybe in a hundred years a thousand ten thousand or more but one day either way you will lose knowing this and choosing to fight anyway is why we love warhammer and the imperium so much knowing that they can give generations of people full peaceful lives is what keeps people like gillyman going and i respect that highly warhammer is groom dark that isn't changing whether it be its themes or straight up lore moments there is plenty here to make you go well [ __ ] me i'm glad that's not my galaxy if you have other grim dark moments you want to share then let me know in the comments below if this video does well enough i will do a follow up and probably base a lot of the next 10 grim dark moments in that video off your comments here so make sure you thumbs up if you want to see that and that does this for today guys 10 grim dark moments or themes in warhammer 40k universe if you enjoyed the video want to support the channel and want to cleanse horrible mental images from your brain then patreon is the place to be where it only costs one dollar per month to see a boatload of warhammer hentai hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more grim content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 549,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grimdark, Warhammer, Gamesworkshop, 40k, Fantasy, Sigmart, Daemons, Daemoncluaba, Dark Eldar, Eldar, Imperium, Lore, Story, Explained, Majorkill, Discussion, Epic, Adventure, Legendary, Space Marines, Primarchs, Guilliman, Vulkan, Emperor, Tau, Necrons, Tyranids, Hive Mind
Id: h4z0V8cL4sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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