Non-Chaos Aligned Warp Entities EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal for pretty much every video for the last three months one of the top comments posted by seth has consistently been non-chaos aligned warp entities and magic would be cool video when i first saw this comment i was like yeah all right cool thanks mate have a good one but as time went on seth started a movement by always being one of the first to comment seth ensured that his comment would always reach the top each and every time he had notifications on tracked my upload schedule and one time as i was preparing to go to bed i swear i saw someone perched in my tree outside with binoculars on his mission has been a success i have caved to the will of seth as i shall now tell you about the things that lurk within the warp that don't necessarily serve or even have a connection to chaos that doesn't make them any less dangerous or malicious but it's cool to know that there is more to the warp than just war orgies plague and 4d chess but before we get started it is my birthday today and i have a gift for you made to kill merch baby live right now this second we have t-shirts and three colors featuring the classic tagline that i can't say because youtube will take away my money the cut of the t-shirts are great hugs the chest area isn't too long in the sleeves and it is baggy around the stomach so if you work out this will make it show and if you don't then the t-shirt will fit you nice and normally regardless i also got a versatile singlet made with a very awesome design as the singlet isn't a wife bed or anything silly you can wear it out on a sunny day at home or in the gym works in any situation the magikill hoodie has made a return this time using bright red embroidery for a clean signature look as always what number hoodie you got will be on the sleeve so each hoodie is unique bit of a wild card now i even had caps made i chose the corduroy style as that is unique suits anyone and allows me to embroid a cute little magical avatar on them over half the merch has already been picked up by people who registered a few days ago so there isn't much left i'd say there's only about 24 hours before everything is gone for good none of these designs will ever be brought back so get it before it's gone but wait there's more for the next 24 hours aka my birthday period i'm running a 20 discount code on the physical cosplay calendars code is mkb day this is the cheapest they'll be so if you are holding out for some odd reason after all who doesn't love tits then here is your chance today i will go over each of the no non-chaos aligned warp entities detailing how they came about what their purpose and motivations are and what abilities they have let's get into it the first thing i want to note which a lot of people are confused about is that kaos doesn't own the warp at least not all of it the warp is vast hard to make a scale of but it's also probably not infinite after all if it was infinite and chaos didn't control all of it then they would control zero percent of it if that makes any sense the chaos realms are like a cancer in the warp destabilizing it and making large swathes of it hostile and hard to travel through but before the current setting where everything kinda sucks before slaanesh was literally sucking the older pantheon controlled a big chunk of it and even the chaos gods refused to challenge them it was only after slaanesh appeared ate most of the eldar gods and turned their realm into the realm of slaanesh did the warp lose its main bastion against the darkness this brings us to our first non-causalized warp entities the eldar gods the eldar gods were created by the elder during the war in heaven to be used as a weapon against the catan if the elder clenched their [ __ ] hard enough they could even summon these gods into real space to fight with them on the battlefield however after the war in heaven kane got bored and paranoid from a prophecy that said the elder would bring about his downfall hence cain entered real space and attempted to genocide the elder yeah look not the smartest guy assorian kane's brother and the main eldar god permanently sealed the elder pantheon from real space so kane's genocide would end this actually ended up contributing to their elders fall and cane shattering as none of the elder gods could directly intervene when their followers started fingering cats and cheese grating their balls currently all the elder gods barkane isha and sara gorach are dead with kane and isha not doing so hot themselves the next non-cause warp entity involves a bit of confusing law but i'll do my best the enslavers they were either created twisted or awoken towards the end of the war in heaven as a result of the old ones abusing the warp in their desperate struggle against the necrons in catan the wharf used to be a nice place where souls would enjoy an afterlife or if powerful enough could reincarnate without too much drama by creating orcs eldar war gods and other wart-based weapons combined with the fact that highly psychic races were fighting and dying violently in their trillions made the warp a bit of a [ __ ] in which the realms of chaos could slowly begin forming but before demons were an issue the enslavers were the big bads of the warp a bunch of parasitic insect-like entities that could link with a psycho's mind then used that mind to open a portal in which more enslavers could pour through to take over more mines as the last of the old ones armies were turtling in fortresses the enslaver plague hit causing them mass suffering and killing the remaining old ones this drove sentient life to the brink of extinction it also had the unintended side effect of giving the necrons the balls to portray their catan overlords shattering and imprisoning them hence officially ending the war in heaven the confusing part is how the enslaver plague ended and how the elder bounced back so well as far as i've read the enslavers weren't beaten they [ __ ] [ __ ] up and then just randomly vanished the remaining elder were then able to recover so quickly that the necron empire panicked and went into hibernation to try wait for the elder to eventually fall from grace like what the [ __ ] there's a missing piece of the puzzle here for sure but regardless the enslavers were the first malicious warp entities that invaded real space they occasionally pop up in the current setting with trezini infinite even having a corpse of one in stasis in his museum their motives aren't entirely clear however they possess a predatory intelligence and basically just like to [ __ ] [ __ ] up there's a good chance that they were once peaceful creatures in the warp however with real space twisting the warp into a nightmarish realm they had no choice but to try wipe out sentient life so that the warp would return to the paradise that they once enjoyed that's my head cannon at least in a similar vein to the enslavers the warp is also home to the circa newmie the close enough more or less a warp wasp that sort out vulnerable psyches and implanted eggs in their brain leading to a horrific death they were pretty common during the age of strife prospero magnus's home planet had been devastated by them as the people of the planet randomly became psyches this was cool until millions of warp wasps appeared and horrifically killed most of them when magnus arrived he was able to unite his people and genocide the warp wasps allowing his people to reclaim all of prospero the death watch have also been fighting against them annihilating them wherever they can due to it being difficult for warp entities to enter real space combined with the genocide campaigns against them the warp wasps are super rare but still a huge pain in the ass they are after all 2.5 meters long which is [ __ ] their stingers would be like a sword some believe they enter real space via the web way so they'd go from the warp to the webway than the web way to real space they seem very animalistic following the instinct to reproduce above all else if enough sentient people believe something to be real it will eventually materialize in the warp this is what happened with the greater good entity which is causing a bit of a crisis within the tau empire see whilst the tau have small souls and barely affect the warp the countless client species in the empire don't have the same situation hence due to humans being [ __ ] stupid and seeing the greater good as a religion instead of a ethical guideline they have formed a big hindu-looking [ __ ] in the warp when the tower were trying to reverse engineer warp drives they didn't know about geller fields or how [ __ ] being in the warp without one is hence when they entered the warp without one the human crew immediately died horrifically but the tower were left unharmed as the war predators couldn't detect their presence this greater good entity then saved the tower ship and delivered it back to real space creating the star-tide nexus which was a whole another issue for the tower the tower that was saved got really [ __ ] angry that their way of life had been twisted into a warp abomination despite the fact that it did save their lives ungrateful pricks these tau are known to friendly fire human auxiliaries under their command following this logic there's a good chance that in mankind's history the greek norse egyptian and other pantheons existed in a minor format before dissolving as mankind moved on from them after all there isn't a crazy amount of humans in the tao empire so if a couple billion of them can create this fully realized tao warp entity then it's not far-fetched to think thor was around for a little while did you know that the chaos gods aren't even the most powerful warp entities in the immaterium it's actually gawk and mork funnily enough the only reason why the rest of the warp hasn't been crumped is because the two gods of the orcs are too busy beating the [ __ ] out of each other instead regardless they are non-castle lined warp entities created by the collective war of the orc race as there are so many orcs in the galaxy each of them with a powerful wow presence it's no wonder why their gods are so [ __ ] overpowered you know the great rift that is currently tearing the galaxy a new [ __ ] the orcs call it gawks grin and they have a point whenever their fleet enters it they seem to always be able to pop out at the spiciest war zones meaning gawk and mork are likely able to hijack the great rift from chaos in order to get their green boys to the front of the queue to the war party i've already made a video on them but the warp is also home to non-chaos demons these demons been created or empowered by the emperor of mankind either deliberately or accidentally it's hard to know for sure the sanguino the legion of the damned living saints overpowered heroes all that reside in and come from the warp to help mankind in their times of need the main difference between these heroes and other warp entities is that originally none of them were from the warp saint celestine was a real flesh and blood person before she died and was brought back as a giga chad same goes for the sanguino who may not even have died in the first place the legion of the dam follow a similar vibe able to materialize wherever they are needed and turn the tide of battle the concept of loyalist demons goes against the emperor's secular truth however since he radiates so much power and since the imperium uses that power through faith and prayer it's not surprising that it's had some interesting effects there is also the chance that the emperor's gone [ __ ] it and decided that atheism failed so he may as well leverage his god powers to make angels and [ __ ] regardless i'm a huge fan of loyalist demons and i'm honestly surprised we don't see more of them considering there are like a metric [ __ ] ton of people praising the emperor on the daily way more than chaos has praising their dark gods so you'd expect some golden [ __ ] to plop out here and there there are so many more warp entities that have nothing to do with chaos but unfortunately gw hasn't delved deep enough into them yet creatures that are a thousand times bigger than a starship warp sharks anything and everything 99 out of 100 times when a ship's geller field fails it's not bloodthirsters or plague bearers that come about to kill people it's one of the countless sextillion types of warp entities that do it the only times that it is chaos that does the deed is when they are actively targeting a ship or the ship is unlucky enough to have gellerfield issues close enough to the realms of chaos if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up the merch or buy the cosplay calendar remember mkb day for 20 off the physical calendars hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more non-chaos content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 465,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: eB05WlTZaKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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