5 Creepy Music Industry Mysteries that Remain UNSOLVED to this Day...

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today's video is sponsored by hunter keller so in  some recent videos you might have heard me raving   about hunter keller if not let me clue you in  hunter kill is a fantastic subscription box   that's perfect for all you true crime  fans that get a kick out of my content   each box comes with a story a game which  places players in the role of detective   and challenges you with solving an intricate  homicide investigation it's crazy dark fun and   a unique way to spend an evening each box comes  filled to the brim with case files clues ciphers   props puzzles and other interesting goodies  which you'll use to catch the elusive killer   all the pieces are highly detailed and  authentic looking so you can truly get   immersed in whatever mystery you're playing  through and feel like a real sherlock holmes   because of the way it's designed hunter killer  is a great game to play by yourself but for   me the best way to experience it is with other  people whether you're socializing with friends   or family it's always amusing to bounce ideas off  each other and collaborate to catch the murderer   in each story my girlfriend and i love having our  friends over to crack a mystery over a few drinks   then we always have a blast tracking our brains  figuring out who blew somebody else's out   so with cracking open the cold one and cracking a  cold case sounds like your idea of a fun night in   head on over to hunterkiller.com forward slash  lazy masquerade make sure to use promo code lazy   to get 20 off your first box and find out if you  have what it takes to solve the case waiting for   you inside again take advantage of that devilish  20% discount by going to hunterkiller.com   forward slash lazy masquerade and using  promo code lazy happy hunting detective he was born by the river in a little tent and  just like that river he'd been running ever since   sam cook was at the peak of his career in  the late 50s early 60s but i'm sure even the   youngsters among you are at least familiar with  his biggest hits for example a change is going   to come a song that's been covered countless times  what you might not be familiar with though is the   uncertainty surrounding his death at the age of 33  when he was shot and killed in a california motel   apparently in self-defense or was he the mystery  surrounding this case isn't who pulled the trigger   but more to do with the circumstances of his  killing the reason behind it and if it really   happened the way the official report  alleges let's start from the beginning   known as the king of soul and credited by many  as the pioneer of soul music sam cook's work   contributed to the rise of other superstars like  aretha franklin stevie wonder and marvin gaye his   career came to a literal dead end on the night of  december 11 1964 when police were summoned to the   hacienda motel in la they were responding to two  separate reports of a kidnapping and a shooting   when they arrived they found sam cook  on the floor with a hole in his chest   he'd been shot through the heart by  the motel's manager bertha franklin   she claimed to have killed him in self-defense  but cook's acquaintances quickly disputed this   this case is very much a he said she said  mystery but with a few interesting clues mixed   in which might lead us to the correct answer  here's the mortal manager's version of events   according to bertha franklin cook came banging  on her office door in the middle of the night   shouting where's the girl bertha shouted back that  she was alone in the office and that whoever he   was looking for she wasn't in there with her in  a rage cook then burst into the office wearing   nothing except for one shoe and a sport jacket  he then began to grapple with bertha she was able   to break away from him and ran to retrieve her  firearm from the top of the tv she was watching   she fired three rounds missing twice one of  the slugs hit its target though cook's chest   he exclaimed lady you shot  me more astonished than angry   he then charged at her one final time at which  point she hit him over the head with a broom   he finally collapsed to the floor  and died from his chest wind   well that's the story that bertha told the  investigators so who was this mystery woman   that cook was looking for and why was he so angry  and adamant to find her well cook had apparently   arrived at the motel that evening accompanied by  a 22 year old woman named elisa boya according   to elisa she and cook met at a nightclub that  evening and cook had agreed to drive her home   instead of doing so she said he instead drove  her to the hacienda motel and began to forcefully   undress her in the room he had just paid for  fearing for her safety she scooped up her own   clothes and accidentally scooped up cooks as  well and ran outside she then made her way to   a payphone and reported what had just happened to  her so sounds pretty cut and dry right sam cook   was extremely talented and famous but he also had  a dark side and got what he deserved in the end   after trying to have his way with an unconsenting  woman well maybe but lisa's story has been called   into question by many people as her version  of events don't seem to line up with reality   her account contains numerous inconsistencies  for example she claims to have met sam at the   club but was seen with him at a place called  martoni's restaurant much earlier in the evening   everyone had their eyes on cook at the restaurant  he was after all a dashing celebrity according to   eyewitnesses he was seen waving around thousands  of dollars and buying all of his friends drinks   those who were eavesdropping into his conversation  said that elisa willingly went to the motel with   him when they arrived at the motel cook left elisa  in the car while he went to book the room which   would have given her plenty of time to escape if  she felt like she was in danger or had been forced   to go there against her will not to mention alisa  herself was somewhat of a sordid character and was   the kind of girl who didn't mind selling her time  and her body if you get my meaning in fact she   was arrested for doing so only one month after  cook's demise busted by an undercover officer   given her history and the fact that cook was known  to carry large amounts of cash on him it's been   theorized that he hired her services and that when  they reached the motel she actually slipped out   with cook's clothing intentionally to stop him  from chasing her and to take all of the money   inside his pockets perhaps cook's fury wasn't  because a victim had escaped his clutches but   because he'd just been robbed his anger was likely  exacerbated by all of the drinks he had at dinner   still if he really was grappling with bertha  the manager and if she really did fear for her   own life then that all doesn't matter right she  was still justified in shooting him ah the plot   thickens again cook's friends examined his body  at the morgue and found that it was in far worse   shape than bertha's story would have suggested  according to bertha an ex madam with a criminal   history of her own by the way she simply shot cook  and then hid him on the head with the broomstick   however when legendary singer etta james viewed  her friend's remains she was shocked to find   cook's head almost detached from his torso his  hands broken and crushed and his nose mangled   these injuries were far beyond the official  account in her mind and in the minds of   many of his friends family and supporters cook  wasn't slain by the manager alone and certainly   not in the way that her story presented  some have even speculated that cook was   intentionally murdered by his manager alan klein  who owned all of the rights to cook's recordings   there's an interesting side note early seboya  the woman took to the motel that fateful night   was later charged with the murder of her own  boyfriend adding fuel to the conspiracy fire   that cook was indeed the victim of  some sort of plan to take him out   in spite of that no concrete evidence  supporting a criminal conspiracy has   been presented to date and cook's demise  remains listed as a case of self-defense so that's the surprising mystery surrounding the  death of the king of soul did it really happen   the way the official report claims or is there  more to this story than people are admitting to   because of sam cook's legendary  status this mystery will likely   continue to captivate music  fans for generations to come easily the most talked about deaths in  hip-hop the unsolved murders of both   tupac and the notorious b.i.g aka biggie smalls  remain shrouded in mystery despite the pair of   them being some of the biggest artists back  in the day i figured it best to cover these   cases together since people usually discuss them  as a pair and they are in many ways connected dominating the scene back in the 90s tupac and  biggie were the young faces of a new generation   of hip-hop tupac representing the west coast  and biggie the east divisions between the   two ran deeper than just geography however and  despite starting off their careers as friends   a deadly rivalry soon developed between the  two superstars their feud extended to their   respective record labels too headed by suge knight  tupac along with other famous rappers like snoop   dogg were artists of death row records biggie's  label was bad boy records which was founded by   his close friend and producer puffy aka diddy  aka puff daddy aka a whole bunch of other names   as a result of this tension biggie and tupac had  their fair share of altercations during their   time in the limelight they made diss tracks  about each other and made media headlines   whenever they'd insult each other or call each  other out for one perceived slight or another   this all escalated into a literal coastal rap war  and originated because tupac was shot in 1994.   he survived this but always suspected that  biggie and puffy were somehow behind his shooting   they always denied any involvement but shortly  after the shooting viggi released a song called   who shot ya he claimed this was merely a  coincidence which given the subject matter   he usually rapped about is believable tupac wasn't  buying it though and thus a friendship was broken   puck responded with his own threatening  tracks such as hit him up which alluded   to him sleeping with biggie's wife  and planning his revenge on him   all that's to say these two rap icons viewed  each other as more than just simple competition   and they both have more than  their fair share of enemies it was the night of september 7th  1996. the day tupac met a grisly fate   it was 11 15 pm in las vegas tupac just attended  a boxing match between mike tyson and bruce selden   he and his manager suge knight were  now on their way to the 662 club   more stopped at a red light at ease flamingo road  and cover lane another car pulled up beside tupacs   the window rolled down and a hail of  bullets came screeching into park's vehicle   hitting him four times once in the arm  once in the thigh and twice in the chest   shards of glass hit suge knight in the face  tupac was rushed to hospital but died six   days later from his injuries at the age of 25.  he was cremated and his friend smoked his ashes   to this day nobody knows who pulled the trigger  that night though there are a few leading theories   firstly it's no surprise that both the  notorious b.i.g and puffy were suspects   in the case biggie definitely had a pretty  well big motive to take out his main rival   there are even multiple reports of puffy saying  how he'd pay someone a million dollars to do so   not to mention we're whenever interviewed about  the subject puffy often gives weird responses   even to this day saying things like any negative  things that i've done and that's the devil at work   at the end of the day the devil's a liar and  i can't feed into negativity or anything like   that when i'm in control of myself so i've got  to always be trying to strive and get better   what is that supposed to mean some other  people instead think that two bucks boss   and driver that evening suge knight was behind  the head shug is pretty much an evil person   who ran his record label like a mafia boss and  is currently in prison for a different murder   charge and some suggest that he may have  been luring tupac to his demise that night   tupac had recently had a falling out with shug  over unpaid royalties and was planning on leaving   death row records if he were to leave sug would  have taken a massive financial hit and would have   had to pay tupac a huge amount of money for a  guy like shook that certainly would have been   incentive enough to take tupac out of the picture  shug even had a bunch of officers on his payroll   so likely would have been able to cover up his  involvement and keep the case from being solved   the most compelling theory perhaps is  that a man named orlando anderson shot him   earlier that night tupac had gotten  into a physical fight with orlando   work got out that orlando had tried to steal a  death row necklace from one of tupac's friends   after one of his entourage pointed  orlando out tupac approached him   and punched him in the face this was followed  by a beating which was all captured on cctv   in 2006 detective greg kadding began investigating  the murder of tupac to try and close the cold   case and came to the conclusion that  orlando likely followed and shot him   orlando's uncle and one of his suspected  accomplices that night kifidi confessed on   tape that they were both paid by puffy to do  the hit and that orlando getting punched by   tupac that night was just a complete coincidence  both orlando and kifid had worked security for   puffy in the past so it's certainly plausible  and you can even listen to kefi discussing the   events that night on youtube in the interview  he states puffy was like i want to get rid of   them dudes i was like man we'll wipe their  ass out quick it's nothing consider it done   it remains unclear just how truthful that  confession is and whether puffy really did   have a hand in puck's demise why he confessed a  shooting tupac on tape remains unknown then again   why he'd lie about doing so also remains unknown  it's certainly highly suspicious either way   as to why tupac's death still remains unsolved  in spite of his massive popularity perhaps   there's a dark reason behind that las vegas  authorities told lapd detective russell poole   that the main reason why they would never solve  this case is that the politicians didn't want   them to they said that the powers that be let them  know that the city didn't need an oj style circus   the rabbit hole deepens now on a related note as mentioned biggie small or the notorious b.i.g  was the seminal east coast rapper in the 90s   now with tupac out of the picture it was safe  to say that he was the number one rapper in   the entire world but heavy lies the crown and  just six months after tupac's killing biggie   himself met the same fate and just like his main  rival it remains unknown who carried out that hit   in march 1997 biggie was in california  promoting his upcoming album and shooting a   music video for his future single hypnotize in  an interview he confessed to hiring a security   detail while in the west coast state since  he feared for his safety while he was there   on march 8th he attended an awards show after  party at 12 45 am on march 9th the party had   been shut down and he and his entourage were  driving back to the hotel again while stopped   at a red light an unidentified man in a blue suit  and bow tie pulled up beside biggie's vehicle and   opened fire on them just like tupac he was hit  four times he passed away 30 minutes later at the   hospital at the age of 24. only one of the  shots was fatal and it entered through his   right hip and struck his colon liver heart and  left lung before stopping in his left shoulder   he never stood a chance sixteen days after  biggie's killing his album life after death was   posthumously released surpassing even the success  of his prophetically named debut album ready to   die to this day his popularity and influence  persists and just a few days ago the six dollar   plastic crown he wore in his last ever photo shoot  sold at auction for six hundred thousand dollars   given the timing and the animosity between  the two it seems likely that biggie slaying   was some sort of revenge for tupac's there  are many who assert that suge knight again   was responsible for ordering biggie's death  they suggest that he conspired with david mack   an lapd officer to have the big slain so as to  make both his and tupac's death seemed like the   result of a bi-coastal rat feud this could  have been for revenge or just for business   sugar made a boatload of cash from fuelling the  rivalry between the two rappers and even more   after tupac's death not with album sales media  coverage and not having to pay him for the money   he owed him perhaps he saw slaying biggie as a  business opportunity detective greg kadding the   same guy who worked the tupac case believes that  a man named waddle faust was behind the trigger   waddle faust himself would later be shot in  the back in 2003 while riding his motorcycle   coincidence what battles my mind was that  both rappers were being watched by the fbi   at the time of their grizzly ends yet  conveniently nobody saw anything in either case   i'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories but  that's a little curious to say the least right   ultimately we don't know for sure who killed  biggie or tupac though some of the theories   are very persuasive some theories less so like the  theory that tupac faked his own death due to the   fact that many of the lyrics in his posthumously  released songs allude to events that happened   after his death dave chappelle even parodied this  in one of his skits called i wrote this song in 94   a personal favorite of mine still i think it's a  little unlikely that park's living it up with a   bahama mama on some secret island somewhere with  elvis and cobain and other dead celebrities that   people claim are still alive in kicking whatever  your opinions about tupac and biggie and their   music it's safe to say that these are two of the  most infamous unsolved mysteries in music history   and ones that have kept millions of fans guessing  for decades with so many supporters of their work   it's safe to say that when it comes to speculation  over these two cases the sky's the limit philip taylor cramer referred to mostly by his  middle name was the bass player of the american   rock band iron butterfly back in the mid to  late 70s standing at six feet five inches he   was very much a gentle giant iron butterfly  released such albums as scorching beauty   and sun and steel the group never  found much mainstream success though   in 1980 taylor gave up on his music and  instead went on to obtain a degree in aerospace   engineering he ended up working as an engineer  on the mx missile guidance system a project for   the us department of defense and later in the  computer industry on fractal compression facial   recognition systems and advanced communications  needless to say he was a very smart guy   he got married to jennifer the love of his  life and the couple had children together   tying both his lives in science and music  together taylor co-founded total media inc   with his business partner randy jackson brother  of michael jackson the pair developed data   compression techniques for cd-roms he had worked  there until his sudden disappearance in 1995.   on february 12th of that year taylor drove to  la international airport to pick up a business   associate and his wife this guy greg martini  was a principal investor in taylor's company   taylor arrived at the airport for the  pickup and waited there for about 25 minutes   but then strangely got back in his car and drove  off before he met greg and his wife he then called   up his own wife jennifer and told her that plans  had changed and that he had a big surprise for her   he then also called up his former bandmate ron  bushy and in a distressed tone simply said bush   it's taylor i love you more than life itself then  he hung up he then phoned his wife again saying   that whatever happens i'll always be with you  finally he made a call to the authorities in that   final call he said to them i'm going to end myself  and i want everyone to know oj simpson is innocent   they did it that last part was in reference  to taylor's latest project he'd been tasked   with analyzing the authenticity of a videotape  that the fbi and dea had on o.j simpson after   loitering around the airport he was never seen  again though he did make one final call to his   family 16 days later all he said was hello hello  before either hanging up or losing connection   something happened during that time either  in his head or at the terminal that made him   turn away said former la officer chuck carter  who worked on taylor's case and i'll tell you   i haven't a clue the guy didn't have an enemy the  guy was a dedicated family man i checked him out   several alleged sightings of taylor were reported  in the weeks and months after he disappeared   and numerous conspiracies started flying around  there was even speculation that he was abducted   by america's enemies his case was discussed on  the oprah winfrey show america's most wanted   the unexplained and unsolved mysteries  so it definitely got a lot of coverage   for four years his well-being remained unknown  then on may 29 1999 more than four years after   he disappeared taylor's minivan was discovered  at the bottom of decca canyon near malibu   inside where his skeletal remains you might  be thinking well that's an open and shut case   he'd been working non-stop for the past couple of  weeks running on barely any sleep and he had just   told the authorities he wanted to end it all  he simply did what he said he was going to do   sure maybe but his father doesn't agree with that  theory taylor had been working on a revolutionary   project at the time he disappeared a method of  transporting information and matter through space   taylor had told me a long time before  there were people bothering him   said his father they wanted what he was  doing and some of them were threatening him   he once told me that if i ever say i'm going  to kill myself don't you believe it one bit   i'll be needing help that quote from his  father sent speculation into overdrive and   leaves many people wondering if taylor  really did take his own life that day   what was with his strange paranoid  behavior when he vanished was someone   really after him or was the stress from the  job simply too much for him to bear anymore   now that investigators are no longer looking  into his case speculation seems likely to persist so i've saved this one until last because as  i was working on the script for this video   this particular mystery may have actually been  solved nothing's concrete yet though so at this   precise moment in time it's still considered  an ongoing unsolved mystery jason mizell   better known as jam master j was one third of the  famous hip-hop group run dmc they were one of the   biggest acts of the 1980s and had a string  of hits under their belt what i personally   was unaware of was that back on october 30th 2002  the jam master himself was murdered in cold blood   and the identity and motive of his killers  remained a mystery until well very recently   let's get into it at around 6 pm jay arrived at  his 24 7 studio in queens new york to work on a   track for rusty waters a duo signed to his label  he played a few games of madam with his friend   tony rincon while he waited for rusty waters to  arrive also present was his assistant lydia high   not long after randy allen one of the members  of rusty waters arrived at the studio with his   friend mike b rinken and jay went into  another room to discuss some demo tapes   at 7 30 rinken recalls hearing footsteps  enter the studio two men walk past lydia's   desk told her to get to the ground and then  entered the private room with jay and rincon   jay apparently slapped hands and embraced  one of the men suggesting he knew the guy   when jay turned his back moments later one of the  men opened fire hitting rinken in the leg and jam   master jay in the back of the head killing him  instantly neither rincon his friend might be jay's   friend tony or his assistant lydia saw who fired  the weapon unfortunately they got away scot-free   for years her number of theories were  thrown around about who had taken jay's life   people started discussing possible motives  including a detroit to a neighborhood acquaintance   disputes over music publishing advances some  people even started saying that jay was taken   out because he took 50 cent on as a protege  this was back when 50 was added to a music   industry blacklist by kenneth supreme mcgriff  and his associates it seemed odd that so many   people were at the studio when the hit took place  and yet nobody knew the identity of jace killers   rumors started spreading that one of jay's  friends must have been involved somehow   how could nobody have seen the faces of the  perps or have any idea about who was involved   well as of last month it looks like  we might finally have our answer   it was 50 cent all along no not really on august  17th the authorities announced that they'd   indicted two men in connection with jam master  jay's case ronald washington and carl jordan jr   the former already in prison for a different  offence turns out that they went to jay's   studio that day to steal some illicit  substances they knew he was hiding there   jay had been struggling financially at the time  and his wife even had to get a job at banana   republic to help pay the bills not something  you'd expect given jay's success with run dmc   jay had told ronald washington that he wouldn't be  involved with the distribution of the product he   had and so whether out of greed or anger or both  washington and his buddy came to confront jay   carl jordan is apparently the one who pulled the  trigger still take all of that with a pinch of   salt since these two guys haven't actually had  their day in court and the case can't be marked   as solved yet as a side note washington  is also a suspect in the murder of stretch   a rapper and close friend of tupac so i  guess we've come full circle in this video hey guys lazy here and thank you very  much for listening well this was a   volume two actually of uh a video i made  years and years ago actually the one with   elvis presley and elliot smith but i figured  enough time had passed it was probably time to um   cover some other mysteries of music you  know i mean who wasn't a fan of music right   i'd like to say a huge thank you to robin  mickelson for making the thumbnail for this video   he's been doing a lot of work for me recently  and uh he always knocks it out of the park so   make sure to check him out by the links down  below in the description also i'd like to say   a huge thank you to all of my supporters on  youtube and on patreon especially my biggest   supporters crawford k mcdonald monica mendoza  charles wilson tom king phantom knight alicia l   alex greenshaw philip westra procupidineta  gina valera martin batland anime wimp   sarah ramirez sloan crawford nadine kelly rocco  connolothen kelly rocco again decaying girl   sieg carla infamous and papi alba medrano  silas geist asriel warakai lord duten   the only dorita ricky cohen jr or a dragon  one hungry and hammered leonardo martinez   and mick furnish thank you all so so much for your  continued support it really helps the channel out   if you'd like to become a patreon too then you can  do so by checking the link in the description and   you can see what exclusive perks i have for offer  be sure to smash that like button or i'll smash   you follow me on social media all that good jazz  and you'll be hearing from me again very very soon   until then guys you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 346,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mysteries, unsolved mysteries in music, solved mysteries, disturbing mysteries, scary true stories, true horror stories, lazy maskarade, lazy masquerade, mr nightmare, corpse husband, be busts, lets read, nexpo, top 10, 2chan, reddit stories, lets not meet, deeply disturbing, creepy pasta, scariest video ever, caught on camera, Tupac, biggie, the notorious big, sam cooke, run dmc, music industry, new video, best, most, long video, British accent, narration, audiobook
Id: d8APKWNmaL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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